General Fighting Game Thread #48 Turbo - !quote 16 ^_^

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[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Nothing looks good so far on the white :( other than SFIV plates...

I like my Lola faceplate. (not my pic)

Jekki you are one crazy shit.:lol:

Wtf, that vid Hank posted was cool up till the part Ray start ripping off the chicks shirt and his finish was tearing off her cloths. Wtf, leave it to jpn to turn Ray into a perv :whistle2:? He still has one of the best theme songs I have ever heard.
[quote name='zewone']I like my Lola faceplate. (not my pic)


Looks good, but I think the SFIV is a bit nicer to be honest... actually, I've seen a few that look nice on white, but it's almost never the same white as the console or it's just a different color >_<

whatever. Never really cared for faceplates.

also downlaoded and played SFA2 for the first time... really good :)

playing it makes me wish they stuck with that super system rather than the split system in SFA3.

also SFA2 is great for its bad translation:

Rolento (to Guy):
Pity! Now I will have to rebuild my empire...ON YOUR FACE
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[quote name='distgfx']Says the one who humps his 360 daily. :lol:

At least I have a choice. :razz:[/QUOTE]

I have a choice too.. anyone with enough money to buy the systems has a choice. And with my choice I choose not to pay $500 for a system I would probably rarely use.

Anyway, so I guess everyone with a choice is going with the Xbox version this time? Since Mark said it was better? :lol: See you guys online. :D:D:D
I didn't say it was better, I just said it didn't have the same slowdown in certain instances that the Arcade/PS3 had.

Get both, you can't go wrong either way.
That's true Mark.. "better" is a subjective term. Most would say lack of slowdown is better than presence of slowdown. Still, there are about 4 months left before the game is release. So far, the only difference pointed out has been slowdown. Xbox: 1, PS3: 0. Who knows.. maybe the tables will have turned by the time the game is released? (DLC? Bonus content in collectors editions?)
[quote name='JEKKI']Narcbyte ruining every1's good time with his hate crimes!

hate crimes![/QUOTE]
The Craigslist thread is getting to him ;O
I'm glad I can always rely on a good ol' JEKKI-style non sequitur. :]

[quote name='Inf^Shini']The Craigslist thread is getting to him ;O[/QUOTE]

Sometimes I think those guys are just flat out batshit insane.
i'm gearing up to run AX tournaments so i looked up SC4 rules. dang, what happened to that game? all the tiers turned out way different. except broken ass hilde on top, that was due, with her auto ringouts from everywhere.
[quote name='MarkMan']It's not as awesome as it sounds. It's actually pretty lulz. ;([/QUOTE]

:lol: every time I find out something new you try and tell me it sucks :lol:

it will prob, but it's something different.

It sounds like it's against CPU which is already lulz.
[quote name='kainzero']i'm gearing up to run AX tournaments so i looked up SC4 rules. dang, what happened to that game? all the tiers turned out way different. except broken ass hilde on top, that was due, with her auto ringouts from everywhere.[/QUOTE]

i dunno lol

Generally everything is allowed because "the community doesn't want to be like Smash". Or something.
[quote name='B:L']i dunno lol

Generally everything is allowed because "the community doesn't want to be like Smash". Or something.[/QUOTE]
i mean that's fine

just that the metagame changed so much since it came out
people were mad 'cause my shitty cass was "top tier" even though i lost all the time. lulz.

didn't expect algol to be top though. that crazy looking weirdo.
I was playing some guy in HDR today in a Ranked Match with Zangief. He was Dictator and I pretty much just used basic tactics to own him the first round. Halfway through the second round he rage quits on me since I was still owning him. He voice messages me with "Scrub, why even bother playing? I mean, come on." He messaged me again later saying "That is what I thought" I never responed to him in the first place. I'm far from a scrub but nowhere near pro. I was more just surprised than insulted by the whole thing. The funny thing is that I messed up the microswitches on my joystick on my ex2 so I have a hard time registering down-back or 1.

As an added bonus today, I got 2 other rage quitters before I couldn't play anymore.
I love playing Battle Fantasia but the second version of Deathbringer is the cheapest most ridiculous boss I've ever had to beat. What's even weirder is that you don't have to beat him every time you run through the story. I just gave up trying to beat him with charge characters like Cedric.
[quote name='Furashu']ggs axc, u are now playing my sisters bf lol.

havent played SF4 in a while helped me get rid of some bad habits lol![/QUOTE]

GG's to you too. Rog/Seth matches were fun. Sister b/f playing? :) I was wondering why...

1) You weren't picking Rog

2) You let me get away with a LOT of stuff with Seth that you usually see me do. Also same with Ryu's x 2 xx Ultra.

Sorry I had to go. Fighting Game get-together at 8pm.
[quote name='asianxcore']GG's to you too. Rog/Seth matches were fun. Sister b/f playing? :) I was wondering why...

1) You weren't picking Rog

2) You let me get away with a LOT of stuff with Seth that you usually see me do. Also same with Ryu's x 2 xx Ultra.

Sorry I had to go. Fighting Game get-together at 8pm.[/QUOTE]

haha yeah i only play rog+blanka

and random.. akuma+honda+guile

i was just sitting there laughing.
[quote name='depascal22']I love playing Battle Fantasia but the second version of Deathbringer is the cheapest most ridiculous boss I've ever had to beat. What's even weirder is that you don't have to beat him every time you run through the story. I just gave up trying to beat him with charge characters like Cedric.[/QUOTE]

When I first fought Shin Deathbringer I couldn't figure out what to do so I got really frustrated... but then I realized you just have to go into rage mode and use combos on him. I haven't played in a while though so I can't tell you my strategy for sure but I think it went something like this:

-always keep medium distance
-wait for him to attack you, block (or counter), and then respond with a rage + combo
-if you're good at linking regular moves into special moves you can try rage + combo + special move.. but this is difficult to execute and you have to use mulitple super gauges.

I need to play through that game some more.. the story mode was fun but it takes like an hour or so to get one character up to 100% in story mode. :\
Just wanna find out, what system(s) are ya'll getting Tekken 6 on?

PS3 and PSP for me. Reasons being is that my stick is for my PS3 and I love the idea of practicing Tekken on the go.

I know you're going with 360 frost, because you don't have a PS3 or PSP. :razz: - Curious about the frost love/hate? Join the FGT chat.
PS3 and PSP and hopefully if my budget allows it, 360 as well.

Ill probably be playing T6 PSP more than the home console version since I'm going to barely be home when it comes out, but I'll be raping both versions.
Went to a local SFIV/SFHD gathering last night that lasted until 4am. Too fun. Very little beats making new friends and catching up with old ones, all the while playing SFIV and SFHD.

It was my first time playing on a SFIV TE stick at some points in the night too. Played on two modded ones and a stock stick. Too nice. I want one :) (even though I have 4 sticks already)
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I'll probably get the 360 version of T6, and maybe the PS3 version if it seems worth it.

No PSP, although I might consider getting the Go if they come up with a decent way to get UMD games on there (because then I could pick up used UMD games for cheap and have digital copies)

Most likely though, I will just have the 360 version.
Damn frost, you've taken a personal interest in this one. I just saw some for PS3 and some for 360 and called it a split. You're taking it to a whole new level.
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