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Kmartgamer 1.0 = 10,508 replies/663,642 views
Kmartgamer 2.0 = 9,828 replies/538,327 views
Kmartgamer 3.0 = 7,215 replies/549,496 views (Blog is effective in all locations)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: 3-22 Playstation Heroes (Reg. $39.99) offer 10,000 SYWR + Save $25 instantly with purchase of Move bundle
    • Offer was extended through next week since Playstation Heroes is not arriving until the end of this week
  • :360::ps3: 3-22 Crysis 2 (Reg. $59.99) Offer Save 10,000 SYWR + Save $30 on $50 PSN or 4000 XBLA Points Card + Save $20 on Turtle Beach Head Sets
    • If the stores do not have the 4000 Points or $50 PSN represented on the sales floor send a pic of your receipt to SHC Ad Monster and we'll substitute with a $20 gift card
    • SHC Stock Boy will comment tomorrow on the Turtle Beach Head Set in-stock. This is featured in the circular so no gift card will be substituted but we will help coordinate a rain check if needed.
    • All stores will receive the LE edition of Crysis 2 for launch.
  • :360::ps3::wii::ds: 3-22 Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 15,000 SYWR Points ($15) - 3DS not included
  • :360::ps3: Bullestorm $39.99 (Reg. $59.99)
Kmart Weekly Ad: (Circulars not effective in all stores, NYC and Offshore in particular)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: $50 gift card with 160GB PS3 ($299.99)
    • Note: 3-27 (Next week) Killzone 3 bundle with free Killzone 2. Just want everyone to know if it affects buying decisions
  • :wii: Wii Consoles $179.99 (Reg. $199.99)
Note: Savings Coupon offers are valid in all stores

Coming Soon:

Update: Submitting Feb./Mar. offers as SYWR promotions. Will post as soon as they are approved. At the end of Mar. the coupon issue will be fixed and we'll go back to normal. For Feb . SYWR offers, there will be limit 2 per customer (the SYWR card will limit bonuses systematically).

As of Feb 6th, to earn SYWR bonuses a member has to have a valid email address on their profile and opted in before purchasing an item with a bonus offer. This has been communicated to members through SYWR emails and in the circular along with new signage indicating to receive bonus offers they have to have a valid email address on file and opted in to receive email. Opting in to receive SYWR bonus offers is not too bad:

1. Log in to your account online
2. Click "My offers"
3. Click "More about me"
4. Scroll down to contact preferences
5. Click the boxes to receive email from (I suggest all for tomorrow). I'll post if you just have to accept Kmart in the future.

*This list is not comprehensive of every promotion that may be coming and release dates are subject to change.
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[quote name='Josh5890']I was hoping that Dragon Quest IV could get a price cut. Still $29.99?[/QUOTE]
There was a definite focus on "slow selling" titles only for this move.
This move is in preparation (still waiting to be approved) for a new POG strategy that could lead to drops that will occur monthly based on inbound sku count. Not as aggressive as say Target, but definitely more active from us than in the past.
Hey, why not. It's not like you're selling it for double on amazon or ebay.

If it's been sitting there that long, nobody can accuse you of hoarding.

(wait, i'm talking heavenly bride, not chosen)
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']This move is in preparation (still waiting to be approved) for a new POG strategy that could lead to drops that will occur monthly based on inbound sku count. Not as aggressive as say Target, but definitely more active from us than in the past.[/QUOTE]

Pre-Owned Games?
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']This move is in preparation (still waiting to be approved) for a new POG strategy that could lead to drops that will occur monthly based on inbound sku count. Not as aggressive as say Target, but definitely more active from us than in the past.[/QUOTE]


Josh I thought it was gonna be like the Target clearances!!

Guess I'll wait for a few of them to drop down.

I will be picking up FEAR 2 for the PS3 though. Been waiting for that game to be around $15 or lower.

Good price on the SOCOM bundle btw.......Remember fellow CAGers, it comes with an OEM PS3 bluetooth headset.
thanks josh! glad to see the list is up and running. now we can move from the "wheres the list" to "what the hell i wanted it for $5!!!" comments lol. with the hype that MVC has been getting it seems i may have to be there opening time to ninja that CE's from the employees fat little sausage hands lol
Thanks for the list Josh. I'm not throwing stones but I must admit that this one puzzles me:

:360: Fifa World Cup 2006 - 19.97
:360: Fifa Soccer 2007 -19.97

:360: Fifa 2010 - 14.99

I take it you were REALLY Fond of 06 world cup and the 07 version.
I am debating on what to do.... I manage to get one of those 50% off code for mvc 3 from amazon and order the game for basically $20.00. If the dlc character is 10 dollar for both, I am almost better off selling my game for $45 when I get it tuesday and hunt down the CE in hope of getting it.
Castlevania: LoS had a regular and special edition, correct? Or was the first run all CE? I am asking because I have been waiting to pick it up and only see CE on the PS3 list. Would the normal version still be $59.99? Thanks for any help.

And thanks for posting the list, Josh and Confoosious.
[quote name='JoeZiggadigga']Castlevania: LoS had a regular and special edition, correct? Or was the first run all CE? I am asking because I have been waiting to pick it up and only see CE on the PS3 list. Would the normal version still be $59.99? Thanks for any help.

And thanks for posting the list, Josh and Confoosious.[/QUOTE]
I pretty sure there was a regular and collectors edition.

So the regular is still probably $60. Its just the collector's edition thats discounted
[quote name='Gerry P.']Hey Josh,

I'm looking at the PS3 clearance list. Is 29.97 SCEA BUZZ TV QUIZ BUPS3 9814 the bundle or the game only sku?[/QUOTE]

I believe it's the bundle: 711719814528
[quote name='confoosious']I believe it's the bundle: 711719814528[/QUOTE]Thanks. That's what I figured. I think Kmart carries the game only for less than that already.
This has probably been asked and answered already, but with the speed this post gets replied to, I haven't been able to find the answer.

"SYWR offers, there will be limit 2 per customer (the SYWR card will limit bonuses systematically)."

Does that mean you are only allowed two offers in February total, or two offers on the same game?

As in, let's say I wanted MvC3, DQ6, and Bulletstorm.

Would the register deny me the points for Bulletstorm because I already got them with MvC3 and DQ6?
[quote name='Kain']This has probably been asked and answered already, but with the speed this post gets replied to, I haven't been able to find the answer.

"SYWR offers, there will be limit 2 per customer (the SYWR card will limit bonuses systematically)."

Does that mean you are only allowed two offers in February total, or two offers on the same game?

As in, let's say I wanted MvC3, DQ6, and Bulletstorm.

Would the register deny me the points for Bulletstorm because I already got them with MvC3 and DQ6?[/QUOTE]
It is 2 per title, your good.

I do believe however that versions do count against limit though like buying one copy of a title on 360 or PS3 would count as two purchases.
[quote name='Troutyogurt']I pretty sure there was a regular and collectors edition.

So the regular is still probably $60. Its just the collector's edition thats discounted[/QUOTE]
That is correct, the CE was a different sku. This one is different than the standard version. Very few out there.
[quote name='bgame2']Thanks for the list Josh. I'm not throwing stones but I must admit that this one puzzles me:

:360: Fifa World Cup 2006 - 19.97
:360: Fifa Soccer 2007 -19.97

:360: Fifa 2010 - 14.99

I take it you were REALLY Fond of 06 world cup and the 07 version.[/QUOTE]
:) There is some optimism from those that I submitted the list to that by repositioning titles and putting them out in front of the customer that many customers (more casual) will purchase a game based on taking titles down in a flat way. We'll see how that plays out. These items will most likely end up at $9.99 by the summer. We will evaluate each title after a period of time and make further adjustments as needed.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']It is 2 per title, your good.

I do believe however that versions do count against limit though like buying one copy of a title on 360 or PS3 would count as two purchases.[/QUOTE]Cool, thanks man.
[quote name='nietzsche74']Pre-Owned Games?[/QUOTE]
Planogram - Instore reference to how to set the merchandise in the video game sections.
Have been updated except for the UPC list. Now that I know Confoosious has mad skills with excel that could happen soon as well :bouncy:
There's some really good games on that list, but nothing I don't already have. I kind of want Lucha Libre, but I've heard it's kinda meh. Hope you guys find everything you're looking for!
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Have been updated except for the UPC list. Now that I know Confoosious has mad skills with excel that could happen soon as well :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

It's not even that mad. There's nothing =concatenate and find and replace can't do. It's like duct tape. Whatever you need, just send it over.
[quote name='Vector']Tried to get 19.99 GHOST TRICK: PHANTOM DETECTIVE DS but it still rang up for 30. Very sad. :(

Really? It says "February 13th Price Drops".. didn't take long for someone to completely skip over that part..
[quote name='Vector']Tried to get 19.99 GHOST TRICK: PHANTOM DETECTIVE DS but it still rang up for 30. Very sad. :(
The drops occur this Sunday but also please remember that stores have 7 days even after that to update their pricing.
Email is caught up with again. If you have sent me a note and I have not responded please resend as I show everything followed up on.
[quote name='Scorch']Really? It says "February 13th Price Drops".. didn't take long for someone to completely skip over that part..[/QUOTE]
Awesome, will do! And yes, mad skills.
[quote name='Vector']Tried to get 19.99 GHOST TRICK: PHANTOM DETECTIVE DS but it still rang up for 30. Very sad. :(

Really? Everyone else covered this nicely, but really?
[quote name='confoosious']It's not even that mad. There's nothing =concatenate and find and replace can't do. It's like duct tape. Whatever you need, just send it over.[/QUOTE]
Awesome, will do! And yes, mad skills.
[quote name='Altanis']:wall:

Really? Everyone else covered this nicely, but really?[/QUOTE]

It was an honest mistake on my part. No need to bang your emoticon head against a wall. Then again, I forgot that people here NEVER make mistakes...
A mistake is a typo.

A mistake isn't trying to get a deal two days before it's clearly labeled to start. That's pretty much just stupidity.
[quote name='Vector']It was an honest mistake on my part. No need to bang your emoticon head against a wall. Then again, I forgot that people here NEVER make mistakes...[/QUOTE]
It is definitely a complicated thread, I'm just sorry you wasted any of your valueable time.
[quote name='Altanis']A mistake is a typo.

A mistake isn't trying to get a deal two days before it's clearly labeled to start. That's pretty much just stupidity.[/QUOTE]

Good Lord, do you get paid to moderate these forums or do you just do it out of the kindness of your own heart? Your holier then thou attitude is beyond annoying at this point.
[quote name='kitm9891']Good Lord, do you get paid to moderate these forums or do you just do it out of the kindness of your own heart? Your holier then thou attitude is beyond annoying at this point.[/QUOTE]
I never knew I was moderating the forums. Damn, someone tell me when that happened please.

I already said multiple times that I, like confoosious, chriscolbert, and gettinmoney662, do this simply out of the kindness of my heart.

If you don't like my posts, please do what the mods have said and add me to your ignore list. It's really not that hard to do.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']It is definitely a complicated thread, I'm just sorry you wasted any of your valueable time.[/QUOTE]

No worries. It was totally my fault. After sitting in front of a screen for a while reading the news and all sorts of other text it all just blurs and blends together. :drool:
[quote name='Altanis']I never knew I was moderating the forums. Damn, someone tell me when that happened please.

I already said multiple times that I, like confoosious, chriscolbert, and gettinmoney662, do this simply out of the kindness of my heart.

If you don't like my posts, please do what the mods have said and add me to your ignore list. It's really not that hard to do.[/QUOTE]

They also made a comment about a certain poster pretending to be more important then he is and I can take an educated guess as to who that might have been. The guy asked a question, he got an answer from someone else and yet you had to come running in to beat your chest and insult him in the process. Quite frankly I dont know why you havent been banned yet as its basically your M.O. to answer a question with either another question, an insult or a mixture of the two.
You stated that all the listed items are below MSRP. In the Wii section, Boom Blox is listed at $19.97, while the MSRP is $19.99 according to multiple sources. Is that price correct or is it a case of mistaken MSRP? Yes, I understand that 19.97 is less than 19.99 (thanks, 1st grade math!) but it's really pretty much equal to it.

Another question, is Assassin's Creed 2 DSi for $14.99 Assassin's Creed Discovery? There's a few AC games for the DS and I think two of them are given subtitles that get a bit confusing.
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[quote name='Altanis']Before this derails any more (again, if you want to fight with me, please feel free to PM me, so I can ignore it. This thread really isn't the place to fight over something as stupid as whether someone trying to get a deal 2 days before it even starts is stupidity or not... it is, but that's another story), I have a question for Josh about one item in particular.

You stated that all the listed items are below MSRP. In the Wii section, Boom Blox is listed at $19.97, while the MSRP is $19.99 according to multiple sources. Is that price correct or is it a case of mistaken MSRP?[/QUOTE]

Its not stupidity, its called a mistake so get over yourself already. Im done here. I came here mainly to help support Josh since we both work for the same company and I wanted to stay on top of the deals, then that branched out to helping io get deals at my store so he wouldnt have to search them out or deal with any issues that might pop up at another location. I sent you a PM io so if you need help finding a game just let me know as my time here is done. Enjoy your time Altanis, Im sure insulting guys here will get you far in life so keep up the good work.
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