GOG Deals Thread

Wouldn't it last until they've gone through all 101 games or whatever?
Stands to reason, which is probably why there is no duration given. It's difficult to predict how long that will take, even with repeats.

EDIT: Okay, seriously, somebody go buy a bunch of Wargame:EEs at a ridiculous price so we can move on.
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This GOG sale has really got me in it's clutches. I'm afraid to leave the house for fear of missing a deal. Usually I'm only afraid to leave the house because it's scary out there.

This is like that eBay scavenger hunt of years past. No mere mortal has a chance.
When Omerta was free, I stared at it like some slack-jawed yokel for a half a second before I tried to grab it. Missed out of course. But I wonder if I could have snagged it if I hat hit the buy now button right away? Maybe.

Now that most people are well aware of the free games though, we got no shot in hell of getting one. Omerta was my only chance and I blew it (I think).

These are rolling off the shelves - I guess it's so rare to see GOG sell anything at 75% that all the fanbois are gobbling them up.

What you have to do is place your mouse cursor where anticipate the buy button will be and then time your click so that it occurs the instant the free game appears.  

I'll just assume from now on, that point when gog.com hangs in the middle of flipping over the billboard, is when I'm missing the freebies...ahhhh, that feels better now....I can even make up my own freebies I'm missing....

bread's done