90% off Green Tagged Items at TRU

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1 (100%)
This just came in on the intranet this afternoon. Starting tomorrow (2-9), all green tagged items will now be reduced 90%.

Odds are, there isn't much good stuff left...but what IS left will be $1-4, so some of that junk might be worth looking into.
[quote name='darkje']I just came back from another toysrus here (scranton, PA) ...

They had like 30 copies of primal and 20 copies of perfect dark (no joke).

Picked up :

Xbox HDTV pack $2
Primal $1.50
Black and bruised $3
Eternal darkness $3.60
Gameboy advanced battery pack and charge stand $.49
+other misc stuff

The intec xbox lcd 5.4 and 5.6 are both on sale for $14.99, the 7.2 isn't.

I successfully matched todays price and got $60 back from two 5.6 inch screens (hello car mod!)[/quote]

It's not uncommon for there to be so many Perfect Darks...

There is a full case in our stockroom still.
Got the DC Sports Triple Pack
Shadow Man (DC)
Carrier (DC)
2 X Primal (PS2, one for the person that I was with)

Total = $9.87
Saved = $82.71

Thanks for the find guys :)
[quote name='zewone'][quote name='hitmandls2']Went to the Okemos, MI store today at 12:30pm, Picked up Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition and Space Invaders for the GBA.

I just want to say thanks to the asshat who horded everything in the store. This guy literally left nothing with a green tag on it. While I got what I wanted, I feel bad for others as this guy bought 70+ games, at least a dozen accessories, and almost every strategy guide they had.

When I asked him to share one of the 6 copies of Eternal Darkness he had stacked on the checkout counter he replied with a friendly “Blow me.”

I really hope this guy was not a CAG because he was just a real ass.[/quote]

If he told me "blow me" I would have knocked him out and taking a ED off the top of the stack, payed for it, and left.[/quote]

I understand snatching up things at a great deal, I don't get being a ass.
My wife picked up three 55$ NES style GBA SP's yesterday at Target. As she was getting them another guy noticed them, she asked if he wanted them. He said no actually but at least she did the decent thing. I mean without someone else helping us (OP on this site) we'd never even have known about it. Sharing a little isn't going to kill someone. I mean this site is all about sharing when it comes down to it.

Also, I went to the Mobile, Al store (I noticed I'm in the least the second guy from here that made it there).
They had a few copies of Spyro for PSX left at 1.50. I didn't get one... probably should have.
I got GTA 2 for PSX for 1.50,
a multitap for PSX, 1.50,
Warcraft expansion for 2 (left one), and
Wild Arms 3 for 3.

Nothing great but worth the visit I suppose. Guy behind the counter said in a little while they'll be doing 50% off on newer/better games.
[quote name='slidecage']WOW there are TRU that still use the White papers for video games and for ALL you people complaining about the hoarders. You know for a damn fact that MOST OF THE PEOPLE complain would of HOARD The games if they got their before the person who got the games got them

If you wanted those game so badly Pay the 70% off and dont Cry that someone hogged them all at 90%.....

:) i hogged all the R racing Reloution for gamecubes i got 8 of them WOOO (if anyone needs a cheap one let me know ) IT had the VS pacman in the game with it so EACH Case could hold 2 Gamecube games ... That is the main reason i got them i need gamecube cases badly[/quote]

Shut up. We all know you hoard so don't try to act like this is something new to you. Mister "I forgot I don't have an Xbox". Its people like you that ruin good deals. And why do you spell one word in caps LIKE this?
I can't understand the logic of those ebay people hoarding games that are only worth like $5-10 anyway! If you put it on ebay you will be lucky to make anything after you pay $2-3 in ebay fees and $2-3 in paypal fees. People are just retarded. If you are using them as trading fodder then that makes sense.
[quote name='megashock5']Hmm. I was told by my EB that Eternal Darkness wasn't excluded. Nevertheless it brings a whopping $1.50.[/quote]

ED is on the exclusion list for OTHER deals, this deal only has the sports games as exclusions.
Anyways, I went over to the Toys R Us in West LA.

I took them down domination street. Lots of fodder for the EB trade in deal. I left tons of games even after spending $80. There are tons of games that are unmarked in that place, it's ridiculous...this is like the one and only time being a TRU employee has paid off.

Everything that I got was $3 or less.

Here is a list of what I got, lots I got in multiples:

Blood Omen 2 $1
Mat Hoffman Pro BMX 2 $1
Top Gear Daredevil $1
IHRA Drag Racing $1.50
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 $1
Ejay Clubworld $1
Mad Maestro $1
Stretch and Panic $1.50
Butt Ugly Martians $1
Pro Bass Challenge (mark davis) $1
Reel Fishing 3 $1
Road Trip $1.50
Sled Storm $1
NFL Blitz pro $2
Wipeout Fusion $2.50

Wakeboarding Unleashed feat. Shaun Murray $3
Exhibition vol 2 $.50

Sega Marine Fishing $1

They had these 6 packs of games ($3 each) with the following games:
dukes of hazzards gh
sw phantom menace gh
ihra drag racing
skydiving extreme
razor racing
burstrick wake boarding

blaster master $1

gba (each was $1 or $2):
muppets the show must go on
virtua tennis
razor freestyle scooter
x-bladez inline skater

A couple of side notes: none of the gba games I bought were tagged. The only game on the gba side that was tagged was tiger woods (gba, the first one, it was $2). They had a bunch of crappy gbc and old gba accessories.

Stuff they had when I left, TONS of GC battery packs. Lots of 2003 winter jam packs. still games on their table, nothing notable, maybe GameDay 2004 for $3 or Gladius GC for $5, Eternal Darkness for $3.60, Zapper for $4, etc. Lots of Mark Davis Pro Bass, a few Reel Fishing 3 (which traded in for $2 at eb! +bonus), lots of stretch and panic, lots of road trip, lots of sled storm, lots of nhl hitz pro, lots of mad maestro, etc)

edit: they also had some gekido for gba, I think it's green tagged but I didn't even check, they had a number of copies.

Good luck to everyone.
mummy returns + dvd = 2
sports bundle = 1.20
nhl 2k2 = 2.00
bass fishing = 0.50
marine fishing = 1.00
nhl 2k = 1.00
world series baseball = 1.00
carrier = 2.00
typing of the dead = 2.00
typing of the dead = 2.00 (picked this up for Casey)
tennis 2k2 = 1.00
kiss psycho circus = 1.00
shadow man = 3.00

total spend = $20.70
Picked up Mad Maestro (the last copy) for $1 and some Road Rash game for GBA for $2. Got two Incredible Hulk figures for $.60 each. Nothing much else to buy. Got my stuff at the west side TRU in Madison as well.
[quote name='megashock5']Hmm. I was told by my EB that Eternal Darkness wasn't excluded. Nevertheless it brings a whopping $1.50.[/quote]

That's odd, I trade in a stack of crap at my EB and the guy didn't even look at what games there were except for the one's that didn't show up in the computer...I also picked up a DC light gun for $8 while I was there! :)
i just went to the bytesizedeals.com to check it out....talk about retarded. these guys are using retail sales like TRU to "make money" i guess a $.05 profit margin is worth it...
I dont understand the hoarding aspect of this sale either, at least during the CC sale there were a FEW rare items that could be found, most of the stuff here... you couldnt make more than a couple bucks after fees on each... and with the hassle to get the games, emailing the buyer, and shipping the games off, it isnt worth the hassle
Just got back from the TRU in Industry (SoCal). Had NOTHING. all the 90% green tags were in shopping carts in the front of the store, no games had the sticker. What a let down.
[quote name='hitmandls2']Went to the Okemos, MI store today at 12:30pm, Picked up Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition and Space Invaders for the GBA.

I just want to say thanks to the asshat who horded everything in the store. This guy literally left nothing with a green tag on it. While I got what I wanted, I feel bad for others as this guy bought 70+ games, at least a dozen accessories, and almost every strategy guide they had.

When I asked him to share one of the 6 copies of Eternal Darkness he had stacked on the checkout counter he replied with a friendly “Blow me.”

I really hope this guy was not a CAG because he was just a real ass.[/quote]

sounds like someone from fatwallet got there before you
[quote name='gaelan']i just went to the bytesizedeals.com to check it out....talk about retarded. these guys are using retail sales like TRU to "make money" i guess a $.05 profit margin is worth it...[/quote]

LOL! What a cheap copy of cheap ass gamer!
[quote name='gaelan']i just went to the bytesizedeals.com to check it out....talk about retarded. these guys are using retail sales like TRU to "make money" i guess a $.05 profit margin is worth it...[/quote]

You know, I started out in bytesizedeals before I knew about CAG. I got tipped about CAG when I went to the CC deal with a list (incomplete) of the $5 clearance sales. Someone asked me if I got the list from cheapassgamer. I was like cheapasswhat? Anyway, long story short, he steered me to the site and I haven't logged back into bytesizedeals since.
[quote name='dingo382']Just got back from the TRU in Industry (SoCal). Had NOTHING. all the 90% green tags were in shopping carts in the front of the store, no games had the sticker. What a let down.[/quote]

really? i was hoping they would have something, hopefully it's just a bad store and they haven't tagged anything...I'll report back later if I go there later this afternoon.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='polaricecaves'][quote name='Scorch'][quote name='polaricecaves']cape cod baby!!
I'm the CAG[/quote]

No, you're just a jerk.[/quote]

I am a jerk because i bought all the games that had been on sale, gathering dust, for 6 months! sorry CAGs. Y'all need to move around more

Scorch or fellow CAGs if anyone wants a copy of Club Ejay for Xbox they are $5 shipped

Thanks OP

don't be a cheap ass baby[/quote]

Yeah, what he said. 12 copies of a game, even for trade fodder? WTF? How about leaving some for someone else, even if they're gathering dust for 6 months?[/quote]

That all depends on what is left though. I got about 10 Mad Maestros at Christmas time for free, but there were over 30 left (I stopped counting - I wanted to make sure I wasn't screwing anybody over). And they were all still there like two weeks ago when I went to TRU. So, I don't think it's the number, but the potential harm to other CAGs... There are apparently hardly any CAGs to none at all where I live. (Although I have run into a couple of FWers :twoguns: .)
I was told by an employee that most of the stuff that the price ends in xx.98 is green tag. I picked up some stuff and price checked them like this, and except for Amplitude they all were 90% off.

Bullshit story. I went in at 10am today, and asked a lady which one of the portable screens was green tagged. She went and checked some list and told me that none of them were green tagged. I went around the corner and heard a comotion, and like 6 employees were fighting over who could get the $13 vcr/lcd combo! They didn't even know about it until I asked the lady to check for me, and she had told me that none of them were on sale! Pretty shitty customer service, lying to customers so they can get the good deals. I bitched at that lady, but let the employee who really wanted it have it, since I really did not need it and I felt like being nice.
[quote name='accameron']I was told by an employee that most of the stuff that the price ends in xx.98 is green tag. I picked up some stuff and price checked them like this, and except for Amplitude they all were 90% off.

Bullshit story. I went in at 10am today, and asked a lady which one of the portable screens was green tagged. She went and checked some list and told me that none of them were green tagged. I went around the corner and heard a comotion, and like 6 employees were fighting over who could get the $13 vcr/lcd combo! They didn't even know about it until I asked the lady to check for me, and she had told me that none of them were on sale! Pretty shitty customer service, lying to customers so they can get the good deals. I bitched at that lady, but let the employee who really wanted it have it, since I really did not need it and I felt like being nice.[/quote]

I've run into that problem countless times on deals, although usually at EBGames.
[quote name='accameron']I was told by an employee that most of the stuff that the price ends in xx.98 is green tag. I picked up some stuff and price checked them like this, and except for Amplitude they all were 90% off.

Bullshit story. I went in at 10am today, and asked a lady which one of the portable screens was green tagged. She went and checked some list and told me that none of them were green tagged. I went around the corner and heard a comotion, and like 6 employees were fighting over who could get the $13 vcr/lcd combo! They didn't even know about it until I asked the lady to check for me, and she had told me that none of them were on sale! Pretty shitty customer service, lying to customers so they can get the good deals. I bitched at that lady, but let the employee who really wanted it have it, since I really did not need it and I felt like being nice.[/quote]

That's not true at all....stuff that ends in .98 are clearance items and almost none of the clearance items are green tagged. Some have been dropped to clearance prices and they are so old they are green tagged on top of that...maybe that's what they were talking about.
[quote name='zman73']I dont understand the hoarding aspect of this sale either, at least during the CC sale there were a FEW rare items that could be found, most of the stuff here... you couldnt make more than a couple bucks after fees on each... and with the hassle to get the games, emailing the buyer, and shipping the games off, it isnt worth the hassle[/quote]

Heh, well I was told that when the Mobile Toys R Us first went down to 70% (like right after they were tagged) someone came in and got a few hundred dollars worth of games immediately. Wasn't you was it? :wink:

But, I mean if people set up a booth at the Flea Market or something they could probably make their money back with a healthy profit. But Ebay takes so much time and has all those fees like you said.
[quote name='accameron']also, can you trade in Mad Maestro at ebgames under their deal?[/quote]

It says anything aside from sports...
[quote name='accameron']also, can you trade in Mad Maestro at ebgames under their deal?[/quote]

I did earlier today, I think it got a whooping Quarter but factor in the bonus and it's money.
I visited 2 TRUs today one in Union City, NJ and the one in Times Square, NYC. This is what I got:
Eternal Darkness - $4
Rouge Ops - $2

Marine Fishing - $1

This is what I saw:

Union City, NJ:
Eternal Darkness - 2 left

Primal - alot
Tiger Woods
some football game

NCAA 2k3

A slew of Dreamcast sports
A slew of ps1 sports

Eternal Darkness - 10+ copies

Two bins full of Xbox and PS2 titles.
Might go back to get for trade-ins in EBGames. Wanted to get a memory card and controllers (GC) but they weren't on special. :( Oh, well.
[quote name='seanw']Yep. There are two in Madison, and the one I didn't go to today is like that.[/quote]

Did you go to the one by the West Town Mall? If so, is there anything decent left there? I'm deciding whether or not its worth it to head over there after work.
does ebgames let you trade in multiple copies of the same game? Like 6 mad maestros, for example? And also, is the maximum that you can trade in at a time 6 games at ebgames?
Just picked up an 5.6" Xbox LCD screen for $14.99. Yeah, we all know about that. But they offered me a Buyer's Protection Plan for it and I asked what that entailed. Apparently for $2.99 you are covered for (forgot amount of time, at least a year), blah, blah, blah. Pretty standard stuff. Well, then they tell me that if anything goes wrong with it within the time period, I can bring it in and they will replace it with a comparable item (would have to be the 7.2", since they don't carry the 5.6" anymore) or they would credit me the original price of $149.99. :shock:

I couldn't pass that up. Here's hoping that this thing doesn't work when I get home. :lol:
Are the tagged games universal for all TRU's? Or does it vary store by store? I know supplies will vary but do the prices vary?
so i go into the TRU in bloomingdale, IL and low and behold- 3 carts full of ALL the good stuff. the green tagged surround 5.1 speakers, the 5.6 inch screens, a bunch of games, accessories, etc. so i start rummaging through the pile like a mad man and the TRU clerk said i'm sorry sir, that stuff is that man's over there, he's still shopping around. ARGH! this old bag was hoarding everything in sight. GR! i wanted that lcd screen. he seriously had 4 carts overflowing with goodies. oh well, i went to the back of the store and drove around on this little tractor thingy running stuff over with the plow so at least i had a bit of fun.
[quote name='accameron']does ebgames let you trade in multiple copies of the same game? Like 6 mad maestros, for example? And also, is the maximum that you can trade in at a time 6 games at ebgames?[/quote]

I wouldnt try more than 2 of the same title at a time, and the one time I did do that (with 2 dollar overstock games).. I made sure to ask first if I could do that... also if they minded that the games were still sealed
[quote name='accameron']again, does ebgames allow you to trade in multiple copies of the same game?[/quote]

3 minutes passed between your two posts. And you received your answer. May I suggest decaf?
Psone LCD 23.00

Typing of the Dead 1.00 Last one
Crazy Taxi 2 1.00 Last one
NHL 2K2 2.00 Last one
VT 2K2 1.00

VT GBA 1.00
WWE XI8 GBA 1.49

Backyard Wrestling Xbox 1.49
UFC tapout Xbox 1.49

Black and Bruised PS2 2.00

Fade to Black 1.00 Last one
Mortal Kombat Trilogy 1.00 Last one
Evil Zone 1.00 Last one
Road Rash 3D 2.00

Almost forgot about the guides . . .
Socom 2 1.49
Crimson Skies .01
Manhunt .01

Decent Haul Plently left too . . .
TRU Deerfield, IL
[quote name='shipwreck']Just picked up an 5.6" Xbox LCD screen for $14.99. Yeah, we all know about that. But they offered me a Buyer's Protection Plan for it and I asked what that entailed. Apparently for $2.99 you are covered for (forgot amount of time, at least a year), blah, blah, blah. Pretty standard stuff. Well, then they tell me that if anything goes wrong with it within the time period, I can bring it in and they will replace it with a comparable item (would have to be the 7.2", since they don't carry the 5.6" anymore) or they would credit me the original price of $149.99. :shock:

I couldn't pass that up. Here's hoping that this thing doesn't work when I get home. :lol:[/quote]

covered for 45 day already guaranteed by TRU add on a year ontop of the manufactures warranty. They REPLACE it if something were to happen to it. I always tell customers to run their games over with a truck, just don't tell them you ran it over with a truck...

They will either replace with the same item or give you a gift card to purchase another. They won't give you a comparable item (read the policy, I hope they gave you a pamphlet)...the company that does the buyer protection plan is an affliate of TRU but is NOT TRU. The buyer protection plan is pretty much a scam unless your giving the games to your kids and they might scratch them.
Just came back from the Toys R Us in Fresno, California. Nothing interesting over there. So I grabbed what I could get:

Tennis 2K2 (DC) - $1
Primal (PS2) - $1.50
Wave Race: Blue Storm (GCN) - $5

Hey zewone, there were only two copies left of Primal (and they both weren't tagged with the green sticker). So I picked up just one. Hopefully, you can nab the other one. There's also one copy left of Wave Race: Blue Storm (priced at $49.99, savings after 90% discount: $5). And one copy of the GameCube version of Glaidus (same price as Blue Storm). I also saw Homeworld 2 for the PC, but wasn't sure if it was good or not (it was $11.98 or somewhere around there before the 90% discount).
[quote name='WhoDey']Are the tagged games universal for all TRU's? Or does it vary store by store? I know supplies will vary but do the prices vary?[/quote]

The green tag is universal...most prices will not vary but some will since some games were clearance before being put on green tag and clearance prices are YMMV. But most of the games that that happened to totally suck or are totally old. So far price only varies by a few dollars from what I've seen.
[quote name='Zon27'][quote name='shipwreck']Just picked up an 5.6" Xbox LCD screen for $14.99. Yeah, we all know about that. But they offered me a Buyer's Protection Plan for it and I asked what that entailed. Apparently for $2.99 you are covered for (forgot amount of time, at least a year), blah, blah, blah. Pretty standard stuff. Well, then they tell me that if anything goes wrong with it within the time period, I can bring it in and they will replace it with a comparable item (would have to be the 7.2", since they don't carry the 5.6" anymore) or they would credit me the original price of $149.99. :shock:

I couldn't pass that up. Here's hoping that this thing doesn't work when I get home. :lol:[/quote]

covered for 45 day already guaranteed by TRU add on a year ontop of the manufactures warranty. They REPLACE it if something were to happen to it. I always tell customers to run their games over with a truck, just don't tell them you ran it over with a truck...

They will either replace with the same item or give you a gift card to purchase another. They won't give you a comparable item (read the policy, I hope they gave you a pamphlet)...the company that does the buy protection plan is an affliate of TRU but is NOT TRU. The buyer protection plan is a scam unless your giving the games to your kids and they might scratch them.[/quote]

Yeah, that's what they said, that they would give me a gift card to purchase another, but in the amount of $149.99, not $14.99. I misspoke earlier when I was talking about the comparable item. I think it was $2.99 well spent. Especially since the package for the screen had been opened before.
Went to TRU on my lunchbreak. Nothing too exciting, but here's what I scored:

Terminator: DoF $3
Some Star Trek Voyager game for PS2 $3
Drake $4 (took to FYE for $#15 in store credit)
Winter Jampack '03 $.79
Max Payne 2 gudie 1 cent
Manhunt guide x 4 1 cent
SCII (PS2) $6
Black and Bruised (PS2) $2

I could tell other CAG's or bargain hunters had been there. I'm going back tom. for a few more copies of Drake. Funny to say but it was the only game that was really "worth" something.
[quote name='shipwreck'][quote name='Zon27'][quote name='shipwreck']Just picked up an 5.6" Xbox LCD screen for $14.99. Yeah, we all know about that. But they offered me a Buyer's Protection Plan for it and I asked what that entailed. Apparently for $2.99 you are covered for (forgot amount of time, at least a year), blah, blah, blah. Pretty standard stuff. Well, then they tell me that if anything goes wrong with it within the time period, I can bring it in and they will replace it with a comparable item (would have to be the 7.2", since they don't carry the 5.6" anymore) or they would credit me the original price of $149.99. :shock:

I couldn't pass that up. Here's hoping that this thing doesn't work when I get home. :lol:[/quote]

covered for 45 day already guaranteed by TRU add on a year ontop of the manufactures warranty. They REPLACE it if something were to happen to it. I always tell customers to run their games over with a truck, just don't tell them you ran it over with a truck...

They will either replace with the same item or give you a gift card to purchase another. They won't give you a comparable item (read the policy, I hope they gave you a pamphlet)...the company that does the buy protection plan is an affliate of TRU but is NOT TRU. The buyer protection plan is a scam unless your giving the games to your kids and they might scratch them.[/quote]

Yeah, that's what they said, that they would give me a gift card to purchase another, but in the amount of $149.99, not $14.99. I misspoke earlier when I was talking about the comparable item. I think it was $2.99 well spent. Especially since the package for the screen had been opened before.[/quote]

Eh, good luck with it. I'd rather have the screen rather than have to go through the process of getting another.

I know with systems they send you a mailer box to ship the system to them in and they try to fix it and if they can't they send you a new one (this is for things $149.99 and over, service plan). However, your plan is a lower cost plan which is a replacement plan, I'm not sure if they'll have you ship the screen to them or not, probably though.

I sold a $2.99 replacement plan for Taiko yesterday, the guy seemed pretty pleased...2.99 for that game is pretty good to cover it a year.
[quote name='gamefreak1025']Does anyone still have the green tag list, because if they do then can they post it, i would be forever grateful...thank you[/quote]

No offense if you take the time to skim over my posts in this thread you'll find what I said about that.
TRU across from the Ocean County Mall in Toms River, New Jersey was pretty much picked clean. I just got back and I bought a limited edition soul calibur 2 strat guide (24.99 down to $2 and change), and 5 copies of perfect dark ($1 a piece).
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