Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

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Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

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For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

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For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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i would've liked the bonus better if they were sending us a package of bacon.  I need to stop watching History Channel because it's making me hungry


How far in are you? I liked the first half, but then things became really frustrating and the dialog rather grating.
I think I'm one level after the first boss and if things end up more often like that awful smasher than like the platforming I've had, it's quite possible it will fall apart but I've got my money's worth from it.

And who listens to the dialogue? They don't let me read it and go page by page with one button press. No thanks. I just skip it. The voice work is decent and the writing isn't bad but I can do without woe is us the darkness my son you must learn wolves packs feed nonsense. Gotta just learn to skip dismal video game writing. If you can't generate interest in the span of a tweet, you need to switch mediums.

I think I'm one level after the first boss and if things end up more often like that awful smasher than like the platforming I've had, it's quite possible it will fall apart but I've got my money's worth from it.

And who listens to the dialogue? They don't let me read it and go page by page with one button press. No thanks. I just skip it. The voice work is decent and the writing isn't bad but I can do without woe is us the darkness my son you must learn wolves packs feed nonsense. Gotta just learn to skip dismal video game writing. If you can't generate interest in the span of a tweet, you need to switch mediums.
It gets worse, and the enemies get a lock more annoying to fight. It also gets way too unforgiving and checkpoints become farther and farther apart. I don't skip the dialog because I still want to see the story through and it's important to me to get a full view of a game I intend to write a review for. I don't disagree it's worth .50 for the first three or so levels, but after that I've been having less and less fun with each level to the point of exasperation. The boss fights are also awful, every single one of them.

For the record I have one last section (I think, four level) to play, but I can't see it picking up enough for me to fully recommend it.

Will probably drop fiddy cents on Driftmoon before it's over.
My three word Driftmoon review: Could be worse.

To be serious though it's not that bad. It's not great by any means and it is rough around the edges but it feels like effort was put into it and it is solid . . . more or less. Can't beat getting it for 50 cents. If you had to pay the $14.99 retail on Steam(or even the $10.49 discounted price it is at currently) I would say steer clear but grabbing it for 50 cents on Groupees is good in my book.

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I think the first season is episodes 1-4 for some reason.
I can confirm that the first "season" of the Doctor Who game is episodes 1-4 (after extracting the .zip, you'll find four executables). The fifth episode is just that. I agree that it's a bit confusing.

I've only played through about half of the first episode, and so far it's not bad. The controls and camera fight each other a little, but given the price it's worth a download.

More thoughts:

  • The environments are pretty good. The character models and animation, however, are a tad rough. I think they should have gone with a more stylized look, like a mix of realistic and slight caricature. There's an uncanny valley here, but it doesn't detract from the gameplay, of course.
  • Puzzles are fairly simple, but I've already encountered a kind of dexterity-based minigame which I'm going to dread if it appears again a third time (or more).
  • Stealthing around is fairly easy so far, but remember that I'm barely finished with Episode 1 ;) We'll see if it gets harder; Amy is right behind you, so if you don't hustle, she'll get shot and you'll go back to the most recent save point. I'm not a fan of stealth games, but so far it's okay.
  • Music is basically all Murray Gold (which I love).
  • You can collect cards which give you data on characters, villains, etc. in Doctor Who. These aren't essential to beating the game, but they're kind of fun to go out of your way to obtain.
  • Some objects in the game give you random information about the show or info on things in general. I'm not sure why I'd need to know the origin of an English taxi cab, but there it is :)
  • Lastly, Karen Gillan is as lively as Amy as her lines allow, which is to say she does well with what was written for Amy. Matt Smith's lines are delivered a bit flat, and sometimes they don't seem to carry the gravity they should given a situation or character dialog. It's not awful, but in fairness he probably had to read his lines quickly as he was likely also working on the show at the same time. Perhaps things will pick up near the end of Episode 1 or in the other episodes.
Going by the comments, I think I'm glad I skipped Blood of the Werewolf. I'm fairly positive I don't need a platformer that's only "ok" for just a couple of levels. 

It's odd that they're giving away episode 5 of Doctor Who. I suppose they're standalone and there will be no need to have played the prior episodes. I'll have an extra key for that once they are dropped. 

It's odd that they're giving away episode 5 of Doctor Who. I suppose they're standalone and there will be no need to have played the prior episodes. I'll have an extra key for that once they are dropped.
On a whim, I installed Episode 3 (so now I have Episodes 1 and 3 installed). I was able to run Episode 3 straight away even though I haven't finished the first one, so that lines up with what you guessed. There's even a separate executable link (both are named for their episodes, "City of the Daleks" and "Tardis", respectively).

Just posting in case anyone else is curious.

It's odd that they're giving away episode 5 of Doctor Who. I suppose they're standalone and there will be no need to have played the prior episodes. I'll have an extra key for that once they are dropped.
Yes, each is a self-contained adventure; I don't even remember there being references to the previous ones. FWIW, the 5th one is the only one that has both Amy and Rory and it's the best of all of them.

Yes, each is a self-contained adventure; I don't even remember there being references to the previous ones. FWIW, the 5th one is the only one that has both Amy and Rory and it's the best of all of them.
How can it be the best if it has Rory?

That little prick was always standing in the way of the Doctor getting his groove on :shame:

How can it be the best if it has Rory?

That little prick was always standing in the way of the Doctor getting his groove on :shame:
It's not just Arthur Darvill's likeness and voice; it's actually the most sophisticated of what are admittedly a series of not-terribly-complicated adventure games. There's a lot going on. Here's my four-year-old review of the first two games:

I'm gonna put you in the cupboard.
You can't put him in the cupboard with a vicious dictator! That wouldn't be very cricket, would it?

It's not just Arthur Darvill's likeness and voice; it's actually the most sophisticated of what are admittedly a series of not-terribly-complicated adventure games. There's a lot going on. Here's my four-year-old review of the first two games:

You can't put him in the cupboard with a vicious dictator! That wouldn't be very cricket, would it?
Now I'm really looking forward to finishing these. In a way I was hoping these wouldn't be overly complicated anyway. I kind of just wanted to enjoy more of the story and characters, sorta like the Telltale Back to the Future adventure games. Not that I don't like involved adventure games (I love The Longest Journey and similar games).

For the record, you guys made me laugh with the reference to the cupboard :D

Yeah it looks like a 'cutesier/casual' version of the Ultima games.
I think that's a pretty fair way to describe Driftmoon, well Ultima 7 specifically anyhow. It doesn't have a lot in common with the really oldie Ultimas nor the post EA meddling ones.

I think anyone who liked Ultima 7 will probably get some appreciation out of it and you certainly can't beat it at this price. These kids today I don't think will get it though. 'Wot? It looks like Diablo but I can't smash stuff! This SUX!'


Yeah it looks like a 'cutesier/casual' version of the Ultima games.
I think that's a pretty fair way to describe Driftmoon, well Ultima 7 specifically anyhow. It doesn't have a lot in common with the really oldie Ultimas nor the post EA meddling ones.

I think anyone who liked Ultima 7 will probably get some appreciation out of it and you certainly can't beat it at this price. These kids today I don't think will get it though. 'Wot? It looks like Diablo but I can't smash stuff! This SUX!'
It gained a few points on the backlog. Maybe... MAYBE I'll even play that game someday...

Nerds, please stop with the Dr. Who talk and finish Mooby's computer. Thank you.
List of famous Whovians:

Bob Dylan
Noel Gallagher
Matthew Bellamy
Brian May
Bruce Dickinson (the covers to Wasted Years and Somewhere in Time both have TARDISes)
Florence Welsh
David Beckham
Gabe Newell
Steve Martin
Stephen King
Tom Hanks
Neil Gaiman
Elizabeth Hurley
Peter Jackson
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
Joss Whedon
Matt Groening
Mike Tyson
Patrick Stewart
The Archbishop of Canterbury
The Prince of Wales
Queen Elizabeth II

And by extension, you just called them all nerds.
Are you saying that's inaccurate? I stumbled into Mooby's house by accident and at least half of them were building his PC just now.
The Doctor alone would be more than enough for Mooby; he can make a computer out of cleaning supplies.

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Blade is a nerd of the (wannabe) Eastern persuasion. I don't think they would watch Dr. Who unless it looked like this

Lol. Why do you think I'm a nerd of the wannabe Eastern persuasion? Because I have an Asian woman for my avatar. Following that logic, it's equally plausible that I want to be a woman. ;) I could actually be Asian--or a woman, or a transsexual--and nobody would know since the only time I posted a pic of myself was in 2006.
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I seem to remember some thread of conversation by you that went something to the effect of 'I'm not really a weeaboo, I just date Asian women, and use them as my avatars, and like Anime and...'

Also something about disabled women and Asian women and disabled Asian women. Possibly they could be transsexual disabled Asian women.

I seem to remember some thread of conversation by you that went something to the effect of 'I'm not really a weeaboo, I just date Asian women, and use them as my avatars, and like Anime and...'

Also something about disabled women and Asian women and disabled Asian women. Possibly they could be transsexual disabled Asian women.
I remember someone calling me a weeaboo because I had an Asian woman as my avatar, but she is super hot. Kate Upton hot, minus the popularity. I even think her measurements are more outrageous proportionally than Kate's. I have a lot of interests that aren't Asian-oriented, which I think makes a difference; those American people who record videos in Japanese while dressed in cosplay are far more fitting. And I think disabled Asians is a dating sim game someone recommended a while back. I don't care for dating sims. Hatoful Boyfriend was awful.

@ashes, why don't you want to evolve? Your stats will increase and you can get a new move set. *waits for more nerd comments*
Chiptune is so overdone.  Hoping Groupees comes up with another game bundle soon as I was wholly underwhelmed by Humble.

bread's done