Humble Bundle Thread

The one time that you skipped checking on full hour, because of shitty gamapedia bundle.

Well done.

I hope there will plenty people that buy $1 tier purely for Outlast and BTA will drop more.

$6.18 and still dropping. Perhaps those of us who didn't expect a new bundle today and missed the early bottom will still get a <$6 average.
I hope so. If Humble never launched that shitty Gamepedia bundle I bet they'd have better sales on HB16. Srsly wtf were they thinking

Yes, I can get the +$2 tier by paying $6.50 (so $1 + $4.50 for tier 2 + $2 for tier 3.) BTA was $5.49 when I bought in.

I'm actually ticked off the Retro City Rampage DX soundtrack isn't included.
I think your math is off, that would be $7.50.


No, I'm morans. I see what you did there. You paid $1 already so you would just need to pay $6.50 more.

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$0.06? Thanks to Foxhack, I need it to drop to $5.49!

Will full dumbass tier this one.  Sunless Sea is one of my favorite games from last year, even if the combat is awful.  Lots of reading, but it's not roll-your-eyes-visual-novel reading, more like bizarro-world-choose-your-own-adventure reading.  It did force me to buy a larger monitor though, due to my oldass eyes being unable to turn the tiny text into something I could actually focus onto.

Will full dumbass tier this one. Sunless Sea is one of my favorite games from last year, even if the combat is awful. Lots of reading, but it's not roll-your-eyes-visual-novel reading, more like bizarro-world-choose-your-own-adventure reading. It did force me to buy a larger monitor though, due to my oldass eyes being unable to turn the tiny text into something I could actually focus onto.
Sunless Sea is the only game I am missing, but I am still debating on going full tier for it. Is it worth it?
Well I have to $1 it for the coupon...not sure if I want a higher tier or not though. BTA looks tempting then I am like....whats $2 more? Yikes I have a disease.

Well I have to $1 it for the coupon...not sure if I want a higher tier or not though. BTA looks tempting then I am like....whats $2 more? Yikes I have a disease.
Some of us have been waiting almost 2 hours to save $1. If you have a disease, we are literally death.

Sunless Sea is the only game I am missing, but I am still debating on going full tier for it. Is it worth it?
I bought it relatively early @ $11.39, then a second copy for giftage @ $9.49 during the winter sale...

They did have a free weekend about a month ago to promote their upcoming Zubmariner expansion, which means the basegame price should drop below the current BTA whenever the new content is released. On the other hand, they might just stop selling the base by itself and start over with an all-in-one package at $20ish...wouldn't be the first game to do that.

If you're willing to sell off your dupes to offset the purchase, go for it. Haven't heard if this is individual keys or tiered keys though...assuming its individuals based on previous HIBs. If you're just going to eat those extras, maybe wait for a future sale.

As for the actual game: it's an incredibly niche product. Static world roguelike, where you'll carry over some minimal stuff between deaths, but it's surprisingly complicated to actually get to the point where anything that transfers to new characters is useful. This has turned off a TON of people, because you end up repeating lots of content. I highly recommend it to people who want to cautiously explore a unique setting AND are willing to actually read the walls of text the game throws at the player. I don't recommend it to anyone who wants naval combat, trading, action adventure, or a roguelike experience provided by the berjillion others of that loosely defined genre.

tl;dr: maybe.

Penned in at $5.89 once I saw it go up to $5.92. At least we got sub-$6!

TBH I may not BTA - the top tier games are of interest, but Trine 3 got mixed reviews and will probably be in a weekly $1 tier before summer. Not sure about Door Kickers. I guess it depends on the week two additions, but those are usually repeats from previous bundles.

How do I use the 10% off Monthly if I'm already a subscriber?

Do I just do the 'Pay Early' option and the 10% will be knocked off or do I have to cancel and re-subscribe?

It will auto use it when it renews. Mine did last month. $10.80 instead of $12.
how do u know? did they send you a message about the retro-refund? is there a way to check?

I was under the impression that when you click subscribe, they auto charge you $12 right off the bat for early subscribers

Man, the BTA is really reverse bricking now.

I grabbed the whole bundle for $8, seems a good deal plus more games to come.

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how do u know? did they send you a message about the retro-refund? is there a way to check?

I was under the impression that when you click subscribe, they auto charge you $12 right off the bat for early subscribers
I know because I had a 10% coupon last month and it renewed at $10.80 instead of $12 without me having to do anything.....

Grabbed to highest Tier bundle as I didn't own anything from it. I'm guess the additional games coming next week could be Trine 1 & 2? (I hope I'm wrong)  :pray:

wel according to the Reddit and Penguin dude on CAG, they got retro-refund or something like that... b/c lots of ppl bought the March monthly bundle pretty early when ARK was revealed
I never said I got a retro refund. I said if you have a sub the coupon will auto apply when it renews. I have no idea what happens if you already paid for March bundle.

bread's done