CAGLS: Madden 13 Gentlemen's League - We Finished! Thanks for Playing!

[quote name='perdition(troy']Question on qbs, can we sign and drop one for our preseason games if we have no backup?[/QUOTE]

You definitely should pick somebody up so your starter doesn't end up playing the entire game and mining XP. However, I also don't think it should be one of the better FA that could be a player someone wants to use their pick on. So, I would say sign one of the lowest 3 QBs available.
so around what time are we going to do this 1 round of FA today? or is that a different day? I'm going to be gone after 3pm PST today.
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hahah i saw that this morning. My draft was alright, picked up a 90 ovr starting right guard, 90 run block, 70 pass. should do well, other than that though pretty mediocre.

Are all the undrafted rookies in the free agent list?
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']You definitely should pick somebody up so your starter doesn't end up playing the entire game and mining XP. However, I also don't think it should be one of the better FA that could be a player someone wants to use their pick on. So, I would say sign one of the lowest 3 QBs available.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to have to do this.
Buffalo to cut Witten, n8 to wake up and get a schedule going, etc lol.

Maybe someone can help out and get a draft schedule going?

I know chargers were first but after that I have no idea.
I signed a kicker off of FA. He was the lowest rated one. More than willing to cut him if needed, but had to get him so I could do my practice/games
Maybe we can just make it a practice for preseason that if we are signing someone to get the game in we can just post the position and name in case those look at free agency are interested. It makes it easier for everyone.
So I think it was:

1 Chargers
2 Browns
3 Packers
4 Giants
5 Cowboys
6 Falcons
7 Raiders
8 Rams
9 Steelers
10 Bucs
11 Jaguars
12 Panthers
13 Colts
14 Cardinals
15 Patriots
16 Bears
17 Dolphins
18 Titans
19 Redskins
20 Broncos
21 Seahawks
22 Saints
23 Bills
24 Bengals
25 Texans
26 Vikings
27 Ravens
28 Eagles
29 Chiefs
30 49ers
31 Jets
32 Lions

1. Chargers
2. Browns
3. Packers
4. Giants
5. Cowboys
6. Falcons
7. Raiders
8. Rams
9. Steelers
10. Buccaneers
11. jaguars
12. 49ers
13. Colts
14. Cardinals
15. Lions
16. Bears
17. Dolphins
18. Titans
19. Rams
20. Broncos
21. Seahawks
22. Saints
23. Ravens
24. 49ers
25. Texans
26. Jets
27. Eagles
28. Chiefs
29. Chiefs
30. Giants
31. Bears
32. Patriots

If people can just post their spot I'll start editing it in. 49ers and Texans should have been around 29 or 30.
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and just fyi this list is pre-trade, I just found Konfusion posted one with trades a few pages back so I can work off that too. (so we can go by record for the FA draft). the first two groups should be right.
I was thinking the Texans, but I might have the Bills/Texans mixed up so I was waiting for clarification on that. I think its Texans 25 Bills 23 but since that is a bracket cut off I wanted to be certain.
[quote name='bvharris']You shut your whore mouth.[/QUOTE]

If it was a legitimate thing then I am very sorry and consider my whore mouth shut.
[quote name='KasterDB']:whistle2:#

If it was a legitimate thing then I am very sorry and consider my whore mouth shut.[/QUOTE]

It was awful. I have never seen so many "fuck" used. It was absolutely terrible.
This morning I found an unused 1600 pt code that I bought back around the end of December with some gift card I received for Christmas. I came home after buying it and somehow it got buried under mail and other bills until I found it today while cleaning up my house.

Since this league is one of the few reasons I even turn my 360 on anymore, I'm going to give it away to a random team/person at the end of the season, provided that team/person sticks it through the whole season. I figure some guys will leave or put their team on autopilot regardless when they realize they won't make the playoffs and I'd like to do my part to avoid that. There are some end of season games that make a huge difference in the playoff picture, whether your team is in or not. I was knocked out of the playoffs early last season and still played out my games. This isnt a perfect example, but I very nearly beat the Jets in the last game of the season(lost with 20 seconds left), who ended up going to the Super Bowl. If I would have won, the Broncos would have gotten the last wild card spot over the Jets and they wouldn't have even made the playoffs. If the Jets had to play the CPU, it most likely would've been an easier victory. I'm sure there's another similar story out there.

At the end of the season I'll assign every team that went through the whole season a number and use one of those random number generators to pick a winner.
I did a practice without a kicker on my team and the CPU auto signed Ryan Longwell to the Cowboys. I released him immediately, but I wanted to post it so people didn't think I was signing people on purpose.
[quote name='Flyersfan']This morning I found an unused 1600 pt code that I bought back around the end of December with some gift card I received for Christmas. I came home after buying it and somehow it got buried under mail and other bills until I found it today while cleaning up my house.

Since this league is one of the few reasons I even turn my 360 on anymore, I'm going to give it away to a random team/person at the end of the season, provided that team/person sticks it through the whole season. I figure some guys will leave or put their team on autopilot regardless when they realize they won't make the playoffs and I'd like to do my part to avoid that. There are some end of season games that make a huge difference in the playoff picture, whether your team is in or not. I was knocked out of the playoffs early last season and still played out my games. This isnt a perfect example, but I very nearly beat the Jets in the last game of the season(lost with 20 seconds left), who ended up going to the Super Bowl. If I would have won, the Broncos would have gotten the last wild card spot over the Jets and they wouldn't have even made the playoffs. If the Jets had to play the CPU, it most likely would've been an easier victory. I'm sure there's another similar story out there.

At the end of the season I'll assign every team that went through the whole season a number and use one of those random number generators to pick a winner.[/QUOTE]

sounds like a great idea
Ok, here we go. Did GpNinja really sign Jason Witten after the draft? That dude...just he's in both leagues...and we follow very similar procedures on a lot of things... How can he not know? If that's legit, he'll be spending his first game of the regular season suspended.

As for the draft order, I copied down the list before the draft ended. This is group one, which can now make their selection. Remember. You HAVE to post who you're picking up in here first before you do so in the game. Claiming them in here is what gives you rights to the player. That way, people can grab their player from work, on the road, etc, and don't need to be right in front of their Xbox to get it done. Not to mention, it will allow a team to rightfully claim Witten before GpNinja releases him.

Please use the following format:

Team: Tennessee Titans
Player Added: Reginald Johnson, TE

The following teams are now free to add one free agent. Anyone from this group can make a selection. You don't have to wait on the team ahead of you.

1. Chargers
2. Browns
3. Packers
4. Giants - Jason Witten, TE
5. Cowboys
6. Falcons
7. Raiders
8. Rams
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Well, the Cowboys owner has decided to back out of our trade since the picks didn't go through, so Adrian Clayborn is back on the block. 85 OVR 96 power moves. Looking for a starting WR CB or FS.
[quote name='jbake_11']So if I can then its
Team: New York Giants
Player: Jason Witten, TE[/QUOTE]

Yep, he's all yours.

[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']I'd like to claim the best receiver, but I'm at work and can't see who that is. :)[/QUOTE]

You can't access the website?

[quote name='scrub0bk']I know someone probably asked this but is there anyway to chekc your cap from the website?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, just click on "Teams" on the right side. Then scroll down until you see "finances"

[quote name='GamerDude316']Well, the Cowboys owner has decided to back out of our trade since the picks didn't go through, so Adrian Clayborn is back on the block. 85 OVR 96 power moves. Looking for a starting WR CB or FS.[/QUOTE]

I was worried this would happen with some teams. Normally, I'd be very against this and wouldn't allow the team to back out. But with things going screwy in the game, it doesn't really seem fair. As with most things with EA, you're better off just pretending it never happened, lol.
scrub0bk raises a good point. MAKE SURE you have the cap space to sign the player you're choosing. Since this info can be viewed from the website as well, there are no excuses here. If you claim a guy and then end up not having the money to actually sign him, you'll receive a strike as well. It may seem like an innocent goof, but considering it will prevent the teams going after you from making a claim on the player, it would really screw up the process.
[quote name='Yo Soy El Tiger']How long does each group have?[/QUOTE]

I was thinking of allowing Group 2 to go around 6 PM EST tonight. Then do the same process with Groups 3 and 4 tomorrow.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']I was thinking of allowing Group 2 to go around 6 PM EST tonight. Then do the same process with Groups 3 and 4 tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Alright sweet
[quote name='Dark Rider']I really don't like how people in my division are acquiring running backs.[/QUOTE]

Bernard pierce will probably still be my starter. But yeah, lots of speed in the division now with baker and king Collins on the chargers.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Yep, he's all yours.

You can't access the website?

Yeah, just click on "Teams" on the right side. Then scroll down until you see "finances"

I was worried this would happen with some teams. Normally, I'd be very against this and wouldn't allow the team to back out. But with things going screwy in the game, it doesn't really seem fair. As with most things with EA, you're better off just pretending it never happened, lol.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I get it. I'm only annoyed cause I passed on deals for CBs for Clayborn thinking I'd get a upgrade at WR, which led to me dealing out of the 10th pick. Just another frustrating aspect of this game.
bread's done