Eddie Guerrero's wrestling topic (RIP 1967 - 2005)

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[quote name='BustaUppa']Man I just gotta say that Rey vs. HBK last night was awesome. And even though HBK is probably my favorite wrestler, I was so glad the match ended the way it did. :applause: Rey getting superkicked and pinned on that night would have just felt... wrong.

I guess leg-drops are HBK's kryptonite now. :D[/QUOTE]

I thought about that too. When HBK kept moving when Rey tried the 619 until he finally hit him with it. Great matches all around except for the Cena vs. Orton match which ending was great but the match sucked.
[quote name='pimp tyranny']wrestling's so lame

and lol, brought a smile to my face with all these guys shedding tears for a wrestler. i mean, i could see that for a president maybe, or someone who made a difference in the world, but someone who's exploits were to make money? i suppose if you grew up with wrestling, but damn, i really didn't know the wrestling demographic as well as i do now.[/QUOTE]

A president? Please tell me you are not talking about Bush (either one) making a positive difference in the world. Talk about someone who's exploits are to make money.
[quote name='guyver2077']Well its time to order your bret hard dvd!!!

http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemid=WWE093893 $15.10 shipped for me

http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemid=WWE094532 OOS but would be $10.78 shipped

As usual use USATODAY code[/QUOTE]

Umm... it's Bret HART. If there is a Bret HARD DVD, I think that you probably stumbled onto the wrong site... :rofl:

$10 for the UMD version...

Does anyone have a WWE UMD? I'm wondering how much content they put onto one disc, because I'm sure that they don't make them multi-disc sets for UMD.

[quote name='mykevermin']There are a LOT of theme changes in the WM box set; off my head

Superfly Jimmy Snuka
Orient Express
Hillbilly Jim
Hulk Hogan (WM1)
Windham and Rotundo
Koko B. Ware
Dusty Rhodes (I'm not too upset about that ;))
Big Boss Man

I get the feeling that around 15-20% of the guys' themes are different, and I'm only at WM6. Jesus![/QUOTE]

Sucks about themes being changed, but that's the way it's going to be unfortunately. Well, at least we get to see some classic matches again.

Myke, admit it. You love the Dusty Rhodes theme. In fact, if someone made a remix with that song and Ikari No Jushin, you'd be in heaven...

"He's just a common... LIGER!"
[quote name='Scahom1']I find your post to be rather insulting.

This man made a living by entertaining the fans. He would sacrifice his family and personal time to be on the road 300 days a year. The fact that you think it's funny that people seem to care about this man, is rather depressing. You are a sad human being.

I will leave it at that.[/QUOTE]

awww i'm sawwy. now i feel like i need to find some way to console you.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Umm... it's Bret HART. If there is a Bret HARD DVD, I think that you probably stumbled onto the wrong site... :rofl:

$10 for the UMD version...

Does anyone have a WWE UMD? I'm wondering how much content they put onto one disc, because I'm sure that they don't make them multi-disc sets for UMD.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure it's just going to be the main documentary....no bonus matches or interviews.
[quote name='y2jrevolution']A president? Please tell me you are not talking about Bush (either one) making a positive difference in the world. Talk about someone who's exploits are to make money.[/QUOTE]

hell no, but i could see if someone really did like those two presidents (well GWB much less so). still, there are people who absolutely loved Teddy Roosevelt, Kennedy, or Reagan. i've met a ton of people who say Reagan's like the president to end all presidents, when we all know how well his trickle down system worked. what was the figure? like hundreds of billions in debt.
wow did my post already get deleted? i'm sorry i insulted wrestling and its collective fans, but is that any reason to suppress freedom of speech?
[quote name='pimp tyranny']wow did my post already get deleted? i'm sorry i insulted wrestling and its collective fans, but is that any reason to suppress freedom of speech?[/QUOTE]

This is a message board and as such you had to sign a TOS agreement which clearly states that it's a private board and that anything deemed unfit can be deleted. Something to that extent.
[quote name='pimp tyranny']wow did my post already get deleted? i'm sorry i insulted wrestling and its collective fans, but is that any reason to suppress freedom of speech?[/QUOTE]

Because I reported it to a mod as flamebait. Please refrain from complaining about it; leave it at that, and stop posting here. It's a nuisance to report posts.
WWE.com posted the following:

After the untimely passing of Eddie Guerrero, WWE and the entire sports-entertainment community is steel reeling from the devastating loss of a champion. The initial autopsy reports on Guerrero have come in. WWE.com spoke with Eddie’s widow, Vickie Guerrero, earlier today.

“It was heart failure. It was from his past – the drinking and the drug abuse. They found signs of heart disease. She (the examiner) said that the blood vessels were very worn and narrow, and that just showed all the abuse from the scheduling of work and his past. And Eddie just worked out like crazy all the time. It made his heart grow bigger and work harder and the vessels were getting smaller, and that’s what caused the heart failure. He went into a deep sleep.

As soon as they saw his heart, they saw the lining of his heart already had the heart disease. There was no trauma, and Eddie hadn’t hurt himself in any way. It answered a lot of questions. I knew Eddie wasn’t feeling very good for the last week. He was home and kept saying he wasn’t feeling good and we thought it was just “road tired.” So we thought he just had to rest. It answered a lot of my questions, too, because he was just so exhausted. She said it was normal because the heart was working so hard.

When he didn’t call me last night and the night before I knew it was for real, because he would call me every night. I miss his phone calls. I cried through the whole thing (last night).

I loved his laugh. His laugh was the best.

We just celebrated his four-year sobriety last Thursday. We just thought we had life by the handful. We thought we had it all figured out. He worked so hard to make a better life for us.

I’m just overwhelmed by how people are coming out. It’s touched my heart a lot.

Everybody was just in awe last night in how beautifully everything was put together.

All my life was wrestling. All he did was take care of them and live for that. And I don’t know what to do now.”
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Umm... it's Bret HART. If there is a Bret HARD DVD, I think that you probably stumbled onto the wrong site... :rofl:

$10 for the UMD version...

Does anyone have a WWE UMD? I'm wondering how much content they put onto one disc, because I'm sure that they don't make them multi-disc sets for UMD.



anyways i ordered a few wwe umd's.. im really wondering how good they are.

i went to wwe.com and looked up descriptions...

I ordered The monday Night war and The undertaker: tombstone umd's..

i already have The monday night wars on dvd but it would be nice to have a portable version of it.. and from the description it has a few bonus matches including goldberg vs hogan :)

[quote name='guyver2077']and from the description it has a few bonus matches including goldberg vs hogan :)[/QUOTE]

Goldberg vs. Hogan is on the original DVD, dumbass.
[quote name='Scorch']Goldberg vs. Hogan is on the original DVD, dumbass.[/QUOTE]

i know jackass... a post a little up says that its most probably just the feature..

so there must be atleast some additional content on the umd..
[quote name='Scorch']Goldberg vs. Hogan is on the original DVD, dumbass.[/QUOTE]

Damn Scorch did someone piss in your coffee this morning or what? :lol:
Damn so many posts since the last time I got on CAG. Looks like I'm gonna have to re-download RAW cuz I missed a few of the interviews. Apparently it was real emotional... Also gonna have to watch Genesis, very excited about Christian jumping ship. Too bad I have to work 6-11 tonight :(
Thanks RawisJericho. I still can't believe it. It is sad to see that even though he beat his demons, the damage had already been done.
[quote name='pimp tyranny']wow did my post already get deleted? i'm sorry i insulted wrestling and its collective fans, but is that any reason to suppress freedom of speech?[/QUOTE]
Here's the FAQ, with the info you're asking about:

Part in question I'm responsible for dealing with:
[quote name='From the FAQ']The Management is not responsible for material appearing in any area of the Site, except for material signed by one of its identified representatives. The Management is not responsible for screening material posted by users for libel, obscenity, invasion of privacy, copyright or trademark infringement, accuracy, or for any other reason. However, the Management retains the right to modify or remove messages or other material that it, in its sole discretion, consider infringing, offensive, abusive, defamatory, obscene, stale, or otherwise unacceptable. It also reserves the right to edit materials for any other reason. Whether or not it modifies or removes such material, users remain solely responsible for the content of their messages or postings.[/quote]
It was reported, and I agreed with it being unacceptable to crap in a memorial thread. I hope you don't get the same level of crapping on your memory when you pass this mortal coil and people are at your memorial. Then again, it might be payback.

[quote name='BustaUppa']Dude, you're trolling a memorial thread. Don't act all surprised. Get over it.[/QUOTE]
Apparently he was. Whoops.

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']This is a message board and as such you had to sign a TOS agreement which clearly states that it's a private board and that anything deemed unfit can be deleted. Something to that extent.[/QUOTE]
FAQ listed above to back this statement up.

[quote name='mykevermin']Because I reported it to a mod as flamebait. Please refrain from complaining about it; leave it at that, and stop posting here. It's a nuisance to report posts.[/QUOTE]
Which is what brought it to my attention and resolved it as needed. In the plenty of other things I need to do in my day.
It looks like the drug addiction and alcoholism finally caught up to him. I'm glad to know that he had been clean for the past four years. It just sucks that someone like Eddie works so hard to clean up his life, save his marriage, etc., and then die when things get back on track.

I just hope a lot of people who has problems with drugs or alcohol can look at Eddie's story, and then it inspire the person to clean his/her life up.
[quote name='demomanTNA']Damn Scorch did someone piss in your coffee this morning or what? :lol:[/QUOTE]

Speaking of things that should be pissed on, where'd pimptyranny go?
I haven't read the topic today since I have yet to watch my tape of Raw and I don't want it spoiled, so forgive me if this has been posted, but I just came across this bit of news:

In the opening match of the currently ongoing WWE Smackdown house show in Rome, Italy, Nunzio defeated Juventud Guerrera to win his second WWE Cruiserweight championship. Nunzio slipped out of an attempted Juvidriver, pulling Guerrera into a backslide for the pin.

-- PWInsider


Reports had been saying that Juvi's been a heat magnet backstage for stealing other people's moves and spots. There was a report in a WON recently that Eddie & Benoit recently went to Juvi together and chewed him out over it, and Juvi still didn't stop. According to Meltzer, Juvi thinks he's invincible because he's a favorite of John Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis thinks he's funny.


I always wanted Nunzio to win the belt (although I would have liked for Juvi to hold on to it longer) but it sucks that his 2 title wins were on Velocity and a house show, and he has never defended the belt on Smackdown.
Just a casual WWE follower here, haven't even watched either show in weeks, but had to catch RAW last night after finding out about Eddie. Strange, I found out about this Sunday night from someone's sig here. Just to show CAG is up to date on current events too, not just video games :)

Man, what an emotional show, they had about a day to put that together and they did a great job. HBK vs. Mysterio was a great match too. And a very poignant ending, what Cena did.

Hard to see guys like Batista and Benoit and Big Show break down like that. Especially surprising to me is seeing Triple H in tears. Toughest one to watch was Chavo, my eyes teared up couple of times.

Surprised they didn't do a spot with Dean Malenko? Didn't he have a long history with Eddie and Benoit? I thought I saw him in the crowd at the beginning. Might have been mistaken.

Anyway, Eddie will be missed greatly. Even my wife liked him the few times that she watched Smackdown with me.
I just watched the first 30 minutes of the Bret Hart DVD...

If you don't have it, find $20 or so and go buy it NOW!


[quote name='grendel19']Surprised they didn't do a spot with Dean Malenko? Didn't he have a long history with Eddie and Benoit? I thought I saw him in the crowd at the beginning. Might have been mistaken.[/QUOTE]

Smackdown is going to be a memorial show, too, so Dean might come out then.
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! My High Speed Is Back!!!

Anyways Just Got My Smackdown So Ill Be Gone Playing That All Night

O SHIT.... the wrestlers finally stay in the ring instead of dissapearing when the second wrestler makes his entrance
just a reminder the msnbc special on Eddie Guerrero airs in less than an hour at 9pm... still haven't decided if I want to tape this one or not
[quote name='mykevermin']You got a camera in my place, ZL?[/QUOTE]



I can't stop saying that to myself either... not to undermine the passing of any other member of WWE, but I don't think anyone else's death (outside perhaps Kurt or Hogan) could've been more (and perhaps Benoit, Taker or Vince himself equally as) devastating on the wrestling community.

I wonder what kind of tribute WWE would've done had it been Hardcore Holly. Keeping in mind that Holly is currently WWE's second longest tenured employee behind only Taker.
Where's the bit on Eddie? I thought this was gonna be an actual special, bah, curse you MSNBC... ah here's Eddie, I'm still not taping this one, I will tape SD! though, hope the girlfriend doesn't mind watching with me.
...ya glad I didn't put this on my tape.

Random news and notes:

- Shannon Moore debuted in TNA wrestling a dark match against Chris Sabin
- Not really newsworthy, but Alexis from the diva search may sign with TNA soon

- Raw scored a rating of 4.5 last night, their highest rating of the year, but still a pity as I feel more people should've got to see such a beautiful tribute to an amazing entertainer. Perhaps that would've been the type of episode that could've been shown on NBC.

and on another horrible note:

On Denis & Callahan on WEEI out of Boston this morning they mentioned Eddie's death, ragged on him for probably doing steroids, and then said "Well, at least he didn't fall out of the rafters like some of them do...SPLAT!" WEEI 850 AM Sports Radio out of Boston has a phone number you can call at (617)779-3500 if you'd like to voice a complaint. The site also has a e-mail form which you can fill out if you have to something to tell them online. The "contact us" link is below. http://www.weei.com/contactus.asp
On Denis & Callahan on WEEI out of Boston this morning they mentioned Eddie's death, ragged on him for probably doing steroids, and then said "Well, at least he didn't fall out of the rafters like some of them do...SPLAT!" WEEI 850 AM Sports Radio out of Boston has a phone number you can call at (617)779-3500 if you'd like to voice a complaint. The site also has a e-mail form which you can fill out if you have to something to tell them online. The "contact us" link is below. http://www.weei.com/contactus.asp

Let 'em have it fellas... guys like that should be tied down and eaten alive by rats.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I wonder what kind of tribute WWE would've done had it been Hardcore Holly. Keeping in mind that Holly is currently WWE's second longest tenured employee behind only Taker.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the revisionist history that puts Owen Hart in legendary status. Looking back, he was an excellent wrestler, and cut decent promos. Towards the end of his career, he was a struggling mid-carder who shifted his gimmick slightly rather often (the "nugget," the "enough is enough and it's time for a change" guy, Nation of Domination guy, Jeff Jarrett's partner, The Blue Blazer as heel, The Blue Blazer as comedy act). I respect Owen's legacy, but I don't forget that he was pretty much a mid-carder for life, and couldn't always connect with the fans (but what the fuck do you expect, putting him with NOD and Jeff Jarrett?). I imagine that if Hardcore Holly or Steven Richards were to pass away, their legacy would be far different than the way people currently view them. Probably not Owen or Eddie, but they'd be fondly remembered.

I don't think many people will agree with me, but I bet very few of you who were fans in 1999 gave half a shit about Owen Hart before he died. He might as well have been Chuck Palumbo or a member of Kaientai not named Taka or Funaki.
[quote name='mykevermin'] a member of Kaientai not named Taka or Funaki[/QUOTE]

speaking of which, it was taka michinuko(sp?) funaki, dick togo, and...? they had a manager to... Mr.Yamazaki? with a hot wife that led to that val venis "me chop off your peepee!!!" storyline...
Wally Yamaguchi is his name; he's still a referee in All Japan, I believe.

Taka Michinoku
Dick Togo
Sho Funaki
Terry Boy (I can't think of the name he used in WWF, or even if Terry Boy = Funaki)

I guess I'll go look it up real quick. BTW, that hot wife was 17.

The errors ("Shavo", 3 time champ, Shakedown, Thursday night) were annoying, but overall, the MSNBC presentation was pretty well done.

EDIT: Yes, "Terry-Boy" was Funaki, who is a big Terry Funk fan.

EDIT 2: I preordered SDvR 2006 at gameRush, and it's still not in yet.
Mens Teioh was #4. I had to look it up. Also, apparently Kaz Hayashi was a member of "Kaientai DX" when they were a clique in Japan, about 2-3 years before WWF.
[quote name='mykevermin']Mens Teioh was #4. I had to look it up. Also, apparently Kaz Hayashi was a member of "Kaientai DX" when they were a clique in Japan, about 2-3 years before WWF.[/QUOTE]

ahh...thank you... so many nights without sleep wracking my brain...
TNA's website announced today that the promotion will hold their first ever barbed wire match at the 12/11 Turning Point PPV in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios, featuring Sabu vs. Abyss.
[quote name='mykevermin']Don't forget the revisionist history that puts Owen Hart in legendary status. Looking back, he was an excellent wrestler, and cut decent promos. Towards the end of his career, he was a struggling mid-carder who shifted his gimmick slightly rather often (the "nugget," the "enough is enough and it's time for a change" guy, Nation of Domination guy, Jeff Jarrett's partner, The Blue Blazer as heel, The Blue Blazer as comedy act). I respect Owen's legacy, but I don't forget that he was pretty much a mid-carder for life, and couldn't always connect with the fans (but what the fuck do you expect, putting him with NOD and Jeff Jarrett?). I imagine that if Hardcore Holly or Steven Richards were to pass away, their legacy would be far different than the way people currently view them. Probably not Owen or Eddie, but they'd be fondly remembered.

I don't think many people will agree with me, but I bet very few of you who were fans in 1999 gave half a shit about Owen Hart before he died. He might as well have been Chuck Palumbo or a member of Kaientai not named Taka or Funaki.[/QUOTE]

I understand your point. I never really thought of Owen as a legend (like his brother) other than the fact his name was Hart.

I cared about Owen, but Eddie was much more special to me. I think the fact that Owen died in a ring in a live show really pushed emotions to a high. I don't say that to discredit Owen's memory at all. Most of my sadness came from the fact that the man died doing something that was really unnecessary. I was also sad for his family. I wasn't really sad for myself. If it is someone I am familiar with then it will mean more to me. For example, Brian Pillman passing didn't mean much to me personally because I never saw the man wrestle much, if at all.

To be honest, there are probably fewer than ten wrestlers who could die right now and mean more to me than Eddie. Of all the wrestlers that died in the last ten years, Eddie is the only one where I thought to myself that I'll never be entertained in the same way again. It's a selfish thing to say, but I am sure that that is how most of us feel.
I really hope that the script writers use Chavo to honor Eddie now and carry on the Guerrero legacy. He's going to be over huge with the fans now, hopefully Chavo can handle what should undoubtedly be a lot of pressure as he has enormous shoes to fill.
So my internet was down for 2 days. Anyway I figured since bret hart come out today I would move that and Eddie dvd to my shopping cart. Guess what Eddie's dvd is sold out at DDD.com. So I figured at least I would put it at the top of my list for netflix, its on long wait. I really think this death of wrestler has effected more people then anyone. Did you see Beniot crying super hard on raw. I felt bad for him. I miss eddie he was a great wrestler.
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