2009-2010 NBA Thread

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[quote name='lordopus99']You got to remember. Howard currently shoots over 62% (top center in the league) and averages 18.3 points. Those are good numbers. Yes, he doesn't have a jumper but that doesn't mean he still isn't effective. He has a pretty effective spin move. The fact that no one in league has been able to stop him 1 on 1 should tell you that he is a pretty good offensive weapon. If Howard was going to change his style of play, it would have happened now. Charles Oakley and the rest of the haters can move along.[/QUOTE]

Those points are probably why people wish he'd develop it, since he shows some promise. I doubt the Magic's current "dish low, push out for the 3" game plan is going to change anytime soon though, so its not currently needed. I'd like to see him get a jumper going, and it does appear I'm not the only one.
Eddie F Rush, Scott Foster, and Greg Willard tonight... Not a great crew by any means but Rush tends to favor the home team. I bet some calls were made to Donaghy today.

I don't think the league wants the Celtics to go down 3-1 but we'll see how it plays out. Home teams are 9-1 in games Rush has reffed this postseason.
That's good news. Unfortunately, Rush also issued the technical that took Perkins out of the game.

The records show Donaghy placed 134 calls to referee Scott Foster — more than the 126 calls Donaghy made to his bookie — between October 2006 and April 2007, the period during which he has confessed to either betting on games or passing on game information to gamblers. The majority of the phone calls lasted no more than two minutes and occurred prior to and after games Donaghy officiated and on which he admits wagering.

With the exception of 150 calls Donaghy placed to Thomas Martino, to whom he says he provided “picks” to win games and who was the middleman between the disgraced referee and a bookie named James Battista, the ex-ref phoned no one more than he called Foster. During this period, the most calls Donaghy made to any other referee were 13.
[quote name='lordopus99']You got to remember. Howard currently shoots over 62% (top center in the league) and averages 18.3 points. Those are good numbers. Yes, he doesn't have a jumper but that doesn't mean he still isn't effective. He has a pretty effective spin move. The fact that no one in league has been able to stop him 1 on 1 should tell you that he is a pretty good offensive weapon. If Howard was going to change his style of play, it would have happened now. Charles Oakley and the rest of the haters can move along.[/QUOTE]

I think we are saying the same thing.

Howard is as good as he is ever going to be....which is pretty fucking fantastic in some areas and above average in others.

Its so strange to me that people will rip on the fact that he isnt shoulder faking and hitting fadaway jumpers after crossing over his defender that they forget that he is the best blocker, rebounder and put backs in the NBA.
[quote name='J7.']The records show Donaghy placed 134 calls to referee Scott Foster — more than the 126 calls Donaghy made to his bookie — between October 2006 and April 2007, the period during which he has confessed to either betting on games or passing on game information to gamblers. The majority of the phone calls lasted no more than two minutes and occurred prior to and after games Donaghy officiated and on which he admits wagering.

With the exception of 150 calls Donaghy placed to Thomas Martino, to whom he says he provided “picks” to win games and who was the middleman between the disgraced referee and a bookie named James Battista, the ex-ref phoned no one more than he called Foster. During this period, the most calls Donaghy made to any other referee were 13.[/QUOTE]
And the other two refs on Donaghy's crew were Eddie F Rush and Greg Willard.

Who does Donaghy have money on tonight?
I forgot about this at the time, but if you remember early in Game 3, Artest went knee on knee on Ray Allen. Bothered him for the rest of the game.
[quote name='dafoomie']Eddie F Rush, Scott Foster, and Greg Willard tonight... Not a great crew by any means but Rush tends to favor the home team. I bet some calls were made to Donaghy today.

I don't think the league wants the Celtics to go down 3-1 but we'll see how it plays out. Home teams are 9-1 in games Rush has reffed this postseason.[/QUOTE]

Wow, a Boston fan wants the refs to cheat for them. Can never win a game legit for any of the Boston teams.
I've never seen a team miss as many layups as the Celtics do.

And how many times are they going to reach for rebounds with one hand and knock it towards a Laker?
Nate Robinson plays some good defense. Did he do that for the Knicks? Considering he played in the secondary for college football he has always had the ability I would think
This game is starting to slip away from the C's, though with how bad they've been shooting, rebounding, and turning over the ball you'd think they should be getting blown out.
[quote name='KingBroly']The Lakers Kobe Bryant seems to have an answer for everything the Celtics are throwing at them.[/QUOTE]


What else is new? Bryant is frustrating as fuck.

Also, it's annoying seeing the Celtics get a good stop and then promptly throw the ball away.
That Pierce three-point play will just about seal it (though I'm not sure it wasn't a charge to be honest).

Edit: Spoke to soon. Fouling on three-point shots is always smart.
[quote name='bvharris']Wow. Think we'll be seeing that Rondo steal for years to come? :hot:[/QUOTE]

Yes. And a few other choice plays this postseason. Gotta love him.
Do the Lakers know how to rebound? Have to give the Celtics credit with their bench Davis and Midget came up huge. Turning point was the bullshit non charge but defensive foul against the Lakers on Pierce. I never want to hear another Masshole Idiot complain about the refs.
[quote name='wildcpac']Do the Lakers know how to rebound? Have to give the Celtics credit with their bench Davis and Midget came up huge. Turning point was the bullshit non charge but defensive foul against the Lakers on Pierce. I never want to hear another Masshole Idiot complain about the refs.[/QUOTE]
Kobe got the makeup call for 3 FT's right after that. And the turning point was far earlier when Dr. Phil left his starters in early in the 4th quarter, the Celtics bench murdered them and won the game.
[quote name='wildcpac']Do the Lakers know how to rebound? Have to give the Celtics credit with their bench Davis and Midget came up huge. Turning point was the bullshit non charge but defensive foul against the Lakers on Pierce. I never want to hear another Masshole Idiot complain about the refs.[/QUOTE]

Can I ask you something? Do you think all Boston sports fans fall in this category?

I actually thought it was a charge too, though definitely close.
La matched the jungle ball play style boston is notorious for playing but just let them have it in the 4th quarter no ball movement, no rebounding ,odom letting a bench scrub manhandle him as if the rim had a bunch of twinkies around it.
[quote name='dafoomie']Kobe got the makeup call for 3 FT's right after that.[/QUOTE]

Um... no. Kobe clearly got hit on the hand/wrist during his follow-through.

Tough loss for the Lakers. I didn't expect Boston to lose 2 straight at home, though. Lakers take game 5 and close it out in game 6 at Staples. Also, I'm still trying to figure out why my friend says Rondo is better than Derrick Rose and that Rose can't shoot. Rose averaged 5 more PPG in the same amount of minutes, and their field goal percentages were very similar. Oh, and Rondo shot 33% tonight.
[quote name='Matt Young']Um... no. Kobe clearly got hit on the hand/wrist during his follow-through.[/QUOTE]
You don't get to the line for 3 FT's late in the game when the defender goes straight up in the air and gets you on the wrist after the ball is away. Unless your Kobe or if its a makeup call.

I've got no problem with it, all even after that. There were bad calls here and there against both teams but the referees stayed out of the way and let the players play.
[quote name='Matt Young']Um... no. Kobe clearly got hit on the hand/wrist during his follow-through.[/QUOTE]

That SAME play was a no-call earlier. Kobe initiates the contact with his follow through, can't blame Allen for having his hand up. The refs were making up with what they thought was a mistake. If Kobe didn't want that ball to go in, he'd have jumped up and tried to swipe at it. Like they say in UFC, don't leave it to the judges.

[quote name='renique46']odom letting a bench scrub manhandle him [/QUOTE]

Thats really the pot and the kettle though, ain't it? Maybe Odom didn't have enough Twix on the bench tonight. No sugar rush for him.
[quote name='renique46']La matched the jungle ball play style boston is notorious for playing but just let them have it in the 4th quarter no ball movement, no rebounding ,odom letting a bench scrub manhandle him as if the rim had a bunch of twinkies around it.[/QUOTE]

He's not as good as Odom, but if you still think Glen Davis is a bench scrub you haven't been paying a lot of attention the last few years, especially in the playoffs.

At least you didn't blame the refs. I'm honestly tired of "refs" arguments from both sides. I feel the same way about NBA officiating as I do about steroids in baseball (or, for that matter, MLB umpiring). Is there a single NBA fan who thinks the officiating, in general, is good? Yes, they should fix it, but with a few exceptions games (and especially series) are still won and lost on the backs of great players. I'd prefer to watch two great teams (which these are) play one another in a great series (which this is) than worry about what the refs are doing. I guess I'm just used to it.
[quote name='bvharris']Wow. Think we'll be seeing that Rondo steal for years to come? :hot:[/QUOTE]

Honestly, right place right time. He's made some incredible plays for sure this postseason but he was already there. Not that it wasn't a good play, but it wasn't incredible.

If the series was over right now, MVPs for the teams would go:
Lakers: Kobe (Almost wanna say Pau but Kobe is winning bc of the past 2 gms)

Celtics: The Ticket Stub Big Baby Davis, never thought I'd say that
The refs have been horrible but it's balanced out.....it doesn't really matter.

All that matters is that without Bynum the Lakers have no shot.

It exposes Gasol and Odom as pussies, which Big Baby exposed.

When Gasol turned the ball over, Kobe started throwing a hissy fit, vintage 2008.

Not looking good for the Purple and Gold.
[quote name='dafoomie']You don't get to the line for 3 FT's late in the game when the defender goes straight up in the air and gets you on the wrist after the ball is away. Unless your Kobe or if its a makeup call.

I've got no problem with it, all even after that. There were bad calls here and there against both teams but the referees stayed out of the way and let the players play.[/QUOTE]

At game speed, it looked like a foul because the shot was well short. I didn't realize until I saw the replay that it was because Allen got ball and the contact was only on the follow-through. Like you said, can't fault the refs for that one really.
[quote name='thamaster24']Honestly, right place right time. He's made some incredible plays for sure this postseason but he was already there. Not that it wasn't a good play, but it wasn't incredible.

I was referring more to the importance of the play to the outcome of the game rather than how difficult it was. No doubt it was a bad pass and that most NBA point guards would make that play.
[quote name='bvharris']I was referring more to the importance of the play to the outcome of the game rather than how difficult it was. No doubt it was a bad pass and that most NBA point guards would make that play.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah sorry, definitely sealed the deal IMO.

5 and 6 should be great and here's (not an la or boston fan) hoping for 7
[quote name='thamaster24']
5 and 6 should be great and here's (not an la or boston fan) hoping for 7[/QUOTE]

Then I'd be rooting for a Boston win in Game 5, because if the Lakers win I think they'll close it out at Staples (though I'd be happy to be wrong).

I thought all along this was a 7 game series, and nothing has changed my mind yet.
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Boston is not winning in La again i knew they wouldn't lose this game (just didn't see them losing 2 straight at the garden) but i was almost proven wrong the way la handled every one of their jungle ball play tactics and barely lost Boston almost sabotage their own comeback with stupid techs that they should have known better then to commit and Wallace especially hes now 1 tech away from suspension which he could have gotten tonight clearly and hes very lucky he didn't
Where was all that Derrick Rose talk when Rondo was killing it in the last 3 series?

Rose is not a distributor and he has no vision on the court. He's a volume scorer and not very efficient. He doesn't get to the line enough, and like Rondo, he can't shoot 3's. And he's not good defensively. He's Baron Davis. The 2010 Derrick Rose doesn't win a championship on the Celtics in 08 and he doesn't get the Celtics to the finals this year.

Wasn't this discussion over when Rondo almost averaged a triple double against Rose in the playoffs?
[quote name='renique46']Boston is not winning in La again[/QUOTE]

Boston is 2-1 in LA this season. LA is 2-1 in Boston. I'm not sure what you're basing this on other than it being what you want to happen? If so, please share because if you're that sure maybe I should be placing a bet on the Lakers.
Remind me where those other victories came from oh wait thats right considering they were in the regular season which doesn't mean shit for either team boston probably will take the next game but after seeing tonight that doesn't seem like a good choice anymore Boston cannot come into game 5 thinking the bench will play like that again the same way they found out Ray Allen wouldn't have another game like he did in game 2
Ok, well, they split the first two games at Staples in this series, so I still don't see how that means Boston can't win in LA again.
The Celtics must win Game 5. If they can go into LA needing to win 1 out of 2, they've got a real chance. Its over if they lose Game 5.
[quote name='dafoomie']The Celtics must win Game 5. If they can go into LA needing to win 1 out of 2, they've got a real chance.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this. Definitely a huge game for them since I don't see them winning both at Staples.

God, such crazy homer Masshole Idiots... :roll:
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