Fallout 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info - 'GOTY' Edition w/All 5 DLC Packs 10.13.09

[quote name='YodaEXE']Have you actually entered the points yet? There's been a number of people saying that they've bought point cards from CC only to get home and find out that they weren't activated.[/quote]
Actually I haven't. I wonder how this is as they are pre packaged cards. Is there somthing CC has to do to activate them?
The ones that weren't activated were the ones that weren't in clamshell casings. Been talked about in two different threads on CAG, but not everyone has seen that part of the discussions. Basically any cards that aren't in clamshell/factor plastic casings have to be activated and apparently Circuit City can no longer do that. The ones that are in the that plastic that could slice you up good, then you are fine. I bought 7 1600 point cards and all of them worked.
I can't wait until tomorrow, and I see they've added the Anchorage DLC achievement onto the Fallout 3 game already. This made me believe that it was already out, lol. Does anyone know how much the DLC will be? If it's above 1000 MS points, I can't get it.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']I can't wait until tomorrow, and I see they've added the Anchorage DLC achievement onto the Fallout 3 game already. This made me believe that it was already out, lol. Does anyone know how much the DLC will be? If it's above 1000 MS points, I can't get it.[/quote]
Look at the topic...
[quote name='bardockkun']Look at the topic...[/quote]

Someone's grumpy. :O

A simple quick answer could've been efficient as well. I only asked for simple discussion purposes, and to possibly help others in the future as well.

Anyway I'll do as you reccomended, but take a chill pill.:cold::cold::cold:

Edit: WOW!!! Just wow.... How could I miss how much it costed? Lol... It was in the topic title, xD.
I Wasn't being grumpy. Merely giving a simple answer since soon as I saw your question I just looked over at the topic and gave same answer I got.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Any word on how many hours long approx the DLC will be?[/quote]

I heard 5-7 which means it will be about 2-5...they always seem to lie on these things...
[quote name='Strell']
Combat is...passable, I actually think full-on FPS would have made a little more sense. But that would be herecticism to this series's roots, so I understand why it's not like that.

Agreed, I think they should have gone full fps (playing this with COD quality controls and weapons feel would have been sweet). Or they should have made the combat much more like the original Fallouts. I guess I would have just liked the combat to be a more refined version of either, something just feels off about it the way it is. That being said, I still love this game.
By the time I finsih the normal game the DLC should be half price then I'll buy it.

The amount of Items in Fallout 3 alone is staggering not to mention you can upgrade and build weapons.

I have a silencer 10mm handgun with a laser sight for covert stealth work

and a very powerfull 357 magnum with scope for power

what new items is the DLC Bringing???
They definitely put it up an hour early. That's awesome. Too bad I won't have a chance to play it for another.. *checks watch* 16 hours. *sigh*
Should I DL the DLC now, or wait until the Fallout 3 GOTY Edition? :p

I'm going to go with the latter because I still have a bazillion things to do left in the game. :p
Anyone else having massive freeze up problems around Old Olney and Canterbury Commons? I go into Uncle Roe's house (I think that is his name) in Canterbury Commons and it immediately switches to 1st Person and Im halfway through a floor. So far it has happened every time so I can't go in there. I think I need to go in there to collect my reward for getting the AntAgonizer though.
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']more importantly, I pissed off the Outcasts by, well, um.. killing them.
I should still be able to do this DLC right??[/quote]Well they arne't pissed off if they are dead....

I'm interested in hearing how good the DLC is cause I'm really excited for it. When someone figures out how to access it let us know.
Can someone tell me where I go to get the training so I can use the Power Armor and Helmet (the stuff the Brotherhood of Steel wear)? It says the person that can train is in a lab by the citadel but I don't seem to be able to find it. Thanks.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can someone tell me where I go to get the training so I can use the Power Armor and Helmet (the stuff the Brotherhood of Steel wear)? It says the person that can train is in a lab by the citadel but I don't seem to be able to find it. Thanks.[/quote]I found the dude hanging out with the other brothers of steel in the a-ring.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can someone tell me where I go to get the training so I can use the Power Armor and Helmet (the stuff the Brotherhood of Steel wear)? It says the person that can train is in a lab by the citadel but I don't seem to be able to find it. Thanks.[/quote]

I found him hanging out in the middle of the big courtyard. I think he was by a shooting range or something.
[quote name='dropbearGSH']I found him hanging out in the middle of the big courtyard. I think he was by a shooting range or something.[/quote]

Ok. Ill just search around that area more, see if I come across him.
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']well this might turn some people off but, you can't loot people on the DLC[/quote]

Can you elaborate on this? Are you saying you can't take anything from anybody after you kill them? Does this apply to the whole game now, or just the alaska part?
So, I know this is the obvious question, but for those of you who have bought the Operation Anchorage expansion, was it worth $10 to you?
^eh idk yet
I'm assuming when you finish the Alaska Mission, the armory has all the new weapons for you to use in the main game.
To bad I beat the main game already...
chinese stealth suit that makes you look like snake with octo camo and face mask

basically very awseome, worth $10 just for that considering Horse aromor was $5 for 2 things.

This is $10 for all new gameplay and items

Imagine snake Chinese stealth suit with a Powerfist and a dog companion = awesome
Once you finish it you will gain access to a vault within the brotherhood outcast outpost which contains.

  • Winterised T51b Power Armor DR: 45 WG: 40 VAL: 999 - Rad Res. +25
  • Winterised T51b Power Helmet DR: 10 WG: 4 VAL 120 - CHR +1, Rad Res. +8
  • Chinese Stealth Armor DR: 24 WG: 20 VAL: 358 - Sneak +15
  • Jingwei's Shock Sword DAM: 35 WG: 3 VAL: 358 - HP -2 (5s)
  • Chinese Assualt Rifle
  • Trench Knife
  • Mini Nuke
  • Plasma Mine
  • Energy Cell (120)
  • Missile Launcher
  • Missile (2)
  • Gauss Rifle DAM: 91 WG: 12 VAL: 358
  • Microfusion Cell (70)
  • Electro Charge Pack (70)
  • Flamer
  • Flamer Fuel (50)
  • Power Armor
  • Power Helmet
  • .31 Caliber Round (4)
  • Frag Mine (2)
  • Pulse Mine (2)
  • Frag Grenade (4)
  • Pulse Grenade
  • Plasma Grenade
  • Various Meds
Once you open this vault, some of the Brotherhood Outcasts are displeased that you are free to take whatever you wish from the stash. Expect to have to fight your way out.

[quote name='ChunkyB']So do you get to keep all your weapons and armor when you leave the operation anchorage thing?[/quote]
no you get them in the Armory you unlock after you finish the Quest.
I think I may skip this and wait for either The Pitt expansion, or The March DLC.

Ehh, whatever I'll get this and ask my mom for another 1600 MS points card later.
I am midway through a second playthrough; do you get XP from playing the DLC if you aren't at max level? Should I pick it up now or just wait until I have beaten the story again?
The DLC was ok. Too linear and no real evil/good option while playing. Would of been cool to be able to let the Chinese win or something like that. Plus once your in the simulation, you can't just go do something else while in the middle of it like in other side quests. You're there until you beat the mission. Overall, it felt like a mission for noobs since you're skill and perk levels don't matter that much.Took me about four hours of gameplay from the DLC which about $2.50 an hour.

P.S. The Gauss rifle is the shit.
You have to wait, and you will see a message pop up saying you have picked up a radio broadcast or something like that. Then you will be given a quest.
[quote name='DT778']I found the dude hanging out with the other brothers of steel in the a-ring.[/quote]

Where is this at? I was told by the Librarian that I can turn in Tags there also. Im not sure where this is.
[quote name='schuerm26']Where is this at? I was told by the Librarian that I can turn in Tags there also. Im not sure where this is.[/QUOTE]
The Citadel. If you haven't escorted Dr. Li there yet, you don't have access. Once inside, there's a fella who will give you Power Armor training.
bread's done