2009-2010 NBA Thread

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Honestly the crap calls equaled out to me... Weird series so far. KG played the best game he's played in a while on the offensive end. Most of his shots were well contested too. No one on the Lakers really stands out on that one. Again some weird stuff to me. And yeah IMO Odom could take it to the rim like he did one play at the end of the game, but instead he got killed by the all-heart ticket stub tonite. I guess thats just his game.

Edit: The fact remains that the finals should never be called like this.
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[quote name='dafoomie']Shouldn't you be watching the summer league?[/QUOTE]

Shouldn't you be watching your stupid youtube videos of your crappy Bruins who got bruined in the Playoffs by the Flyers. What an epic collapse that was.

I am going to watch some mlb.tv of game 3 of the 2009 ALDS. Watching Papelbum get his ass kicked by the Angels is priceless. Especially all of the Masshole fans crying in the stands at the end of it all.
It's funny how the Celtics cant get it going all at once. Pierce has sucked for the whole series. KG took the first 2 games off while Ray Allen was Mr MVP in game 2. KG shows up for game 3 and Ray Allen is MIA. Big Baby has been the most consistent scorer so far for the Celtics.

The difference tonight is Derek Fisher who gets the game ball. Guy made some clutch shots with the Lakers up 2 or the game tied.
Kobe was off tonight, but Derek Fisher showed why he is so clutch. The Lakers could wheel his old ass out on the court in 2035 and he'd still be draining clutch shots with three guys in his face. This is why the Lakers are a better *team* than the Celtics
[quote name='wildcpac']Shouldn't you be watching your stupid youtube videos of your crappy Bruins who got bruined in the Playoffs by the Flyers. What an epic collapse that was.

I am going to watch some mlb.tv of game 3 of the 2009 ALDS. Watching Papelbum get his ass kicked by the Angels is priceless. Especially all of the Masshole fans crying in the stands at the end of it all.[/QUOTE]
Hey, good luck giving Joe Johnson and Carlos Boozer max contracts. If you don't get Turkoglu in a s+t.
had to watch the game on dvr but my two cents. I'm thinking C's in 7. We got nothing out of Ray and just some late points by Pierce and we were still in it? I think we take the next 2 lose game 6 and win by a decent margin in game 7
Over and over the refs gave the fucking game to the Lakers. So many non-fouls it was beyond sickening. The Celtics battled through getting screwed, making stop after stop and coming up with great scores. Look at what they did to fucking Pierce this game, the same shit they did to Allen in game 1. Took him out of the fucking game over and over. He comes back in, boom foul called immediately.

The NBA can go fuck itself. I do not think it's the refs being blind, it definitely looks like they're making premeditated calls to determine the games. Doc Rivers who is usually always neutral had it out in the press conference. They bowed down to Phil Jackson. This bullshit really tests whether or not I can continue to watch the NBA.
[quote name='dafoomie']Hey, good luck giving Joe Johnson and Carlos Boozer max contracts. If you don't get Turkoglu in a s+t.[/QUOTE]

Should you really be talking? Roid Sox haven't won a legit World Series since pre World War I. Pats cheated in all 3 Super Bowl wins and barely won each won. You would think a team that cheats would win by more than a field goal.

Too bad the Knicks do not have former players as shitty gm's around the league to hand over Star players for broken down rookies.

So great to see whiny Masshole Idiots blame the game on the Refs. I forgot that Ray Allen went 0 for 13 and Paul Pierce sucked as well.
[quote name='wildcpac']Should you really be talking? Roid Sox haven't won a legit World Series since pre World War I. Pats cheated in all 3 Super Bowl wins and barely won each won. You would think a team that cheats would win by more than a field goal.

Too bad the Knicks do not have former players as shitty gm's around the league to hand over Star players for broken down rookies.[/QUOTE]

Dude did somebody from Boston take you in an alley and rape you as child or something?
[quote name='wildcpac']Should you really be talking? Roid Sox haven't won a legit World Series since pre World War I. Pats cheated in all 3 Super Bowl wins and barely won each won. You would think a team that cheats would win by more than a field goal.

Too bad the Knicks do not have former players as shitty gm's around the league to hand over Star players for broken down rookies.

So great to see whiny Masshole Idiots blame the game on the Refs. I forgot that Ray Allen went 0 for 13 and Paul Pierce sucked as well.[/QUOTE]

The Red Sox are the only team to ever use steroids.

The Patriots did not go 18-1 after "spygate" & are the only team to ever do that (meaning both the record [/non-sarcasm] & the videotaping... [/sarcasm])

The Lakers fans did not go even more bullshit than Celtics fans have, regarding any playoff game this year, over the calls in game 2 (which was actually worse against the Celtics than the Lakers).

You're a rich movie star who we all idolize.
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stfu about the refs already refs didnt make ray allen match his record breaking performance with another one the record of missed 3's in a game pierce was stagnant kobe had a off night everyone on the lakers settled for long range 3's in the 4th bricking every single one of them and celtics still lost i dont even wanna hear it if gasol got the touches he should have got in the 4th, game would have been a blowout but he probably didnt bc hes only good cause hes tall right?
Go ahead and complain about the refs when you lose like every Lakers fan in here did last time but tell us to stfu. We've had one of our key players taken out of the game by the refs in every single game of the series. Allen game 1, Garnett game 2, Pierce game 3. And we got fucked on dozens of non-fouls called in games 2 and 3.

The Lakers just settled for 3's because that's what they wanted to do, it had nothing to do with excellent defense. Game would've been a blowout LOL. The Celtics kept gaining and gaining the whole 2nd half, yet now the Lakers would've had a blowout if things magically happened.
[quote name='J7.']Over and over the refs gave the fucking game to the Lakers. So many non-fouls it was beyond sickening. The Celtics battled through getting screwed, making stop after stop and coming up with great scores. Look at what they did to fucking Pierce this game, the same shit they did to Allen in game 1. Took him out of the fucking game over and over. He comes back in, boom foul called immediately.

The NBA can go fuck itself. I do not think it's the refs being blind, it definitely looks like they're making premeditated calls to determine the games. Doc Rivers who is usually always neutral had it out in the press conference. They bowed down to Phil Jackson. This bullshit really tests whether or not I can continue to watch the NBA.[/QUOTE]

Stop fucking crying your team lost not because the refs screwed them. Your team gave up in the last minutes. Shit rondo got away with a foul. Derek Fisher out ran 4 Celtics players and made the play. You guys came back from a 17 point beating and stopped playing after 1:20 left in the 4th. You can cry about it being a screw job but if you guys kept playing y'all might have won. I agree the refs made some horrible calls both ways but you cant count on the refs you have to play ball.
Again, didnt watch it but from the post I would assume the game was really influenced by the refs (big surprise) but whats up with the pot shots back in forth?
Despite the crappy officiating, games 2 and 3 were easily in reach of both teams. Sure, the refs screwed everyone, but the Lakers not showing up for the last 4 minutes of game 2 is what lost them the game. The Celtics melting away in the last 2 minutes of game 3 is what lost it for em. When the refs completely hose a team that's one thing, but if you're within 5 with 5 minutes to go, it's your game to lose.
[quote name='J7.']Go ahead and complain about the refs when you lose like every Lakers fan in here did last time but tell us to stfu. We've had one of our key players taken out of the game by the refs in every single game of the series. Allen game 1, Garnett game 2, Pierce game 3. And we got fucked on dozens of non-fouls called in games 2 and 3.

The Lakers just settled for 3's because that's what they wanted to do, it had nothing to do with excellent defense. Game would've been a blowout LOL. The Celtics kept gaining and gaining the whole 2nd half, yet now the Lakers would've had a blowout if things magically happened.[/QUOTE]

I obviously didn't watch the game but refs don't cause teams to win. 10 TOs and Ray 0-13 isn't going to get it done. Plus, you guys got outrebounded 43-35.

Your key players getting benched. :roll:
Ray went 3 for 8 in Game 1. It was actually probably best for him to sit since he was shooting 37%.
Pierce still went for 33 minutes... I wouldn't consider that reduced at all. Plus, your dude went 2 for 13 in Game 2 :applause:
Great game last night. I don't know what you guys were watching but both teams were victims of some shitty calls. Ray Allen was just awful. Derek Fisher's fastbreak layup was freaking awesome - if that was Rondo or Kobe making that play you'd never hear the end of it.

I do not like the replay rules in the final 2 minutes - the Rondo no-call is evidence why.
[quote name='wildcpac']
So great to see whiny Masshole Idiots blame the game on the Refs. I forgot that Ray Allen went 0 for 13 and Paul Pierce sucked as well.[/QUOTE]

Who hurt you...?

Honestly, your anti-Boston vitriol is so over the top sometimes it's comical. No sport is worth getting so angry on the internet over.

I don't think the refs cost the Celtics the game at all, to me there weren't nearly as many ridiculous calls in this one as the first two. And those there were seemed about even.

What cost the Celtics this game was Derek Fisher, the end. Yeah, the Celtics had stops down the stretch but so did the Lakers, and every time the Celtics DID score, there was Fisher at the other end with another ridiculous bucket. Just like Rondo took over Game 2, Fisher took over this one, plain and simple.

Sometimes it's just a matter of whose shots are dropping. It wasn't like Ray Allen was getting bad looks or was wildly off, he just didn't have the touch. Meanwhile in the 4th, Fisher was hitting everything, no matter how impossible the angle or how many Celtics were in front of him. The Celtics did all they could, the Lakers were just the better team last night. I still think they're pretty even, so it could easily be the other way around in Game 4.
[quote name='bvharris']Who hurt you...?

Honestly, your anti-Boston vitriol is so over the top sometimes it's comical. No sport is worth getting so angry on the internet over.

I don't think the refs cost the Celtics the game at all, to me there weren't nearly as many ridiculous calls in this one as the first two. And those there were seemed about even.

What cost the Celtics this game was Derek Fisher, the end. Yeah, the Celtics had stops down the stretch but so did the Lakers, and every time the Celtics DID score, there was Fisher at the other end with another ridiculous bucket. Just like Rondo took over Game 2, Fisher took over this one, plain and simple.

Sometimes it's just a matter of whose shots are dropping. It wasn't like Ray Allen was getting bad looks or was wildly off, he just didn't have the touch. Meanwhile in the 4th, Fisher was hitting everything, no matter how impossible the angle or how many Celtics were in front of him. The Celtics did all they could, the Lakers were just the better team last night. I still think they're pretty even, so it could easily be the other way around in Game 4.[/QUOTE]

I kinda like hearing his opinion. He balances out all the crazy Celtics fans for me :D
I think you got it right that Last night and game 2 was anybody's game to win. I'm glad my Lakers (Read Derek Fisher) pulled it out. So Who is the Series MVP's so far?
Lakers = Kobe
Boston = Rondo
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[quote name='Sc4rfac3']I kinda like hearing his opinion. He balances out all the crazy Celtics fans for me :D
I think you got it right that Last night and game 2 was anybody's game to win. I'm glad my Lakers (Read Derek Fisher) pulled it out. So Who is the Series MVP's so far?
Lakers = Kobe
Boston = Rondo[/QUOTE]

Not all Celtics fans are crazy. ;)

I'd say Rondo, yeah, but the thing with the Celtics is they're going to have a different MVP every night, so it'll be impossible to say for sure until the end of the series for them. Last night it was KG, game before it was Rondo or Ray, next game probably Pierce. :D
[quote name='bvharris']Who hurt you...?
What cost the Celtics this game was Derek Fisher, the end. Yeah, the Celtics had stops down the stretch but so did the Lakers, and every time the Celtics DID score, there was Fisher at the other end with another ridiculous bucket. Just like Rondo took over Game 2, Fisher took over this one, plain and simple.

Sometimes it's just a matter of whose shots are dropping. It wasn't like Ray Allen was getting bad looks or was wildly off, he just didn't have the touch. Meanwhile in the 4th, Fisher was hitting everything, no matter how impossible the angle or how many Celtics were in front of him. The Celtics did all they could, the Lakers were just the better team last night. I still think they're pretty even, so it could easily be the other way around in Game 4.[/QUOTE]

You sir, deserve today's "non retard" medal for actually being able to form an impartial opinion. /salute

I do not like the replay rules in the final 2 minutes - the Rondo no-call is evidence why.

Me too. As a general rule, I don't like it a whole lot because it interrupts play (3 in a row?). However, this situation was particularly egregious because of the rule that says that fouls don't count. How does this make any sense? I don't think there is a single situation that can illustrate better how flawed this logic is. Odom had the rebound clean. Rondo clearly fouls Odom in a way that causes him to lose control of the ball and it goes out of bounds. Verdict? Out on Odom. Really?

Anyone else catch Kobe wiping his snot on ESPN dude's head after the game?

I feel so sorry for that dude and his puppy-dog look of idolization.
[quote name='Eltis']
Me too. As a general rule, I don't like it a whole lot because it interrupts play (3 in a row?). However, this situation was particularly egregious because of the rule that says that fouls don't count. How does this make any sense? I don't think there is a single situation that can illustrate better how flawed this logic is. Odom had the rebound clean. Rondo clearly fouls Odom in a way that causes him to lose control of the ball and it goes out of bounds. Verdict? Out on Odom. Really?

I completely agree. Even though the Celtics got the ball, it seemed ridiculous to me. I hate every instance in sports where we have the technology to tell what actually happened and then choose to ignore it. I'm not sure they should call a foul after the fact, but at least acknowledge what happened and give the ball to the Lakers.
I was scared shitless when the ball went back to the Celtics after the bullshit call against Odom. I think the C's were down 3.. and I was just thinking, PLEASE don't let them tie this game up. :cold:
[quote name='Sc4rfac3']Stop fucking crying your team lost not because the refs screwed them. Your team gave up in the last minutes. Shit rondo got away with a foul. Derek Fisher out ran 4 Celtics players and made the play. You guys came back from a 17 point beating and stopped playing after 1:20 left in the 4th. You can cry about it being a screw job but if you guys kept playing y'all might have won. I agree the refs made some horrible calls both ways but you cant count on the refs you have to play ball.[/QUOTE]

Oh excuse me Rondo got away with 1 foul. The simple fact is that the Lakers were up by 2-4 points for a while and a number of bad calls were made that helped them keep the lead. You take away those bad calls near the end and the game is tied and the end plays out differently.

Also, they took Pierce out of the game so he did not play much and could not get into the game. You cannot dismiss the fact that they took Allen out of game 1 with bs calls, Garnett out of game 2 with bs calls, and Pierce out of game 3 with bs calls. No wonder the neutral headed Doc Rivers had a lot of shit to say about the referring after this game and submitted a lot of shit when he usually submits little. Meanwhile when Jackson get's asked about the statements he made after game 2, he denies it.

[quote name='lordopus99']I obviously didn't watch the game but refs don't cause teams to win. 10 TOs and Ray 0-13 isn't going to get it done. Plus, you guys got outrebounded 43-35.

Your key players getting benched. :roll:
Ray went 3 for 8 in Game 1. It was actually probably best for him to sit since he was shooting 37%.
Pierce still went for 33 minutes... I wouldn't consider that reduced at all. Plus, your dude went 2 for 13 in Game 2 :applause:[/QUOTE]

Refs have a hand in the game when they make a shit load of calls and they make a shit load of bad calls, and also cause the best players to sit out games. Players have bad games, that doesn't mean teams cannot win without them. This game could've gone either way at the end.

It's not about how many points a player scores in a game. Having Ray Allen in completely changes the Celtics offense for every player on the floor. :roll: And you know Allen plays something called defense. Pierce played 46 minutes in game 1 & 40 in game 2. Keep talking out your ass because you're mad at me.
Ray Allen plays defense? His career DRtg and season-by-season DRtg say otherwise.

2005-06 Sonics: 114.3 DRtg
2005-06 Ray Allen: 116 DRtg

2007-08 Celtics: 98.3 DRtg
2007-08 Ray Allen: 103 DRtg

2009-10 Celtics: 103.8 DRtg
2009-10 Ray Allen: 108 DRtg
http://media.photobucket.com/image/dont feed the troll/legbamel/Dont_feed_the_troll.jpg
I meant that Allen gives them minutes on defense, it's hard for their bench to guard Kobe for long stretches because Allen has to sit on the bench for half the game. Did Pierce have to guard Kobe in game 1 some of the time because of that as well? When he played 46 minutes in that game due to Allen being out... I thought Allen played pretty good defense on Kobe this series as well. Even Finley was in the game due to Allen having to sit.

And Loropus99, Celtics offense is limited without Allen on the floor when they have to rely on their bench. Tony Allen and Davis rely on their inside game. When you got Rondo, Tony Allen, Davis, Perkins, & Rasheed on the floor, you're hurting bad for offensive options. You have to rely on Rondo to create & Rasheed to hit his jumpers. Far different than having Allen, Pierce, & KG out there.
[quote name='renique46']stfu about the refs already refs didnt make ray allen match his record breaking performance with another one the record of missed 3's in a game pierce was stagnant kobe had a off night everyone on the lakers settled for long range 3's in the 4th bricking every single one of them and celtics still lost i dont even wanna hear it if gasol got the touches he should have got in the 4th, game would have been a blowout but he probably didnt bc hes only good cause hes tall right?[/QUOTE]

This right here is trolling hardcore.

[quote name='lordopus99']I obviously didn't watch the game but refs don't cause teams to win. 10 TOs and Ray 0-13 isn't going to get it done. Plus, you guys got outrebounded 43-35.

Your key players getting benched. :roll:
Ray went 3 for 8 in Game 1. It was actually probably best for him to sit since he was shooting 37%.
Pierce still went for 33 minutes... I wouldn't consider that reduced at all. Plus, your dude went 2 for 13 in Game 2 :applause:[/QUOTE]

trolling here... :applause:

Funny, I don't recall calling you names. I've just argued over various points.
[quote name='renique46']Pau Gasol is only good bc hes tall is all i needed to here to discredit everything you ever post from here on out[/QUOTE]

I already said why I said that. I hate the Lakers and I hate Gasol even more. Added to the fact that I am not impressed at what big players do in comparison to smaller players.

But keep trolling after you try to make me out to be a troll because I have disagreements and post negative about your team. You mean *hear, especially if you're going to insult people about reading comprehension. At least learn how to spell.

You only came into this thread after I made negative comments about the refs. Pretty stupid to call someone a troll based on what he says about refs, especially when every single post you've made in this entire thread is just a troll comment. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/search.php?searchid=3975668
Dude, seriously. Who the fuck cares about this. Stop bickering and start discussing real basketball. Where the hell is dafoomie when you need him?
[quote name='advanced']Anybody looking forward to Game 4? Should be a good one. :)[/QUOTE]

I think so too, not going to pick a winner though. Too close to call.

Can we all agree the refs suck? Unless they make completely superduper stupid calls (yes I realize on both sides there have been some fucking stupid calls in every game) lets not talk about them from here on out.
[quote name='J7.']I already said why I said that. I hate the Lakers and I hate Gasol even more. Added to the fact that I am not impressed at what big players do in comparison to smaller players.

But keep trolling after you try to make me out to be a troll because I have disagreements and post negative about your team. You mean *hear, especially if you're going to insult people about reading comprehension. At least learn how to spell.

You only came into this thread after I made negative comments about the refs. Pretty stupid to call someone a troll based on what he says about refs, especially when every single post you've made in this entire thread is just a troll comment. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/search.php?searchid=3975668[/QUOTE]

lol @ "learn to spell" when nothing was spelled incorrectly and yet tell me to use a completely different word that would make the sentence not make any sense at all good job on failing the 4th grade

Refs have been terrible throughout the playoffs

if you cant accept that fact then use your own advice and stop watching the Nba cause it damn sure wont get better from here on out (oh wait should i have used "hear" :lol:)
[quote name='J7.']Added to the fact that I am not impressed at what big players do in comparison to smaller players. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/search.php?searchid=3975668[/QUOTE]Not impressed when big men have great footwork, post up skills, the ability to make face up jumpers from 15-18, etc?

I'm a Laker Hater from Houston, but even I acknowledge that Gasol is pretty darn good. But then, I watched The Dream for 16 years destroy whole teams by himself, so I have a different appreciation for talented big men. :)
Speaking of The Dream maybe he needs to teach D Howard a thing or two this Patrick Ewing experiment doesn't seem to be working
[quote name='renique46']lol @ "learn to spell" when nothing was spelled incorrectly and yet tell me to use a completely different word that would make the sentence not make any sense at all good job on failing the 4th grade

Refs have been terrible throughout the playoffs

if you cant accept that fact then use your own advice and stop watching the Nba cause it damn sure wont get better from here on out (oh wait should i have used "hear" :lol:)[/QUOTE]

Are you that dumb?

[quote name='renique46']Pau Gasol is only good bc hes tall is all i needed to here to discredit everything you ever post from here on out[/QUOTE]

Reread that. Go on. If you cannot see it, I truly feel sorry for your future kin. If you had said "is all I needed here" it would make sense, but you meant that it was all that you needed to hear.

That is the best reply you could come up with after all that time. That is almost as pathetic as calling me a troll for complaining about the refs when you've made 5 comments in this thread and all of them have been nothing but trolling. Keep the streak going.

[quote name='Gentlegamer']Not impressed when big men have great footwork, post up skills, the ability to make face up jumpers from 15-18, etc?

I'm a Laker Hater from Houston, but even I acknowledge that Gasol is pretty darn good. But then, I watched The Dream for 16 years destroy whole teams by himself, so I have a different appreciation for talented big men. :)[/QUOTE]

Not when I hate the Lakers and Pau's antics beyond his skill.
Didnt see the that 2nd here i put so i can admit i was wrong

we'll just see who comes out on top in game 4 doc rivers already bitched and cried about the refs like some people here and sent in tape so maybe the celtics will get more favorable calls in the game.
[quote name='thamaster24']I think so too, not going to pick a winner though. Too close to call.[/QUOTE]

Way too close to call, but I'll still make my choice. I'm saying C's. Both teams score under 100, just like in Game 3. Hopefully Kobe and Ray can get out of the funks they were in (Kobe was clank clankin' too) to make it exciting like they did in games 1 and 2.

I was just glad to see KG finally wake up in Game 3, took him long enough. Bynum's been a fucking champ too with that injured knee. Gotta respect that.
[quote name='renique46']Speaking of The Dream maybe he needs to teach D Howard a thing or two this Patrick Ewing experiment doesn't seem to be working[/QUOTE]

Again. You are wrong for thinking D Howard is a offensive player of any kind. Its like a square peg in a round hole with him. Everyone thinks that because he is athletic, strong and a monster on the boards and defense he is automatically suppose to be a offensive guru.

He is never going to be that and the sooner you realize this the sooner you will final understand that Howard is the best in the NBA at what he does. Defense, Rebounding and put backs.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Again. You are wrong for thinking D Howard is a offensive player of any kind. Its like a square peg in a round hole with him. Everyone thinks that because he is athletic, strong and a monster on the boards and defense he is automatically suppose to be a offensive guru.

He is never going to be that and the sooner you realize this the sooner you will final understand that Howard is the best in the NBA at what he does. Defense, Rebounding and put backs.[/QUOTE]

You got to remember. Howard currently shoots over 62% (top center in the league) and averages 18.3 points. Those are good numbers. Yes, he doesn't have a jumper but that doesn't mean he still isn't effective. He has a pretty effective spin move. The fact that no one in league has been able to stop him 1 on 1 should tell you that he is a pretty good offensive weapon. If Howard was going to change his style of play, it would have happened now. Charles Oakley and the rest of the haters can move along.
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