Eddie Guerrero's wrestling topic (RIP 1967 - 2005)

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[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']Anyone watch Byte This! earlier??[/QUOTE]

Nope, but I watched the documentary/interview portion of the Bret Hart DVD. Great stuff.

Can't wait to see Byte This! later.

A disturbing piece of news I read:

-- In the latest PWTorch newsletter, editor Wade Keller states quite bluntly that there is apparently a top wrestler wrestling in the WWE today who’s considered to be on an “unofficial death watch”. He doesn’t go on to further elaborate on who this wrestler is, but he does go on to mention how people need to do what it takes to keep him alive, even at the “expense of box office receipts, storyline interruptions” and more.

-- The deathwatch, which is apparently no secret to most within WWE, is still possibly unknown to Vince McMahon, who would need to be informed. The un-named wrestler, should he pass away, would make the coverage of the shocking and tragic news this week of the passing of Eddie Guerrero look minor by comparison, due to his credentials.

Anyone have any idea who they could be referring to?
[quote name='y2jrevolution']Ric Flair or Hogan???[/QUOTE]

Could be. I'd be leaning towards Ric Flair. He's getting up there in age, and he was going through some rough times in the past few years. If you see the "Celebration for Ric Flair" that took place after RAW one time, Ric talks about how he had hit rock bottom and that being back in the WWE saved his life.
[quote name='TheRock88']Damn, now I cant stop thinking about who it could be.

BTW, finally found a good Eddie avatar after searching for awhile.[/QUOTE]

That is a nice avatar. :)

I hope that whoever it is will be OK. It'd be devastating to lose two wrestlers so soon.
In regards to the above deathwatch rumor....until Meltzer mentions it, bullshit.

With that out of the way, there aren't many people who fit the bill with the "credentials" comment that was made, so I'd say Flair is possible. Who else is higher up on the food chain than Eddie besides that? Angle? Undertaker? HHH? HBK? Somehow I doubt any of those guys are who he is referring to.

*edit* Austin and Hogan fit the "credentials" comment, and Austin has had a pretty crazy life over the past few years, but neither of them is even around WWE currently, so I don't see why it would be them.
This sucks, I have the box the Anthology set came shipped in sitting on my floor right now. I really want to keep it, but something keeps telling me to send it back. gaaah!

As for the deathwatch, I don't really know who it could be. I'd probably think Flair or Hogan. I doubt it is Austin.
[quote name='RawisJericho']This sucks, I have the box the Anthology set came shipped in sitting on my floor right now. I really want to keep it, but something keeps telling me to send it back. gaaah!

As for the deathwatch, I don't really know who it could be. I'd probably think Flair or Hogan. I doubt it is Austin.[/QUOTE]

Might as well keep it, RiJ. You won't find a better deal than $125... probably ever. Plus, the WrestleMania Anthology is a limited product, so they're going to probably put it in the "vault," like Disney... sometime in the future.

If you can afford to keep it, keep it.
Flair or maybe Angle, to me. Angle seems like he may just not pass on, but become disabled on camera. After certain matches it's been reported that he had numbness in his arms and possibly legs also. So he may be at risk, and he would be a bigger name for the Olympic Gold medalist factor.
I doubt it could be Hogan as he isn't currently around the WWE all that much and he is also working on a new movie. Saw this news about the movie a few minutes ago.

- Hulk Hogan is currently working on a movie called Little Hercules in 3D. He plays Hercules' mythical father the Greek God Zeus.

Other than that I am not even going to try and venture a guess. I really don't want to think about any more wrestlers dying, or anyone for that matter.
I don't like thinking that someone could die soon. Just feels scary...

Angle is definitely at risk, though. He gave up his family... trains like a madman... and said that he'll do anything to be the best. All that strain has to take a toll on the man...
Unofficial death watch, eh? Interesting. Is Scott Steiner under contract? Nah..

So who's a top priority, high enough to where they'd keep it a secret from Vince? There's several people.

Ric Flair.. Kurt Angle.. John Cena.. Big Show.. Batista..

You may think Cena is healthy.. but I bet he juices like a mother fucker. Look at his size and everything. The man can pick up 500 pounds on his fucking shoulders.

That leaves one more name.. one more guy who's busted his ass, probably lifted more weights than half the staff combined, one who's been around a while and has pushed himself fairly hard.. one worth keeping the news shielded from Vince..

Triple H.
[quote name='Scorch']I totally forgot about Bret on Byte This.[/QUOTE]

I just got done listening to it. It's not really anything new, but it's still good because the Hitman is involved. I'm surprised every single caller didn't ask about Shawn Michaels/Survivor Series.
Does anyone watch "Breaking Bonaduce" on VH1? At the end of this last Sunday's episode, Danny's flirting with a girl at the gym who looks like a dead ringer for Ashley Massaro. I'm wondering if it's her; the only thing that was really different about this girl was that her hair was completely blonde. Hmm...
This is what my friends brother just said to me on MSN. He is now on my block list.

He asked me if Guerrero had died since he thought they were all rumors. First thing he said was it was from steroids. That pissed me off. Then he said this.

well the main point is no matter what drug he used like I just said whether it be seroids or whatever drug he was addicted to, their all bad!! You can't really compare one over the other, the fact is their all terrible substances and he deserves to die for taking any of them no matter what he took!!!

I didn't say anything back to him, I just blocked him. I'm so pissed right now.
[quote name='KaneRobot']In regards to the above deathwatch rumor....until Meltzer mentions it, bullshit.

With that out of the way, there aren't many people who fit the bill with the "credentials" comment that was made, so I'd say Flair is possible. Who else is higher up on the food chain than Eddie besides that? Angle? Undertaker? HHH? HBK? Somehow I doubt any of those guys are who he is referring to.

*edit* Austin and Hogan fit the "credentials" comment, and Austin has had a pretty crazy life over the past few years, but neither of them is even around WWE currently, so I don't see why it would be them.[/QUOTE]

Meltzer is just as big a bullshitter as any other of the wrestling hacks..er I mean journalists.

If it's true only 3 people come to mind for me and they are Triple H, Batista or Undertaker. I would really lean toward Taker.

But most likely this is just a way for Keller to make more money.
First and foremost, no one's death is going to make Eddie's look minor by comparison unless it's Vince McMahon himself. I think this is indeed just a case of Horse-puckey, but you never know. It's silly to speculate, I mean anyone could die at almost anytime (Eddie's death proves this theory), thinking about it is just pointless.
My guesses (in order) are...

HHH (dark horse)

Man, this is morbid. (No, not you, MA4L).

EDIT: Wait, I think I figured it out. Snitsky's career. Or Conway's gimmick.
I haven't had the chance to see all of Bret's apperance on Byte This! yet, but I've read some of the reviews and opinions on it... and it's horrible... :cry:

From the bit I've seen and what I've read (and it's even coming from hardcore, longtime Bret fans)... Bret conducted himself in a very rude manner. I can understand about the man being bitter, but he also seems to come off as arrogant and uncaring.

Bret is possibly my all-time favorite wrestler, and I've been a fan of his for God knows how long... but I'm a bit disappointed in his behavior.

I don't want to say that Bret owes his fans anything... but after years and years of us supporting him... well, it's disheartening.

We're not asking for one more match or anything like that. Bret knows what we want from him. He said so himself in an interview:

"My fans just want me to step into that ring one more time and talk to them."

Is it really hard for Bret to do that? I mean, he was able to settle his differences with Vince, as seen on the DVD set. All we want out of him is a few minutes of his time. We want to hear that music hit, we want him to get into the ring, and we want him to say a proper goodbye.

Then, Bret can leave that ring and never come back. He can go and live a happy new life like he wants to. The book can be closed on a legend, and his fans will get their wish.

But sadly, it looks like the next time we'll see Bret is a graphic on WWE programming: "In memory of Bret Hart."

We've learned that our favorite wrestlers can die at any time... and it would be heartbreaking for us never to get our wish granted. Bret's health isn't the best, so if we don't see him soon, we may never see him again.

I know a lot of you are also saying, "But Bret might make an appearance for TNA!" It's just not the same. He didn't have the same magic in WCW, and even he'll admit that he is always going to be a WWE superstar.

I know that Myke will probably say, "I told you so," and a few of you all might be upset with me because of my opinion... but I just had to voice this.

"Hall of Fame, another appearance... nah... I dunno."

C'mon, Bret. Just a few minutes for us, for the several years that we've waiting.
Photo of Rick Steiner after winning the local school board seat:

Oh dear... Rick Steiner on a school-board just seems disasterous, like something that Russo would come up with.

As for Bret, I've always thought he was selfish, hence the reason he refused to do the job to Michaels in Montrael. Home fans or not, a professional would've went out there, done the job, and left on good terms. Bret's ego wouldn't let him do that, he couldn't put his past with Michaels aside and do what he was being employed to do. Even his decision to go to WCW in the first place was based on the fact that he was no longer WWE's top heel or face at the time, and he just couldn't deal with not being the top billed guy on either side of the marquee. I believe he said something of that nature on the A&E special, how he was upset that Michaels and Austin had displaced him as the top face and heel.

Myself, I think it's all a damn shame that someone with such talent and such a great career has decided to end things this way. On the other hand, you can always say at least he's not the Ultimate Warrior.
I'm not gonna play some "I told you so" game. I only do that on the vs forums.

Truth be told, I don't think that one more WWE appearance is gonna be good enough for many of you.

Wrestling fans, like wrestlers themselves, get addicted to marking out; they get hooked on that pop, man. That lets all logic fly out the window, and it makes you want to see your favorite wrestlers *one more time* all the time.

Seriously, I don't think that seeing Bret once more on WWE tv will allieviate your interest. You'll make excuses, say that it doesn't count (like Byte This!), say it wasn't good enough; you'll create false pretenses for what you think the segment should be, and if it isn't god himself taking up Bret Hart, knocking Jesus out of the way, and seating Bret on his right side, then the segment is a flop and all of a sudden you aren't interested.

Now, there *are* exceptions. I don't think I'd care if I ever saw Scott Norton again, or the Black Scorpion. For top tier guys, though, once is not enough. And if it is, you have to deal with those people that want it to be in their town.

In the end, you aren't going to make everybody happy, so why do it? What's there for Bret to say, really?

And, of course, NONE of this deals with the fact that Bret's ego might not be letting him do an appearance (one that is simply a speech and that will symbolically end his career). Who knows what goes on in his mind.

So, I won't say "I told you so," but I will say "you and millions like you, acting selfishly, create a situation where it is impossible to please everyone."
I can't say that I blame Bret for not wanting to show up, as Myke pointed out it'd be very difficult for Bret to make that "perfect" appearance, one that leaves everyone, including Bret, satisfied with what takes place. I'm sure in the back of Bret's mind he probably has some fears that if he did re-appear on WWE tv something could go wrong and he wouldn't come off looking how he wanted.

My way of dealing with this is having Bret appear in Montrael. I'd book it like this:

Bret and Michaels in the ring, they share a handshake and then Bret turns on Michaels and puts him in the sharpshooter. It'd be a heel move, no doubt, but the fans would absolutely love it.
In Montreal, that handshake would be enough of a heel move to spawn an arena-size riot.

If it's in Montreal, HBK would have to beg forgiveness instead. Truly.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']
Bret and Michaels in the ring, they share a handshake and then Bret turns on Michaels and puts him in the sharpshooter. It'd be a heel move, no doubt, but the fans would absolutely love it.[/QUOTE]

That'd be nice. I'd love it, and I'd be happy with that.

Myke has a lot of very good points, too. I guess I was speaking for myself when I wrote what I wrote. I'd be happy with one last TV appearance. I understand that Bret doesn't want to a ref, an announcer, or any other kind of non-wrestling role, so all that's left for him is a goodbye speech. And that's a one-time only shot. At the most, twice. Maybe once at a PPV/RAW/SmackDown! show, and then one last time at a Hall of Fame induction with WrestleMania appearance.

I don't mind if it's not in my city because I've already had the pleasure and honor of seeing Bret live.

Also, even though it's Bret, seeing him appear on TV multiple times would make him lose the "magic" he has. Just like I wanted to see Hulk Hogan at the Hall of Fame / WrestleMania 21. I was happy with that and the Hulkamaniac child in me was marking out. I was happy with that appearance. If anything, maybe one more match from him. Well, we got several more matches out of him, and a lot of TV appearances. Sad to say, I actually got tired of seeing Hogan every week on RAW.

Legends are meant for special appearances, not every week.

Well, we're never going to see Bret on WWE non-web programming ever again, it seems. So, I guess I and all the other Bret fans will just have to remember the awesome matches he gave us. Yes, that'll have to do.
I'd like to see it too, Jack, I'm just a pragmatist.

Some good WM box set news: I watched XM IX and X recently, and the only theme change is the Bret Hart video. Originally, it was a Tom Petty track ("Making Some Noise," I think); it's understandable that they didn't want to pay royalties on that, but the end result is fucking awful. The video goes from poignant to pitiful with merely the change of a song. Perhaps the WWE makes as much money as they do because they're frugal assholes, but this is frugal to a fault. It totally ruins the fucking video, and it would only cost them a couple thousand over the next year or so to pay for that track (at most; royalties aren't that fuckin' much).

For a company willing to pour concrete into a corvette, drop a limo from a crane, and bascially ruin motor vehicles with wanton abandon, they sure do pick some fucking stupid places to save money.

Good news: I just started WMXI, and that's been the only theme change since WMIX started. They're also muffling the "f" in WWF, instead of the word entirely. It's irksome, but it's far better than deleting the word.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Photo of Rick Steiner after winning the local school board seat:


Yep, that's the one that was printed in my paper. I just wish he would have worn his headgear.:lol:
I love the shirt and must own one... The arm band would be nice to have, but I doubt I'd wear it.

Anyway... I wasn't able to play last night, but I opened up my PS2 and SDvR today. I've played about 15 matches, trying out various stipulation bouts as well as deefnding titles, picking different guys each time. I love it so far. I even drafted a roster and ran a show in GM mode, although I don't have a memory card so I wasn't able to save it. I do love thatmode, though. I've always loved fantasy booking, but I only do it in my head unless I have a program (this, or EWR) to sim things/store info since I'm too lazy to do it on my own.

I played some HCTP with a friend back in Illinois, but this is the first SD game I've owned since SD2 and it's great. I won't be playing my other systems much for at least a few days, but I'll be playing this gamea lot longer than that. I still have season mode and online play to look forward to!

I can't say for sure until I see whether or not it holds up over time, but overall (just gameplay, no, but overall) this is probably the best wrestling game ever released in America, although Fire Pro D would of course beat it.
ive been playing the season mode.. i havent really tried any of the gimmick matches since they are mostly the same...i did trry burried alive and that wasnt too bad

i mean this years game has improvements but it still feels like typical smackdown games.. the graphics are pretty good though for ps2...

season mode is pretty good so far.. similar to wm21 except you can be anyone and not just a created wrestler..my championship quest with chris masters is on the way

ive only unlocked bulldog so far... i was hoping he had his song from warzone but it looks like it has an older one.. i cant confirm if it is even accurate as i dont remember him using this song..

Hogan is unlockable from the start which is pretty cool. I really dont see a difference with having hogan 80's and hogan from now.. a wcw face hogan with old titan and wcw music would of been awesome..heck id take mr america as well
[quote name='neocisco']I hope 100% of that goes to Vickie. Vince is certaiinly capable of absorbing the production costs.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='WWEShop']
All proceeds are being donated to the family of Eddie Guerrero.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']Proceeds = Consumer Cost - Production Cost

So that's not what neocisco was talking about. An elastic band with a smidge of screenprint ink is what Vince should, but isn't, absorbing.


Fantastic article on necessary changes in the WWE; beware of major league popups.[/QUOTE]

I think the mathematical equation might be a little difficult for the troll to understand but thanks for trying.:) I hope Vickie has a good attorney to make sure she gets all of Eddie's royalties especially considering the spike in his merchandise sales.

Regarding the article, I agree. It was well-written and made it's point very clearly. Maybe Jesse Ventura can use this whole situation as a catalyst to try to start a union again.
Already beat the Raw storyline with Randy Orton and going through Smackdown with Kurt Angle right now. So far, it's the best wrestling game in a LONG time. Only thing that I dont like is that the camera in a 1v1 match is really up close. Wish there was an option to edit how far it can go out.

Anyone try it online yet? I'm too busy trying to unlock everything before I take it online.
Vince has said that the Guerrero family will be receiving royalties for Eddie for years to come. Of course what Vince says and what Vince does are often two very different things.

Hopefully they release a combo armband-tshirt package, perhaps with the Eddie DVD, I'd put that on my Xmas list.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Vince has said that the Guerrero family will be receiving royalties for Eddie for years to come. Of course what Vince says and what Vince does are often two very different things.

Hopefully they release a combo armband-tshirt package, perhaps with the Eddie DVD, I'd put that on my Xmas list.[/QUOTE]

I am sure sure people like Rey and Benoit will always be there for them no matter what happens.
[quote name='neocisco']Regarding the article, I agree. It was well-written and made it's point very clearly. Maybe Jesse Ventura can use this whole situation as a catalyst to try to start a union again.[/QUOTE]

For some reason, I don't see Jesse Ventura as a pro-union guy; then again, I'm not from MN, so I don't know much about him politically (although he looks a lot like G Gordon Liddy ;)).

Did he try to start a wrestler's union in the past?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I am sure sure people like Rey and Benoit will always be there for them no matter what happens.[/QUOTE]

Chavo too, who I'm sure now has a job with WWE for as long as he likes. He'll probably be a major face now too.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Chavo too, who I'm sure now has a job with WWE for as long as he likes. He'll probably be a major face now too.[/QUOTE]

I didn't look to see if it was mentioned, but the character of Kerwin White is no more. Chavo is using his real name again. I excpected this to happen and I'm glad it did...for the obvious reason of Eddie passing and the fact that the gimmick stunk as well.
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