Fallout 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info - 'GOTY' Edition w/All 5 DLC Packs 10.13.09

[quote name='Halo05']There's at least one companion who is nearly invincible but you won't see it until close to the end of the game.[/quote]

If you're talking about Fawkes, I find that she is easily killed if we encounter a group of Enclave soilers, they start firing their plasma rifles with extreme accuracy while she's trying to fire her gatling laser too far away. Not so great at the sneaking factor, but for everything else, not a bad companion. Plus, I believe she can also hold the most?
Does anyone know if the DLC that's about to come out will prolong the game (new quests, etc.) or will it start you off as a new character in a new story? Basically, should I finish the game now or wait until the DLC comes out so I can do more quests as my current character. Or can I finish the game and when the DLC come out I can continue as my current character?

[quote name='Link927']
If you're talking about Fawkes, I find that she is easily killed if we encounter a group of Enclave soilers, they start firing their plasma rifles with extreme accuracy while she's trying to fire her gatling laser too far away. Not so great at the sneaking factor, but for everything else, not a bad companion. Plus, I believe she can also hold the most?

About that companion...

What difficulty are you on? I'm on the default and in ~4 hours of wandering around with Fawkes, I've never had her/him below 75% health. We've run into everything from Enclave to multiple Deathclaws.
Don't worry I beat the game already, yeah.... Fawkes..... I kind of liked him, but I think you'll need good karma to have him become your ally. I played the good guy last time.

Also I think you go to a certain area in the game to do the DLC quest stuff. At least this is true with the Anchorage DLC. I will be looking forward towards to the DLC.

Offtopic: I just finished watching Resident Evil: Degeneration, and it was a pretty good CG Movie. Or is it CGI? You know those movies that look like the In-Game videos like for Final Fantasy XII and stuff. Well yeah, it was really good. I personally enjoyed it. Yeah just wanted to share that with everyone.
[quote name='jello00']Does anyone know if the DLC that's about to come out will prolong the game (new quests, etc.) or will it start you off as a new character in a new story? Basically, should I finish the game now or wait until the DLC comes out so I can do more quests as my current character. Or can I finish the game and when the DLC come out I can continue as my current character?

Thanks![/quote]Off the top of my head I remember reading that it's a simulation that takes you into the battle for Alaska. So it's not happening in the wasteland but you do get some new apparel and weapons that you can use outside of the simulation.

As for finishing the game there is a point of no return and once you pass the game you're done. So you need to have a save before that point to do all of the DLC stuff.
Yeah. I myself just decided to create a new character, why? Well I felt that I was growing tired of how my character was and decided to create an evil character.

I do wish you could start off with big gun weapons or energy weapons easily, but I guess some things in the Radiation infected Barren Wasteland can never come true. :(
I started off as a good character but I still stole and somewhat did what I wanted. After I blew up Megaton I never quite recovered from being hella evil but then I just realized I'm a bad motha fucka at heart so I openly stole from peeps and decapitated them when they confronted me, go on killing sprees, etc. It's way more fun being evil :twisted:.
Lol, I stayed pretty much fully good, maybe one time only hacking a restricted terminal.

I think I'll blow up megaton after I kill everyone in Megaton, lol.
[quote name='DT778']I started off as a good character but I still stole and somewhat did what I wanted. After I blew up Megaton I never quite recovered from being hella evil but then I just realized I'm a bad motha fucka at heart so I openly stole from peeps and decapitated them when they confronted me, go on killing sprees, etc. It's way more fun being evil :twisted:.[/quote]:rofl: yes!
I wish you could go on bigger killing sprees like in Oblivion, with the guards and stuff. Maybe you can with the Megaton Citizens. I will be testing this out later on.

I have not faced a Deathclaw yet, but I want to.
[quote name='DT778']I started off as a good character but I still stole and somewhat did what I wanted. After I blew up Megaton I never quite recovered from being hella evil but then I just realized I'm a bad motha fucka at heart so I openly stole from peeps and decapitated them when they confronted me, go on killing sprees, etc. It's way more fun being evil :twisted:.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it's almost impossible for me to play good in any game where I have that option. It's just no fun to me. I get so much enjoyment out of terrorizing the countryside.
I'm playing a good character, but I do a lot of things that gives bad karma (hacking, lockpicking, stealing) but it gives such low bad karma points that I have "Very Good" karma anyway.
How hard would it be to maintain a neutral karma? I think that it probably would be hard to keep a character neutral. I'm quite appealed by the Speech raised by 30 or 35 points perk.

I think I'll be making a diplomatic like character.
This game makes me feel all weird. I Actually care about some of the characters like
the whole Sydney/Little Moon Beam thing I felt compelled to give it closure, so I went back to the hotel and looked and found the note from her father.

I Think more reason I'm kinda hesitant or holding off on the main quest as much as possible...
I just went through the main quest the first time. I'm going to go through the side quests now. Hoping to get the full 1000 gamerscore points.
About the best partner....
Ok, Butch is the best fucking partner you can have. (Jokes aside)
I can't wait till Operation Anchorage comes out :D , I still have enough to do wandering around the wasteland looking for things to kill. This will add more dead bodies to the count. MWAHAHAHAHA :twisted:
[quote name='Droenixjpn']How hard would it be to maintain a neutral karma? I think that it probably would be hard to keep a character neutral. I'm quite appealed by the Speech raised by 30 or 35 points perk.

I think I'll be making a diplomatic like character.[/quote]

Its somewhat harder. You must maintain a +/- 250 Karma at any time, and completing a quest in a positive or negative way will put you +/- 100. And killing a good or bad character will net you +/- 100 I believe. Small items such as stealing will only net you -5 or -10 I believe. Also, you now arent chased down by Merc Group or the Law Bringers, and the fact that you're not killing as much, but instead talking your way through also is harder to level up sometimes. As regards for the perk, I was thinking that it might be useful, but I decided against it, and by the end with skill books and raising it by level, I was at 95ish at 20.
I've been neutral all game (~12 hours in) without even trying.. I don't aim for any particular karma, I just do what I would do if I were me. :|

Sometimes I wanna kill a guy, sometimes I wanna save a guy, sometimes I wanna steal something.. I just play it by ear and have remained neutral.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']starting at 7 doesnt make you any expert of the genre, you know how many people have started the same time as you. I did as well but I would never pass judgement on the japanese rpgs. they always find a way to resprise me with something new and unexpected.[/quote]

I was being sarcastic, but rereading my post it didn't seem like it. FFXIII better be awesome though, or I will be hella-pissed.
I'm in my second playthrough playing as an evil character. Earlier on in the game when I reached Megaton, there was this guy (can't remember his name) who was standing outside the bar.. I take it that he required me to have bad karma to tag along as a companion. At that moment in time I was neutral..
This was before me nuking that junk town.
Any idea where he could be found now? Also, can I have two companions at the same time?
Jericho? Yeah he lives in Megaton, check your Local Map.

You can only have one follower.

Edit: I didn't click your spoiler, yeah you're out of luck.
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If you nuked the town, I'm pretty sure he's gone. You're not supposed to be able to have more than one companion at a time. I've heard of people being able to have more than one companion because of some bug or something like that. Dogmeat doesn't count as a companion.
Finally beat it today with over 300 stimpacks and over 30,000 in caps. Got to say a pretty meh, ending, but it actually gave closure, which is more then I can say for majority of games. Eager for the DLC, but man I'm going to take a month or two break before I pick this up again though.
[quote name='emdub']If you nuked the town, I'm pretty sure he's gone. You're not supposed to be able to have more than one companion at a time. I've heard of people being able to have more than one companion because of some bug or something like that. Dogmeat doesn't count as a companion.[/quote]

Yeah... it's weird. I've heard that DM does count as a companion though some have been able to snag both Charon and Fawkes by killing him off. I'll have to try it sometime after I finish this second run through of ME again.

I'm so hyped right now. Skate 2 by the end of this week followed by RE 5 demo AND this DLC. For once in a very long time it feels great to be a gamer.
Dang..so I guess I'll have to contend with dogmeat for now.

Just completed Stealing Independence. Loved going the hard route and taking out a whole group of Super Mutant Brutes at the same time.

What's the best weapon to kill robots though? I find bots like Mister Gutsy, Protectron and Sentry bot the greatest challenge.
[quote name='destinywaste']What's the best weapon to kill robots though? I find bots like Mister Gutsy, Protectron and Sentry bot the greatest challenge.[/quote]

Pulse Grenades for the irrefutable win. If thrown correctly they're usually a one hit kill and you should have plenty of them. A poor throw at the very least should guarantee 30% - 75% dent in their HP.

Once I ran out of them I absolutely loathed that stupid mission. I was so pissed off after I cleaned the place out that I killed the last robot, took the karma hit and stormed out. GTFO with his dumb ass request. A contract is a contract and after surviving robo-hell I wasn't leaving without the Declaration. >;|
It probably has been posted before, but something I discovered in Rivet City:
if you use a stealthboy and pickpocket Lana Danvers, she has the armory key, you can then sneak into the armory and loot the place without a conflict. Lots of combat helmets/armor, as well as Rock-It Launcher schematics.
[quote name='yukine']It probably has been posted before, but something I discovered in Rivet City:
if you use a stealthboy and pickpocket Lana Danvers, she has the armory key, you can then sneak into the armory and loot the place without a conflict. Lots of combat helmets/armor, as well as Rock-It Launcher schematics.

I did not know that, thanks. I will be loading up later today.

I think I should mention that there is a turret inside guarding the goods, but I stayed crouched and it didn't detect me.

Just save beforehand, because if it starts attacking all of Rivet City will go crazy.
[quote name='yukine']I think I should mention that there is a turret inside guarding the goods, but I stayed crouched and it didn't detect me.

Just save beforehand, because if it starts attacking all of Rivet City will go crazy.[/quote]

Definitely an important piece of information.
Eh, IIRC, you can also pick the lock, after you persuade the robot guarding the door that there's an emergency in the brig, or wherever you send it. And I believe its Hard, so you'll need 75 to even attempt it.
I've been experiencing this glitch where, whenever you walk you will bounce around randomly, allowing you to go inside boulders... anyone else experience this?
I just got the game recently and started into it. I'm pushing a good karma character now, but how do you tell your karma level so I know how close I stand? I'm a little lost for direction here at the beginning. Everyone is giving me quests and not even looking at me twice even though I'm a stranger. Should I spend some time trying to pick off raiders for cash and levels? I just went through that Super Mart...could go back I suppose.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']I just got the game recently and started into it. I'm pushing a good karma character now, but how do you tell your karma level so I know how close I stand? I'm a little lost for direction here at the beginning. Everyone is giving me quests and not even looking at me twice even though I'm a stranger. Should I spend some time trying to pick off raiders for cash and levels? I just went through that Super Mart...could go back I suppose.[/QUOTE]

You can locate your karma under the Stats tab, and then go to general.

Large image:


The game is overwhelming at first, but you get the swing of things by the third time you sit down to play it.
Quick thoughts:

Got this roughly two weeks ago, and have probably put in close to forty hours. Result is that I'm in a problem of thirds: one part hates this game, one part wants to hate it but can't, and one part loves it.

Primarily the disapproval comes from technical glitches, uncanny valley, some initial problems with the interface (it could be drastically simplified to be more streamlined), and An initial "this sucks because I don't have enough ammo and can't get enough cash."

Gave it some time and it comes around much better after that breaking-in period. While I will say roughly 80% of the game is purely just walking, part of that is pretty good in and of itself. The other 20% is generally okay, even if the dialogue is abysmal in places. Getting various missions is a lot of fun, building your character is worthwhile, and seeing the changes you enact in the world based on your actions is neat. Hell just scavenging is pretty fun.

Combat is...passable, I actually think full-on FPS would have made a little more sense. But that would be herecticism to this series's roots, so I understand why it's not like that. Besides, the VATS movies sort of look like a futuristic Discovery Channel, except you are watching mutant heads asplode.

I think if they cut out a bit of the fluff, refined the perk system a bit more (c'mon, most are useless), made the combat slightly more visceral, it would be an exquisite game. As it stands, I must admit I have a lot of fun with it, and always look forward to playing it more. So I guess that means Bethesda can claim mission accomplished.
This was a few weeks ago, but...

My character in his Gangsta outfit in Tenpenny Tower:

Flying Deathclaw (looks like he took off like a rocket... random glitch):

My complete bobblehead collection:
at first I did not like this game but now that I found the Sniper Rifle with Silencer. The Power Fist,

and the 10mm Handgun silencer and Laser sight,

I am playing more Stealth oriented, And If I get in trouble or get Spotted I switch to the Power Fist which is the Most powerfull Non-gun weapon in the Game.

And now that I found my Dog, companion DogMeat, the journey is not so lonely.
I've enjoyed this game from day one of me playing it. If you have ever played Oblivion and enjoyed it you will definately enjoy this game.

I aim to get the full 1000 gamerscore points, and I won't stop there. I know I will be playing this game for a long time.

The glitches make this game funny and enjoyable, but some can be ball busting... I have yet to try a stealthy like character, but I want to next.

To bad you can't make your very own class like you did in Oblivion, but in this game I don't see why you'd have to anyway. You're the Vault Dweller, the person from the Vault.

I can see why people would not enjoy the game, however the majority of the people who bought this game have enjoyed it, and if you do not enjoy it, play it a bit more, and see what you say afterwards.

I do also agree on how it is hard to start off in the game, but you will get adapted to the environment. Finding stuff is what makes the game even more fun, and it adapts well to the game's setting.
[quote name='Strell']Combat is...passable, I actually think full-on FPS would have made a little more sense. But that would be herecticism to this series's roots, so I understand why it's not like that. Besides, the VATS movies sort of look like a futuristic Discovery Channel, except you are watching mutant heads asplode.[/QUOTE]Yeah, if they had made it pure FPS, I would have been pretty pissed because I loved the turn-based percentage system from the old games (and don't like FPS much to begin with). That said, I wish they at least put in a good melee button.

And I have yet to get sick of watching mutants splode in slo-mo. Even if it makes no sense to have all their limbs pop off cuz of a head shot.
Got back into this game over the weekend. Forgot how addicting it is.

Playing through as the biggest asshole who ever lived. Not a person I've met has lived for more than 1 days (thanks to me).

I confirmed that Fallout 3 was my game of the year for '08, edging out the late comer, Left 4 Dead.

Loaded up on point cards from the liquidating Circuit City to get all the DLC.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Yeah, if they had made it pure FPS, I would have been pretty pissed because I loved the turn-based percentage system from the old games (and don't like FPS much to begin with). That said, I wish they at least put in a good melee button.

And I have yet to get sick of watching mutants splode in slo-mo. Even if it makes no sense to have all their limbs pop off cuz of a head shot.[/quote]

If this was a pure FPS I would have quit about an hour into it in all likelihood. I love the combat system through VATS (or whatever its called). I wish there were more games that had combat like that.
Just finished the Oasis quest. Glad I saved that till now since I'm just sort of putting off the last story mission. It had just enough variation to break up the growing monotony.
[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']Loaded up on point cards from the liquidating Circuit City to get all the DLC.[/quote]

Have you actually entered the points yet? There's been a number of people saying that they've bought point cards from CC only to get home and find out that they weren't activated.
bread's done