Comp USA Inventory Blowout $4.99 Games Starts FRIDAY!

[quote name='Alpha2']The thing I hate about compusa is their refusal to put clear price stickers on their games. Probably because they never update the stickers when they DO put them on. Games that should be selling for 10 bucks or less often labeled as 39.99 only to suddenly become 8.98 on clearance when you least expect it.

I'd like to think I'll find something decent tomarrow but then again the compusa I go to has been so slowly phasing out console games that I'll probably be lucky to find ridgeracer for the DS....

...labeled 29.99[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Vinny']I just saw that this sale starts at 6PM... what the fuck?:whistle2:x[/quote]

well come to think of it, it's Friday late afternoon and/or evening.
so hows CompUSA on Friday evenings? too quiet.
so where the folks? probably drinking beer and unwinding.
so the sale would lure people to spend on stuff, rather than beer.

i dunno just a theory.:bouncy:
[quote name='CaoPi']yea most of the deals are Mangers special which tend to be YMMV.[/quote] Yep. Unfortunately there's nothing special about the Manager at my Compusa.
manager's specials tend to be close to the 10 dollar range.... except when they're 33 bucks.

Every 6pm sale I've ever seen at compusa in manhattan is a ridiculous flood of hungry consumerage. Mostly it's people trying to get 500 dollar notebook PCs or maybe a TV. I've usually tended to avoid them because I expect to be in line for an hour and it would suck to grab a game that isnt properly price marked, go to the register only to find it's not cheap enough to be worth my time and have to get off the line and go home empty handed.
I tend to agree with Alpha on a lot of cases when it comes to discontinued games at Compusa. Sometimes you luck out (Front Mission 4 for $5), others have you going what the hell due to their age. I'm sorry but a game that was made in 2002 shouldn't still be retailing near $50, especially in a clearance. I'll leave home around 530 to go to the local COmpusa close to where I work, maybe I'll get lucky and get something. If I know better, the prices they were last time I went will still be in effect and not worth it.
Im ditching work early for Band practice but Im still winging by there. Its kinda on the way home. Ive done OK on past sales. I should be there just as the sale starts. Heres to hoping! :applause:
[quote name='lehviput']i was just at my compusa today and they had all of their gamecube, ds and gba games on clearance. i'm jw if anyone knows if all the compusas are doing this.[/quote]
Same experience with my CompUSA. Almost all the Nintendo stuff is gone. I was looking for DS/GBA stuff, but Gamecube is also pretty sparse. When I asked a store clerk about the lack of DS/GBA stuff, he said they were emphasizing PSP now. Go figure.
[quote name='-Phantom-']Here is a link to all of the items excluding the games:[/QUOTE]

I followed your link, and just bought the CompUSA branded wireless router for $14.99 (no rebates needed). I did the "pick up in store" option because my local store had it in stock but the website did not. I've been waiting to catch that one on sale. It's getting decent reviews. Thanks for the heads up.
In the past, CompUsa has hooked me up with new copies of R.A.D, Grandia Xtreme, Skies of Arcadia Legends (before the reprint), and others. They seem to sell obscure titles no one wants, and if you wait long enough drop them to reasonable prices.
I think I'll pay a visit to my CompUSA. A long time ago when the GBA just came out, I got a brand spanking new GBA for 30 bucks in a sale like this. Might be worth my while to check it out.
[quote name='techstar25']I followed your link, and just bought the CompUSA branded wireless router for $14.99 (no rebates needed). I did the "pick up in store" option because my local store had it in stock but the website did not. I've been waiting to catch that one on sale. It's getting decent reviews. Thanks for the heads up.[/quote]

me too!! great deal, and now I have a reason to check out the sale
[quote name='mportuesi']Same experience with my CompUSA. Almost all the Nintendo stuff is gone. I was looking for DS/GBA stuff, but Gamecube is also pretty sparse. When I asked a store clerk about the lack of DS/GBA stuff, he said they were emphasizing PSP now. Go figure.[/QUOTE]

My local store is also pretty wiped of anything related to the big N as well
[quote name='mportuesi']Same experience with my CompUSA. Almost all the Nintendo stuff is gone. I was looking for DS/GBA stuff, but Gamecube is also pretty sparse. When I asked a store clerk about the lack of DS/GBA stuff, he said they were emphasizing PSP now. Go figure.[/quote]
That's really strange considering that they're both about even in sales in terms of hardware (and I'm guessing that the DS will start to pull ahead a little with the DS Lite being out) and I'm pretty sure the overall software sales for the DS are higher than for the PSP. But who knows, they must know something.

Might stop by a CompUSA later tonight since I'm headed out of town. I've seen a couple decent deals on older games there before, and way back in the day they were the only place I could find Turok 2 for my Christmas present the one year.
Saw a bunch of crappy games for prices too high. Managed to pick up Drakengard 1 and Silent Hill 3 for 10.98 total though, pretty decent in my book.
It'll be 6 in an hour over here. I'm going to cross my fingers for something completely out-of-nowhere good, especially considering I've never seen another human soul in the local CompUSA ever.
Just came back from my local CompUSA. Not a single item was on sale, in games or anywhere else. Everyone in the store had the flyer in their hands and we were all looking for something, anything, that signify this sale existed. But got zilch. However, the only thing I can think of is that they didn't have time to set up yet because I was browsing through the game aisles and they were pretty bare. So perhaps tomorrow after work, they'll be there.
Most of the stuff at my CompUSA is long gone. They actually had a similar sale like this last June/July at my local one. My brother and I probably nabbed like $300+ worth of $9.88 games last time around. Though I did nab one of the King of Fighters double packs for $9.88, marked down from $40.

Oh. My. fucking. God.

This sale was so retarded it hurts. So I get out of work at 6PM and head over to Comp about 5 or 6 blocks away on Broadway. I get there about 15 minutes later expecting the usual mob of crazy consumers but strangly see almost no one in the store. I walked in and headed upstairs hoping to see a table with a few crap sports games and a few other titles no one will buy and maybe a few gems in the rough... But I saw nothing... huh? I walked around for a moment looking for the manager's specials to see most of the racks had been cleaned of a good deal of their stock. The PS2 games were maybe 6 titles still with prices unchanged. Someone had apparently also tried to hide 3 PSP games amid the left overs but all were (for once) labled with prices but prices that indicated no clearance action at all so it was pointless to hide them as they didnt seem to be part of the sale... of DS games there were maybe 4 left, all shit titles that normally would be part of a clearance like Fear Factor, so I figured maybe they did their sale early and these are whats left?

I went back downstairs to check the flyer. It said clearly "sale starts at 6 pm" so they couldn't have sold 2 or 3 dozen games in the 12 minutes it took me to walk to the store with no other signs of purchase frenzy so I went back upstairs and tracked down an employee. I asked him about the clearance and he stated that there was indeed a sale, when asked about games he said "All the clearnce stuff should be downstairs." remember that, it'll be important. I told the employee "Huh? there's no table down there." He looked puzzled for a moment and started to head for another employee to confirm. The next person confirms "yeah, the games should be downstairs." So I walked back down the stairs and looked around I saw a couple of cages with the usual clearance laptops and cameras, all the standard routine, I've been here during their cleanaces and recognize this but their was clearly no table like I'd seen in the past. Then I noticed a guy walking around very quickly with a bunch of Xbox games in a bag, clearly already purchased. As he passed I noticed a gathering of people by a service entrance that normally is "Employees only" and I figured they were all waiting for clearnace desk top computers to be pulled out of storage or maybe printers. A quick survey of both all located downstairs as opposed to upstairs all shown regular price... odd. So I loitered around the crowd wondering what they were waiting for when I noticed the crowd got smaller for a moment. I stepped forward to see how that happened as surely customers werent walking into an employee back room, right?

Suddenly an elevator door opened and a man quietly ushered another group of people in. As if sneaking groupies into the back stage of a concert, When finally pressed for details the man in a low secertive voice said "We're having a sale downstairs"... the fuck? I thought I WAS 'downstairs'... furthermore the hell are you whispering when you have a giant sign and a huge flyer posted int the front of the store with fucking ballons on it?! Another man next to me asked, "Do you need a pass or something to get in?", "No," came the reply "just wait here online."

WHAT'S WITH ALL THE SECRECY!? I finally got in the elevator hidden behind the employee only doors and went downstairs into what apparently was the stock room. As the elevator doors opened I sal a stack of cheaply made 6in screen portable dvd players and some MSN webtv style devices sitting with cleance price lables, further in where dozens of people were crowded around tiny little tables adorned with cheap 128mb mp3 players, a few 250 and 300gb hardrives all for prices more expensive then their MIR prices (oooh a 250gb maxtor for $115? SIGN ME THE HELL UP! even though I got one from you months ago for 70 after rebate!!) and some relativly useless flash drives with ... flashlights on them. Eventually I fought through the crowd to finally get to the games... which were all multiple copies of about 6 different Xbox titles and generally crappy ones at that (I dont give a shit about xbox so dont ask me what they were) and abouf a half dozen of 2 differnt PS2 Jampacks.

COMPLETE waste of time], and the way they were hiding it you'd think they were giving away gold, a totally unnessasary hassle for shit stock. By the time I got there the sale couldnt have been going for more than 25 minutes hardly enough time to clear out "the good stuff". They probably shipped half their stock to the wearhouse for online orders long ago if anything and figured since it was a store wide thing they had to have SOME kind of sale and this is what they came up with...

fuck you CompUSA, fuck you hard.
[quote name='Alpha2']Oh. My. fucking. God.

This sale was so retarded it hurts. So I get out of work at 6PM and head over to Comp about 5 or 6 blocks away on Broadway. I get there about 15 minutes later expecting the usual mob of crazy consumers but strangly see almost no one in the store. I walked in and headed upstairs hoping to see a table with a few crap sports games and a few other titles no one will buy and maybe a few gems in the rough... But I saw nothing... huh? I walked around for a moment looking for the manager's specials to see most of the racks had been cleaned of a good deal of their stock. The PS2 games were maybe 6 titles still with prices unchanged. Someone had apparently also tried to hide 3 PSP games amid the left overs but all were (for once) labled with prices but prices that indicated no clearance action at all so it was pointless to hide them as they didnt seem to be part of the sale... of DS games there were maybe 4 left, all shit titles that normally would be part of a clearance like Fear Factor, so I figured maybe they did their sale early and these are whats left?

I went back downstairs to check the flyer. It said clearly "sale starts at 6 pm" so they couldn't have sold 2 or 3 dozen games in the 12 minutes it took me to walk to the store with no other signs of purchase frenzy so I went back upstairs and tracked down an employee. I asked him about the clearance and he stated that there was indeed a sale, when asked about games he said "All the clearnce stuff should be downstairs." remember that, it'll be important. I told the employee "Huh? there's no table down there." He looked puzzled for a moment and started to head for another employee to confirm. The next person confirms "yeah, the games should be downstairs." So I walked back down the stairs and looked around I saw a couple of cages with the usual clearance laptops and cameras, all the standard routine, I've been here during their cleanaces and recognize this but their was clearly no table like I'd seen in the past. Then I noticed a guy walking around very quickly with a bunch of Xbox games in a bag, clearly already purchased. As he passed I noticed a gathering of people by a service entrance that normally is "Employees only" and I figured they were all waiting for clearnace desk top computers to be pulled out of storage or maybe printers. A quick survey of both all located downstairs as opposed to upstairs all shown regular price... odd. So I loitered around the crowd wondering what they were waiting for when I noticed the crowd got smaller for a moment. I stepped forward to see how that happened as surely customers werent walking into an employee back room, right?

Suddenly an elevator door opened and a man quietly ushered another group of people in. As if sneaking groupies into the back stage of a concert, When finally pressed for details the man in a low secertive voice said "We're having a sale downstairs"... the fuck? I thought I WAS 'downstairs'... furthermore the hell are you whispering when you have a giant sign and a huge flyer posted int the front of the store with fucking ballons on it?! Another man next to me asked, "Do you need a pass or something to get in?", "No," came the reply "just wait here online."

WHAT'S WITH ALL THE SECRECY!? I finally got in the elevator hidden behind the employee only doors and went downstairs into what apparently was the stock room. As the elevator doors opened I sal a stack of cheaply made 6in screen portable dvd players and some MSN webtv style devices sitting with cleance price lables, further in where dozens of people were crowded around tiny little tables adorned with cheap 128mb mp3 players, a few 250 and 300gb hardrives all for prices more expensive then their MIR prices (oooh a 250gb maxtor for $115? SIGN ME THE HELL UP! even though I got one from you months ago for 70 after rebate!!) and some relativly useless flash drives with ... flashlights on them. Eventually I fought through the crowd to finally get to the games... which were all multiple copies of about 6 different Xbox titles and generally crappy ones at that (I dont give a shit about xbox so dont ask me what they were) and abouf a half dozen of 2 differnt PS2 Jampacks.

COMPLETE waste of time], and the way they were hiding it you'd think they were giving away gold, a totally unnessasary hassle for shit stock. By the time I got there the sale couldnt have been going for more than 25 minutes hardly enough time to clear out "the good stuff". They probably shipped half their stock to the wearhouse for online orders long ago if anything and figured since it was a store wide thing they had to have SOME kind of sale and this is what they came up with...

fuck you CompUSA, fuck you hard.[/QUOTE]

So you're saying its not worth going? :lol:
[quote name='6669']So you're saying its not worth going? :lol:[/QUOTE]

Not only was it not worth going it might have actually been worth my while to firebomb the place if for no other reason than to make room for a better store.
[quote name='Alpha2']Not only was it not worth going it might have actually been worth my while to firebomb the place if for no other reason than to make room for a better store.[/QUOTE]
Well, you saved me a trip. I was gonna go either tonight or tomorrow, but now I know its not worth it. Thanx!
I went to my CompUSA, there was a metal bin full of random crap, some PS2 games, some XBox games, some DVDs and some PC games all piled into this metal bin. I dug through and found a couple. Took it up to the register and they rang up $44.95 and $19.95. I asked the cashier if these were the sale games. He goes, "Did you get those from the bin there? Those aren't the games on sale, the sale ones are over there (points to the far corner of the store)". I go to the far corner and there are no games, bins or anything else there. So, yeah ... a real bust. Apparently all the games piled in no particular order in a metal bin are not on sale.
[quote name='Alpha2']Oh. My. fucking. God.

This sale was so retarded it hurts. So I get out of work at 6PM and head over to Comp about 5 or 6 blocks away on Broadway. I get there about 15 minutes later expecting the usual mob of crazy consumers but strangly see almost no one in the store. I walked in and headed upstairs hoping to see a table with a few crap sports games and a few other titles no one will buy and maybe a few gems in the rough... But I saw nothing... huh? I walked around for a moment looking for the manager's specials to see most of the racks had been cleaned of a good deal of their stock. The PS2 games were maybe 6 titles still with prices unchanged. Someone had apparently also tried to hide 3 PSP games amid the left overs but all were (for once) labled with prices but prices that indicated no clearance action at all so it was pointless to hide them as they didnt seem to be part of the sale... of DS games there were maybe 4 left, all shit titles that normally would be part of a clearance like Fear Factor, so I figured maybe they did their sale early and these are whats left?

I went back downstairs to check the flyer. It said clearly "sale starts at 6 pm" so they couldn't have sold 2 or 3 dozen games in the 12 minutes it took me to walk to the store with no other signs of purchase frenzy so I went back upstairs and tracked down an employee. I asked him about the clearance and he stated that there was indeed a sale, when asked about games he said "All the clearnce stuff should be downstairs." remember that, it'll be important. I told the employee "Huh? there's no table down there." He looked puzzled for a moment and started to head for another employee to confirm. The next person confirms "yeah, the games should be downstairs." So I walked back down the stairs and looked around I saw a couple of cages with the usual clearance laptops and cameras, all the standard routine, I've been here during their cleanaces and recognize this but their was clearly no table like I'd seen in the past. Then I noticed a guy walking around very quickly with a bunch of Xbox games in a bag, clearly already purchased. As he passed I noticed a gathering of people by a service entrance that normally is "Employees only" and I figured they were all waiting for clearnace desk top computers to be pulled out of storage or maybe printers. A quick survey of both all located downstairs as opposed to upstairs all shown regular price... odd. So I loitered around the crowd wondering what they were waiting for when I noticed the crowd got smaller for a moment. I stepped forward to see how that happened as surely customers werent walking into an employee back room, right?

Suddenly an elevator door opened and a man quietly ushered another group of people in. As if sneaking groupies into the back stage of a concert, When finally pressed for details the man in a low secertive voice said "We're having a sale downstairs"... the fuck? I thought I WAS 'downstairs'... furthermore the hell are you whispering when you have a giant sign and a huge flyer posted int the front of the store with fucking ballons on it?! Another man next to me asked, "Do you need a pass or something to get in?", "No," came the reply "just wait here online."

WHAT'S WITH ALL THE SECRECY!? I finally got in the elevator hidden behind the employee only doors and went downstairs into what apparently was the stock room. As the elevator doors opened I sal a stack of cheaply made 6in screen portable dvd players and some MSN webtv style devices sitting with cleance price lables, further in where dozens of people were crowded around tiny little tables adorned with cheap 128mb mp3 players, a few 250 and 300gb hardrives all for prices more expensive then their MIR prices (oooh a 250gb maxtor for $115? SIGN ME THE HELL UP! even though I got one from you months ago for 70 after rebate!!) and some relativly useless flash drives with ... flashlights on them. Eventually I fought through the crowd to finally get to the games... which were all multiple copies of about 6 different Xbox titles and generally crappy ones at that (I dont give a shit about xbox so dont ask me what they were) and abouf a half dozen of 2 differnt PS2 Jampacks.

COMPLETE waste of time], and the way they were hiding it you'd think they were giving away gold, a totally unnessasary hassle for shit stock. By the time I got there the sale couldnt have been going for more than 25 minutes hardly enough time to clear out "the good stuff". They probably shipped half their stock to the wearhouse for online orders long ago if anything and figured since it was a store wide thing they had to have SOME kind of sale and this is what they came up with...

fuck you CompUSA, fuck you hard.[/quote]

I'll back this up. My Compusa had a few 4+ year old PS2, XBox games for $15ish bucks, Lords of Everquest for 10, and Earth 2160 for $15 (with the shitty mp3 players and overpriced hard drives). Not worth the trip.
Well all you guys who posted that you didnt find are doing everyone a favor here. I was thinking about it but I've been burned by Compusa in the past. This thread helps alot..
The CompUSA in McAllen, TX had a table with a few ps2 games, 2 DS Games (poker game and Sims Urbz), 3 or 4 xbox games, some pc games and a Brand New Gamecube system.

The best thing in the table was obviously the Gamecube console, the box was beat up but the gamecube inside was new. It was on sale for $ 70 :applause: but I didnt care because I already have my console (and I dont want to spend time with ebay...). The only decent xbox game was Brute Force for $4.98 but I dont like the game so I left it there...

Get this, The Sims / Urbz game (for DS) was on CLEARENCE...
regular price = $31.98 CLEARANCE price = $28.91 :bomb: . I would have bought for my wife but not for that price!!!:booty:

Some lucky bastard will get a new Gamecube for cheap! :)
i stopped by and saw nothing, then read Alpha's post and realized I completely missed the sale. Went back and got 7 non-gh mgs2s, Fatal Frame 2 PS2, Darkwatch PS2 and VJ2 PS2 for $50. All the games were $5 each. Zelda 4 swords was there but it was $30.

That was pretty much all the non crap.
I went to the CompUSA by my house, at 545, waited till 6 and they didnt have ANYTHING GOOD! They had 2 games for 4.99 and the rest were 10-20. They had no MP3 Players, No CD DVD Players, Nothing good. They did have expensive stuff like labtops, monitors, and stuff of that sort. This sale was stated as being AMAZING and turned out to be a dud! What a waste of gas!
[quote name='grungygamer']I managed to walk outta there with two copies of Fire Eblem Path of Radiance for $5 a piece. :bouncy: Nothing else spectacular though.[/quote]

Wow...I wish my compusa had Fire Emblem, that's a killer deal!
I was given an advance peek at the "warehouse" table of clearance games. Nothing worth the effort of going back at 6pm. But, I must say, for once the people at CompUSA were helpful and accomodating.
I just got home from a Comp USA clearance...and I was definately empty handed. I usually buy at least a game or two at every sale I go to, but definately not this one!
The Bellevue CompUSA sucks. Well, for gaming, at least. Seriously, the prices are goddamn stupid high. "Manager's Clearance" is knocking a buck or two off Bloodrayne 2 to $48.00...
My CompUSA was ayight, as soon as you walked in they ahd all the yellow tagged stuff right in front including a whole 4 sided display with $4.98 games. They actually had quite a few but I only snagged GBA King Kong, Ratchet Deadlocked and Rainbow Six Lockdown while my buddy made off with Socom 3 and King Kong PS2. They also had a bunch of the original GC Metroids, Sims Urbz, Max Payne 2, NBA Ballers and several more (including the usual sports titles like Madden 06, Gretzky, etc) for GC, Xbox and PS2, all for $4.98. Had some decent other stuff like 250GB drives for $60 and 5GB flash drives for $70 but I wanted to get out of there for cheap tonight so I didn't continue to look to hard after the games.
[quote name='grungygamer']I managed to walk outta there with two copies of Fire Eblem Path of Radiance for $5 a piece. :bouncy: Nothing else spectacular though.[/quote]
Please tell me you are joking, because otherwise I have to drive to CompUSA tomorrow and leave incredibly disappointed.
Terrible so called 'blowout sale'.. game wise - junk. Lots of Starsky & Hutch for $4.98.. everything else was $14.98 & up and it wasn't good stuff either - just the usual cheapy games you got elsewhere but expensive. No MP3 players either.
[quote name='fungaljones']Please tell me you are joking, because otherwise I have to drive to CompUSA tomorrow and leave incredibly disappointed.[/quote]

No joke. I was sifting through the games not being very impressed, then I saw them with "$4.99" slapped on it. When I took them to the counter the guy was like "You know you have two of the same game right?" :roll: I said yes, and he rang me up with a total of ~$90. I then pointed out the $4.99 price tag. A few minutes and a price override later, I got them for $10 + tax.
Please tell me you are joking, because otherwise I have to drive to CompUSA tomorrow and leave incredibly disappointed

Gather round and hear my fuck ing Waste of time. I arrive at the store And walk directly to the gaming area and notice ALOT of games are missing so I scout for a red bin and eventually found it. ATop the red bin a bin sign saying: SALE TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 50% MANAGERS SPECIAL PRICES.

I Scan and pull like 4 games I want..They were Ok .Ape Escape, Few XBOX games and when I get to the register I pay and the dousche cashier says the sale is already reflected in the price. I said the sign says take an addtional 50% off. SO I put some games aside and keep 3 that I want cause The manager price was pretty decent..

So I wait for the guy to go back in the room to get the games and There are 2 other customers ahead of me waiting for theirs. Of all the games I "paid for" They only had one in the back room! as did with other customers.

We all headed to the service desk to receive our refunds for games that arent stocked and I told a dad with his 3 kids waiting what his perception of this sale was and he agreed...50% off price .The cashier AGAIN (now we are coming up on 30 minutes of waiting) takes the sign down and vanishess somewhere......So I got 50% off my One game in stock which Ape escape academy for $7.50. I wouldve gotten more but they had taken the sign down.:bomb: :twoguns: CHUMP-USA
[quote name='grungygamer']No joke. I was sifting through the games not being very impressed, then I saw them with "$4.99" slapped on it. When I took them to the counter the guy was like "You know you have two of the same game right?" :roll: I said yes, and he rang me up with a total of ~$90. I then pointed out the $4.99 price tag. A few minutes and a price override later, I got them for $10 + tax.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like someone messed up the price tags? Awesome find nevertheless
[quote name='CaoPi']Fire Emblem for 5 bucks? proofs now! :lol:[/quote]

stopped by my local Compusa earlier but mostly came up empty handed. They had a large bin marked "$4.98 and up" and almost nothing was marked correctly. I brought a bunch of stuff up to the front and had them scan it, but the only games that came up as $5 were Timesplitters(the first one.. got it for trading at and armed and dangerous.

[quote name='lawdood'] They also had a bunch of the original GC Metroids, Sims Urbz, Max Payne 2, NBA Ballers and several more (including the usual sports titles like Madden 06, Gretzky, etc) for GC, Xbox and PS2, all for $4.98.[/quote]

Where do you live? I would got Max Payne, Urbz, Madden... :cry:
[quote name='oasisboy']Where do you live? I would got Max Payne, Urbz, Madden... :cry:[/quote]

Sacramento, CA

I may stop back in tomorrow, if they're still there I'll snag em.
bread's done