CAGLS: Madden 13 Gentlemen's League - We Finished! Thanks for Playing!

[quote name='DVO21']it should go by record or actual draft order i think that way its kinda like a waiver wire.[/QUOTE]

I say draft order. Gives the teams who didn't do as well last season first chance at the better players that are available.
[quote name='Konfusion']I say draft order. Gives the teams who didn't do as well last season first chance at the better players that are available.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Besides, the whole point of organized FA is to stop the teams with a ton of cap space taking all the good players.
As long as everyone keeps in mind that they need 53 players. You can't sign Tom Brady to a $15M deal when you only have $17M in cap space and still need 8 players to fill your roster.
[quote name='GamerDude316']I agree. Besides, the whole point of organized FA is to stop the teams with a ton of cap space taking all the good players.[/QUOTE]

I think it's more about preventing the owners who are in game when we advance or shortly after from taking all the good guys just because they were the first to start their game up.
[quote name='Konfusion']I think it's more about preventing the owners who are in game when we advance or shortly after from taking all the good guys just because they were the first to start their game up.[/QUOTE]

that too.
Man Texas first 4 games:


Also I believe if I counted right in at 47 players so ill take my draft FA then have to do a little work on the free for all!

The TEXANS will be asking the other preseason owners we play to go ahead and play My CPU.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Ok, so draft order it is. We need a squatter for the Rams now.[/QUOTE]

I would just PM bv or fero. I bet one of them would do it.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Ok, so draft order it is. We need a squatter for the Rams now.[/QUOTE]

BV or someone might squat for us
[quote name='Docb9110']Man Texas first 4 games:


Jesus...the longer we play this game, I feel like the dumber it gets. Really hoping EA gets something right with Madden 25...though, the fact that they're calling it Madden 25 to begin with probably isn't a good sign.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Jesus...the longer we play this game, I feel like the dumber it gets. Really hoping EA gets something right with Madden 25...though, the fact that they're calling it Madden 25 to begin with probably isn't a good sign.[/QUOTE]

Haven't we played like this the last few seasons? I think the NFL took a page from madden (SCARY) because the Texans had a similar schedule at the end of this last year with the colts plate 2 out of the last 3 games to end the season?
[quote name='slofton']I don't..... I just.... What?[/QUOTE]

I guess it wants to get those pesky division games out of the way so the programming doesn't have to work to hard to fuck up the playoffs so close to the playoffs?
[quote name='Docb9110']I guess it wants to get those pesky division games out of the way so the programming doesn't have to work to hard to fuck up the playoffs so close to the playoffs?[/QUOTE]

lol Nailed it.
I've got $12 million, didn't oops anything ;)

The number on the site went up to 48, now I'm feeling pretty good about this team. Plenty of extra cash to spend since I had to miss the draft.
My schedule looks fun I'm prett excited. New teams/players I get to play: colts, Seahawks, cardinals, texans, titans, 49ers.

Also still have a few slots to fill but have cap so im ready to play!
[quote name='Yo Soy El Tiger']People traded up draft picks. ..those or pre trade draft order[/QUOTE]

It's really based on last season's record. Draft order just makes it easy to decide who picks first between teams with the same record. So to answer your question, before trades.
bengals drafted pretty well.
drafted a RE 82 overall and this dudes fast
LE overall 80 and he is also very fast
WR that has pretty good hands and release he isnt very fast but will be great in the redzone and he is 6'5"
got another WR that is pretty quick he will be my return guy
found a CB with nice speed decent man and press coverage his awareness isnt great but he might find the field if someone gets hurt.

now it time to make plans in FA

bengals are sitting at 52 players but i dont think all 52 will stay unless FA doesnt have much to offer at the positions i would like to fill. i really like the moves i made in the off season i think the defense has really gotten better. offense should pretty much be the same though which is just fine with me
[quote name='Konfusion']It's really based on last season's record. Draft order just makes it easy to decide who picks first between teams with the same record. So to answer your question, before trades.[/QUOTE]

Ed Reed retired...after the last week of the offseason. lol
my draft went well also, got a LE whos an 88 overall, CB who is a 80 overall, and a RT who was a 85 overall. Im happy. From what im reading it sounds like you guys already know the schedule coming up, how'd u do that?
[quote name='Konfusion']Ed Reed retires AFTER the draft. What a scumbag move. Good thing I drafted a defensive back with my 23rd pick.[/QUOTE]

don't worry im not upset about it ;)
If any one needs a MLB, im willing to trade Tolliver Burk, dude is an 87 overall, im looking for a WR in the 80s with good speed. Right now i plan to play him at OLB bc i got Willis but let hit me up if you got an offer
[quote name='DVO21']bengals drafted pretty well.
drafted a RE 82 overall and this dudes fast
LE overall 80 and he is also very fast
WR that has pretty good hands and release he isnt very fast but will be great in the redzone and he is 6'5"
got another WR that is pretty quick he will be my return guy
found a CB with nice speed decent man and press coverage his awareness isnt great but he might find the field if someone gets hurt.

now it time to make plans in FA

bengals are sitting at 52 players but i dont think all 52 will stay unless FA doesnt have much to offer at the positions i would like to fill. i really like the moves i made in the off season i think the defense has really gotten better. offense should pretty much be the same though which is just fine with me[/QUOTE]

I'm alright with my draft, but I think it could've gone better. Disappointed I didn't get the Colts pick or Cowboys picks that I was planning on having.

I got 3 starters and a backup guard. My first round TE should be a beast, he is 6'6", 86 SPD, and 90 CIT. I got 2 other TE who are 90 SPD and decent CIT ratings. My CB and C I drafted should be starters and my new guard would fill in nicely if I have an injury in the interior of my line. I have 49 players, but over $20M in cap room.
[quote name='DVO21']don't worry im not upset about it ;)[/QUOTE]

I had a plan in case he did retire. Obviously I would like to have him, but I can just replace him with a cornerback and probably not see much of a downgrade. I mostly used him in man coverage on TE anyway.
I mentioned this before, but I'm going to be gone from this Wednesday to next Wednesday so I'll have to miss some offseason stuff. I don't know what we'll do with free agency/waiver stuff, but I'll try to message on here if that can keep people off players that I may be able to claim. I'm trying to get my roster down closer to 53 before I go so players I don't want cut don't get cut. I'll also save it all before I go to just in case the game messes it up.
need to check my overalls etc tomorrow hopefully, still looking to offload asomougha thought, need to dump a bit of cap to fill up my roster most likely. anyone still interested feel free to PM me
I ended up okay in the draft, had hoped to get a better WR but Lyela and Davis are alright. Also got a solid LB and solid backup QB to Josh Freeman. Especially since any CB I would have taken at 10 is comparable to Griffin, and I got 2 extra picks out of it. Not bad.
I have quite a bit of cap space and I'm more than willing to lose some money if it helps me upgrade at WR or Offensive Line. Just shoot me a PM if anyone is interested.
thats weird the story line says i signed DE michael johnson to a 1 year 3 million dollar deal. that guy sucks and i cut him last year. EA needs to work on there shit big time for madden 25
well i get to play some good teams in the regular season and some of the new guyes and some guyes that i havent played since madden 12 so it should be a fun season... im just hoping i can make it to the playoffs again the super bowl would be fun but the AFC is a really tough conference to even get in the playoffs
[quote name='GamerDude316']I ended up okay in the draft, had hoped to get a better WR but Lyela and Davis are alright. Also got a solid LB and solid backup QB to Josh Freeman. Especially since any CB I would have taken at 10 is comparable to Griffin, and I got 2 extra picks out of it. Not bad.[/QUOTE]

That QB had some nice ratings. I was getting ready to take him until you grabbed him.
[quote name='Konfusion']I'm alright with my draft, but I think it could've gone better. Disappointed I didn't get the Colts pick or Cowboys picks that I was planning on having.

I got 3 starters and a backup guard. My first round TE should be a beast, he is 6'6", 86 SPD, and 90 CIT. I got 2 other TE who are 90 SPD and decent CIT ratings. My CB and C I drafted should be starters and my new guard would fill in nicely if I have an injury in the interior of my line. I have 49 players, but over $20M in cap room.[/QUOTE]

Well I just got home from my day of Easter Travel and that is some bad news. ^^^
[quote name='njrockpd']Well I just got home from my day of Easter Travel and that is some bad news. ^^^[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the game fucked up pretty hard and didn't process a number of trades...even after we advanced. Pretty freaking stupid. Truth be told, I'm glad this is the last season. I'm really over this game and all of its issues at this point. I fully intend on spending this season just leisurely strolling through my games and laughing along the way. Definitely no expectations here.
Me either if I lost my QB and all of my O-linemen because the game cancelled my trades and I couldn't draft.

EDIT: also what are we doing about Free agency? I figured we will have some sort of order is that in effect or not yet?
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']No one is to sign any free agents following the draft!

We will be doing a draft style for free agent pick ups by grouping teams!

Any team that signs a free agent will receive a strike and be forced to drop that free agent![/QUOTE]

bringin' it back for the new page
All right, fero has agreed to squat the Rams for us. So, that's a big help. I've got to try to convince my daughter to go to sleep, but I'll try to get back on to advance us in a little while. And I'll post the list for free agency in the morning. I would do it tonight...but considering it's already midnight on the east coast, that doesn't seem very fair.

[quote name='perdition(troy']Damn a rookie running back with 99 speed went undrafted[/QUOTE]

im sure there has to be something wrong with him or he wouldnt be there
bread's done