2004 FYE Trade-In Prices - LIST HERE (Farewell!)

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[quote name='newbie2000']Have anyone try trading in Room Zoom recently. I called to ask for trade-in price, and they said it is not in the system.[/quote]

If you look back a couple of pages, theres a whole discussion on this, it comes up as either dc racer or OC racer when they scan the barcode and isn't identified as Room zoom which is why they werent able to look it up
[quote name='hutno'][quote name='newbie2000']Have anyone try trading in Room Zoom recently. I called to ask for trade-in price, and they said it is not in the system.[/quote]

If you look back a couple of pages, theres a whole discussion on this, it comes up as either dc racer or OC racer when they scan the barcode and isn't identified as Room zoom which is why they werent able to look it up[/quote]

Thanks for giving me this info. So if I bring in the game for them to scan, then it should be ok? The thread was really long, I think I stop reading on page 30 or so. I am interested in getting some games for $20 as well. Thanks
[quote name='newbie2000'][quote name='hutno'][quote name='newbie2000']Have anyone try trading in Room Zoom recently. I called to ask for trade-in price, and they said it is not in the system.[/quote]

If you look back a couple of pages, theres a whole discussion on this, it comes up as either dc racer or OC racer when they scan the barcode and isn't identified as Room zoom which is why they werent able to look it up[/quote]

Thanks for giving me this info. So if I bring in the game for them to scan, then it should be ok? The thread was really long, I think I stop reading on page 30 or so. I am interested in getting some games for $20 as well. Thanks[/quote]

Yes, Room Zoom scans, comes up (as he said) as DC Racing or OC Racer or something. I just traded one yesterday, still $26 credit.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']I've got nothing against the FYE trade-in deal and have done the same myself. Sometimes you get a manager/employee who's a jerk or aware of the scam and denies the trade but that's just part of the game - suck it up and move on to the next store.[/quote]

It's not a scam. I take my games in, the make me an offer, I accept. I'm not scamming anyone. Taking advantage of stupidity, yes, but not scamming.
Seems Motor Trend Lotus Challlenge has dropped a bit to $18.50 in trade in value. Considering TRU has them for $7 after 70% still not bad. Traded in that and Sneakers (Still $27) and grabbed Mercenaries.
My FYE is useless, they won't take any GBA games, games with stickers from other places on them (such as EB), and they won't take back Room Zoom either.

Anyone else run into the same problems as me?

I only know of one FYE that will take GBA games and that is where I unloaded my Virtua Tennis and Wing Commanders I got for free at TRU (They were 8.50 and $15, the last time I went Wing Commander was $10).

For the EB stickers, just peel them off (w/goo gone for easy results) or get replacement dvd cases Look for X-men Legends and THUG2 Sampler dvds (.01) and gut them.

With Room Zoom, the problem is that your store had 3 or more copies or are refusing them because of the high value.
[quote name='rarebucky']Alright guys, it must be said - I am the ONLY ONE who runs into asswipe managers EVERY time I go to trade in anything at EVERY FYE/Coconuts I go to??? I think I've been to about 7 or 8 between NY and NJ and every time I have a major problem and am made to feel like I'm doing something illegal by selling them items. The worst was today though, at the Palisades Center Mall in NY (head's up - DON'T GO TO THIS FYE!!!). The kid told me they couldn't take sealed games so that I should go outside the store and open them up and come back in. Something about theft prevention. Ok, so I give my other opened, used games and CDs at which point the manager comes over and says you can only trade in a maximum of 20 items a day and that I should come back tomorrow. Ok, so I don't raise a fuss either. I traded in 20 items, went outside the store, opened up all of my other games and waited for my gf to meet me. Went back in the store and had her go up to trade in the games since they wouldn't let me and then another dick manager comes over and starts yelling and sreaming "We saw you outside the store opening these games! We can't take these games because they are NOT used and we don't know where they came from!" I started trying to rationalize with him at which point he shouted in my face "THE ANSWER IS NO - WE ARE NOT TAKING ANY OF YOUR GAMES!!!" and stormed away. LOL!!! I was speechless. I didn't know selling new discs was such a damn problem! Is this company just trying to alienate it's few current customers and trying to go completely bankrupt or what? I've had some amazing experiences at other stores just trying to trade in normal CDs. Other people here HAVE to have had similar experiences. It's just unbelievable.[/quote]

It's not just you. I've been to them as well. I went to the one in Wayne\Totowa for the penny games thing awhile back and the manager was yelling at me and said I won't give you the games for free and I said well then that's false advertising...so on and so forth. I really REALLY hate these stores. The managers always give you dirty looks or make stupid comments about trading stuff in. One actually told me to call ahead of time because they get so busy...and he keeps saying it as I look around and there are about a total of 4 people working and 2 customers!!! I haven't been to any in months because it just isn't worth the aggravation. You weren't doing anything wrong with bringing in sealed games. You own them...they are yours. He doesn't have to take them but he could have been nicer about it. I love how they act as if they are doing you a favor by taking your games. The company offers these deals and then these people give you are hard time about it? As for the trying to pull a fast one comment that is crap. If someone says I'll take your $3 game and give you $20 then why not? He is only doing what FYE says they do. We buy games!!! blah blah. Most of these companies charge over retail for CD's, Games, and DVD's. You could say it is because people take advantage of these deals but these places have been overcharging from the day they opened. I know the other worry is about stolen goods but like he said he didn't bring two of the same game in! If he brought a sealed case of 100 Grand Theft Auto III's then I would suspect something. It all comes down to customer service and these places have none. Maybe it's only this area but it's almost as if these people are trained to be idiots.
Well, I stopped in today with Go Go HyperGrind (GCN) and all I was offered was $7.50. I'll try a couple more FYE's to see if I can get the $24 I'm hoping to get. . .

Anyone recently have any success with this game?

I was successful with Hypergrind about a month ago (few days before Christmas), but that one really varies between FYE's, one offered me $6, another $26.
Kelly Slaters pro surfer 7.50
ESPN NBA 2k4 (xbox) 6.00 (I think I saw something on the shelf stating the game was $15 after $5 MIR and thats probably why it had the price drop)
Steel Batalion line of contact 26
Kingdom Under Fire 19.50
Unlimited saga 6.50
room zoom 26
Robin hood 7.50
Haunted mansion (ps2) 15
stopped in at fye today with room zoom, dinotopia, motor trend, showdown LOW. during the trade the guy was reading me the credit i would get and he said $26 for each one but the screen facing me said differently. dinotopia and room zoom were each 26. motor trend was 18.50 and showdown was 22.19. i didn't complain though.
Made my first trade visit to FYE today. I took them Sudeki, Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (PS2), Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed, Kingdom Under Fire, and Apex. They offered the price that's listed on the first page for KUF, $19.xx. AE:p&P was not in their system. And the rest, they offered $7.50/ea for.

I traded them KUF and Apex, and broke even with what I paid on those 2. I didn't really care for them, so that was ok w/ me. I meant to take my copy of Go! Go! Hypergrind, but I forgot it, so I'll have to try that another day. I hit the Gamestop in the same mall to see if they had any on the list to trade in, but they didn't. I'll be going to another GS tomorrow at lunch to try my luck there tho.
Traded in some TRU treasure today. Here's what I got:

PS2 Kill-Switch: $15.00
PS2 Chaos Legion: $10
GC Urban Freestyle Soccer: $17 (get this for $5 or so at most Blockbusters)
PS2 La Pucelle Tactics: $22.19
XB Legends of Wrestling Showdown: $22.19
XB Drake: $15
XB Unreal 2: $18 (the same FYE sells new copies for $16.99!)
PS2 Arc the Lad: $10
PS2 XIII: $7.50

Probably got better than three times in credit over what I paid.

[quote name='D. Monic']
XB Unreal 2: $18 (the same FYE sells new copies for $16.99!)
Tell me you didn't at least think about buying all they had and trading them right back to them for that one buck profit per copy :)
[quote name='superhugebutt']Traded:

Ninja Gaiden $20
Legends of Wrestling Showdown (Xbox) $19.50
Gunvalkyrie $6.50
Kingdom Under Fire $18[/quote]

you traded in Ninja Gaiden, you sicko!
[quote name='FlyingPinkPandas'][quote name='superhugebutt']Traded:

Ninja Gaiden $20
Legends of Wrestling Showdown (Xbox) $19.50
Gunvalkyrie $6.50
Kingdom Under Fire $18[/quote]

you traded in Ninja Gaiden, you sicko![/quote]

Aren't I being kind to the game if I don't have time to play it? It's selfish to hold on to it if I can't use it, when it could find another home. Yes, I'm kidding. I think.
[quote name='icemanjmw13'][quote name='D. Monic']
XB Unreal 2: $18 (the same FYE sells new copies for $16.99!)
Tell me you didn't at least think about buying all they had and trading them right back to them for that one buck profit per copy :)[/quote]

Ha! It did cross my mind, but I didn't want to be too obvious. :wink:

Both Xbox Music Mixer and Dracula (PS1) are not in the system at FYE so they aren't being accepted. Just mentioning it in case anyone had planned to trade in either item.
Anyone else find some fye's with new computers? The one I went to today didnt have many games in the system. This isn't wide spread though (happened to 1 out of 7 fye's in my area), so I wouldnt worry about it spreading to other fyes if it hasnt already happened
Amen! I was doing absolutely nothing wrong by trading in perfectly good games that they accept. To those of you talking about "pulling a fast one" or "scamming" you have no idea what you are talking about. Like jkam said below I am abiding by the store's policy and if these stores treat their customers like that they are asking for problems. The whole situation is ludicrous and the fact that people on this website are siding with the store is unbelievable. There is no excuse for a store to be acting like that to its customers. NONE!

[quote name='jkam'][quote name='rarebucky']Alright guys, it must be said - I am the ONLY ONE who runs into asswipe managers EVERY time I go to trade in anything at EVERY FYE/Coconuts I go to??? I think I've been to about 7 or 8 between NY and NJ and every time I have a major problem and am made to feel like I'm doing something illegal by selling them items. The worst was today though, at the Palisades Center Mall in NY (head's up - DON'T GO TO THIS FYE!!!). The kid told me they couldn't take sealed games so that I should go outside the store and open them up and come back in. Something about theft prevention. Ok, so I give my other opened, used games and CDs at which point the manager comes over and says you can only trade in a maximum of 20 items a day and that I should come back tomorrow. Ok, so I don't raise a fuss either. I traded in 20 items, went outside the store, opened up all of my other games and waited for my gf to meet me. Went back in the store and had her go up to trade in the games since they wouldn't let me and then another dick manager comes over and starts yelling and sreaming "We saw you outside the store opening these games! We can't take these games because they are NOT used and we don't know where they came from!" I started trying to rationalize with him at which point he shouted in my face "THE ANSWER IS NO - WE ARE NOT TAKING ANY OF YOUR GAMES!!!" and stormed away. LOL!!! I was speechless. I didn't know selling new discs was such a damn problem! Is this company just trying to alienate it's few current customers and trying to go completely bankrupt or what? I've had some amazing experiences at other stores just trying to trade in normal CDs. Other people here HAVE to have had similar experiences. It's just unbelievable.[/quote]

It's not just you. I've been to them as well. I went to the one in Wayne\Totowa for the penny games thing awhile back and the manager was yelling at me and said I won't give you the games for free and I said well then that's false advertising...so on and so forth. I really REALLY hate these stores. The managers always give you dirty looks or make stupid comments about trading stuff in. One actually told me to call ahead of time because they get so busy...and he keeps saying it as I look around and there are about a total of 4 people working and 2 customers!!! I haven't been to any in months because it just isn't worth the aggravation. You weren't doing anything wrong with bringing in sealed games. You own them...they are yours. He doesn't have to take them but he could have been nicer about it. I love how they act as if they are doing you a favor by taking your games. The company offers these deals and then these people give you are hard time about it? As for the trying to pull a fast one comment that is crap. If someone says I'll take your $3 game and give you $20 then why not? He is only doing what FYE says they do. We buy games!!! blah blah. Most of these companies charge over retail for CD's, Games, and DVD's. You could say it is because people take advantage of these deals but these places have been overcharging from the day they opened. I know the other worry is about stolen goods but like he said he didn't bring two of the same game in! If he brought a sealed case of 100 Grand Theft Auto III's then I would suspect something. It all comes down to customer service and these places have none. Maybe it's only this area but it's almost as if these people are trained to be idiots.[/quote]
Well, I've now hit my second FYE with Go Go Hypergrind, and all I was offered was $7.50. Yuck. Guess I'll try for a third FYE store tomorrow. This is starting to look a bit grim.

I'll let you know how it goes.

I went about two weeks ago to trade in games for Resident Evil 4, and this is what I got for what:

Unreal Torunament XB $18.00 (paid $9.99 at CC back in October)
Lotus Challenge XB $18.50 (paid $7.49 at TRU just a few days prior to trade in. seems like this one's going down in value)
MK: Deadly Alliance GC $8.50 (also had XB version from PSI Ops promo, so this I didn't need)
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer GC $8.50
Splashdown 2 PS2 $8.50

Values may vary, depending on the stock they have in store. It seems like some stores give slightly different values than other places.
you cant Use Store credit to buy gift cards???

I have like 300 + on FYE and they never get anything in on video games. so i went in and said can i put this on a gift card. SAID NOPE we will not put your store credit on a gift card.

I thought people said you could or is it just depends on store.

What sucks is they dont carry any systems
[quote name='slidecage']you cant Use Store credit to buy gift cards???

I have like 300 + on FYE and they never get anything in on video games. so i went in and said can i put this on a gift card. SAID NOPE we will not put your store credit on a gift card.

I thought people said you could or is it just depends on store.

I'm guessing it's YMMV, although perhaps you just worded it wrong. What you need to tell them is that you want to use your store credit to BUY a giftcard, not that you want them to transfer the credit to one. I've been to a few places and asked if I could get the credit on a giftcard, and after they refused, I then asked if I could buy one with the credit I have. It's a bit of a loophole, but should work in some places, depending on the employee at the register.
[quote name='outlawz42']A question..what exactly IS the fye exploit?[/quote]

There isn't one really. They just offer obscenely high amount of credit for certain titles.
I'm having some bad luck with FYE as of late. I ordered for copies of Sega Soccer Slam for GC and..here's my results for the day

Drake $15.00- Spent 5
WTA Tour Tennis Xbox $3.00- Spent 5(Saw the GC version was 43.99 used at FYE so i figured i'd give it a shot)
Army Men Air Combat-$4.00-Spent 8(Was expecting alot more)
Sega Soccer Slam- .01 :oops:

They have now said that Sega Soccer Slam and NHL Hitz both get one cent. Whats up with this?
my first trip ever to fye today:

(all leftovers, free from TRU)

resident evil code veronica x - $7.50
primal - $10.00
mojo (xb) - $8.50
whiplash (xb) - $10.00
cabela's dangerous hunts - $10.00
xiii (ps2) - $7.50
r: racing evolution (ps2) - $7.50

awesomeness. now if only i could find more than one complete urban freestyle soccer...
Cleaned out some of my old $5 cc/bb games from last year:

Wario World -7.50
Ico - 6.50
Morrowind GOTY version - 7.50
SW Bounty Hunter - 7.50
I Ninja PS2 - 7.50
I Ninja Xbox - 7.50
Mark Of Kri - 9.00
[quote name='Medium_Pimpin']Cleaned out some of my old $5 cc/bb games from last year:

Wario World -7.50
Ico - 6.50
Morrowind GOTY version - 7.50
SW Bounty Hunter - 7.50
I Ninja PS2 - 7.50
I Ninja Xbox - 7.50
Mark Of Kri - 9.00[/quote]

you probably could have gotten more on this site for those first three. still, good trade-in prices.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio'][quote name='Medium_Pimpin']Cleaned out some of my old $5 cc/bb games from last year:

Wario World -7.50
Ico - 6.50
Morrowind GOTY version - 7.50
SW Bounty Hunter - 7.50
I Ninja PS2 - 7.50
I Ninja Xbox - 7.50
Mark Of Kri - 9.00[/quote]

you probably could have gotten more on this site for those first three. still, good trade-in prices.[/quote]

I don't like dealing with shipping, and i still came up $ even after i played them.
These rang up a penny at 3 different FYEs:

NFL 2K3 - XB
NHL Hitz Pro - XB
NFL Blitz Pro - XB
Tony Hawk 2X - XB

If anyone wants them I still got em :)
Stuff like that is what I don't understand about FYE. Blitz Pro was getting $17 and they were selling it for $33.99 used. So instead of lowering the used price to say $14.99 and lowering the trade in value to $6 or $8.50, they decide to drop it to a penny? Oh well.

Even Spun.com has Hitz Pro listed at $8 trade in, so a penny for that doesn't make sense either. (and NFL 2K3 for $1 and THPS 2X for $2.50)
[quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='outlawz42']A question..what exactly IS the fye exploit?[/quote]

There isn't one really. They just offer obscenely high amount of credit for certain titles.[/quote]

oh i see...what games would you recommend?
[quote name='outlawz42']

oh i see...what games would you recommend?[/quote]

Check the first page of this thread. The ones with (!) next to their name come up big.
I think pro race driver with or without the second sticker barcode is officially dead, I think this may have been mentioned somewhere in the middle of the thread. I tried this out at an fye and 2 strawberries and they all rang up at $5
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