I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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[quote name='Apossum']FFVII is the worst RPG ever[/QUOTE]

STFU it's the best
I'll get FFXII once the hype dies out. I'm finding it easyer to enjoy games without the pressure of hype. Looks to fix all the issuesI had with past FFs and finally make the battle system play out the way I liked (eve since FFXI I loved the battle system setup).
I got my mom to pick up my copy of FFXII CE... can't wait till I can play it. November 10th = the day (for FFXII and Guitar Hero 2)
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']
[quote name='Apossum']FFVIII is definitely not the worst RPG ever... it's actually pretty damn good[/QUOTE]

It was still messed up. Don't worry, I fixed it.
[quote name='Chacrana'][quote name='Apossum']FFVIII is definitely not the worst RPG ever... it's actually pretty damn good. If you like main characters that should be the mascot for emo Livejournal users, and a junction system so broken it sucks out any fun the game might have had. And it's definitely great if you love deus ex machina and plotholes you could ride a chocobo through![/quote]It was still messed up. Don't worry, I fixed it.[/QUOTE]
I put the completely fixed version up. Sorry about not completing it before XD
I finished FF XII yesterday and the ending was... well you could already tell what the ending was going to be like from the get-go. Honestly, I felt like it could've gone longer (even though the game was still crazy long)

still, there's plenty of secrets to discover and items to acquire. a fun game, but I felt that it ended too abruptly.

plus there were so many questions left unanswered! I won't go into details, but that's the way I felt.
[quote name='Chacrana']It was still messed up. Don't worry, I fixed it.[/QUOTE]

...if not the best (Not including Tactics). Still think it's under appreciated like crazy. Probably the best cast setup in any FF I've ever seen actually .
Got my FFXII earlier today at CC. With tax it came out to $40.65. I'm not totally in love with the fighting system yet. But without a doubt the best looking PS2 game. Too bad no Progressive Scan.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Got my FFXII earlier today at CC. With tax it came out to $40.65. I'm not totally in love with the fighting system yet. But without a doubt the best looking PS2 game. Too bad no Progressive Scan.[/QUOTE]

It's not even close to the best looking PS2 game imo... not without Progressive Scan. Disappointed SquareEnix didn't go that extra step and add it in.

I'd probably have to give the edge to best looking PS2 game to something like God of War if only for the 480p edge.
[quote name='Roufuss']It's not even close to the best looking PS2 game imo... not without Progressive Scan. Disappointed SquareEnix didn't go that extra step and add it in.

I'd probably have to give the edge to best looking PS2 game to something like God of War if only for the 480p edge.[/QUOTE]
I am going to agree with you just because GoW looks leet but FFXII is a very close 2nd.

It is odd how SE has changed, FFXII is only a bit over 3GB about the size of FFVIII and FFIX for the PSX. It makes it hard for Sony to tell "me" that BRD is needed this new generation. I only bring this up because GoW is one of the few DVD9 games on PS2.
[quote name='willardhaven']I must have played a different game than you all, because the GOW I saw had blocky character models and a bland color palette.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree. I'm still not impressed too much with GoW...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I have to agree. I'm still not impressed too much with GoW...[/quote]

I liked God of War's graphics. They're better than Shadow of the Colossus but not by much. I can't comment on RE4 since I've only played the Cube version. Are you guys playing on an HDTV or a regular screen? Before I switch to progressive scan, the graphics look like butt, but afterwards, they're crystal clear.

I haven't been able to play FFXII since my wife wants to watch me play. I can't complain since she bought it for me. I guess it's cool that she doesn't get all shitty that my hobby is video games. Lord knows I spent enough money on them.
Word of advice, once you get out into the desert to hunt for the Rouge Tomato, DO NOT get near the T-Rex. You'll get pwned. Lost a good 45 minutes cause of that crap.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Word of advice, once you get out into the desert to hunt for the Rouge Tomato, DO NOT get near the T-Rex. You'll get pwned. Lost a good 45 minutes cause of that crap.[/QUOTE]

:lol: another T-rex victim. I can't wait to go back and kick his ass.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Word of advice, once you get out into the desert to hunt for the Rouge Tomato, DO NOT get near the T-Rex. You'll get pwned. Lost a good 45 minutes cause of that crap.[/QUOTE]
Well in all fairness he is a fucking T-Rex.
Anyone hyped for Rogue Galaxy. I'm bummed that it got pushed back to next year. But it's probably the last RPG on the PS2 I'm looking forward to playing.
[quote name='Apossum']:lol: another T-rex victim. I can't wait to go back and kick his ass.[/QUOTE]

Shamefully yes. I actually just wanted to steal from him then run away. I figured he'd have a pretty nice item. But my attempt failed and he clobbered me. #-o
[quote name='MadFlava']Anyone hyped for Rogue Galaxy. I'm bummed that it got pushed back to next year. But it's probably the last RPG on the PS2 I'm looking forward to playing.[/QUOTE]
I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm actually kind of glad it got pushed back. There's a ridiculous amount of RPGs coming out now, so it's nice to have it spread out a bit.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm actually kind of glad it got pushed back. There's a ridiculous amount of RPGs coming out now, so it's nice to have it spread out a bit.[/QUOTE]

Ditto on that. There's just too damn much to play right now... and they're making legitimate gameplay adjustments right now so it's for the best that the game's delayed.
[quote name='Chacrana']Ditto on that. There's just too damn much to play right now... and they're making legitimate gameplay adjustments right now so it's for the best that the game's delayed.[/QUOTE]

I plan to get through FFXII asap before Rogue Galaxy comes out. But I agree, too many quality RPG's on the PS2 that have come out in the past 3 months.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Well in all fairness he is a fucking T-Rex.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention you can use Libra to see that he's level 30.
[quote name='Roufuss']Not to mention you can use Libra to see that he's level 30.[/QUOTE]

I must've gotten a busted game cause I didn't have Libra at the time of T-Rex murdering my character.
In FFXII what purpose is the "loot" for? Is it all just for selling. I've been a little reluctant to get rid of some.
Sell everything but teleport stones. They serve no purpose other than making money. It's to make it more "realistic." Rather than monsters having money on them, you sell what they drop.
Finally finish SMT Devil Summoner... man was I busy over the last few weeks. Anyway, I really liked the game even though it was very different from the standard SMT game. The game was surprisingly short too since I clocked in at just over 18 hours. Definitely time well spent though.
Too many games to play......I haven't even started FFXII or Tales of the Abyss yet and I have a sealed copy of Devil Summoner waiting for me. What to do....
[quote name='Chacrana']Finally finish SMT Devil Summoner... man was I busy over the last few weeks. Anyway, I really liked the game even though it was very different from the standard SMT game. The game was surprisingly short too since I clocked in at just over 18 hours. Definitely time well spent though.[/QUOTE]

WOW, Only 18 hours? I'm 40 hours at Chapter 10. I gave the game a rest until I beat FFXII. It's a good game, but I was geting bored. It's still easy for a SMT game.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']WOW, Only 18 hours? I'm 40 hours at Chapter 10. I gave the game a rest until I beat FFXII. It's a good game, but I was geting bored. It's still easy for a SMT game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was pretty easy, but I still thought that the challenge was sufficient for the game to be entertaining. I'm going to be opening up my copy of FFXII CE next Friday... hopefully my professors will schedule around that since FFXII honestly takes precedence over anything they could possible offer.

Oh yeah, did you finish VP2?
Just wondering for those who have beat TotA what was your grade at the end? Also how many times did you fight the mini boss ghost? I only found him twice, and he never respawned again. Really need to pick up the guide for my next time though.
hay guys, Aeris isn't dead. She just called and let me know Gears of War is coming in tomorrow. yeah, she's working at Gamestop now.
[quote name='Apossum']hay guys, Aeris isn't dead. She just called and let me know Gears of War is coming in tomorrow. yeah, she's working at Gamestop now.[/QUOTE]
She's been working there for awhile now. That whore...
LIVE A LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! LIVE A LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


will no one hear my desperate outreach for those who have some good opinions on this overlooked RPG??????????? Gahh!!! LIVE A LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Educate yourself: (interactive and very well put together Live A Live info site) http://www.fantasyanime.com/legacy2/livealive.htm


Anyone else see similarities between FFXII & Star Wars?

Vaan - Luke Skywalker
Ashe - Princess Leia
Balthier - Han Solo
Fran - Chewbacca
Basch - Obi-wan
Penelo - ????
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Live A Live![/QUOTE]

evil a evil!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Live A Live![/QUOTE]when did they patch it in english?!?!

soon enough... I will play it on my psp
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Anyone else see similarities between FFXII & Star Wars?

Vaan - Luke Skywalker
Ashe - Princess Leia
Balthier - Han Solo
Fran - Chewbacca[/quote]

Let's not forget the evil Empire.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Let's not forget the evil Empire.[/QUOTE]

And I guess Basch is Obi-Wan, lemme add that to me orginal post. I'm expecting this line somewhere in the later part of the game:

"Vaan, Basch never told you what really really really happened to your parents."
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