I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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[quote name='Roufuss']Just got Final Fantasy V today for GBA... it's as good as I remember.

Time to shelf FFXII for awhile.[/QUOTE]
Let me know if it is as buggy as FFIV was for GBA.
[quote name='spoo']Let me know if it is as buggy as FFIV was for GBA.[/QUOTE]

I'm about an hour in and I haven't seen any of the bugs that plagued FFIV.

It seems like a perfect port.
Alright guys, I need some help here. I am going to be getting money from my bro for my B-day and was wanting to get an RPG or 2. I am more likely to get 2 handheld RPG, as opposed to 1 console. I have a PS2, GBA, DS2, GC, and Xbox (yeah, nothing for it, but oh well). And for information on the games I like, just take a look at my collection.

Right now I'm kind of leaning towards Contact and Final Fantasy III or V, not sure if I want to spend $40 on III though.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Craven I can't recommend Final Fantasy XII enough, it is the one of the best RPG this generation (unless you have it already.)
I myself have been eying Magical Starsign but I have yet to play it but the reviews look good for an old school RPG feel.
FFIII looks great but I'm with you on the $40 price tag, ouch.
Contact is a hit and miss (another game I haven't played yet) with reviews and I'm waiting for a price drop on it after being burned buying Lunar DS with the bad reviews.
Deep Labyrinth was fun for the 20 minutes that I played it reminded me of Kings Field in a good way.
I both recommend and don't recommend Magical Starsign. Anyone who's read the DS thread will know my problems. The control is just obnoxious enough to be annoying, so it might turn you off, but I can't stop playing the game for some reason.

Contact is great. And for the price, I'd probably recommend $30 FFV over $40 FFIII.

Old-school goodness all around on the DS/GBA.
Thanks for the suggestions spoo and botticus.

I will eventually borrow Final Fantasy XII from my brother, once I get through Lenneth (on his PSP) and then play through Valkyrie Profile 2. So thats still a ways off for a purchase for me. Its looking like a toss up for me between Children of Mana (assuming its 29.99 somewhere), Contact, and Final Fantasy V.

Keep the suggestions coming guys, really appreciate all of them so far.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Thanks for the suggestions spoo and botticus.

I will eventually borrow Final Fantasy XII from my brother, once I get through Lenneth (on his PSP) and then play through Valkyrie Profile 2. So thats still a ways off for a purchase for me. Its looking like a toss up for me between Children of Mana (assuming its 29.99 somewhere), Contact, and Final Fantasy V.

Keep the suggestions coming guys, really appreciate all of them so far.[/quote]

I'm also going to be borrowing FF12 from a friend once he beats it. As far as DS games go for you craven, I say you should get Contact due to it's Atlus-ness.
FFV is awesome.

That's all.

I don't remember this game being so hard, either... I might have to go power leveling some. It also seems to be alot shorter than I remember it.
If you plan to get contact keep in mind you can beat it is about 10 hours, and then maybe spend 5-6 hours on side quest and other stuff.
I'm guessing everyone's playing FFXII. I like the art style since it's like Vagrant Story and FF Tactics but I'm not so sure about the battle system yet. It's almost like I'm playing a stealth game when I'm walking around the Giza Plains. Can't get my ass stomped by those big ass trolls again or I'll lose another hour of play time.
For what it's worth, all Final Fantasy games will definitely drop in price once they've been out for a while. I plan on picking up FF12 once it goes down to $20. I'm still not sure if I want FF3 or not.
[quote name='depascal22']I'm guessing everyone's playing FFXII. I like the art style since it's like Vagrant Story and FF Tactics but I'm not so sure about the battle system yet. It's almost like I'm playing a stealth game when I'm walking around the Giza Plains. Can't get my ass stomped by those big ass trolls again or I'll lose another hour of play time.[/QUOTE]

Once you start getting more characters and gambits if gets better IMO. It's not my favorite battle system of all time. You don't waste time loading into a battle, which makes fighing quicker.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Anyone else play Children of Mana. I thought it was horrible. That really made me sad since I wanted the game to be good.[/QUOTE]
Nope, my friend picked it up and told me that the game wasn't all that great and that I should skip the game. Not that I was planing to pick the game up in the first place. I have more then a few RPGs I want to finish up before I pick up anymore of them..
So I shouldn't bother with Children of Mana? Damn... I dunno how they continually fuck those games up, but they should know that something's not working by now.

Anyway, I'm starting FFXII today...
[quote name='cletus']For what it's worth, all Final Fantasy games will definitely drop in price once they've been out for a while. I plan on picking up FF12 once it goes down to $20. I'm still not sure if I want FF3 or not.[/quote]

FFXII will definately drop down to $20 but it won't be until Christmas of next year. It might be worth it to trade for or buy a used copy in a couple weeks, play the hell out of it, and then trade or sell it to someone here.

FFIII might drop in price but you might never be able to find it for that price. I'm also on the fence. I know it's been graphically reimagined but $40 is an awfully high price to pay for a 15 year old RPG.
I haven't opened Children of Mana yet, might just sell it and pick it up again when it's cheaper. Still busy with Magical Starsign; not at all a bad game if you can overlook some small annoyances.

FFV is next!
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Once you start getting more characters and gambits if gets better IMO. It's not my favorite battle system of all time. You don't waste time loading into a battle, which makes fighing quicker.[/quote]

I see how everyone is saying it's like an MMO. At first, I'd walk right up to the damn enemy and then select attack. Now, I'm stalking my prey, targeting, and charging up my attack bar so I can pounce like a cheetah. It's cool that the rest of the monsters in the area can also jump in and gang up on you. It makes it feel more realistic.
So I ended up picking up Final Fantasy V and Contact with my b-day money. I'll probably get around to Contact some time after I am done with Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth.

And I think I will end up picking up Final Fantasy III around the same time I get my Xbox 360.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Anyone else play Children of Mana. I thought it was horrible. That really made me sad since I wanted the game to be good.[/quote]

That sucks, I love that series.

Who is that in your avatar?
[quote name='depascal22']

FFIII might drop in price but you might never be able to find it for that price. I'm also on the fence. I know it's been graphically reimagined but $40 is an awfully high price to pay for a 15 year old RPG.[/QUOTE]
I got FF1+2, FF Tactics advance, FFIV Advance, as well as Sword of Mana and Kingdom Hearts CoM for under $20 each. Square Enix RPGs are over produce and FIII will likely drop to $30 or lower after a while.
So FFV is really good, but I recommend playing it through with a guide or a FAQ as there is ALOT of stuff that can be missed.
[quote name='Roufuss']So FFV is really good, but I recommend playing it through with a guide or a FAQ as there is ALOT of stuff that can be missed.[/quote]
Is there any new stuff in the GBA version of FFV? Because I'm getting FF: Anthologies, and want to know if I can just use the GBA guide.
[quote name='sprintsucks5892']Is there any new stuff in the GBA version of FFV? Because I'm getting FF: Anthologies, and want to know if I can just use the GBA guide.[/QUOTE]

Yea, there are 4 extra classes and a 30 floor bonus dungeon, but that's all after the end of the game.

I'd recommend any of the FFV FAQ's over the Nintendo guide, though... from what I've heard, that guide is shitty quality.
[quote name='62t']I got FF1+2, FF Tactics advance, FFIV Advance, as well as Sword of Mana and Kingdom Hearts CoM for under $20 each. Square Enix RPGs are over produce and FIII will likely drop to $30 or lower after a while.[/quote]

I also picked up FF 1 & 2 for 10 bucks. FF Tactics Advance was a much tougher find around here for anything below MSRP. I'm glad I picked it up because it was worth every penny I payed for it.

I'm not saying that they won't drop in price. I'm just saying if you really really want a certain game and it has to be new, you're better off buying it now. Otherwise, you'll be begging in the trading forum and we all know what happens to the really desperate.
Well FFXII is not really worth it. I will admit the game feels like FFVI but the overall from what other people say that the game looks like Vagrant when Vagrant is more like Secret Of Mana.

So buying FFXII is like buying Vagrant story in wide open spaces and more FMV movies. Personally I dislike buying CD and DVD games all togethers since the case is so cheap and breakable. I mean yeah wow nice but still a rip off.

Then Children Of Mana from what heard is great. However in my eyes the game looks so Imageready or redone with a grraphics eidtor tool. I mean I would rather prefer a Pre-Rendered over super shaded Mana game.

However since this is not like Legend of Mana then I will eventaully have a go at this game. Then again is SOM4 all that or is that not worth the play time ether?
To help people out here with Children of Mana its a Dungeon Hack and slash and a sub par one but not horrid. Many people are loathing it thinking they are getting a typical console RPG and not a Diablo 2/Torneko styled game. Even for a game of that style though its dissapointing. The skill(gem)system does not offer quite enough depth, level ups feel too small and the weapons simply do not have enough variety. Worst of all though the dungeons are not really that random....and the optional missions are all the exact same. This is bad because the missions are basically reach this floor on this dungeon....so basically you end up beating the exact same enemies in the exact same dungeon getting the exact same items over and over and over.
Children of Mana is not a DAD Linear based game. It is more like Legend Of Zelda but only looks alot better and is fun. The game itself is a Action game like many Action RPG games out there you know the characters is basically FF cop offs.

The world is most like RPG games takes place in a Pangea RPG there is massive areas to explore and variety.

As what the previous posrter said you will have to defeat enemies to move on.
This is not entirely true where you can

About things to do if you enjoy anime bashing of enemies then this game is for you and taking on various enemies this game is for you. However if your looking for the blah blah we gotta do this and that WOWC crap then this game is not for you.

Imagine playing this game in 3d like Vagrant Story but with no wait times other then the casting of spells. This is Secret Of Mana.

If you played Vagrant then you basically played Secret Of Mana. Personally I like the innocence of the game the way they make it cute to off a Bunnies head
or drink Kangaroos Oil.
[quote name='MSI Magus']To help people out here with Children of Mana its a Dungeon Hack and slash and a sub par one but not horrid. Many people are loathing it thinking they are getting a typical console RPG and not a Diablo 2/Torneko styled game. Even for a game of that style though its dissapointing. The skill(gem)system does not offer quite enough depth, level ups feel too small and the weapons simply do not have enough variety. Worst of all though the dungeons are not really that random....and the optional missions are all the exact same. This is bad because the missions are basically reach this floor on this dungeon....so basically you end up beating the exact same enemies in the exact same dungeon getting the exact same items over and over and over.[/QUOTE]
I knew exactly what I was getting into, and the game was still horrible. I even got the game for free, and felt ripped off.
Sometimes I question how many games people have played when they call some games bad. Honestly how can anyone call this game horrible whenever there is stuff like Metal Dungeon and Hydlide out there. This game deffintly isnt good but it deserves a 7 or maybe a mid 6......not a good score but far from horrible. Id reccomend it as a $10-$15 purchase later if someone is a fan of hack and slash.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Sometimes I question how many games people have played when they call some games bad. Honestly how can anyone call this game horrible whenever there is stuff like Metal Dungeon and Hydlide out there. This game deffintly isnt good but it deserves a 7 or maybe a mid 6......not a good score but far from horrible. Id reccomend it as a $10-$15 purchase later if someone is a fan of hack and slash.[/QUOTE]
Oh well, there's games out there worse than this one. Guess I have to like it.

Just because there's drek like Drake and the 99 Dragons, Big Rigs, Metal Dungeon, Final Fantasy 8, Phantasy Star 3, and Sudeki out there doesn't mean that other games can't be horrible too.

Arguing opinion is pointless, hence why I didn't say anything to you about not thinking it's absolute garbage. I just refuted the point that I didn't know what kind of game it was going to be.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Oh well, there's games out there worse than this one. Guess I have to like it.

Just because there's drek like Drake and the 99 Dragons, Big Rigs, Metal Dungeon, Final Fantasy 8, Phantasy Star 3, and Sudeki out there doesn't mean that other games can't be horrible too.

Arguing opinion is pointless, hence why I didn't say anything to you about not thinking it's absolute garbage. I just refuted the point that I didn't know what kind of game it was going to be.[/QUOTE]

1. I never said YOU didnt like it because you didnt know what kind of game it was going to be. I just said some people are doing that. Go to gamefaqs and look at the board for the game....alot of people were ignorant of the fact it wasnt a normal mana styled game.

2. Arguing opinion is pointless since 99% of the population are now kids with a 10 year old mentality who cant understand you can judge things objectivly. Honestly as an adult we should be mature enough to set aside bias and not act like a child who has to call something bad just because we dont like it. Im arguing in another topic FFXIIs flaws....but you know what despite the fact I hate the game I still say its a really good game...you know why....because I judge it on its actual flaws and pros.

In CoMs case the game has flaws but none are so huge that anyone judging objectivly shouldnt say its a pretty decent game.

That you mention Bigg Riggs and 99% of people that have ever played it are going to say its a good game should say something...as should it that more then half that have played Phantasy Starr 3 or FFVIII rank them as great or even classics shows your wrong on opinions being wrong.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Arguing opinion is pointless since 99% of the population are now kids with a 10 year old mentality who cant understand you can judge things objectivly. Honestly as an adult we should be mature enough to set aside bias and not act like a child who has to call something bad just because we dont like it.[/QUOTE]

:applause: I like you
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']:applause: I like you[/QUOTE]

Erm if your serious thanks *is used to being flamed to hell and back after making that comment*
[quote name='MSI Magus']Erm if your serious thanks *is used to being flamed to hell and back after making that comment*[/QUOTE]

No, I was serious. I agree with you.
2. Arguing opinion is pointless since 99% of the population are now kids with a 10 year old mentality who cant understand you can judge things objectivly. Honestly as an adult we should be mature enough to set aside bias and not act like a child who has to call something bad just because we dont like it. Im arguing in another topic FFXIIs flaws....but you know what despite the fact I hate the game I still say its a really good game...you know why....because I judge it on its actual flaws and pros.

In CoMs case the game has flaws but none are so huge that anyone judging objectivly shouldnt say its a pretty decent game.

That you mention Bigg Riggs and 99% of people that have ever played it are going to say its a good game should say something...as should it that more then half that have played Phantasy Starr 3 or FFVIII rank them as great or even classics shows your wrong on opinions being wrong.
This would be true if I cared enough to be objective. I'm not giving a review of the game, nor am I responsible for people buying it. I think the game is horrible, and that's that. I have no responsiblity to review anything objectively. Even then, so called objective reviews will look at it differently. Such as seen with many mainstream game reviewers who do hold the responsiblity of informing people of what choices they should make.

As for my opinon on opinons (yeah this is a really great thing to argue *rolls eyes*), you're just enforcing it. What's the point in debating something that everyone has a different thought about?

Your arguement is just an excuse to argue the fact that I THINK it's a bad game. The fact that you seem to care what I think of a DS game so much is quite interesting. I have to admit I'm a bit flattered.

I apologize to everyone here for the thread derailing. I'm sorry. I'll let it go, and we can talk about RPGs again.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']This would be true if I cared enough to be objective. I'm not giving a review of the game, nor am I responsible for people buying it. I think the game is horrible, and that's that. I have no responsiblity to review anything objectively. Even then, so called objective reviews will look at it differently. Such as seen with many mainstream game reviewers who do hold the responsiblity of informing people of what choices they should make.

As for my opinon on opinons (yeah this is a really great thing to argue *rolls eyes*), you're just enforcing it. What's the point in debating something that everyone has a different thought about?

Your arguement is just an excuse to argue the fact that I THINK it's a bad game. The fact that you seem to care what I think of a DS game so much is quite interesting. I have to admit I'm a bit flattered.

I apologize to everyone here for the thread derailing. I'm sorry. I'll let it go, and we can talk about RPGs again.[/QUOTE]

You have to take responsibilty for your words. It doesnt matter if its going into a review or not, your words reflect your thoughts, so when you call something bad....heaven forbid others actually take you as meaning you think its bad. Again words are like actions, you have to take responsibilty for them...or atleast your supposed to but again no one wants to.

As far as enforcing....there really isnt much point since like I just said...most people are not mature enough to take responsibilty for their words or action. In a perfect world though the enforcment would mean the eventual prevention of having to listen to whiney kids calling things gay and intellectual fucks on college campus insisting their idiotic views have any kind of merit or are worth as much as anyone elses.

And now that iv said all that I see your last sentance trying to get it back on topic(I respond as I read)so ummm heres something on topic. Is anyone else shocked that Squares biggest showing in the next year is for the DS?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I apologize to everyone here for the thread derailing. I'm sorry. I'll let it go, and we can talk about RPGs again.[/QUOTE]

It's okay. When I created this topic I knew arguements like this would break out. People that play RPGs seem like the most opionated gamers.
[quote name='MSI Magus']
And now that iv said all that I see your last sentance trying to get it back on topic(I respond as I read)so ummm heres something on topic. Is anyone else shocked that Squares biggest showing in the next year is for the DS?[/quote]Thank you. And actually, no, not really. The DS is the best selling gaming machine in the world right now (yes, that includes the US). I guess the only thing surprising about it is they can't use their usual graphical embellishment to the extent they can on the consoles.

Though they certainly tried to make up for that with FFIII.
[quote name='botticus']Thank you. And actually, no, not really. The DS is the best selling gaming machine in the world right now (yes, that includes the US). I guess the only thing surprising about it is they can't use their usual graphical embellishment to the extent they can on the consoles.

Though they certainly tried to make up for that with FFIII.[/QUOTE]

Ya but it doesnt seem like developers have ever given a handheld this kind of treatment no matter how well it sells. How cool and funny would it be if after FFXIII we saw FFXIV hit the DS. That would be quite the shocker no?
Square's getting a couple different games ready for the PS3 but they'll give the DS a little love until FFXIII drops for the PS3 and FF Crystal Chronicles 2 drops for the Wii.
[quote name='depascal22']Square's getting a couple different games ready for the PS3 but they'll give the DS a little love until FFXIII drops for the PS3 and FF Crystal Chronicles 2 drops for the Wii.[/QUOTE]

Sadly that probally is the case. We will see quite a few DS games almost all(if not all)of which are solid 8s with a few 7s and if we are lucky one 9. Then XIII will hit on the PS3 and from then on we will probally see 60% of the games go to the PS3 with the remain split between DS and Wii.
Square brought me improved versions of FFV and FFVI... I could care less what they do on the DS.

FFV is an amazing game, I finally got to the end (only got halfway through on an emulator) and I'd put it up there with FFIV and FFVI. All the extra stuff in the GBA version + the new translation make it awesome.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Sadly that probally is the case. We will see quite a few DS games almost all(if not all)of which are solid 8s with a few 7s and if we are lucky one 9. Then XIII will hit on the PS3 and from then on we will probally see 60% of the games go to the PS3 with the remain split between DS and Wii.[/quote]

The 360 might get a game also. Maybe a FPS offshoot of XIII will be announced. Oh hell, it'd be tight if they ported X, X-2, or XII over to the 360 and put it in 720p. That would sell like cold beer at a baseball game.
Ok, cut and paste from the FFV thread:

So I finally beat FFV last night... did alot of grinding at the end, clocked in at 23 hours total.

The bonus dungeon is pretty stupid imo, it's set up like a maze with a ton of backtracking and alot of "hit this switch to fight this boss to open up this door someplace to find another switch" kind of nonsense that, to me, isn't really alot of fun, since they don't really tell you what to do or where to go. Not to mention you don't get the 4th bonus job until AFTER you beat the final boss of the bonus dungeon... wtf is the point???

But hey, it was still a fun game.
[quote name='Roufuss']Ok, cut and paste from the FFV thread:

So I finally beat FFV last night... did alot of grinding at the end, clocked in at 23 hours total.

The bonus dungeon is pretty stupid imo, it's set up like a maze with a ton of backtracking and alot of "hit this switch to fight this boss to open up this door someplace to find another switch" kind of nonsense that, to me, isn't really alot of fun, since they don't really tell you what to do or where to go. Not to mention you don't get the 4th bonus job until AFTER you beat the final boss of the bonus dungeon... wtf is the point???

But hey, it was still a fun game.[/quote]

So, was it worth $30 bucks or should we wait for the price drop sometime next year?
[quote name='depascal22']So, was it worth $30 bucks or should we wait for the price drop sometime next year?[/QUOTE]

Well, I only paid $25 with a GGC ;)

I thought it was very worth it... FFV is a favorite of mine, I enjoy the story, the characters, all the optional stuff, I love the job system.

I put 23 hours into it but that was playing it exclusively since I bought it. Honestly, if I didn't have other games I'd put the time into the bonus dungeon.

Plus, the game is pretty challenging, and that's a plus (for me). I reeeeeeeally enjoyed the game... if you really liked FF4 and 6 then chances are you will like 5.

It might be awhile on a price drop... FFIV only had a drop by accident during the CC clearance which they fixed in a day or two, so it might be awhile before V drops.
Good looking out, Roufuss.

I dont' know what the hell to think about FFXII. It seems like I'm babysitting my team way too much even with Gambits turned on. It seems when I have Cure or Potion first in line for Fran or Balthier, they spend the entire battle healing even though we don't really need it. If I put Attack first, I'm running around making my guys heal. The last boss battle, I just turned the gambits off and did all the work myself.
[quote name='depascal22']I dont' know what the hell to think about FFXII. It seems like I'm babysitting my team way too much even with Gambits turned on. It seems when I have Cure or Potion first in line for Fran or Balthier, they spend the entire battle healing even though we don't really need it. If I put Attack first, I'm running around making my guys heal. The last boss battle, I just turned the gambits off and did all the work myself.[/QUOTE]
Maybe it is just the way you set your Gambits up?
FFV is better then FFIV or FFVI. then again there is more animation like the sky in IV. Still I did finish the SNES game and it was better off then to play it on a emulator. Extras is a joke when you can program a FFIV rom and put extra enemies in it.

You could probably program the living daylights out of IV and include every other level and area from the last gams.

Still to laugh that some poor smuck is going to buy the Gameboy game and cherish it like the original:rofl:

Almost as funny as everybody playing FFIV easy type and thinking they really finished the game when they just played a super soft version of the game.:rofl:
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