I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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[quote name='Rodimus Donut']The SMT series aren't your Sterotypical RPGs. And the Suikoden series is, but to a point. Yes, it's got elves & dwarves but it's more political, instead of ultimate good vs ultimate evil. Very often in the series your enimies aren't considered evil. That breaks the mold a bit and I like that. (With that said, Luca Blight is pretty damn Evil.)

What's the most sterotypical RPG you ever played? I'd say almost any older Working Designs RPG. Vay, Albert Odyessy, Lunar.[/QUOTE]

The most stereotypical RPG is Lunar. It has absolutely every cliche ever in the genre. It's also not very good when you look past the nostalgia.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']^ Sorry about that. I know they're not made by WD. Just a goof.[/QUOTE]

Haha, it's ok, it caused me to go into a giant anti Working Designs rant though ;)
funny... Lunar is probably my favorite RPG of all time. A big reason for that was the translation. It made me want to talk to every npc just to see what kind of crazy thing they might say next. It may not have stayed true to the original script but it was entertaining. Like the guy in the tower...heh.. The characters were stereotypical but the game made me care about them which usually doesnt happen for most rpgs for me.

And yah I played all three versions, Sega CD/Playstation/GBA. The GBA one was translated and put out by a different company over here and really suffered for it. Dry and boring. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']What's the most sterotypical RPG you ever played? I'd say almost any older Working Designs RPG. Vay, Albert Odyessy, Lunar.[/QUOTE]Albert Odyssey, Lunar 1, and Lunar 2 are some of my favorite RPGs ever, which is part of the reason I use to like Working Designs published games a lot. Unfortunately, I had to let my copy of Albert Odyssey go to get an Xbox 360 (made $67 off ebay, when I only paid $25 for it) because my Sega Saturn deleted my save the 2nd time (due to the internal battery memory dying again), and there's no way I was ever going to be able to play the game again (too much other stuff to play to care about starting over, then losing my save again). I just couldn't find a 1st party backup ram anywhere for the longest time. As for Lunar, I loved the PS1 versions (never played them on Sega CD), but Lunar Legend was decent at best. One of the reasons I bought a DS was for Lunar Dragon Song where I was badly hoping the reviewers were wrong (I normally disagree with reviewers), but I ended up hating that game a lot and got rid of it as soon as I could (losing HP while running, not being able to target enemies in battle, and gaining either an item or experience in battle really killed it).

The SMT series is far from being stereotypical, that I agree with 100%.
[quote name='Roufuss']Victor Ireland was such a hack, and he's the world's biggest whiner. Someone is always at fault other than himself, whether it's Sega, Sony, or someone completely different. I'm almost glad Working Designs is no more so he won't have any more scripts to butcher and any more games to put in publishing hell.

Now that we have companies like Atlus who do an awesome job translating and bringing out RPG's, there is no need for a hack job like Victor Ireland.

Imagine if SMT: Nocturne had jokes about President Bush in it... that's what Nocturne would be like if WD did it.[/QUOTE]I completely agree about Vic Ireland. There are some who feel SCEA is to blame due to anti-2D, but they allow NIS, Sega, Mastiff, Atlus, etc. to release 2D games on PS2. I remember one person from Atlus said the problem was him. Atlus said they had Soul Hackers (can't remember the name exactly) denied for release (they didn't start translating, they tried to see if they could bring it over), so they just picked up a different game and had no problems. That's all Vic had to do, or take a different approach to convincing SCEA, but all he wanted to do was whine and continue to work on a game that's been rejected. I thought the situation with Vic and Sega (with an E3 booth) was indeed stupid.

Vic isn't gone, he created a new publishing company named Gaijinworks
As the president of the now-defunct niche publisher Working Designs, Victor Ireland was prone to making headlines as much for his outspoken opinions as for his games. He's making headlines again as the Web site for his new project has surfaced, but there's little indication as to what exactly it has to do with games.

At the moment, Gaijinworks ("gaijin" is a Japanese term meaning "foreigner") contains nothing more than a gear-shaped logo and a webmaster e-mail address. Ireland told GameSpot that he should have "some game-related news" this summer, with the site going live in the late summer or early fall.

While there aren't any concrete details about exactly what Gaijinworks is or what it's working on, there are hints. Ireland said he would like to help bring Japanese Xbox 360 role-playing games to the US when he announced the death of Working Designs last year. On top of that, the meta tags (keywords that search engines look for on a site) on the Gaijinworks Web page include a number of telling terms, such as "japanese role-playing game," "xbox 360," "anime," "playstation," "import games," and "localization." They also include the phrases, "11 is over" and "one nation under games."

Gaijinworks site
Honestly, with Victor Ireland's track record and history with games, why would any company allow him to bring anything over?

It's funny that they were supposed to have a games announcement in "late summer" yet it's almost winter and still nothing :rofl:
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Albert Odyssey, Lunar 1, and Lunar 2 are some of my favorite RPGs ever, which is part of the reason I use to like Working Designs published games a lot. Unfortunately, I had to let my copy of Albert Odyssey go to get an Xbox 360 (made $67 off ebay, when I only paid $25 for it) because my Sega Saturn deleted my save the 2nd time (due to the internal battery memory dying again), and there's no way I was ever going to be able to play the game again (too much other stuff to play to care about starting over, then losing my save again). I just couldn't find a 1st party backup ram anywhere for the longest time. As for Lunar, I loved the PS1 versions (never played them on Sega CD), but Lunar Legend was decent at best. One of the reasons I bought a DS was for Lunar Dragon Song where I was badly hoping the reviewers were wrong (I normally disagree with reviewers), but I ended up hating that game a lot and got rid of it as soon as I could (losing HP while running, not being able to target enemies in battle, and gaining either an item or experience in battle really killed it). [/QUOTE]

Good job selling AO for $67. I bought my copy off eBay for $25 but it was disk only. I really liked the game, especially Gryzz the Dragon Samurai, pretty cool characters design. To bad he didn't have a major part in the story, and not so good dialouge.

And I just bought Lunar 2 (PS1) from eBay $30 but it's just the jewel case with games. None of the Omake stuff, but I don't need that crap to enjoy the game. I Just wanna beat it cause I never did. I think I started to play it, then dropped it to play FFIX or something big. Got rid of it and want it back.

Did you ever play Popful Mail? I'm trying to get a copy of that also, but I don't want to spend more than $30 for it. I never beat that one either.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Did you ever play Popful Mail? I'm trying to get a copy of that also, but I don't want to spend more than $30 for it. I never beat that one either.[/QUOTE]Nope. :( I never had a Sega CD to give the game a shot. My friend is trying to get me to buy his Sega CD and 32X for a great price, but it doesn't contain any of those rare games I want (like Popful Mail, Shining Force CD, Vay, both Lunars, etc.).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Nope. :( I never had a Sega CD to give the game a shot. My friend is trying to get me to buy his Sega CD and 32X for a great price, but it doesn't contain any of those rare games I want (like Popful Mail, Shining Force CD, Vay, both Lunars, etc.).[/QUOTE]
Popful Mail, SFCD, Popful Mail and Lunar are 5 of my favorite games of all time. It was a great time to be a RPG fan during the Sega CD days. Also this is why I was a WD fanboy I am not sure what Roufuss's beef is with WD.

Rodimus Popful Mail was a fun RPG/Platform hybrid with the best of WD humor.
Man, I never got a Sega CD. Is it worth it to track one down? The last thing I need is another old school system. Everyone seems to love Lunar but I never liked the PS1 version. Any other RPGs that are must own for the Sega CD?
Man, I was busy this weekend. I only got about 2 hours to put into SMT Devil Summoner. Well anyway, I'm definitely impressed with the game so far and I'm relieved that the combat sytem turned out well. There's still a reasonable amount of strategy in the combat and the demon capturing system works as well as I hoped it would. The graphics are excellent and I think that using 2D backgrounds really paid off because there's a lot of detail present and the game also runs at a constant 60FPS. The music is typical SMT -- fantastic. I like the jazzier nature of the compositions since it really fits the game well.

There's really no doubt though -- this is a huge departure from the last SMT games... but I was pleasantly surprised by how well this game retains the SMT style. Even though the setting and the tone is completely different, it still somehow feels like an SMT game. The change that I probably like the most is the increased emphasis on dialogue. There's a lot of people to talk to now and the game seems like it's going to be more focused on story than something like Nocturne was (though I haven't gotten to the real start of the main storyline yet.)

Anyway, I have a test to study for this week but... eh... not so sure anymore.
A significant sement of gamers greatly rejected Working Designs' tendency to interject humor, especially the juvenile and purile kind, into their games that was not present in the original Japanese releases of those titles.

sorry to go off topic but "sement" ...lol

Man, I never got a Sega CD. Is it worth it to track one down? The last thing I need is another old school system. Everyone seems to love Lunar but I never liked the PS1 version. Any other RPGs that are must own for the Sega CD?

people seem to like the elusive Panzer Dragoon Saga. If anybody here has played it, I'd like some opinions on it-- what makes it so good? is the rare factor overhyping it?
I was thinking about getting this Devil Summoner but what I was really interested in was Persona 3. Any word on when (if) it's coming out in America?
In defend of WD, they only make an Americanize joke in the place of a Japanese pun joke that no one would get anyway or NPC that would normally not have anything interesting or important to say. Persoanlly I enjoy talking to NPC in WD games just to see if they have something intersting to say.

As for quality of translation, a person can read Japanese and played both version or Lunar 2 say the translation is mostly accurate. Remeber Working Designs was the one who fought to keep the Japanese names in Rayearth instead of the Americanize names from the anime distributor.

As for Atlus, back in their PSOne days they are not prefect either. In Persona 1 they gave American names instead of Japanese names, and change to skin color to make the main character more white. Also note that one key WD staff is now working for Atlus.

WD also put a lot of effort in the translation. For Growlanser Generations they added voice acting in part that doesnt have any voice in the Japanese verison. Many would not have done. Recent release like Megaman ZX and Tales games have voice acting removed without adding English voice. Victor Ireland wont let this happen if he is doing the translation.

Also WD isnt the only one who whinned. Camelot also got upset when Sega killed the the saturn when they are still making games. SNK-Playmore also ran into problem relasing 2d games and have to release them as a bundle.

WD as a company that only localize is different from Japanese publisher who has an american dividion like Atlus. WD also do the coding themselve, while Atlus USA would just to translate and send the script back to japan to be program by the Japanese team. WD also dont have the backing of Japanese parent company, something i am sure Atlus or SNK-Playmore can relied on.

My problem with WD is that they removed the code and made the game harder when the brought over Silhouette Mirage. However Silhouette Mirage isnt a RPG and the issue isnt translation.
[quote name='cletus']I was thinking about getting this Devil Summoner but what I was really interested in was Persona 3. Any word on when (if) it's coming out in America?[/QUOTE]
Persona 3 is coming early next year. Sometime in March.
Do you guys consider the metroidvania style Castlevania games RPGs? The are pretty much 2D action RPGs but they pretty much form their own genre I guess.

I have a crazy RPG backlog I need to get on... right now I'm trying to finish FF XII... after that I guess I'll go after Devil Summoner. I seriously can't wait for White Knight Story on PS3 and Blue Dragon for 360.

Before playing XII the last RPG I played was Dragon Quest VIII in October or something last year lol. (I play fighting games most of the time)...
For anyone playing Devil Summoner:

At level 33 and altough leveling up has slowed down, it's still pretty quick. For those that played Nocturne you most likely changed out your demons if they fell 10 levels below the protagonist's level. But in Devil Summoner I find myself changing demons very often since the protagnist levels up quicker (and it's easier to recruit them.) Maybe I should just relax and level up what I have first.

The game is surprisingly easier than other SMT games still. But it's fun non-the-less. Fusion still remains awsome.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']For anyone playing Devil Summoner:

At level 33 and altough leveling up has slowed down, it's still pretty quick. For those that played Nocturne you most likely changed out your demons if they fell 10 levels below the protagonist's level. I find myself changing demons very often since the protagnist levels up quicker. Maybe I should just relax and level up what I have first.

The game is surprisingly easier than other SMT games still. But it's fun non-the-less. Fusion is remains awsome.[/QUOTE]

I'm still swamped with work so I only had about an hour to play today, but the game seems to be getting better and better... which is always a good thing. The game is easier than the typical SMT game, but I'm fine with that -- it still offers a reasonable challenge and most importantly, it's fun to play.

Anyway, how many hours in are you, Rodimus?
^ I'm 17 hours so far, at Chapter 4.

I love the demon design. Wait till you're able to get the car demon Oboro-somthing-or-other. Very cool.
I know I'm outa the loop, but that RPG I was talking about near the biginning of this thread with the Caveman is actually "Live a Live"...

I wish I had more time to play Devil Summoner. All I've been playing is Abyss. I'm about 20 hours into that, and the game is excellent. I like how Luke's character has changed, and Jade kicks ass.

I'm probably going to finish Abyss, then dive into some MegaTen goodness.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I wish I had more time to play Devil Summoner. All I've been playing is Abyss. I'm about 20 hours into that, and the game is excellent. I like how Luke's character has changed, and Jade kicks ass.

I'm probably going to finish Abyss, then dive into some MegaTen goodness.[/QUOTE]

How does Abyss compare to other Tales games so far? I can't wait to get to that game...
The battle system is easily the best in the series. They took the system from Symphonia, and refined it. I think the free run was implemented perfectly. And the ally AI is great. Which is nice to have after Legendia, where I had to have the heal spell on shortcut since the characters never used it... Also they gave allies the ability to use items, and what's cool is they let you know beforehand and you can tell them no if you want. It cuts down on the times you have to pause the action to open a menu.

The story and characters are very interesting. Probably the best part being that the characters actually grow. Too many RPGs put the characters into their stereotype, and just leave them there. They change a lot in Abyss. Luke especially. Since when you begin the game he's possibly the biggest asshole I've ever seen.

So far it's my favorite in the series. Have to see what happens with the rest of the game. For all I know it could take a nosedive. I highly doubt it though.
Awesome. Good to know that there's yet another fantastic RPG for me to play. Being a big fan of the Tales series, I think I'll probably love the game.
The reviews for Final Fantasy 12 have been pretty good thus far. I have the collectors edition preordered. As excited as I am about getting it, I feel that the PS2 got kind of cheated out of a Final Fantasy. I don't think FF XI should have counted as a Final Fantasy because it broke away from the traditional FF game formula. FF XI should have been a off shoot game like FF Tactics and FF X-2. Plus because you needed the HDD, Network Adapter, and broadband, it wasn't very accessible to the general public. Still I look forward to the next FF at the end of the month.
I don't like that XI was a proper number either but there's nothing we can do about it now.

Anyone else get into MMORPGs? I don't like the idea of paying a monthly fee to play a game I've already paid $50 for. My friends have been trying to get me to play Everquest and FFXI but I've resisted to this point.
[quote name='depascal22']
Anyone else get into MMORPGs? I don't like the idea of paying a monthly fee to play a game I've already paid $50 for. My friends have been trying to get me to play Everquest and FFXI but I've resisted to this point.[/QUOTE]

The monthly fees are for maintence and because they keep adding in new stuff constantly that changes the flow of the game.

It's not like you're paying them a monthly fee and nothing is going on.

All of World of Warcraft's updates, at least when I played, were worth the money per month.
[quote name='Roufuss']The monthly fees are for maintence and because they keep adding in new stuff constantly that changes the flow of the game.

It's not like you're paying them a monthly fee and nothing is going on.

All of World of Warcraft's updates, at least when I played, were worth the money per month.[/quote]

Oh, I'm not saying that they're not worth it. It's just not my bag and the added fees are just another knock against the genre for me. I just prefer gaming over Xbox Live since I'm already paying a fee to play that. That and I'm a solo gamer when it comes to RPG. I don't mind playing with a navigator watching with me but I don't like idea of going on a quest for an hour and getting to whatever boss and realizing half the party is eating dinner, taking out the trash, changing a diaper, etc.
after playing the beta, $60 is just plain flurking stupid for PSU. Sega just said "oh, everyone else is charging $60, why don't we?" with no justification whatsoever. and a monthly fee to pour salt on the wound. I think I'll wait till the game hits $10.
[quote name='depascal22']Another bad thing about PSU is that PS2 and PC players get to play together but 360 owners are out in their own little universe.[/QUOTE]

yeah...and MS takes care of the server space, probably making the 360 version even cheaper to run.

I'm sending Sega a flaming bag of poo! :bomb:
[quote name='Apossum']after playing the beta, $60 is just plain flurking stupid for PSU. Sega just said "oh, everyone else is charging $60, why don't we?" with no justification whatsoever. and a monthly fee to pour salt on the wound. I think I'll wait till the game hits $10.[/QUOTE]

Shit, what's wrong with the game then? I didn't get a chance to play the beta, but I'm thinking about picking up the PC version... only if the Single Player is good though (still holding out hope.)
[quote name='Chacrana']Shit, what's wrong with the game then? I didn't get a chance to play the beta, but I'm thinking about picking up the PC version... only if the Single Player is good though (still holding out hope.)[/QUOTE]

all complaints about the "80s Miami Vice in Space" design aside, there isn't anything that wrong with the gameplay. it's that it's barely different from the original PSO. And from what I've seen, the environments in PSO are actually...better? There rooms in PSU were just drab space stations. I wasn't very impressed at all.

Even if there are more and better environments, I'd rather just play Blue Burst for $9 a month, without the $60 up front.
I'm waiting on the price drop anyway. I've still got to play last year's RPGs before I get crazy with this years. Anyone else have a humongous backlog of RPGs?
PS3's best RPG in development is a 360 port.

You said you were bored, I make you un-bored in one shot.
[quote name='T234']PS3's best RPG in development is a 360 port.

You said you were bored, I make you un-bored in one shot.[/QUOTE]

White Knight Story isn't a 360 port and neither is Final Fantasy XIII... if you're referring to Enchanted Arms, then you're an idiot.

And depascal, yeah, my backlog of RPGs is gross. Oh well.

Still slowly finding time for Devil Summoner.
[quote name='Chacrana']White Knight Story isn't a 360 port and neither is Final Fantasy XIII... if you're referring to Enchanted Arms, then you're an idiot.

And depascal, yeah, my backlog of RPGs is gross. Oh well.

Still slowly finding time for Devil Summoner.[/quote]
I think he's refering to Oblivion, which is the big RPG title at launch, though not the only RPG available.
[quote name='T234']PS3's best RPG in development is a 360 port.

You said you were bored, I make you un-bored in one shot.[/QUOTE]

I bet the PS3 version is better.

I personally found the 360 version to be very annoying to play...too much loading and FPS drops.
[quote name='Chacrana']White Knight Story isn't a 360 port and neither is Final Fantasy XIII... if you're referring to Enchanted Arms, then you're an idiot.

And depascal, yeah, my backlog of RPGs is gross. Oh well.

Still slowly finding time for Devil Summoner.[/quote]

Mass Effect, White Knight Story, and Rogue Galaxy all sit atop my most wanted list.

FriskyTanuki has it spot-on:D:D
[quote name='Apossum']I bet the PS3 version is better.

I personally found the 360 version to be very annoying to play...too much loading and FPS drops.[/quote]
Knowing Bethesda, it's likely to be very much the same.


*doesn't have the energy to deal with this*
[quote name='Apossum']....

*doesn't have the energy to deal with this*[/quote]
I'm just fucking with the people who do ignorant shit like dismiss all the RPG's made in a certain territory. I actually have a bigger backlog of JRPG's than anybody else in this thread by a hundred miles (135+ games in total!).
[quote name='T234']I'm just fucking with the people who do ignorant shit like dismiss all the RPG's made in a certain territory. I actually have a bigger backlog of JRPG's than anybody else in this thread by a hundred miles (135+ games in total!).[/quote]

Only ignorant thing I've heard so far is all the crap spewing out of your fucking piehole. Shut your mouth and know your place.
[quote name='T234']I'm just fucking with the people who do ignorant shit like dismiss all the RPG's made in a certain territory. I actually have a bigger backlog of JRPG's than anybody else in this thread by a hundred miles (135+ games in total!).[/QUOTE]

Yeeh! fuck dem ignorant bitches. Shyyiiiiit. fuck dem... throwin' up they shit in our territory. Dey gonna represent dey hood dey clique? fuck dem real bitches.

You betta not go to Sain Luis else me and my gang will get you!!
[quote name='T234']I'm just fucking with the people who do ignorant shit like dismiss all the RPG's made in a certain territory. I actually have a bigger backlog of JRPG's than anybody else in this thread by a hundred miles (135+ games in total!).[/QUOTE]

I have a style I enjoying playing. American RPGs don't do it for me, but I won't discredit them. I'm sure they're fine games, but not for me (and trust me I've tried them). So yes, I "dismiss" them but only cause I don't enjoy the style, that doesn't make me ignorant.
I refer to JRPGs as regular RPGs, and whenever I get an American one I call it an "American RPG" lolol... But I love me some USA shit... like KOTOR I&II, Jade Empire, Fable, etc... and even though they aren't fitting the traditional console gaming RPG genre as we know it... I always loved Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra, King's Quest series of games(Can't wait for Silver Lining), among other classic PC games.
[quote name='depascal22']So are those ARPGs?[/QUOTE]

Usually called CRPGs since... I think all of them are on the computer... IIRC, there's no CRPGs on the Xbox or 360 that aren't also on the PC.
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