CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='MisterBee']Sorry, Metaly the "How Harmonix is screwing the PS3 user base" has dropped, no PS3 RB3 keyboard bundle in the US, despite existing everywhere else in the world...[/QUOTE]

I can't wait to hear their rationale. :wall:Oh well, not a huge deal since I'm planning to pick it up later on. Still annoyed with Harmonix on principle, though.
Mostly aimed at Metaly (and anybody else gettin' in on it) - I got my Assassin's Creed Brotherhood beta invite today. The download is like 2.8 GB, so set aside some time to dl it.

Anybody playin' anything tonight?
Thanks for the heads up--I'm downloading it now. If it's open to play later, it would be cool to try it out. Otherwise, I could be persuaded to play something else.

I still have one Serious Sam HD code, by the way. And some keychains. Take my free stuff!
OK, because I'm really desperate and I know there's a few trophy whorez in here.

Any of this threads regulars want Avatar - The Game for PS3 naturally at an extra cheapo rate?

$8.50 paypal shipped.
[quote name='kube00']damn I want that beta invite....[/QUOTE]

All I did was pre-order it at Gamestop, wait for the email, then cancel my pre-order.
Screw that. He needs to get off his ass and send emails to companies about getting review copies of games. I'd be amazed if Ubisoft would be like "Yeah, we won't send you a code for the beta for you to review." XD
[quote name='StrandedBrit']OK, because I'm really desperate and I know there's a few trophy whorez in here.

Any of this threads regulars want Avatar - The Game for PS3 naturally at an extra cheapo rate?

$8.50 paypal shipped.


I'll take it... >_>
Yeah let me know if the beta is 1) any good 2) shareable.

If the game is good I'll do a preorder at Gamestop for a code (if the offer is still available)!
[quote name='metaly']I'm going to take another stab (ho ho) at the AC:B beta tonight, around the usual time. It's gonna be totally gay![/QUOTE]

I don't have any homework tonight, so I'll hop on too.

I realize these jokes are funny to nobody but me and metaly.
[quote name='mkernan']All I did was pre-order it at Gamestop, wait for the email, then cancel my pre-order.[/QUOTE]

That's what I did, as well. I'm still downloading, though, so I won't be able to hop on any time soon.

I also got in to the Red Faction: Battlegrounds beta!
So a few weeks ago I got it into my head to start a blog to post reviews. I still need to do some stuff (like add a contact page and junk like that) but I have a few reviews up already and have gotten some feedback from a few people already and figured now is as good a time as any to let everyone else check it out and let me know what you think. So, if you're bored, go check it out and let me know what you think.
[quote name='mguiddy']So a few weeks ago I got it into my head to start a blog to post reviews. I still need to do some stuff (like add a contact page and junk like that) but I have a few reviews up already and have gotten some feedback from a few people already and figured now is as good a time as any to let everyone else check it out and let me know what you think. So, if you're bored, go check it out and let me know what you think.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for sharing, DD. I'll check it out tonight!
[quote name='zenprime']I'm in for some WKC tonight Bubbles, DD, and Random. Hopefully it won't be an hour of silly posing.[/QUOTE]
I'm going through some withdrawal. Especially since we haven't done twice a week in a few weeks. I need a few hours of rambling with crazy zen every week and I never get on zen's team on RFG. :lol:
[quote name='mguiddy']:whee:
I need a few hours of rambling with crazy zen every week[/QUOTE]
What? I'm crazy? :cry: I ramble? Okay, maybe I am little talkative... :bouncy:
[quote name='mguiddy'] and I never get on zen's team on RFG. :lol: [/quote]
I know, what's up with that? :bomb:
Crazy, but in a good way.

Also, see my latest twitter post as to why metaly always wins shit from Volition. XD
[quote name='metaly']I don't have a friend at Volition that I know of., on the other hand...[/QUOTE]
I can't read/remember. You were talking about Visceral... damned "V" names.
[quote name='metaly']I found this whole AC:B beta manual:

Very helpful. It sounds like they might be adding the other mode/map to the beta as community unlocks, although not private games. :)/:cry:[/QUOTE]

Awesome, that's pretty helpful. Although.... I've picked up most of that info after playing it for 3 nights.

[quote name='zenprime']I now have L4D2 for pc. So I can plays it and stuffs.[/QUOTE]

Me too (on Mac).
One of those guys from the team anarchy sent me a "good game" message afterward. What a classy fellow.
Almost as classy as the above fellow.
Out of our group of regulars, I'm pretty sure only three got a key so far. metaly (from your forums), sweetsweettrash (from twitter), and randy_wrecked (from PSN+).
I can be on RF:B tonight around 10pm EST. I'll send you a friend request, OneLetter!

It would be awesome if you could hook up some of the CAG RF:G regulars with beta codes...if you need any help insuring that they get to the right people, just PM me or MGuiddy.
That slime costume...

I would love a RF:B code!

BTW anyone wanna play Blur/RDR tonight? I've got next Friday off so I plan to play RFG until my thumbs fall off
[quote name='OneLetter']Anyone here get into the RFB Beta? We're attempting to do some stress testing all this week, with full details available here:

I may have some extra keys coming to me as well later today, so if I do, I'll stop by and drop a few off.[/QUOTE]

Actually yeah, I won one from you on Twitter. I'll try to play tonight during the stress test. Thanks for dropping in!
[quote name='OneLetter']Anyone here get into the RFB Beta? We're attempting to do some stress testing all this week, with full details available here:

I may have some extra keys coming to me as well later today, so if I do, I'll stop by and drop a few off.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably get on around 7 Pacific, so about an hour in. Hope to see you on!

[quote name='MisterBee']Metaly up for some SSFIV after the stress test?[/QUOTE]

Sounds good. I'll probably be on earlier, too, if you're around.
bread's done