General Fighting Game Thread #48 Turbo - !quote 16 ^_^

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You guys are weirdos! It was all about:


PS: You guys really gonna let Phrost win those Tekken plushes for 1 cent? ;)

Only an hour left!! Free hand-drawn artwork to any CAG FGT member who wins one my auctions, aka the get Jimbo Slice to Evo funds.

Also... I'll be having a trivia contest soon, with prizes including one or two fighting games.

In case anyone has signatures disabled:

I also have some PS2 --> GC converts that could be handy for TvC US Version!!
[quote name='Mr. Beef']My favorite color edits were...

- Luigi for Eagle
- Trunks for Rock
- Mario for Todo

Any other character, I just went with a slick dark color. Funny story: one of my friends edited Evil Ryu to look like normal Ryu, and when he went for the Raging Demon, his opponent was FURIOUS.[/QUOTE]

Yorda for Hibiki
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Funny story: one of my friends edited Evil Ryu to look like normal Ryu, and when he went for the Raging Demon, his opponent was FURIOUS.[/QUOTE]

so I never heard of retroforce until Bluesw mentioned it... apparently they have like 90 episode, 89 of which arent archived on the internet -_-... anyway...[quote name='BlueSwim']Listen to Retroforce GO! on Destructoid....NOW!!! Go to the newest episode(about zombies) and fast-forward to about 20 minutes in when they're talking about a WiiWare chess game. You need to, gunm. I almost PM'ed you about it last night. I won't spoil anything but you absolutely MUST listen to it.[/QUOTE]got dammit!!! when I heard it, I couldnt stop laughing!!! seriously... if u guys wanna hear a podcast for a while do listen to the zombies episode... you'll kno it when you hear it!!!
we were talking about the Samurai Pizza Cats game for famicom in the chatroom one time, and how nobody except me n markman had played it.

that game is incredible. fukk fighting games... go play that game instead.

like... go play it NOW!
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I used to watch it back in the day when I was a kid. That and Samurai Pizza Cats :D[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jimbo Slice']

Also, YES!!!

[quote name='Furashu']u rang sir?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'd like 24 glazed doughnut holes and a 1 pint bottle of chocolate milk. However, I don't want the King of Fighters tranny surprise.:lol::lol::lol:

@JEKKI: I couldn't stop laughing, either. When I heard Chad mention an asian chick wearing bubbles in a bathtub followed by a CAG shout-out, I knew who they were talking about right away. :lol::lol::lol:
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some old ass shows...........

i grew up in the ninja turtle, sonic, mega man, mario, street sharks, animaniacs era.
then...sailor moon, ronin warriors, dragon ball, thunder cats, voltron, transformers

then later... pokemon,digimon....
then later... yu-gi-oh...
I saw some Animaniacs episodes recently. Looking back with the knowledge I have now, it's mind-boggling at how much they were able to get away with.

I haven't participated in an HD Remix night in weeks. I'm gonna try and make room for it this time, though!
ok everybody also needs to play Bucky O'Hare.

it was actually released in america... I think by Konami... and it was so.fukkyn.good.
lol, wasn't there a C.O.W.boys of Moo Mesa Konami beat-em-up too? Actually I might just be thinking of "Sunset Riders." Or maybe both of these things exist?

more on topic, I've been playing SFA Anthology lately. Apparently I need to beat all the games in the collection to unlock HYPER alpha mode... are there any special conditions for that? Like can I set the game to single rounds and a lower difficulty, and still have it count towards unlocking stuff?

Also if I get a "bad" ending in Alpha 3 does it still count as beating the game? It did unlock Double Upper when I beat regular Alpha 3, but I'm hoping will also count towards unlocking HYPER.
There WAS Cowboys of Moo Mesa AND Sunset Riders, Busta. You weren't imagining things. I remember both of those games being pretty fun, too.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']fuck man... was finally on my way to winning a match in UFC via decision, when I got one-punched KO'ed. Really fucking annoying.[/QUOTE]

Hahah, shoulda kept your defenses up!

Send me a challenge if you're game. PSN: B__L
(After the Lakers win, of course.)

Everyone else I know got the shittier 360 version :bomb:
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[quote name='B:L']Hahah, shoulda kept your defenses up!

Send me a challenge if you're game. PSN: B__L
(After the Lakers win, of course.)

Everyone else I know got the shittier 360 version :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Sure man I'm game. I'll send you a friend request soon.

PS: I'm 5 - 4 now :)

5 wins via KO, 4 losses via KO lol
[quote name='heavyd853']kakuto chojin? GROSS[/QUOTE]

but but but... it was banned from stores ;)

The prize box will be stuffed with other oddities, as well. Rest assured - it will be worth it.
Does this mean you have your copies already? And any chance you could drop the word that another print run of the posters would rock, seeing how the first 70 sold out so damn fast. :cry:
[quote name='MarkMan']Crecente hardcore?

He thought my TE stick was hard wood.[/QUOTE]
You know, if someone didn't know that "TE" means "Tournament Edition", that post could easily be mistaken as you and Brian having a "thing" going on and that you can't get "it" up. Just saying...
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[quote name='JEKKI']I dont get it...[/QUOTE]
:lol::lol::lol: I'm saying that if someone thought "TE" was a typo or something(instead of an awesome arcade stick) and ignored it, they'd read that post as....
[quote name='MarkMan']Crecente hardcore?

He thought my stick was hard wood.[/QUOTE]:lol::lol::lol:

The wheel of fate is turning!!! REAL TALK! Do you want to win a copy of BlazBlue before anyone else? Yes? Well, enter our “Wheel of Fate” contest by submitting either a picture or video of you with a sign that says “THE WHEEL OF FATE IS TURNING!” The most creative entries will win a copy of BlazBlue for the console of your choice (Xbox 360 or PS3)! Click below for full contest rules!

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aww shit! I'm all over it MM

:lol: I still don't understand how I never got GGII when I won it but I don't care to be honest since I was just happy to win lol

maybe some cubans stole it lol
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