Hey FGT #11, Go home and sleep. You suck.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']Capcom wasting character slots? Naaaah. They're not known for doing that... *cough* marvelvscapcom3isrifewithwastedslots *cough*[/QUOTE]

At least in MvC3, characters don't play like a carbon copy of one another with a few changes. =(
[quote name='distgfx']At least in MvC3, characters don't play like a carbon copy of one another with a few changes. =([/QUOTE]

Have you played MvC3 yet?

I haven't, but the gameplay vids I've seen of certain characters looks generic enough to invoke deja vu between some characters. :|
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Have you played MvC3 yet?

I haven't, but the gameplay vids I've seen of certain characters looks generic enough to invoke deja vu between some characters. :|[/QUOTE]

I have not, but what characters seem like they'd invoke deja vu? From the videos I've seen, they each seem to have their own unique play style and move set.
[quote name='distgfx']I have not, but what characters seem like they'd invoke deja vu? From the videos I've seen, they each seem to have their own unique play style and move set.[/QUOTE]

I think what I'm getting at is "we don't know how deep the base moveset is" and that's what's causing my deja vu. I remember watching VJ do a combo and thinking I'd seen it somewhere before... and what I think that stems from is this:

(1) While SF may have "clones" like Ryu/Ken/Akuma, if the attack animations and specials are varied enough, it leads to a different play style and different combos to perform.

(2) I'm guessing the MvC3 simplified controls with mostly A>B>C>E>air combo applies to everyone... so while the trials for two characters such as Ryu and Ken are different and one of their combos won't necessarily work for the other, MvC3 characters seem to have the common combo string where you can A>B>C>E>aircombo, which leads to the deja vu feeling I was getting...

I don't know if I'm making sense, but as I analyze it, I think that's where my "deja vu" feeling is stemming from.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Have you played MvC3 yet?

I haven't, but the gameplay vids I've seen of certain characters looks generic enough to invoke deja vu between some characters. :|[/QUOTE]


They're different.

Admittedly its pretty hard to tell watching videos but once you get your hands on the stick its completely different.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']
I don't think Poongko will be affected by Seth's stretchy limb nerf.[/QUOTE]

He's never been. Guy is pure risk and rushdown. Rarely any Zoning.

Also using j.hp or s.hp too much in the Rog matchup is dumb. A good Rog that knows the matchup can catch all of that with j.hp (and jump back), s.mk, cr.hp and so on. It's not worth the damage. Headstomps destroy Rog's wakeup game anyway, since the smartest thing he can do is EX Straight to get out of a potential mixup/guess.

As I've mentioned before a complete loss of j.hp isn't devastating and only affects matchups which rely mostly on it (Gief, T-Hawk, selectively Honda). It'll make playing the Zoning game (to open up Rushdown) against Shotos a little interesting.

If Capcom messes with the Headstomp, completely different story.

Out of all the Poongko videos I've seen, this one below is the best because it shows him actually playing pretty serious, rather than just being careless with meter, and making odd decisions against the tomato cans you see in some of the videos that show up.

(There is j.hp in these 2 matches)


[quote name='heavyd853']Hi.

They're different.

Admittedly its pretty hard to tell watching videos but once you get your hands on the stick its completely different.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Having even just playing the build that was at EVO 2010, you could tell each character was different.
[quote name='asianxcore']Agreed. Having even just playing the build that was at EVO 2010, you could tell each character was different.[/QUOTE]
you weren't even at evo, you liar!

now heavyd, he was there

he was there getting beat so bad by me at tekken 6 that he didn't enter the next day
totally had nothing to do with the amount of alcohol he consumed that night
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I think what I'm getting at is "we don't know how deep the base moveset is" and that's what's causing my deja vu. I remember watching VJ do a combo and thinking I'd seen it somewhere before... and what I think that stems from is this:

(1) While SF may have "clones" like Ryu/Ken/Akuma, if the attack animations and specials are varied enough, it leads to a different play style and different combos to perform.[/QUOTE]

Let me put it this way then, we could either have evil Ryu which is similar to his counterpart but a little different or we could have urien/alex/rolento/etc. which all play completely different from the other characters.
[quote name='distgfx']Let me put it this way then, we could either have evil Ryu which is similar to his counterpart but a little different or we could have urien/alex/rolento/etc. which all play completely different from the other characters.[/QUOTE]

This is true.
[quote name='kainzero']you weren't even at evo, you liar!

now heavyd, he was there

he was there getting beat so bad by me at tekken 6 that he didn't enter the next day
totally had nothing to do with the amount of alcohol he consumed that night[/QUOTE]

LOL. Sorry I didn't get a chance to hang out with you guys/destroy my colon at the buffet.

Next year, I won't make the mistake of flying in less than 2 hours before EVO starts.
Huh, so I can kinda do linking block strings with Ryu/Ken. Go figure.

I still suck at SRK fadc anything. Occasionally I can get Ryu to SRK fadc metsu...
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Practice the SRK > FADC until it's second nature, THEN work on throwing in the Ultra into it.[/QUOTE]

Are most of the links the same -- lp/lk > mp/mk/fp
Or do those just apply to Ryu/Ken?
They sort of seemed to work with Cammy -- jump in, cr.lk, cr.lk > cr.mk > spiral arrow.fk
For most of the shotos, yes. For other characters no, but the shotos are the main ones who you're going to be doing SRK motion > FADC with. But since you said you were having trouble doing the motion for it, that's why I suggested you work on SRK > FADC first. That way when you want to try practicing comboing into it, you won't have to worry.

I don't know anything about Cammy, but option does.
[quote name='kainzero']you weren't even at evo, you liar!

now heavyd, he was there

he was there getting beat so bad by me at tekken 6 that he didn't enter the next day
totally had nothing to do with the amount of alcohol he consumed that night[/QUOTE]:rofl:
[quote name='heavyd853']I almost missed marvel too. Good thing Preppy was running a pool and had my number.[/QUOTE]


"Yo HeavyD!! I got your number for the pool, bro!!! Get your ass down here!! No there ain't no fat bitches here, you done fucked enough already. Are you drunk? $$$$a, it's not even 3 PM!!"
Other than the balrog and guile match ups, chun li players give me the most trouble when I'm playing against them with cammy. They seem to have an answer to everything I throw at them. Any suggestions?
[quote name='heavyd853']which ones are giving you trouble? Ill help if i can[/QUOTE]

I've noticed she doesn't have FADC moves much, which is nice, because I'm only okay at that input -- I had to stop on Cammy trials when I hit the one with j.hp, cr.mp, cannon spike FADC cannon spike.

That's when I went to Chun-Li -- and the charge moves are killing me. I love Chun, but holy shit. Took forever to try to cancel into SBK...

Anyhow, I think I'm stuck on 13 and after -- the one that was really pissing me off (the first troublesome one) was FA > b.mk > mk > EX lightning legs > kikosho. I almost got it but the one time I hit the first four, I was stunned and the kikosho came out a split second late and missed the juggle. With that one I have the most trouble with the mk hitting and knocking dan up after the b.mk hit on stun. With trial 14, same problem. With 15 (I think) I have issues with the ultra... I can get the opening string, maybe even into the kikoken cancel, but I just can't get the super at the end.
[quote name='kainzero']i think you're thinking too much

it's just practice
no amount of talking will help you get it done[/QUOTE]

This, sadly. =(
[quote name='kainzero']i think you're thinking too much

it's just practice
no amount of talking will help you get it done[/QUOTE]

When I can't get the b.mk > mk to connect, it's not practice, it's something I'm doing wrong. :(

Something is off with my understanding of the spacing or timing and I'm not sure what exactly. FA > b.mk > mk ... there's something I'm definitely missing; especially since she does the animation for the mk but it just doesn't connect 98% of the time, and I can't figure out what I'm doing differently the other 2% of the time -- the other ones, like Cammy's are timing and speed/proficiency, yes. But this is something off with my understanding/application.
Ok, so here's the deal, anyone who told me "can't help you, just practice" was totally wrong.
If someone were to tell me "you have to dash forward after the FA before you b.mk > mk > ll.ex > kikosho", that would have been a huge help.

So does anyone want to explain to me how the fuck to cancel a charge move into a super charge move?

j.fp > b.fp > s.mp > kikoken > senretsukyaku (chun li trial 15)
[quote name='panzerfaust']charge -> release move -> input for super

the initial charge will count towards both moves.[/QUOTE]

So basically, once I do forward+punch for kikoken, i do back, forward+k and I should get the super? Or do I have do do forward, back, forward because the forward+punch for kikoken didn't count toward the super input? Or the whole thing? fuck it, I'll try them all, but further clarification would be appreciated. ^____^

Basically, right now, I'm jumping in, immediatelly holding back, hitting hp x 2 for target combo, hitting mp to start the second two hits, cancelling the second hit of the s.mp to kikoken with a f.mp, but then I'm not sure what to input...

I only have Chun trials 15, 18, 21, 22, 23 left.
charge -> forward punch -> back-forward-back-forward -> kick

so yes, the entire super input. should be fairly fast. And don't get caught up on the trials, get to know what's important and get out of there, start practicing links and things related to the game.
[quote name='panzerfaust']charge -> forward punch -> back-forward-back-forward -> kick

so yes, the entire super input. should be fairly fast. And don't get caught up on the trials, get to know what's important and get out of there, start practicing links and things related to the game.[/QUOTE]

I've been doing that too -- I just want to complete the trials for some of the characters, since there are a few things I could take from them to match land (like the beginning of trial 15 without the super). That plus I'd like to get the trophy for completing the trials for a character. ;)

I usually do trials or training for a bit, then go online and get my ass beat trying to apply what I learned.
[quote name='MusicNoteLess']I just played the most boring low level cammy mirror match in awhile. I must upload it for the world to see.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... needs button inputs.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']That plus I'd like to get the trophy for completing the trials for a character. ;)[/QUOTE]

Do T-Hawk's then, easiest shit ever.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Maybe. But it wouldn't mean anything then. ;)[/QUOTE]

Nope, but you can clear it really quickly.
[quote name='distgfx']Nope, but you can clear it really quickly.[/QUOTE]

Maybe, but my skill with grapplers is pretty terrible. I can't even use Zangief to get the trophies for 20 second rounds on medium or higher and beating Gouken on hardest. When SF4 came out and I was attempting to use Zangief when I got my first TE stick, the stick died in the middle of learning because it couldn't handle my rough as hell 360 spam... :(
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Maybe, but my skill with grapplers is pretty terrible. I can't even use Zangief to get the trophies for 20 second rounds on medium or higher and beating Gouken on hardest. When SF4 came out and I was attempting to use Zangief when I got my first TE stick, the stick died in the middle of learning because it couldn't handle my rough as hell 360 spam... :([/QUOTE]

Doesn't matter, you can still do it pretty quickly.
Hey you guys think I should put the tentacle rapist or pedobear as my facebook picture?

Chac what's that in your avatar?
[quote name='distgfx']Doesn't matter, you can still do it pretty quickly.[/QUOTE]

Close. Cancelling into EX condor spire is giving me fits though. Only 23, 24 left for T. Hawk.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Close. Cancelling into EX condor spire is giving me fits though. Only 23, 24 left for T. Hawk.[/QUOTE]

Hmm ... mash.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Tony Hawk has the easiest trials. I'd say second goes to either Vega, Dudley, or Makoto.[/QUOTE]

Trial 24? That took me a few tries.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Tony Hawk has the easiest trials. I'd say second goes to either Vega, Dudley, or Makoto.[/QUOTE]

Cough, M.Bison.

Seriously though T. Hawks trials were mashable.
bread's done