Fallout 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info - 'GOTY' Edition w/All 5 DLC Packs 10.13.09

[quote name='Scorch']Fawkes kills any challenge the game once had. I kept Fawkes til the end.[/quote]

Honestly the game doesn't have much of a challenge once you get some of the unique weapons. Lincoln Repeater + Sniper Perk = Complete domination of anything you come up against. That and the Terrible Shotgun for close range and you're golden.

Small guns are so powerful in this game because of VATs, the only reason why I used a big gun or energy weapon was just for fun.
[quote name='tokitoki50']Just finished the game, VERY abrupt ending, it kind of caught me off guard. I definitely enjoyed the game, and I'll probably make a bad karma character now even though I did a pretty complete runthrough (level 20 character, all major sidequests completed except for the slaver one, all 20 bobbleheads, the only thing I didn't do is the behemoth one because I have no idea where they are).[/QUOTE]

Now you do, complete with videos...
I know I am late to the party, but now that I am into the game, it really is the only thing I want to play. I am glad that this board is still as active as it is. I am aslo glad that I am not the only one who finds Small Guns to be more efficient then the big ones.
Small guns/gun nut is great in this game. i havent yet gotten to a point where i need to use energy weapons (so I'm not too far in still), but i hear that can be useful later on when more of those start dropping.
[quote name='Wombat']I know I am late to the party, but now that I am into the game, it really is the only thing I want to play. I am glad that this board is still as active as it is. I am aslo glad that I am not the only one who finds Small Guns to be more efficient then the big ones.[/quote]

You came in at a pretty good time. They just released the 1.1 patch a few days ago, which corrected a lot of minor glitches and bugs (npc's disappearing and falling to their death), as well as a few major problems that would require a start from a previous save.

I am a little irritated that I was waiting for this patch to come out before I got into the game, but I just got Mass Effect off my pile of shame on Saturday.
[quote name='Wombat']I know I am late to the party, but now that I am into the game, it really is the only thing I want to play. I am glad that this board is still as active as it is. I am aslo glad that I am not the only one who finds Small Guns to be more efficient then the big ones.[/quote]

Glad to see you playing Fallout 3, Wombat.

Pretty disappointing the game has gotten the shaft from both you and Cheapy until now.
so is the level cap removed? i hit level 20 and then i gained XP and it says i'm working towards 21 now.

also here's some advice: lockpicking, science, and small guns are the only 3 skills that matter. everything else is just icing. energy weapons is a TERRIBLE use of skill points as i unfortunately found out. big guns are also a pretty bad idea. maybe on the second playthrough i'd consider trying an all-out melee character.

also the dart gun is an insanely good create-a-weapon that paralyzes people's legs. this is very very effective at stopping melee based enemies (of which there are a lot).
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']so is the level cap removed? i hit level 20 and then i gained XP and it says i'm working towards 21 now.[/QUOTE]

Not me. Still capped at 20.
They said that the level cap won't be increased until the 3rd DLC pack hits.
If your slider won't move then nothing special has happened. It's been that way since the release and I must say I'm disappointed we have to wait until the last DLC before the cap is removed.

Does anybody know what the new cap is going to be yet?
True though some of us wouldn't mind the option of being Superman tier invincible and having every perk available to us in the process.

Oh well. ;(
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']...Wow. Why are we forced to wait for a measly 10 level increase again? Very disheartening.[/quote]

How is it measly? What other game with a level cap raises the cap by a third with some DLC?

It's probably going to be ridiculously hard to get to 30 anyways, unless the DLC is filled with uber enemies and lots of quest rewards. To get to 20 I had to do just about all the side quests.
[quote name='bardockkun']By 20 you're more then strong enough as is...[/quote]Yeah but it's fun to raise your XP and level up.
It would be neat if they could add additional creatures into the game. I would be interested in seeing a Super Centaur. Or hey, perhaps they could add a quest where we encounter actual Civilized Centaurs? That would be neat.
[quote name='Chase']It would be neat if they could add additional creatures into the game. I would be interested in seeing a Super Centaur. Or hey, perhaps they could add a quest where we encounter actual Civilized Centaurs? That would be neat.[/QUOTE]
I did find one that had a pack of smokes and a butter knife. Does that count?
[quote name='Ice Cold']Why I love Fallout 3 on the 360, but this is probably on the PS3 and PC versions as well still awesome to unlock it.


Yeah, it is. That area caused by laptop to chug, though, cause of all the grass.
[quote name='bardockkun']By 20 you're more then strong enough as is...[/QUOTE]Seriously. I personally think increasing the level cap to 30 is overkill, especially if you're getting 10 more perks.

[quote name='DT778']Yeah but it's fun to raise your XP and level up.[/QUOTE]I totally agree. The only thing I hate about the level cap is that I never get XP or hear that nice cha-ching sound everytime I kill, lockpick, hack, finish quests, and discover locations. It feels like I'm accomplishing nothing now.

I'm over this game for the moment. I accidentally spoiled a couple bobblehead locations to myself reading the wiki, and my main drive through this game was being curious and exploring stuff. I'm glad tho; this game was sucking the life out of me.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I did find one that had a pack of smokes and a butter knife. Does that count?[/quote]

It most certainly does. That's neat. I will need to hunt for a similar centaur. Every centaur I have killed in game left me rubbish. Well, non-interesting rubbish.
If you guys want to level up make another character and play them, this is what I'll be doing. I haven't hit 20, and I'm starting a new game (I beat the main story basically, and skipped most of the side quests).

To tell you the truth, I'd love to see this game in RTS form. I think they did something like that, but I'm not to sure. I think it'd be cool, you could have four sides. The Brotherhood of Steel, The Enclave, The People of the Wasteland, The Mutants.

It'd be a pretty awesome idea, at least I think it would be.

Honestly, I haven't grown tired of this game yet. I've been playing this game at least everyday for 2 weeks+. I think this game may make me go out and buy a Microsoft Points card and buy the DLC. I mean seriously, this game is seriously awesome.

Also, I do agree on the ending, it felt way to sudden and felt kind of rushed. I have no problems with it, it's just it didn't feel like it lived up to what the rest of the game was.

I plan on getting all the achievements for this game which I haven't done for any games (except for That free Downloadable Doritos game).

I think I'm officially a fanboy of Bethesda, with Oblivion and this game... I think they've blown people away enough. Can't wait for the next game by Bethesda.
[quote name='Chase']It most certainly does. That's neat. I will need to hunt for a similar centaur. Every centaur I have killed in game left me rubbish. Well, non-interesting rubbish.[/quote]

Well, the centaurs I usually run into have some random first aid, usually jet or med x, which I find odd. My "wierdest" find was one that had a wrench and a dirty prewar buisnesswear suit on it.
Whenever I want to kill a bit of time in the game, I always go into Megaton and equip the Power Fist then go around beating people up (made better with the bloody mess perk) and yell out aloud "FALCON PUNCH!" Followed by "SHOW ME YAH MOVES!" It's made all the more ammusing when done in VATS in slow motion because it looks like Power Rangers Megazord style fighting.
[quote name='bardockkun']Whenever I want to kill a bit of time in the game, I always go into Megaton and equip the Power Fist then go around beating people up (made better with the bloody mess perk) and yell out aloud "FALCON PUNCH!" Followed by "SHOW ME YAH MOVES!" It's made all the more ammusing when done in VATS in slow motion because it looks like Power Rangers Megazord style fighting.[/quote]

Hahaha ... that is amazing. :applause: I must try that one day.
[quote name='bardockkun']Whenever I want to kill a bit of time in the game, I always equip the Power Fist then go around beating people up (made better with the bloody mess perk) and yell out aloud "FALCON PUNCH!".[/QUOTE]

HA!!! I do the same thing!!

Another thing I love to do:

Find a platform high up. Kill someone and sever their head off. Take the head and set it on a rail, table, whatever you can find. Pull out the baseball bat and play golf with their head. Or baseball. Whichever you prefer.

The best distance I've gotten so far was with
Tenpenny's head. I sat it on the rail on top of Tenpenny Towers and that thing took off.. at least a 300 yard drive
[quote name='Scorch']HA!!! I do the same thing!!

Another thing I love to do:

Find a platform high up. Kill someone and sever their head off. Take the head and set it on a rail, table, whatever you can find. Pull out the baseball bat and play golf with their head. Or baseball. Whichever you prefer.

The best distance I've gotten so far was with
Tenpenny's head. I sat it on the rail on top of Tenpenny Towers and that thing took off.. at least a 300 yard drive


That's easily one of the better things I've read on this site for some reason.
Never played this game before.. heard it was good. Who wants to sell me their copy? Also, I saw the Pip-Boy 3000 clock thing on amazon.. looks pretty hot, I'm guessing it's battery operated?
[quote name='PhrostByte']Never played this game before.. heard it was good. Who wants to sell me their copy? Also, I saw the Pip-Boy 3000 clock thing on amazon.. looks pretty hot, I'm guessing it's battery operated?[/quote]

Clock has some serious issues, from what I've heard. Not real great plastic, plus the batteries run out in like a week, apparently.

Anyway... level cap getting added to is pretty good. I'm also in the boat of 'stopped playing at 20 because I felt like I was accomplishing less'. Should be nice.
Let's just all be glad they are at least giving us a raise, instead of leaving it as is. I don't find it personally challenging to not enjoy this game because of a level cap. I'd just probably create more and more characters like I did in Oblivion.

You guys should try fighting with just melee weaps, or go unarmed. I personally will probably be doing this.

I think I'll be playing this game 100 hours+. I wonder if Final Fantasy XIII will even be good? Although, I can't question such a fantastic RPG series such as that.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Let's just all be glad they are at least giving us a raise, instead of leaving it as is. I don't find it personally challenging to not enjoy this game because of a level cap. I'd just probably create more and more characters like I did in Oblivion.

You guys should try fighting with just melee weaps, or go unarmed. I personally will probably be doing this.

I think I'll be playing this game 100 hours+. I wonder if Final Fantasy XIII will even be good? Although, I can't question such a fantastic RPG series such as that.[/quote]

I tried doing a melee only character and found it way too limiting. Instead I started a new character and I am using small arms again and using big guns instead of energy weapons (I beat the game the first time without even trying a big gun... I forgot I had the fat man and never used it once!). Also I'm trying to be neutral since I was as good as possible for the duration of the game.

On FF XIII: if the game is not mind blowingly awesome I declare the JRPG genre officially dead. And yes I have the authority to do that having played VII-XII and loved them. Except for XI fuck that MMO junk. I hear I need to try Persona but probably wont unless I decide to buy another PS2. I'm rambling off topic... sorry.
[quote name='dropbearGSH']I tried doing a melee only character and found it way too limiting. Instead I started a new character and I am using small arms again and using big guns instead of energy weapons (I beat the game the first time without even trying a big gun... I forgot I had the fat man and never used it once!). Also I'm trying to be neutral since I was as good as possible for the duration of the game.

On FF XIII: if the game is not mind blowingly awesome I declare the JRPG genre officially dead. And yes I have the authority to do that having played VII-XII and loved them. Except for XI fuck that MMO junk. I hear I need to try Persona but probably wont unless I decide to buy another PS2. I'm rambling off topic... sorry.[/quote]

starting at 7 doesnt make you any expert of the genre, you know how many people have started the same time as you. I did as well but I would never pass judgement on the japanese rpgs. they always find a way to resprise me with something new and unexpected.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']starting at 7 doesnt make you any expert of the genre, you know how many people have started the same time as you. I did as well but I would never pass judgement on the japanese rpgs. they always find a way to resprise me with something new and unexpected.[/quote]

While I can't claim to be a RPG expert (started w/ Chrono Trigger for JRPG, Baldur's Gate for WRPG), I would say that if FFXIII isn't a home run, then the Final Fantasy series is dead. There is something incredibly charming about going back to FF1 or 2, and the story telling of FF6 is still astounding. But something like FFX brought absolutely nothing new to the concept. Blitzball? Just...super. Blatantly androgenous lead? Thanks for that.

If it doesn't end up being the game we all want it to be, I'd want some sort of reboot of the series that brings a fresh look at what made the old games work and how to bring that forward.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I figured this probably wasn't the best place to ask for someone to sell me a copy haha. I guess you're all still playing it huh? :][/QUOTE]

Yes, GTFO :lol:

It's an awesome game although now that I've hit 20, I've slowed down. I'll start a new character eventually although I wish some of the achievements spread across multiple plays. For example, my level 20 guy has found something like 80 locations. In order to get the achievement where I find 100 locations, I essentially have to wander around, slaughtering stuff for minimal rewards until I hit 100. If the achievement spread across games, I could start a new character and do some alternate quests for Moira and the like while working towards the achievement.
[quote name='Halo05']Yes, GTFO :lol:
If the achievement spread across games, I could start a new character and do some alternate quests for Moira and the like while working towards the achievement.[/quote]

I had the same feeling when I left Raven Rock sans Bobblehead. While I had always planned on going through again to get Neutral and Bad achievements, missing the one permanently has basically made the bobblehead search on this playthrough pointless.
I'm going to experience this game to it's fullest, and I hope that won't be soon, lol.

Me and my bro play this game, and we pretty much watch eachother play. I love tricking my brother into killing himself, AKA radiation. Lol.

I wish you didn't have limited storage on your character, it kind of makes you feel limited on what you may have. It probably adds to the game, and makes it feel like it's real.

Any game by Bethesda is great. That's how I view them right now, they spend their time on the game. Although I did find a typo on a Note I found in the game.

Final Fantasy XIII I feel will be a awesome game, because imo I loved FF XII.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']
I wish you didn't have limited storage on your character, it kind of makes you feel limited on what you may have. It probably adds to the game, and makes it feel like it's real.

I like that. It stops people, like my brother for instance, who insists on attepmting to carry all the various tin cans, metal pots, and just other various junk so he can sell them back to merchants for a measly 20 caps. So learn the carry the esentials, if you're not going to use that awsome Rock-It Launcher that you just made, then put it in your storage locker. And of course, learn to use your companion to be a pack mule, and I rarely run out of space, unless Im trying to haul back 3 sets of power armor (For repair usage >_>)
I've never gotten that weapon. I rarely ever picked up any weapons with a high weight. Aka Big Guns and huge melee weaps. That also went with armor, I mean seeing Power Armor have a 45 weight was insane for me.

I find it funny how easily your companions that follow you can die, once they are dead, they are dead. It's not even worth having them really.
bread's done