I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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[quote name='SpikeSpiegel']How is Tales of Abyss? Has it been discussed in this thread yet?[/quote]

The few small problems I have arn't any thing major. When you rotate the camra it moves to slow for my taste, and the only game play problem I have seen is when you start doing the coliseum ( sp? ) fights. For some reason your party gets very dumb, to the point I was having to tell them what to do. Other than that it really is a great game.
Do I play RPGs for the storyline? Hell yeah. Although I'm willing to overlook a cliched or bland story if there's a killer battle system. A perfect example is Tales of Symphonia. The story is pretty average. Typical kids out to save the world. There are a couple betrayals as usual with most RPGs. The thing that makes Symphonia stand out is the awesome battle system, cool characters, and the ability to get away from random battles. The only gripe I had with the game was the fact that Collette casted Angel Feathers every two minutes during battle. It's a powerful attack but I had to hear my wife question my manhood because I was playing a game where a 14 year old girl kept saying "Angel Feathers". It got so bad at one point I just took her out of my party once Sheena got powerful enough.
[quote name='depascal22']Do I play RPGs for the storyline? Hell yeah. Although I'm willing to overlook a cliched or bland story if there's a killer battle system. A perfect example is Tales of Symphonia. The story is pretty average. Typical kids out to save the world. There are a couple betrayals as usual with most RPGs. The thing that makes Symphonia stand out is the awesome battle system, cool characters, and the ability to get away from random battles. The only gripe I had with the game was the fact that Collette casted Angel Feathers every two minutes during battle. It's a powerful attack but I had to hear my wife question my manhood because I was playing a game where a 14 year old girl kept saying "Angel Feathers". It got so bad at one point I just took her out of my party once Sheena got powerful enough.[/QUOTE]

One of the nice things about Symphonia is that you can turn off the voices. You can even turn off the battle voices while leaving the voices for cut scenes in tact.
[quote name='Chacrana']One of the nice things about Symphonia is that you can turn off the voices. You can even turn off the battle voices while leaving the voices for cut scenes in tact.[/quote]

Now you tell me this. :whistle2:| I've already beaten it and I've gone on to other things.....Oh well, something to remember if I ever play it again.
Has anyone picked up Summon Night 2 or Contact yet? I'll be grabbing my copies from EB after work, those should keep me busy for a couple weeks around bouts of Clubhouse Games.

And of course, by that time FFIII and V will show up for another few weeks worth of gaming.
[quote name='MarkMan']A friend of mine's Contact review:


Also botticus if you're gonna get two games you should try the Toys 'R Us Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale ! That way you get more bang for your buck. :)[/quote]Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your view), my store credit makes them a lot cheaper than the B2G1F. Thanks for the additional review!
[quote name='Chacrana']I've noticed that there's still really... no stores that even have Devil Summoner. I don't think Best Buy, CC, Target, Wal Mart, Frys, etc. have gotten this game yet and even Gamestop and EBGames seem to have extremely limited quantities. Perhaps this is typical Atlus at work again?[/quote]

Did they release this game in limited quantities only to rake up sales on reprints a la Disgaea? It makes sense because they don't ever have to lower the price since demand will be fairly high mostly because of Ebay reselling.
Hey Markman, how do you get review copies for all your games? Do you do professional magazine or web reviews?

Also, I'm a fan of FF IX, IV and VII mostly, is XII really better than the two latter?
XII is very good but really its nothing like any of the others in the least. Its a hybrid of FFTA and FFXI in my mind. I love the hunts in this.
[quote name='BREVITY']XII is very good but really its nothing like any of the others in the least. Its a hybrid of FFTA and FFXI in my mind. I love the hunts in this.[/quote]

Noo. I've already spent over 100 hours on FFTA and I absolutely hate MMORPGs..... I'll go play Tales of the Abyss until I completely forget you said that.
[quote name='depascal22']Noo. I've already spent over 100 hours on FFTA and I absolutely hate MMORPGs..... I'll go play Tales of the Abyss until I completely forget you said that.[/QUOTE]

People seem to be saying that it's more MMORPG like in that the combat is more of a real time affair... you don't have to deal with douchebags online, go through countless pointless quests, or kill bats for days and days before you level up once.
I'm about 34 hours into Devil Summoner. I think it's about 40 - 50 hours long. I'm taking my sweet a$$ time however. I'm on Chapter 8 and there's a total of 12 Chapters. However chapters 6 and 7 a very short.

Freakin awsome game. Too bad it's so short. I'd like the amount of depth Nocturne had with all the extra bosses and dungeons.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I'm about 34 hours into Devil Summoner. I think it's about 40 - 50 hours long. I'm taking my sweet a$$ time however. I'm on Chapter 8 and there's a total of 12 Chapters. However chapters 6 and 7 a very short.

Freakin awsome game. Too bad it's so short. I'd like the amount of depth Nocturne had with all the extra bosses and dungeons.[/QUOTE]

I'm only about 7 hours into the game, but I have a lot more time to play in this next week. I just got to the part where you meet Rasputin and yeah, still loving this game. It's somewhat amazing that the dev. team completely redid the combat system for this game and still ended up with something successful.... I was a little worried before the game came out, but the combat just gets better as you progress. Anyway, off to play a little more before I go to sleep.
By the way, felt it should be added in here, but FFXII is $37.99 the week it comes out at Circuit City, and they are expecting it on October 31st just like everyone else.
[quote name='Chacrana']I'm only about 7 hours into the game, but I have a lot more time to play in this next week. I just got to the part where you meet Rasputin and yeah, still loving this game. It's somewhat amazing that the dev. team completely redid the combat system for this game and still ended up with something successful.... I was a little worried before the game came out, but the combat just gets better as you progress. Anyway, off to play a little more before I go to sleep.[/QUOTE]

Good battle system but it didn't get "better" for me. For the most part the battle system is a brainless hack n' slash. Its got a certain amount of strategy but 90% of the battles can be won by mashing the "square" button. And I rarely use the items I've been stocking up on.

But there are some battles that are awsome. I just did one where I had to face 100 enimies in a row. That was a nice challange.
[quote name='Roufuss']By the way, felt it should be added in here, but FFXII is $37.99 the week it comes out at Circuit City, and they are expecting it on October 31st just like everyone else.[/QUOTE]

That's a pretty damn good deal. People have less of an excuse to wait on the game now.

I'm impractical though since I'm getting the CE anyway.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Good battle system but it didn't get "better" for me. For the most part the battle system is a brainless hack n' slash. Its got a certain amount of strategy but 90% of the battles can be won by mashing the "square" button. And I rarely use the items I've been stocking up on.

But there are some battles that are awsome. I just did one where I had to face 100 enimies in a row. That was a nice challange.[/QUOTE]

It's kinda button-mashy, but I like that the demon you summon actually does make a big difference as you get a few hours in and that you can do some cool stuff like use your demon as a magic shield (like using Jack Frost to absorb ice attacks.) I've found that some of the boss battles have been really cool recently as well which is part of the reason I thought the battle system got better. Overall, I think it's got a good balance between complexity and ease of use. This game is also starting to take over my life a little bit because I found myself debating in the middle of the day over whether or not to forge a demon with a sword or use it in fusion. Good times.
Sometimes the challenge is not in the battle its self its in fighting only one mob and not getting agro. I did this one hunt tonight where I had to zone maybe four times till I could kill off all the agro and actually fight the mob I needed to kill. This zoning and then rezoning or dragging a mob back to the zone is one thing that above nearly all others reminds me of FFXI or any other MMO.
[quote name='BREVITY']Sometimes the challenge is not in the battle its self its in fighting only one mob and not getting agro. I did this one hunt tonight where I had to zone maybe four times till I could kill off all the agro and actually fight the mob I needed to kill. This zoning and then rezoning or dragging a mob back to the zone is one thing that above nearly all others reminds me of FFXI or any other MMO.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I honestly don't understand what you just wrote.... :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]
MMO talk. It brings me back to my FFXI days...

Basically he said the challenge isn't so much in fighting an enemy, it's making sure that other enemies don't jump into the battle. If they do you should run away so you don't get overrun.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']MMO talk. It brings me back to my FFXI days...

Basically he said the challenge isn't so much in fighting an enemy, it's making sure that other enemies don't jump into the battle. If they do you should run away so you don't get overrun.[/QUOTE]

That's a terrible tactic in Devil Summoner. Thanks for translating though.
[quote name='Chacrana']That's a terrible tactic in Devil Summoner. Thanks for translating though.[/quote]
It's for FFXII. They're are sidequests called mob hunts, where I believe (I'm not sure, I've only heard.) you're fighting "mobs" of enemies.
[quote name='sprintsucks5892']It's for FFXII. They're are sidequests called mob hunts, where I believe (I'm not sure, I've only heard.) you're fighting "mobs" of enemies.[/QUOTE]
Well in FFXI "mob" is a term for any enemy. Not necessarily a group of them. Like if I said, "That mob just aggroed, we better zone." It means an enemy is attacking, and we have to run to the next area.

Anyway, anyone else get Summon Night 2? I know a few people here liked the first one. Also is anyone else getting the new .hack Wednesday?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Well in FFXI "mob" is a term for any enemy. Not necessarily a group of them. Like if I said, "That mob just aggroed, we better zone." It means an enemy is attacking, and we have to run to the next area.

Anyway, anyone else get Summon Night 2? I know a few people here liked the first one. Also is anyone else getting the new .hack Wednesday?[/QUOTE]

I'm waiting to hear other people's impressions on .Hack... Gamebrink didn't seem to like it too much, unfortunately.
Well I put another 6 hours into FFXII today and might get a few more before bed. Right now I have DQ8, VP2, ToA all waiting for my attention but this game is by an far the one I am most digging right now. So compelling! I mean I got like 4 or 5 things I need done in there right now and I am just itching to get back in and play. I am a huge Tales fan so for me thats the next RPG after I finnish FFXII.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Well in FFXI "mob" is a term for any enemy. Not necessarily a group of them. Like if I said, "That mob just aggroed, we better zone." It means an enemy is attacking, and we have to run to the next area.

Anyway, anyone else get Summon Night 2? I know a few people here liked the first one. Also is anyone else getting the new .hack Wednesday?[/quote]Got it, but I'm busy with Contact first. Everything I have heard about SM2 says it's improved upon the first, so I'm expecting good things.

But Contact brings back wonderful memories of Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore.
I tried Contact, but I couldn't get into it. Normally I'd give it more of a chance, but I have far too many games to play right now to hope the game gets better.
I started playing Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones today. I finished Chapter 4 just now and I like it a lot so far. It's easy to get into and quite fun, though you have to be on your toes in battle since if your characters die they're gone for good.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Check out this auction for a Dark Wizard guide:


After reading "best guide I have ever seen" I cracked a smile.[/quote]

Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. I have to give it up for the seller. He has an entrepreneurial spirit but woe to the stupid person that buys a computer print out guide for a SegaCD game........

Tales of the Abyss is an awesome awesome game. If you don't have it, go get it. NOW.
So I'm about 14 hours into Devil Summoner and I just got to chapter 10. Still really liking this game... I'm hoping to finish it by Friday.
[quote name='willardhaven']I actually just started Nocturne and it's great, I'm kicking myself for letting this game sit on the shelf.

Any general tips?[/QUOTE]

Understand that The Matador is a bastard. Hardest boss in the game just because he'll knock you flat on your ass since you're just learning how the game works still.
I just left the medical center, stopped by the park and went to the mall... I am trying to fuse some demons, but I want to get doubles of my team first, can I take them out of active duty or do I have to fuse them before getting seconds?
[quote name='willardhaven']I just left the medical center, stopped by the park and went to the mall... I am trying to fuse some demons, but I want to get doubles of my team first, can I take them out of active duty or do I have to fuse them before getting seconds?[/QUOTE]

You want two of certain team members? You can only have one at a time. The only way you can get a second is to get rid of the first one.
[quote name='willardhaven']Darn, I like the idea of a Kodama/Pixie hybrid, but Pixie seems like she has some bearing on the story.[/QUOTE]

None at all, actually.
Ended up beating TotA yesterday, still have to say really great game.Everthing had a nice wrap up at the end. The "new" new+ feature is nice seeing how you buy what add on you want to carry over with you grade points, though nothing two crazy like you end game weapons/armor. Doubt I will be starting a new game any time soon, seeing as how I would like to get the guide for it, and I font think it is out yet, oh.. and devil summoner is waiting.
[quote name='Chacrana']None at all, actually.[/QUOTE]

Well if you hold onto the Pixie, she will transform into High Pixie again into Queen Mab. If you hold onto that Pixie (it doesn't matter if she transforms as long as it's the same DNA) in the very last Kalpa there is a door that you can only open if the Pixie is on your team.

The door will ask you something like "Show me the ally that has been with you the longest" and for everyone that's the Pixie you get at the begining. I forgot what lies behind the door, maybe just some items.
This thread was getting a little too far from the top so I'm bumping it back up there.

Who's ready for Final Fantasy XII? I plan on getting it for $38 at CC but I know plenty of you pre-ordered the Special Edition at GS.
[quote name='depascal22']This thread was getting a little too far from the top so I'm bumping it back up there.

Who's ready for Final Fantasy XII? I plan on getting it for $38 at CC but I know plenty of you pre-ordered the Special Edition at GS.[/quote]

I'll be getting it on Tuesday. I played the demo and enjoyed it a lot. I plays like an MMO, which means I'll be spending hours on end a day playing.
Figure I should mention this here as well...

Picked up Magical Starsign this evening, and my first impressions are fairly positive. Stylus movement kinda sucks, but you can use the D-pad or buttons as well (everything else is stylus-driven, and works pretty well).

It's basically an SNES-calibur game put on the DS, and making use of the two screens and stylus. That said, I loved most RPGs on the SNES, and this seems like it will give me similar enjoyment.

My very early review is a 7/10. It won't be taking any play-time from Contact unless that one takes a nosedive in fun at some point, but I'll be looking forward to getting to it soon after, unless Children of Mana takes its place.
I ordered FFXII for EB some time ago ( no more MGS 3 LE crap again ) but I won't be playing it for at least 3 months after I get it. Hell PSU just came out, all my time is there.
I have that horrible habit also. I'll get a game and then not play it for months while I'm doing whatever. I'll pick it up for $38, play it, and then try to trade it away. I figure I can always pick it up again for $20 next year.
I've been playing Children of Mana. Not sure if I like it yet. Been mostly using my DS for Summon Night 2. I liked the weapon creating in the first Summon Night better. It seems like you can only have one of each type of weapon so far. I don't care for that. Still a fun game though.
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