I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I have a style I enjoying playing. American RPGs don't do it for me, but I won't discredit them. I'm sure they're fine games, but not for me (and trust me I've tried them). So yes, I "dismiss" them but only cause I don't enjoy the style, that doesn't make me ignorant.[/QUOTE]

I dismiss them in this thread since this is a discussion clearly focused on JRPGs (and really, what's come out on the CRPG front lately?) That said, I can't wait for Neverwinter Nights 2, Dark Messiah, and Gothic 3. They're definitely second to JRPGs for me though.
I thought they were called "Western" RPGs.

[quote name='T234'] I'm just fucking with the people who do ignorant shit like dismiss all the RPG's made in a certain territory. I actually have a bigger backlog of JRPG's than anybody else in this thread by a hundred miles (135+ games in total!). [/quote]

well, nobody here is doing that, so why even bring it up? if you want a flame war, go in to a ps3 vs. wii thread. keep that shit out of our genre threads... next time we'll report you and have you banned.

and no, you don't receive a cookie for having a huge backlog.
Ah, you're right, Western RPGs is the term. I'm using archaic terms from the early 90's even though I didn't play computer games then. Speaking of which, the best game in the WRPG genre right now is Divine Divinity. Stupid name, but it's one of the best games I've played... it takes a giant shit on Diablo II and I mean it. Okay, fine, so there's no multiplayer, but you don't even need it with that game.
[quote name='Chacrana']I dismiss them in this thread since this is a discussion clearly focused on JRPGs[/QUOTE]

I created this thread and I say ARPGs must be tollerated. They haven't been addressed as much yet (and I don't like them.) However this is an RPG thread and none shall be excluded.

P.S. Vote for me - :applause: :applause: :applause:
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I created this thread and I say ARPGs must be tollerated. They haven't been addressed as much yet (and I don't like them.) However this is an RPG thread and none shall be excluded.

P.S. Vote for me - :applause: :applause: :applause:[/QUOTE]

All heil the man who's currently "not" playing Criticom! :lol:
[quote name='depascal22']Only ignorant thing I've heard so far is all the crap spewing out of your fucking piehole. Shut your mouth and know your place.[/quote]
I was disappointed there wasn't a second line in that post that called me a jabroni or told me what "the dapascal" was cooking. And then I would've pointed out that the shit I posted was pretty non-serious and that your seriousness meter was broke. And then you would've tried to turn a copy of Dragon Quest 8 sideways and stick it up my candy ass, not realizing that a copy of Shadow Hearts was already there.

But nooooo. I get this yelling from a guy who needs to stop and realize that he is talking to a man who used to have a drawing of Terra of FF6 tattooed on his aforementioned ass!:D:D

Lighten up dude.
Don't Blame Me-- I Voted For Rodimus!

lets see-- i loved Kotor 1, couldn't stand Kotor 2 and JE (got sick of all the talking..if I want to be evil, I'll slay a whole town) and loved Diablo. Does Guild Wars count? well, there's my experience with WRpgs in a nut shell.

The new BioWare game looks interesting though.
[quote name='T234']I was disappointed there wasn't a second line in that post that called me a jabroni or told me what "the dapascal" was cooking. And then I would've pointed out that the shit I posted was pretty non-serious and that your seriousness meter was broke. And then you would've tried to turn a copy of Dragon Quest 8 sideways and stick it up my candy ass, not realizing that a copy of Shadow Hearts was already there.

But nooooo. I get this yelling from a guy who needs to stop and realize that he is talking to a man who used to have a drawing of Terra of FF6 tattooed on his aforementioned ass!:D:D

Lighten up dude.[/QUOTE]

Nobody cares if you're a fan of RPGs or how hardcore you are. You're an annoyance. Leave.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I created this thread and I say ARPGs must be tollerated. They haven't been addressed as much yet (and I don't like them.) However this is an RPG thread and none shall be excluded.

P.S. Vote for me - :applause: :applause: :applause:[/quote]
fucking christ guys, even the OP agrees with me for pete's sake. Tomorrow, when I get back to work, I'm gonna make the greatest love-in post ever exhalting the greatest RPG's of all the world. Across ALL territories.:):)
[quote name='Chacrana']Nobody cares if you're a fan of RPGs or how hardcore you are. You're an annoyance. Leave.[/quote] Lighten up, Francis.
Edit: And with that, I'm out until high noon.
Now, now. Lets stop the fighting. Let our love of large plots and stereotypical heroes bring us together in peace. There more than enough room for Western RPGs.

KOTOR is in my top 5 games of all time. It's an amazing game, and one I've beaten more times than I can remember. And it never gets old for me. I loved Jade Empire as well, and played a hell of a lot of Diablo 2 back in the day. Even the upcoming FFXII uses a battle system almost exactly like KOTOR's.

Anyone going to the midnight openings for FFXII? I have to work it so I'll be there. Though I requested that I do since I'm picking up the game anyway.
I'm gonna try to get a collector's edition at midnight here in San Diego. I'm hoping Brady sends me a LE guide X_X ...

The battle system in FF XII reminded me a lot of Final Fantasy XI, just a simple/streamlined version.
[quote name='T234']fucking christ guys, even the OP agrees with me for pete's sake.[/QUOTE]

I never said I agreed with you. Don't put words in my mouth. :shame:

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Anyone going to the midnight openings for FFXII? I have to work it so I'll be there. Though I requested that I do since I'm picking up the game anyway.[/QUOTE]

I wont, only cause fanboys make my skin crawl.
Are all Gamestop/EBgames opening at midnight, or just a select few?

On an unrelated note, what do you guys think of Wild ARMs 4 and Suikoden III?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']*touches you*[/QUOTE]

You made his skin crawl!

Err... I'm not going to be at a midnight launch just because the Gamestop I preordered from isn't around here... gotta wait until Friday to get my copy of the game... having somebody pick it up for me so that Gamestop can't pull a "sorry, we like... sold yer LE lol."
[quote name='willardhaven']Are all Gamestop/EBgames opening at midnight, or just a select few?

On an unrelated note, what do you guys think of Wild ARMs 4 and Suikoden III?[/QUOTE]
It's up to the store. Just ask the next time you're in there. Most stores should be doing it though. They're really pushing this game. Hence the exclusive CE.

I loved WA4 and Suikoden 3. While I felt Suikoden 3 was the second worst in the series, I still liked it. As for WA4, I felt it was the best in that series. I really enjoyed it. It was just a bit too short.
[quote name='willardhaven']Are all Gamestop/EBgames opening at midnight, or just a select few?

On an unrelated note, what do you guys think of Wild ARMs 4 and Suikoden III?[/QUOTE]

I really didn't dig what I played of Suikoden III. The combat system was absolutely terrible, the storyline wasn't particularly interesting, the characters were pretty dull, and the duck was stupid. Maybe my expectations were too high, but nothing stood out as being anything more than completely mediocre.
won't be picking up FFXII for a few days after launch.

RPG game launches = crowd full of gamers = bad B.O. = smelly store = yuck
From Magic Box:
Konami's Suikoden producer Takahiro Saikymama mentioned that the development of Suikoden VI has already began, the game may have references to a previous Suikoden game

Probably the biggest Suikoden fan on this board. This is some good news for me.
Oh man. Final Fantasy XII was an awesome experience. Just viewed the ending. That is one amazing game! That ending was nuts.

I highly recc this game to everyone!

First FF game I've enjoyed since the 90s lol.
[quote name='Apossum']Don't Blame Me-- I Voted For Rodimus!

lets see-- i loved Kotor 1, couldn't stand Kotor 2 and JE (got sick of all the talking..if I want to be evil, I'll slay a whole town) and loved Diablo. Does Guild Wars count? well, there's my experience with WRpgs in a nut shell.

The new BioWare game looks interesting though.[/QUOTE]

Oh man the talking in JE, its like why bother to play it if i have to get through all this talking. I kind of felt like that in KOTOR, but KOTOR was pretty awesome and had a sweet story. And I can take talking, beat both baldurs gates and expansions and IWD.
My own personal top five:


1. Fallout
The only RPG to correctly do a post-apocalyptic wasteland justice (other than Fallout 2). It's combat, level design, and story have few rivals. Getting it to run well on a modern PC has been difficult.:cry:


(I don't own the limited box because I'm not rich. Or Japanese-speaking. This is the best image I could find.)
2. Eternal Arcadia/Skies of Arcadia
"A finer RPG on the Dreamcast you will not find." Truer words were never spoken by anyone attempting to talk like yoda. It's world was as if dropped by the heavens as a gift for putting up with absolute CRAP Dreamcast RPG's up until that point in time (If I've forgotten something good that came out, please let me know). I really like it's art too. It reminds me of a time when space marines had hair, Star Ocean was still sci-fi, and UK Basketball was still respectable.


(I picked FF9 just because it's my favorite, but I love the whole series. Except for FF11, which was "solid, if not spectacular".)
3. The Non-Online parts of the Final Fantasy Series
Shit, there were good FF games on a Bandai system for pete's sake. But 11 great OFFLINE games later, I still want more. Not many series' can say the same.


4. Phantasy Star Series
The only game series that is equally as good online as offline. If there was such a thing as a CAG PSU360 clan I would join in a heartbeat. The offline Phantasy Stars are still very playable, even today.


5. Tie: TES3: Morrowind vs TES4: Oblivion
More interesting environments, longer questlines, and a better story versus fewer bugs, better graphics, and better combat. Decisions, decisions.
So... in Devil Summoner, where is Kirisuzaka (or whatever it's called) Bridge? I'm in chapter 2 and I'm mildly retarded, so I dunno where to look. :cry:
[quote name='MarkMan']FFIX and XII are my favorite Final Fantasy games... :)

But I'm partial to Dragon Quest.[/QUOTE]

Jeese, you must've really loved XII for it to become your favorite in the series already... I mean, you just finished that yesterday or something, right?
[quote name='MarkMan']FFIX and XII are my favorite Final Fantasy games... :)

But I'm partial to Dragon Quest.[/quote]
Mine are IX and VI. I got XII preordered.
[quote name='Chacrana']Jeese, you must've really loved XII for it to become your favorite in the series already... I mean, you just finished that yesterday or something, right?[/QUOTE]

I have to admit, it was really good. My top 5 is something like this for FF games:

VII or X ... interchangable lol.
[quote name='depascal22']Am I the only one that liked FFVIII? I liked it much more than VII and IX.[/QUOTE]

I loved 8, but it's definitely not what you'd expect from a Final Fantasy game which is why a lot of people hated it. I liked the complexity that the junction system brought to the table and I thought the storyline was really good. It's in my top 3 Final Fantasies, but I'm not sure exactly where in that top 3.
[quote name='Chacrana']So... in Devil Summoner, where is Kirisuzaka (or whatever it's called) Bridge? I'm in chapter 2 and I'm mildly retarded, so I dunno where to look. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Is this the part where you're looking for the "Red Cape?"
[quote name='depascal22']Am I the only one that liked FFVIII? I liked it much more than VII and IX.[/quote]
*high fives you with my other hand because FF8 is great too*

I didn't play it until 2002 though. I still haven't beaten it, though.
[quote name='martin8me']Do you guys play RPGs for the story? Just wondering...[/quote]

What do you call the benchmark for story in a RPG?
[quote name='martin8me']Do you guys play RPGs for the story? Just wondering...[/QUOTE]

It used to be that way, but not so much anymore since I haven't played a game with an awsome storyline since Tecmo Secret of the Stars:


Absolutly rirviting, the feel good RPG of the season
[quote name='martin8me']Do you guys play RPGs for the story? Just wondering...[/QUOTE]

Characters takes priority over story, but yes. The originality of the gameplay is also a big factor, too.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']It used to be that way, but not so much anymore since I haven't played a game with an awsome storyline since Tecmo Secret of the Stars:


Absolutly rirviting, the feel good RPG of the season[/quote]
*high fives you with my nuclear-mutated hand*
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Is this the part where you're looking for the "Red Cape?"[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I figured it out though. Finally got to fight the car. That was cool and I can't wait to get that. I also got Jack Frost and found that I could fuse him with some other demon in order to get an Oni... and those guys were damn cool in Nocturne.
[quote name='SpikeSpiegel']How is Tales of Abyss? Has it been discussed in this thread yet?[/QUOTE]

People love it. I don't think I've heard a single bad thing about it yet in this thread.
I rented Wild Arms Alter Code F from Gameznflix. I've always been a fan of the series, and I have a neat story about Wild Arms. I bought it WAY back in the early PSOne days, along with another game, called Goldeneye. I remember thinking "Man, I hope this Goldeneye game is good, I KNOW Wild Arms is gonna be awesome." Anyways, the original holds a special place in my heart, since it played it during one of the best summers of my life, and I would sit in my room and play it while I listened to the 80's music radio station. I loved the game.

Anyways, I just fired up Alter Code F today, and although the game is certainly antiquated by todays standards, I think I'm gonna like it. I've always liked RPG's with a heavy emphasis on dungeon puzzles.
[quote name='SpikeSpiegel']How is Tales of Abyss? Has it been discussed in this thread yet?[/QUOTE]
You should be playing the game right now. It's great. The only bad thing I can say about it is that the load times for battles on the world map aren't short.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I rented Wild Arms Alter Code F from Gameznflix. I've always been a fan of the series, and I have a neat story about Wild Arms. I bought it WAY back in the early PSOne days, along with another game, called Goldeneye. I remember thinking "Man, I hope this Goldeneye game is good, I KNOW Wild Arms is gonna be awesome." Anyways, the original holds a special place in my heart, since it played it during one of the best summers of my life, and I would sit in my room and play it while I listened to the 80's music radio station. I loved the game.

Anyways, I just fired up Alter Code F today, and although the game is certainly antiquated by todays standards, I think I'm gonna like it. I've always liked RPG's with a heavy emphasis on dungeon puzzles.[/QUOTE]

I tried playing it a couple months ago (during the RPG dry season of summer.) And I didn't like it. The translation was boring. I played about 20 hours in and gave up. I wasn't having fun playing. But like you I also loved the orginal. From what I remember the PS1 version had more "charm." But hopefully you find it more enjoyable than I did.

Chacrana - Oboro-something (the car) was pretty cool, but I've out grown him and I got rid of him. I still have my Jack Frost, I'd hate to let him go, but I think I must since he's pretty useless now. Wait till you can get the flaming tiger. He's cool looking. The Oni is still badass also.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']
Chacrana - Oboro-something (the car) was pretty cool, but I've out grown him and I got rid of him. I still have my Jack Frost, I'd hate to let him go, but I think I must since he's pretty useless now. Wait till you can get the flaming tiger. He's cool looking. The Oni is still badass also.[/QUOTE]

Man... this lack of time has really been bothering me since I'd like to just pour a good 5 or 6 hours into this game in one day... thankfully, tomorrow's Friday and I'll be done with the exam I've been studying for at 2... so I'll finally have the time I need to make some real progress. I wonder how long this game is overall...
[quote name='Chacrana']Man... this lack of time has really been bothering me since I'd like to just pour a good 5 or 6 hours into this game in one day... thankfully, tomorrow's Friday and I'll be done with the exam I've been studying for at 2... so I'll finally have the time I need to make some real progress. I wonder how long this game is overall...[/QUOTE]

Something was wrong with my copy and it's unplayable. Funny thing is it hasn't left my PS2 since I got it. Their's some kinda nasty stain on it. Luckly my friend works at a Gamestop and he said he'd swap it out. But I can't play it tonight and I really want to. Maybe I'll play some:


I can never get enouh of that masterpiece. Then I'll pop in Criticom and my night's complete.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Maybe I'll play some:


I can never get enouh of that masterpiece. Then I'll pop in Criticom and my night's complete.[/QUOTE]

Masochist, eh? :lol:

I've noticed that there's still really... no stores that even have Devil Summoner. I don't think Best Buy, CC, Target, Wal Mart, Frys, etc. have gotten this game yet and even Gamestop and EBGames seem to have extremely limited quantities. Perhaps this is typical Atlus at work again?
[quote name='Chacrana']Masochist, eh? :lol:

I've noticed that there's still really... no stores that even have Devil Summoner. I don't think Best Buy, CC, Target, Wal Mart, Frys, etc. have gotten this game yet and even Gamestop and EBGames seem to have extremely limited quantities. Perhaps this is typical Atlus at work again?[/QUOTE]

GameCrazy stores have a few copies. They're crazy like that.
[quote name='FatBoyInside']GameCrazy stores have a few copies. They're crazy like that.[/QUOTE]

I don't like to associate with those types... every time I've gone there in the last few months, I've apparently been sick with a case of "New-itis." With multiple employees.
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