General Fighting Game Thread #48 Turbo - !quote 16 ^_^

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quick question: anyone else lose to scrubs in, say, SC4 cuz ur tryin to do cool lookin moves (lots of Jack and coke involved, to be fair) and they just keep workin the same 3-4 combos they find? embarassing, but I want to show how cool some of the characters are, and instead just get my ass handed to me by my buddy who's never played. ugh.
[quote name='heavyd853']Well, Mark used to be travel and play tourneys frequently, so it would probably be a good idea to take almost anything he says about Tekken and how we play it seriously.

He's also way better than any of us regulars at DR, which he proved on multiple Tekken nights.[/QUOTE]

yeah, most nights I played him on DR I walked away with my tail between my legs.

I miss direct competition though. Once I get a car I'm going out to find the local Miami Tekken crews and join one so I can get better. I miss when I had a crew.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I'm tuuuuuuuuuurible at Tekken. I just like playing.[/QUOTE]
Same here. I don't play the Tekken games as "seriously" as I do Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter 5 & Dead Or Alive, but I love TTT. It's just plain fun.

All this Tekken talk is going to result in me playing some T5 until I call it a day.:lol::lol::lol:
Just gotta get into it gents!

Find that local comp and you'll grow from there! Student of the game mentality. Always learn. Not only learn, use that knowledge to your advantage!

I hate playing DR Online but if it helps someone out, I will.
[quote name='heavyd853']Well, Mark used to be travel and play tourneys frequently, so it would probably be a good idea to take almost anything he says about Tekken and how we play it seriously.

He's also way better than any of us regulars at DR, which he proved on multiple Tekken nights.[/QUOTE]

You misunderstand, my comment has nothing to due with Marks skill at the game at all, more that he had to step in to keep this from becoming a srk thread. But enough of that.

This thread needs more BB!

Two hours of sleep sucks >.
[quote name='zewone']I'm not even that great at Tekken and I bet I'm better than 90% of the people here.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Ur partially right, but it all depends on who ur talking about ;)
I've played 2 matches of Tekken 3 on a PS1 Jampack disc. That's my Tekken resume! I'm looking forward to Tekken 6 and trying to learn it.
While out hanging out with a bunch of friends yesterday, I went ahead and put pre-orders down at Gamestop for Blazblue (PS3) and KOFXII (PS3)

One less thing to worry about in the next coming weeks. Are people still up in arms over the Blazblue artbook? A friend of mine who works at this particular GS said not a lot of people pre-ordered Blazblue at that store. Who knows I might get the artbook.
[quote name='asianxcore']While out hanging out with a bunch of friends yesterday, I went ahead and put pre-orders down at Gamestop for Blazblue (PS3) and KOFXII (PS3)

One less thing to worry about in the next coming weeks. Are people still up in arms over the Blazblue artbook? A friend of mine who works at this particular GS said not a lot of people pre-ordered Blazblue at that store. Who knows I might get the artbook.[/QUOTE]

Artbook's online only, at least that's what GS' site says:
[quote name='asianxcore']While out hanging out with a bunch of friends yesterday, I went ahead and put pre-orders down at Gamestop for Blazblue (PS3) and KOFXII (PS3)

One less thing to worry about in the next coming weeks. Are people still up in arms over the Blazblue artbook? A friend of mine who works at this particular GS said not a lot of people pre-ordered Blazblue at that store. Who knows I might get the artbook.[/QUOTE]
I dunno, I said screw the artbook and cancelled my pre-order at GS. Instead I just went for the Amazon pre-order. From past experience, any free artbook usually is a disappointment.

And BlazBlue does look hot, when does it come out btw? Been totally out of the loop when it comes to upcoming releases.
[quote name='option.iv']I dunno, I said screw the artbook and cancelled my pre-order at GS. Instead I just went for the Amazon pre-order. From past experience, any free artbook usually is a disappointment.

And BlazBlue does look hot, when does it come out btw? Been totally out of the loop when it comes to upcoming releases.[/QUOTE]

when you pre order you still get the LE edition for 60 right?
dood did any of u guys watch the SBO Quals stream last nite?!?!?!

I txt messaged markmang to post the link!!

that shyt was fukk.hype. I got home at 4AM... u jus had to be there!!

basically... events like that is everything fighting games are about!! if u disagree, stop playing this shyt and gtfo!!

u guys gotta go to Evo, seriously.


final match of the evening, no sound but should suffice until better quality shyt hits the internet

I was standing behind the commentator's table during the finals... they had IRC running on their laptop and that shyt was blowing up like a waterfall when he made that comeback.
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[quote name='Thomas96']when you pre order you still get the LE edition for 60 right?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the preorders from Amazon all are upgraded to the LE. Plus, it's like 57.99 and you can of course use your ECA membership if you have one for an extra 10% off.
Can anyone hook a brother up? I'm not sure if the BB pre-order is getting upgraded to LEs here in Canadia. Anyone with an extra PS3 copy preordered or willing to put $5 down on a pre-order for me just incase I'm shafted?
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[quote name='Jest']Can anyone hook a brother up? I'm not sure if the BB pre-order is getting upgraded to LEs here in Canadia. Anyone with an extra PS3 copy preordered or willing to put $5 down on a pre-order for me just incase I'm shafted?[/QUOTE]

I don't think the first run of BlazBlue will include non-special editions at all... but hey maybe I'm wrong. Care to confirm this, Mark.. or anyone?
So has anyone picked up SamSho2 on Live? is it worth it? I'm debating whether or not to grab it since I don't want to drag out my PS2, SamShoAnth, and T5 stick just to play for 15 minutes when I get the itch...

So how is it?
Seeking advice:

There's an SCIV tourney at a local store here this weekend. It's 360/bring your own controller.

I have not played SC since the Dreamcast. Has it evolved greatly outside of new characters? I'm aware SC is generally considered a bastard fighting game in the button masher camp. Debating whether or not I should enter just for kicks, and maybe rent the game prior to this Saturday.
[quote name='Strell']Seeking advice:

There's an SCIV tourney at a local store here this weekend. It's 360/bring your own controller.

I have not played SC since the Dreamcast. Has it evolved greatly outside of new characters? I'm aware SC is generally considered a bastard fighting game in the button masher camp. Debating whether or not I should enter just for kicks, and maybe rent the game prior to this Saturday.[/QUOTE]

It evolved quite a bit in SCII, then devolved further and further along with SCIII and IV.

If you want to win, it's best to pick up a copy to brush up on your character's offense and defense against what you would consider new moves. If you don't know what you're doing, even the most basic Nightmare scrub will wreck your day.

[quote name='Mr. Beef']Dang, where's Hank when you need the SC advice?![/QUOTE]
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Dang, where's Hank when you need the SC advice?![/QUOTE]

I'm always around. :) Sometimes too much. . .

[quote name='B:L']It evolved quite a bit in SCII, then devolved further and further along with SCIII and IV.

If you want to win, it's best to pick up a copy to brush up on your character's offense and defense against what you would consider new moves. If you don't know what you're doing, even the most basic Nightmare scrub will wreck your day.



And B:L >> me any day at SC. I guarantee it, though I've played TONS of the SC series.
Actually compared to other fighters I always thought the SC series hasn't evolved much. With that said the first SC was so damn good it didn't need to evolve. Just add 2 or 3 new characters and it's a sequel.

Played Melty Blood the other day. It was fun, and combos were hella easy to pull off even for a first timer like me. My problem was all the characters essentally played the same and the character designs were bland. It was simple but shallow.
Gah! I'm in peurto rico with no fighters! >_<

well whatever... i've never been on a working vacation before, so it's hard to know when I can and can't chill out.

I'll probably will get the bundle, but probably not if I get it on all systems... I've never bought a mutli platform game for all systems before but I'm almost sure T6 will be a first. Phrost should be happy for me. 360 version is mainly just to have an excuse to play more, but I'll be focusing on playing the PS3 version and buying DLC for the PS3 version.
[quote name='Strell']Seeking advice:

There's an SCIV tourney at a local store here this weekend. It's 360/bring your own controller.

I have not played SC since the Dreamcast. Has it evolved greatly outside of new characters? I'm aware SC is generally considered a bastard fighting game in the button masher camp. Debating whether or not I should enter just for kicks, and maybe rent the game prior to this Saturday.[/QUOTE]

I thought the Hastings tournament was last weekend... Maybe this is a different one?

Anyways, I've got SCIV on my PS3, and it plays well enough on an arcade stick, but I see no advantage to using it. I imagine the SFIV fightpad would result in a similar experience. In fact, my instincts tell me the fightpad would be slightly better than the PS3 controller or the arcade stick. The game just doesn't feel like it needs the faster button presses of an arcade stick.

Hit me up if you're up for playing some SCIV this week before the tournament. I'd be down.
TMK: anyway
TMK: I may wait for BB
TMK: only a few days
TMK: but then I'll kick your asses

You heard him FGT, he's gonna kick our asses in BlazBlue :lol:
[quote name='BlueSwim']
:lol::lol::lol: See what I did there?

I tease Furashu about the same thing in the chat ... well, when he used to come in there anyway. :lol:
Now that I have roomates, there is always someone to play against all the time. :D

We've been playing Capcom vs. SNK 2 like CRAZY; I never realized how packed full of features the game is. The character edit mode is very in-depth and learning the different groves has been great.

We rented Street Fighter IV last night; might as well kiss my social life goodbye. ;)
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Now that I have roomates, there is always someone to play against all the time. :D

We've been playing Capcom vs. SNK 2 like CRAZY; I never realized how packed full of features the game is. The character edit mode is very in-depth and learning the different groves has been great.

We rented Street Fighter IV last night; might as well kiss my social life goodbye. ;)[/QUOTE]

The color edit mode??
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Bingo. Green Ken ftw!![/QUOTE]
My favorite color edits were...

- Luigi for Eagle
- Trunks for Rock
- Mario for Todo

Any other character, I just went with a slick dark color. Funny story: one of my friends edited Evil Ryu to look like normal Ryu, and when he went for the Raging Demon, his opponent was FURIOUS.
Same here, MM. I was late for school all the time because I wanted to watch Sailor Moon.:lol:

I've been re-watching the show all week. Just as good as it being all those years ago. No wonder why I'm an anime fan.
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