Eddie Guerrero's wrestling topic (RIP 1967 - 2005)

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Too bad we couldn't of seen the death of Kerwin in the ring. "You know what.. fuck this, i'm a Guerrero!" Then he'd rip off the sweater vest and have the Eddie shirt underneath.. that'd be badass.
[quote name='Graystone']So my internet was down for 2 days. Anyway I figured since bret hart come out today I would move that and Eddie dvd to my shopping cart. Guess what Eddie's dvd is sold out at DDD.com. So I figured at least I would put it at the top of my list for netflix, its on long wait. I really think this death of wrestler has effected more people then anyone. Did you see Beniot crying super hard on raw. I felt bad for him. I miss eddie he was a great wrestler.[/QUOTE]

Well, I've finally found something to put on my Xmas list

:cry: We miss you Eddie
WWE.com has now mixed in more testimonials with the ones from WWE Unlimited (JBL's was good, so was Flair's), including one that i've been wanting to hear, Dean Malenko.


I've got to say, i'm shocked. I did not know Eddie was this big on religion. I personally thought he was still drinking, I didn't know how much of his life he'd changed around. I hope this serves as a wakeup call to some of the other guys with demons.. namely Scott Hall.
Did anybody notice at the TNA PPV after Samoa Joe busted up Daniels when the "EMT's" tried to put the stretcher in the ring? It wouldn't fit under the bottom rope so those Mensa members tried to lift it over the top rope!:rofl: I was wondering how they thought they were going to get him out on the stretcher. I could see Daniels breaking character and getting off the stretcher screaming "You're gonna kill me, morons!".:lol:
I don't think Hall spends too much time training these days... although he really should sober up if he's still drinking heavily.

The guy who this should be the biggest wake up call to is Jeff Hardy, maybe he'll look at this and realize it's time to clean up his act.
I was lucky to pick up the Eddie DVD a few months back from my pawn shop. The last two times or so I went there, they still had another copy of it. I'm not going back up there until next Wednesday, I'm sure it'll be gone, but if it is still there I will pick it up for anyone here that wants it.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I don't think Hall spends too much time training these days... although he really should sober up if he's still drinking heavily.

The guy who this should be the biggest wake up call to is Jeff Hardy, maybe he'll look at this and realize it's time to clean up his act.[/QUOTE]

You're absolutely right. Hall was a fuckup before Guerrero was even the Black Tiger, so if anything, Hall shouldn't see any reason to stop.

You know, I don't like to wish death on other people, much less wrestlers I was entertained by, but there is no justice that Eddie is gone, while Hall and Jake Roberts (among others) are still with us. I suppose you can add Bill Graham to that list, but although he did more damage to himself than Eddie did, he has also been clean living for ages.

The Eddie dvd is fantastic; if you don't have it, be patient, I'm sure WWE will reprint it. The dumbest thing you can do (and I'm sure none of you will, being cheapasses) is overpay for something during a moment of nostalgic frenzy. The Eddie documentary is excellent, and I wonder if it's heart-wrenching to watch now that he's gone. The match selection is also amazing as well. WWE home video alone keeps me giving money to the business.
So, we're at 500 now. Eddie CAG misses you!

... I'd be fine if the last 500 posts are 500 Viva La Razas for Eddie, of course I think we can come up with better things to say about such a great performer.

Next year around this time, assuming Scorch doesn't completely takeover and I'm still doing some of these wrestling topics I want to make an annual Eddie Guerrero Memorial Wrestling Topic.

I'll never forget~
I just noticed that The Undertaker made his WM debut at VII against Snuka, so if he attended all of them since, he ought to be 15-0, not 13.

Which did he miss and why? I don't think he was at either WM10 or WM16 (2000). Anybody know the reasons?
I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I'm very sure injuries had a lot to do with it. Actually, he missed WM 10, because that was right after Yokozuna and about 19 other guys stuffed him in the casket so that he could disappear for a while and basically take a vacation. He returned at Summerslam later that year against Ted Dibiase's evil imposter Undertaker. As for the other one he missed, I'm not sure but again I'd assume he was injured or something.
Well, I just got a call from my brother letting me know that Raw is going to be at the TD Banknorth Garden (ex-Fleetcenter) in Boston on December 12. We decided to go since we haven't been to a live event in years. We got 2 tickets in Loge 2, Row 1. I can't wait.
One Wrestlemania box set theme change for the better: When Ric Flair was in the WWF the first time around, they didn't use "Thus Sprach Zarathustra" (I think that's the song's name). It was a poor knock-off that, if you played the early GC WWE games, you are familiar with undoubtedly.

Anyway, they replaced the old knock-off with the proper version; however, they use the recent version that has his trademark "WOO!" at the beginning, so it seems really out of place considering he didn't use that version until 12 years later, in 2003. Kinda nice of them to correct it, I suppose.

Sounds cool, deadpool. I'm considering going to WM22, but after looking at eBay, I'm not paying $380 for two $40 tickets. Not to mention the fuckholes selling two paper tickets for almost 10x the cost want $7 shipping for them. Electrictroy motherfuckers, man.

fucking tools. The guy originally put the set up for $300. I wonder if he thinks someone's actually going to bite on that. Dumbass.

..hell, Shopzone still has it for under $30, AND it comes with the skull cap.


Speaking of..

I just ordered the "I'm Your Papi!" shirt and it came to $30.95. I'm not intending to sell it, I want it for my collection of wrestling shirts. I had to go ahead and get it before they took it off the site. It's the #1 selling item, so I dunno if it's disappearing any time soon. I hope at least a portion of the money I paid for the shirt goes to Vickie and the kids.
Lance Storm comments


November 15, 2005

I really have no idea what I’m about to write; I just feel the need to write something. I, like everyone else, was stunned by the news of Eddie Guerrero’s death. One of my students left a voice mail message on my cell phone that I got Sunday morning when I woke up. It was not the way I wanted to start my day.

I didn’t actually know Eddie all that well. We had never gotten together outside of the arena and to be honest never really spoke much inside it, but despite that there was a bond between us, a closeness that had no reason for being. I don’t know if it was just his amazing sincerity or our mutual friends and respect for this business that made me feel closer to him than I really was. Every time I saw Eddie, I was greeted with genuine emotion and love I can’t explain. His face would light up and you just felt that he cared. This is a unique quality I’ve never seen in anyone else. Eddie had the ability to touch people inexplicably. Eddie was a guy I only worked once, never went out with, and as sad as this sounds I can’t recall a conversation between us that lasted more than a couple minutes, yet some how I always felt close to him. I felt a genuine love and connection to Eddie, which I can’t for the life of me explain. I guess he was just a special person that way, he loved people, and I for one felt that love and will always be grateful for it.

I first met Eddie in Japan when we both worked an interpromotional event called “The Sky Diving J” I opened the show that night and he closed it in the main event. He stole the show that night as he did so many nights, and from that day on I knew I wanted to work with Eddie Guerrero. It took almost 7 years for that match to come about, as our career paths never seemed to cross. We missed each other in ECW and WCW, and were almost exclusively on different brands in WWE.

Our one match was a strange one, which only a select few people got to see. It wasn’t on RAW or SmackDown, Velocity or Heat, nor PPV, it was at a house show in where else? Calgary…Alberta, Canada. It was a SmackDown house show and I was on RAW. RAW was on an overseas tour, which I was left off of. With me being a hometown boy and at home I was added to the event as a last minute special appearance. I was scheduled to do a Brother Love interview segment, but that was about to change.

I was sitting in the locker room in my street clothes, as the first match headed to the ring (my interview segment was going to be after the 7th or 8th match). Vince McMahon was doing house shows at that time with Zack Gowen, and he arrived at the building and decided to shake the card up a little. He walked up to me and says, “You know what match I’d pay to see tonight? … Lance Storm vs. Eddie Guerrero for the United States Title (Eddie was champ at the time). Let’s put that match on second.”

SECOND! I kid you not. The first match has already started and I’m sitting in the locker room in my street clothes. Thankfully I was taught to always be prepared and I had my gear in the car. I bolted to the parking lot to get my stuff while praying the first match goes a little long. Someone went to find Eddie to tell him his scheduled match had both been changed and bumped up. As I’m scrambling to get my gear on before my music plays Eddie walks into my locker room cool as can be. These aren’t the exact words but I bet there damn close,

“You and me tonight?”

“Yep” I replied

“Okay, since you’re from here, I’ll be the heel. (Eddie was technically a baby face at the time) When you’re done your comeback and hit all your false finishes go to give me a German, I’ll back kick you and hit you with the frog splash, okay?”

“Sure, whatever you want. That’s your music, I’ll see you out there.”

“You got it?”

“When I’m done, I’ll go for the German”

That was it; that was all we had. We had never stepped in the ring together before, and we were going to the ring with, “When I’m done I’ll go for a German.” I was still taping my wrists and putting on my elbow pads on the way to the ring, no warm up, no stretching, nothing. The match was far from perfect, more my fault than Eddie’s trust me, but it was far better than it had any right to be. He called the entire thing and we went likely 15-20 minutes. Arena reports from fans praised the match but I was never happy with it. I knew Eddie and I could have done better, I had wanted to work Eddie for years and knew we could have stole the show had we had the chance. I wanted to give both Eddie and the fans my best and I don’t feel that I did. I always hoped to have the chance to do that match right, but sadly now, we know that will never happen.

I’m not entirely sure why Vince put us on in such a tough spot. The office, at the time, was pushing to the younger guys the importance of being able to just go to the ring and work, and perhaps this was both a test for me, and a demonstration to the younger guys that it could be done. Either way Vince thanked me for the match and I think respected my ability to answer his challenge. Truth be told it wasn’t that much of a challenge, I was in the ring with Eddie Guerrero, it would have been much tougher to have a bad match.

You will be missed Eddie, you were a great person, and an unparalleled performer. I will miss our unexplained closeness, and I will miss watching you work. When wrestling is done right it is art, and Eddie, my friend you were an incredible artist.

My deepest sympathies and condolences to Eddie’s family, I cannot fathom the pain and loss you are experiencing, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Lance Evers
I sent the seller of that dvd a comment to let him know that it wasn't "ironic" that Eddie died. I'm one of those people that hate when irony is misused.

Anyway, what a fuck.
I just got my Wrestlemania boxset. I think I am going to send it back though. I had too much crap come up since I ordered it, and while I CAN afford it, I need to keep the money and use it elsewhere.
[quote name='Scorch'] I hope at least a portion of the money I paid for the shirt goes to Vickie and the kids.[/QUOTE]

I think that wrestlers do get royalties from T-shirts, so Eddie's family will receive some money from all these orders.

[quote name='RawisJericho']I just got my Wrestlemania boxset. I think I am going to send it back though. I had too much crap come up since I ordered it, and while I CAN afford it, I need to keep the money and use it elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

That sucks.

I'm still wondering whether I should order this or not. I just got paid today, and all the money from the check is mine. I'm doing Christmas shopping and such with my next paycheck... hmm...

I might just order Anthology from DDD and that be it. I'll wait on the other stuff I wanted.
It's the return of Saucy Jack's rasslin' news. You all have done a great job reporting the news the past few days, and I thank you for that. Of course, this brief news bit is dedicated to the legendary Eddie Guerrero...

Many fans have been concerned that Bret Hart would not be really showing up on Byte This! tonight, and that perhaps we would get a Matt Striker impersonation or such. To ease those concerns, know that Bret is indeed in Stamford and will be live in-studio tonight for Byte This! Check it out tonight on WWE.com at 8 p.m. ET.

The theme for WWE 24/7 for December is "Season's Beatings." The SmackDown! shows from Iraq will be featured, along with various SNME and TNT programming.

Kid Kash has been added to the WWE roster listings at WWE.com
PWT's been down quite a bit recently.. hopefully it isn't for good, I was hoping to pick up that MSNBC special that aired last night.
Did anyone else think the MSNBC special was propaganda? That it was "damage control" for the WWE to have a prime time special on a "news" network where the host lobbed softball questions at Vince, JBL, and Chavo (but mostly Vince).

She asked about the "kind of performer" Eddie was multiple times; she asked about how Vince felt, how the wrestlers reacted, and this and that.

She didn't ask about how WWE reacts to or deals with wrestlers with substance abuse issues.

She didn't ask about steroids (I know Eddie had nothing to do with that, but the word "steroids" is on the lips of every non-wrestling fan when they hear about wrestling, even - ironically enough - "real sports" fans, who are quick to deny rampant steroid use in their favorite sports yet consistently label wrestlers as 'roid heads).

She didn't ask if the WWE was going to look at their travel schedule, their training regimen, their health and medical policies to find out what they can do to make sure that this doesn't happen again.

The show, in my opinion, was a complete and total piece of bullshit. It disrespected Eddie by serving as a means for the WWE to cover its corporate ass from any public skepticism, and it was crystal clear evidence as to why MSNBC is the complete and total laughing stock of 24/7 news (that even FOX viewers can chuckle about).
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Is PWT down for anyone else? I wanted to get the RAW from this week, and maybe the TNA PPV, but the page doesn't connect.[/QUOTE]

I've been having a hard time connecting to it. I did manage to get through Monday evening before RAW so that I could get some of the Eddie stuff they put up. This morning I managed to get through as well, though it still took much longer than normal. I'm guessing they're just getting slammed right now.
PWT's probably under extremely, extremely heavy load.

I found an IRC channel with it, though. Grabbed last week's SmackDown!, Monday's Raw (it'll be done in an hour), and the press conference concerning his death.
[quote name='Scorch']PWT's probably under extremely, extremely heavy load.

I found an IRC channel with it, though. Grabbed last week's SmackDown!, Monday's Raw (it'll be done in an hour), and the press conference concerning his death.[/QUOTE]

Care to share the info with your Texas brother? ;)

Also, it is probably because of PWT having so many visitors/downloaders. However, I'd think that with their constant asking for donations, and banning of hardcore leechers, that they'd have their server issues taken care of. But I suppose it'll be better within a few days. As long as I can grab the stuff I want before Friday Night SmackDown! is uploaded (which is when it'll really get hammered again), it's all good.
[quote name='mykevermin']
She didn't ask about steroids (I know Eddie had nothing to do with that, but the word "steroids" is on the lips of every non-wrestling fan when they hear about wrestling, even - ironically enough - "real sports" fans, who are quick to deny rampant steroid use in their favorite sports yet consistently label wrestlers as 'roid heads).

I didn't have a chance to watch the special but I just wanted to comment on this.
This doesn't really have anything to do with steroids but just drugs in general.

I told my girlfriend and her mother that Eddie died the other day. The first thing both of them said (They were not together when I told them) was did he die from drgus or was it becuase of drugs. I told them that he had a past and I found it interesting that most people, people who don't even follow wrestling, will assume that they are all using some sort of drug.

My girlfiend said she asked because he was found in his hotel room alone. I don't recall her mom mentioning why she asked if it was because of drug use.
Not that I want to be a dick about things, though feel free to make a Pt. II thread, if you'd like, though I'd prefer to have a new thread made, since we're at 500 here.
[quote name='shrike4242']Not that I want to be a dick about things, though feel free to make a Pt. II thread, if you'd like, though I'd prefer to have a new thread made, since we're at 500 here.[/QUOTE]

I've always wondered about the 500 number. Does it cause server problems or something if a thread gets too many posts?
[quote name='shrike4242']Not that I want to be a dick about things, though feel free to make a Pt. II thread, if you'd like, though I'd prefer to have a new thread made, since we're at 500 here.[/QUOTE]

We're keeping this one to 1000. There's no server rule about new threads being created at 500, and if there is, it's bullshit. The EB morning update thread is at 1,699 replies. The .01 guide thread is near 1800. We're fine here.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']I've always wondered about the 500 number. Does it cause server problems or something if a thread gets too many posts?[/QUOTE]

It was a direct result of OTTs if I am not mistaken. I have seen plenty of deal threads go over 500 with no problem.
[quote name='Scorch']We're keeping this one to 1000. There's no server rule about new threads being created at 500, and if there is, it's bullshit. The EB morning update thread is at 1,699 replies. The .01 guide thread is near 1800. We're fine here.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='GuilewasNK']It was a direct result of OTTs if I am not mistaken. I have seen plenty of deal threads go over 500 with no problem.[/QUOTE]

Thank you both. I got the answer that I was looking for.

Personally, I'd love to keep this thread to 1,000. We've got a new server, anyway, so there shouldn't be a problem. :)
[quote name='Scorch']We're keeping this one to 1000. There's no server rule about new threads being created at 500, and if there is, it's bullshit. The EB morning update thread is at 1,699 replies. The .01 guide thread is near 1800. We're fine here.[/QUOTE]
I'll make sure to drop notes again in those two threads about time to make new ones, though I have no issues about this one going to 1000, if you're dead-set on it.

I'd just been told that threads in the OT forum get closed at 500, and that's what I've been sticking to. No, there's not a published rule about it, though that was what I was told back in the day.
I recorded the MSNBC show last night and I just finished watching it. That was hard to watch. Not because it was emotional, but because it seemed to poorly put together to me. It's really rough to listen to Rita speak for one, sounds like she smokes a carton a day. Not only that she got her facts wrong a few times. Also as mentioned earlier in the thread, those were some soft questions that have been answered so many times over...of the 'How do you feel?' sort. I'm sure Smackdown will put on a better program this week.
[quote name='Inferno-X']I recorded the MSNBC show last night and I just finished watching it. That was hard to watch. Not because it was emotional, but because it seemed to poorly put together to me. It's really rough to listen to Rita speak for one, sounds like she smokes a carton a day. Not only that she got her facts wrong a few times. Also as mentioned earlier in the thread, those were some soft questions that have been answered so many times over...of the 'How do you feel?' sort. I'm sure Smackdown will put on a better program this week.[/QUOTE]

Rita Cosby is right up there with Nancy Grace for most irritating woman in "news" IMO.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Rita Cosby is right up there with Nancy Grace for most irritating woman in "news" IMO.[/QUOTE]

Rita needs to cut back on the cigarettes...
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! My GameRush actually called me today (They've never done that before) and my copy of SD vs Raw 2006 is in. I can pick it up tonight since the store is right by the bar I go to every Wednesday night, but I won't have my system til tomorrow so I can't play it! :'(

But once I do get it... Who's playing online?
"I need a first-class seat, 'cause that's how I roll!" Plus, DDP in a new movie, and commercials everywhere for the new SvR game. It's Saucy Jack's rasslin' news time.

-- According to those close to the situation, one of the key things that pissed off Christian in WWE right before he left is when Vince McMahon refused to offer Christian an upgrade on his plane seats because he was "just a mid-carder", and doing that would "set a dangerous precedent."

-- Thanks to Adam Lebow for sending this in: Just wanted to let you know that I was watching ESPN Sportscenter, and there were advertisments during the commercial break for the new WWE Raw vs Smackdown game. Looks as if WWE is advertising the game everywhere, as I saw advertisments on the Fox telecasts of the NFL this past weekend as well.

-- DDP will be starring in a film by Image Entetainment called Driftwood. It’s described as a thriller set in a camp for troubled teens. DDP will be playing the main villain in the film which is currently in post-production and set for a 2006 release date.
[quote name='Matt Young']FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! My GameRush actually called me today (They've never done that before) and my copy of SD vs Raw 2006 is in. I can pick it up tonight since the store is right by the bar I go to every Wednesday night, but I won't have my system til tomorrow so I can't play it! :'(

But once I do get it... Who's playing online?[/QUOTE]

i got it yesterday but unfortunately my stupid ps2 fell a couple months ago and i think my network adapter got damaged.. either that or the port it connects to got damaged ( 2nd time this happens.. ps2's are garbage i swear)

also just saw the eddie tribute video featuring 3 doors down on wwe.com

pretty good
I call bullshit on the Christian/Vince plane ticket fiasco. It just sounds too goddamned stupid.

Although, wasn't there a WCW ref who tried to fly first class in 2001, only to get major heat with some of the top WWF guys?
Yeah, I just e-mailed a request to cancel.. if it hasn't cancelled by 8, i'll call them

I might try to find the "Eddie Stole My Other Shirt" shirt instead.. I dunno.

I kinda want "I'm Your Papi!", but I know i'd never wear it..
[quote name='Inferno-X']I recorded the MSNBC show last night and I just finished watching it. That was hard to watch. Not because it was emotional, but because it seemed to poorly put together to me. It's really rough to listen to Rita speak for one, sounds like she smokes a carton a day. Not only that she got her facts wrong a few times. Also as mentioned earlier in the thread, those were some soft questions that have been answered so many times over...of the 'How do you feel?' sort. I'm sure Smackdown will put on a better program this week.[/QUOTE]

She also called Smackdown "Shakedown."
[quote name='Scorch']Yeah, I just e-mailed a request to cancel.. if it hasn't cancelled by 8, i'll call them

I might try to find the "Eddie Stole My Other Shirt" shirt instead.. I dunno.

I kinda want "I'm Your Papi!", but I know i'd never wear it..[/QUOTE]

It would be awesome if they reprinted old WCW/ECW shirts. I bet they'd sell a lot of the "Eddie Guerrero is my favorite wrestler" shirt. I've always liked that one.
So I downloaded Raw from Monday, and nuts to it, it's a VCD version with pretty washed colors. I'll have to grab an XViD HDTV rip somewhere.

Watching the opening of Raw was a bit easier, but the video was still hard. What got me the most, and still gets me, is the "Thank You Eddie" chant. I think that rubbed off from ECW or something. Whatever the case, I'm glad the fans did that. Seeing the fans cry was bad, too. From kids to adults, boys to men and girls to women, everyone was upset. I think what got to me the most was right before they showed the tribute video, they showed a kid who was just bawling and the dad hugged him.

Damn. I still wait for his entrance music to hit and for him to come out in the lowrider.. damn.

//edit: PWT is back up for me
[quote name='Scorch']

//edit: PWT is back up for me[/QUOTE]

Thanks, man. I'm headed there now to see what's up.


Scorch, you were looking for a good HQ rip of RAW? Seriousmill (SER) put a version out. Looks like there's also an Unlimited rip.

I'll probably grab those two, and maybe TNA Genesis.
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