Kmartgamer 4.0

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Kmartgamer 1.0 = 10,508 replies/663,642 views
Kmartgamer 2.0 = 9,828 replies/538,327 views
Kmartgamer 3.0 = 7,215 replies/549,496 views (Blog is effective in all locations)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: 3-22 Playstation Heroes (Reg. $39.99) offer 10,000 SYWR + Save $25 instantly with purchase of Move bundle
    • Offer was extended through next week since Playstation Heroes is not arriving until the end of this week
  • :360::ps3: 3-22 Crysis 2 (Reg. $59.99) Offer Save 10,000 SYWR + Save $30 on $50 PSN or 4000 XBLA Points Card + Save $20 on Turtle Beach Head Sets
    • If the stores do not have the 4000 Points or $50 PSN represented on the sales floor send a pic of your receipt to SHC Ad Monster and we'll substitute with a $20 gift card
    • SHC Stock Boy will comment tomorrow on the Turtle Beach Head Set in-stock. This is featured in the circular so no gift card will be substituted but we will help coordinate a rain check if needed.
    • All stores will receive the LE edition of Crysis 2 for launch.
  • :360::ps3::wii::ds: 3-22 Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 15,000 SYWR Points ($15) - 3DS not included
  • :360::ps3: Bullestorm $39.99 (Reg. $59.99)
Kmart Weekly Ad: (Circulars not effective in all stores, NYC and Offshore in particular)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: $50 gift card with 160GB PS3 ($299.99)
    • Note: 3-27 (Next week) Killzone 3 bundle with free Killzone 2. Just want everyone to know if it affects buying decisions
  • :wii: Wii Consoles $179.99 (Reg. $199.99)
Note: Savings Coupon offers are valid in all stores

Coming Soon:

Update: Submitting Feb./Mar. offers as SYWR promotions. Will post as soon as they are approved. At the end of Mar. the coupon issue will be fixed and we'll go back to normal. For Feb . SYWR offers, there will be limit 2 per customer (the SYWR card will limit bonuses systematically).

As of Feb 6th, to earn SYWR bonuses a member has to have a valid email address on their profile and opted in before purchasing an item with a bonus offer. This has been communicated to members through SYWR emails and in the circular along with new signage indicating to receive bonus offers they have to have a valid email address on file and opted in to receive email. Opting in to receive SYWR bonus offers is not too bad:

1. Log in to your account online
2. Click "My offers"
3. Click "More about me"
4. Scroll down to contact preferences
5. Click the boxes to receive email from (I suggest all for tomorrow). I'll post if you just have to accept Kmart in the future.

*This list is not comprehensive of every promotion that may be coming and release dates are subject to change.
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for the record, i'd pick up the kz3 move gun if there was a deal with it. it remaps the buttons, which makes it well worth the money for me... assuming it's not msrp with no deal.
[quote name='Altanis']You stated that all the listed items are below MSRP. In the Wii section, Boom Blox is listed at $19.97, while the MSRP is $19.99 according to multiple sources. Is that price correct or is it a case of mistaken MSRP? Yes, I understand that 19.97 is less than 19.99 (thanks, 1st grade math!) but it's really pretty much equal to it.

Another question, is Assassin's Creed 2 DSi for $14.99 Assassin's Creed Discovery? There's a few AC games for the DS and I think two of them are given subtitles that get a bit confusing.[/QUOTE]
Hey bud, I'll have to investigate both, I'd like the games to represents a solid savings below MSRP, not just 2 cents.

To help me keep track of things like this if you ever notice any games that are not below MSRP shoot me quick email so I can make sure I have it in my task list to follow up on.

As for AC, I'll have to check on that as well, I just copied and pasted the list from our systems.
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[quote name='affa']for the record, i'd pick up the kz3 move gun if there was a deal with it. it remaps the buttons, which makes it well worth the money for me... assuming it's not msrp with no deal.[/QUOTE]
I found out late this afternoon that the guns are held up in transit for Sony and won't be hitting retail stores unitl mid March.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']I found out late this afternoon that the guns are held up in transit for Sony and won't be hitting retail stores unitl mid March.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Sony is shooting themselves with that blunder.

... I'll be here all week!
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Hey bud, I'll have to investigate both, I'd like the games to represents a solid savings below MSRP, not just 2 cents.

To help me keep track of things like this if you ever notice any games that are not below MSRP shoot me quick email so I can make sure I have it in my task list to follow up on.

As for AC, I'll have to check on that as well, I just copied and pasted the list from our systems.[/QUOTE]
I just checked on Amazon and Boom Blox is listed at $29.99 MSRP. I must have confused it with Boom Blox Bash Party or something. I would have sworn it was $19.99 MSRP though (I'm now not finding anything saying it is. Woohoo!). Even at $19.97 that game's a pretty good value. Which reminds me, I need to pick it up again.

I'll fire off an email to you shortly though. Just take your time, it's really no rush. The local Kmart's had the same exact Assassin's Creed Discovery for the DS since about October. I'm really not worried about someone buying it at this point :lol:
[quote name='kitm9891']Good Lord, do you get paid to moderate these forums or do you just do it out of the kindness of your own heart? Your holier then thou attitude is beyond annoying at this point.[/QUOTE]

careful... the regime that is the CAG moderator team will start deleting all your posts without reason if you start negatively engaging with Altanis. True story.
[quote name='Altanis']I never knew I was moderating the forums. Damn, someone tell me when that happened please.

I already said multiple times that I, like confoosious, chriscolbert, and gettinmoney662, do this simply out of the kindness of my heart.

If you don't like my posts, please do what the mods have said and add me to your ignore list. It's really not that hard to do.[/QUOTE]

Really? wheres my damn name on that list lol :p, it was kinda quiet for a few days now but damn people get so worked up for nothing. yes altanis slaps people across the face with his remarks but hey if you too slow to read/lookup before you post then maybe you deserve to get flamed lol, just my two cents..

p.s.: that dude that tryed to buy a game that hasn't even been marked down deserves a cookie :applause: lol
[quote name='medetron']Really? wheres my damn name on that list lol :p, it was kinda quiet for a few days now but damn people get so worked up for nothing. yes altanis slaps people across the face with his remarks but hey if you too slow to read/lookup before you post then maybe you deserve to get flamed lol, just my two cents..

p.s.: that dude that tryed to buy a game that hasn't even been marked down deserves a cookie :applause: lol[/QUOTE]
Yeah yeah, my bad. I left off about a half dozen people I shouldn't have, I'm sure. Can I blame it on a lack of sleep? Yeah, that's my excuse.

Also, Josh, I finally sent that email to you. Pretty cut and dry boring crap :lol:
Josh are you trying to get those of us with wives/girlfriends in trouble with these day before valentines day price drops?? ;)

Will have to look over that list. Especially the DS/Wii lists are hard to filter out the junk. Maybe I'll make a list of "games CAGs should care about" that doesn't have anything with petz in the title or isn't about dressing up dolls.
[quote name='jer7583']Josh are you trying to get those of us with wives/girlfriends in trouble with these day before valentines day price drops?? ;)

Will have to look over that list. Especially the DS/Wii lists are hard to filter out the junk. Maybe I'll make a list of "games CAGs should care about" that doesn't have anything with petz in the title or isn't about dressing up dolls.[/QUOTE]

yea tell me about it, the wifes already bitching at me for setting up 3 alarm clocks for tuesday's release of MVC but i can't get up to pack her lunch in the morning :rofl::whee:
[quote name='salty tbone']9.99 X360 MATURE ASSTMNT

I'm guessing this isn't nearly as interesting as my juvenile mind makes it out to be.
[/QUOTE] I am not certain, but I think it may have been something like Bionic Commando with a generic UPC.
[quote name='Ace!']is it pretty easy to spend you SYWR points?

I signed up for the program.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is. Usually when you get a couple dollars from the points they will tell you how much you have and if you want to use it.

I only have 3 dollars so i just tell them I will wait. I might not use any points till christmas time just to see how much i can earn
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']The drops occur this Sunday but also please remember that stores have 7 days even after that to update their pricing.[/QUOTE]

what topic shows the price drops went back to page 142 and still dont see the list THANKS
[quote name='medetron']yea tell me about it, the wifes already bitching at me for setting up 3 alarm clocks for tuesday's release of MVC but i can't get up to pack her lunch in the morning :rofl::whee:[/QUOTE]

mvc3 is only released once in a lifetime. She eats lunch every day. No brainer.
[quote name='slidecage']what topic shows the price drops went back to page 142 and still dont see the list THANKS[/QUOTE]

First page. 4th post...or around there.
[quote name='Stry-ker']How quickly do the rewards post? I'd like to use the 25 from mvc3 towards bulletstorm if that's possible[/QUOTE]

they post right away.
Not sure if anyone saw my question but the prices for the price drop that are in red, is that the new price they will be or the old price?
[quote name='slidecage']what topic shows the price drops went back to page 142 and still dont see the list THANKS[/QUOTE]

.... the first one
[quote name='cardsharkrob']Not sure if anyone saw my question but the prices for the price drop that are in red, is that the new price they will be or the old price?[/QUOTE]

Lol. The red price is the "clearance" price. SHC has mentioned that is is possible for further reductions to take place later in the year but this was more of an evaluation price reduction to see what will sell.
My store only got

7 Copies of Marvel Vs Capcom 3 on XBox 360
4 Copies on PS3

4 Posters errr Pictures are more like it.

No CE..............

Then ad doesnt even metion the $25 SYWR points, nice work kmart.

Atleast I get $25 tho :D
[quote name='MasterX']My store only got

7 Copies of Marvel Vs Capcom 3 on XBox 360
4 Copies on PS3

4 Posters errr Pictures are more like it.

No CE..............

Then ad doesnt even metion the $25 SYWR points, nice work kmart.

Atleast I get $25 tho :D[/QUOTE]
I'm just glad we were able to get the offer approved. The ad went final during our coupon issue and we definitely had to work with the SYWR for a substitute. The blog is called out in the ad though for the stores to reference and is set up to work regardless of if they are ignorant of the promotion or not. If for some reason you run into trouble, that's why I'm here.

As far as the posters, like I posted on the blog, they are only a few in each store and are limited. It seems that this particular store is on the lower end of overall video game sales as the 7 and 4 are way below the average allocation.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']I'm just glad we were able to get the offer approved. The ad went final during our coupon issue and we definitely had to work with the SYWR for a substitute. The blog is called out in the ad though for the stores to reference and is set up to work regardless of if they are ignorant of the promotion or not. If for some reason you run into trouble, that's why I'm here.

As far as the posters, like I posted on the blog, they are only a few in each store and are limited. It seems that this particular store is on the lower end of overall video game sales as the 7 and 4 are way below the average allocation.[/QUOTE]

Hey J (and rest) i'm sure its been asked but i haven't been able to find the answer. Is there a way to check if my local kmart has/will get the CE of MvC3. Or is calling/going in the only way? I want to know so i can cancel my amazon order. Don't want to mis out on the steelbook:cry:
Man oh man I hope they have processed the drops when I pick up Mahvel. There is probably 9 or 10 360 games I will get if so. I've been waiting on some of those to get cheap for a while. Except, it will be tough, because I have wanted to play Raiden Fighting Aces for months. But I have been wanting to play MvC3 for 10 years. How will I make time to play clearance games with MvC3?
Definitely going in to grab MvC3. I shouldn't have procrastinated and grabbed a CE from somewhere/anywhere. :/

At least I can hope/pray I can get one of the posters.
[quote name='dabamus']Wait... are they selling MvC3 now?[/QUOTE]

I assume the person above works there, not that they are already selling them. Though if that is the case, I am leaving right now to pick it up!!
[quote name='dabamus']Wait... are they selling MvC3 now?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BrolyB593']I assume the person above works there, not that they are already selling them. Though if that is the case, I am leaving right now to pick it up!![/QUOTE]

I was confused too. However, it does seem like that person works at Kmart.
[quote name='Rig']I was confused too. However, it does seem like that person works at Kmart.[/QUOTE]

Despite knowing that is clearly the case, now all I can think about is getting the game early!
[quote name='dabamus']Wait... are they selling MvC3 now?[/QUOTE]
If you mean because of MasterX commenting on how many his store got, there is an excell spreadsheet on SD that Josh sent someone via email that lists what stores are getting the CEs. Apparently, my store is getting 5 for the 360 and two other stores in the state are getting one each. That's pretty cool to know that there are gonna be 7 CEs for the 360 in the state and 2 of them are mine.
Am I the only one who kind of loves the SYWR card over the coupons? No slips to keep track of, the money lasts a year and dirtbags can't scam it. Where's the downside?

Also, since Gamestop couldn't guarantee me a DQVI pre-order bonus tonight, K-Mart and the $15 in rewards it is.
Hmmm, well even if I don't get the CE, it'll be nice to get $25 gc and finally spend my $25 I have from COD:BO.
Damn. My store isn't getting any CE's at all! Man that's really disappointing. I'm sure I'll still end up buying the normal version at Kmart because of the points deal, but I was really looking forward to having the CE :(
Yeah, I am quite disappointed in the lack of CEs in good locations. I figured I would have at least a few here in Naperville or somewhere close, but no. All the stores that have CEs are like 45 minutes away. I really do not want to risk going all the freaking way there only to find out they already sold it/employee already got it.

I wish I could call ahead Monday night to guarantee the single copy that the stores are getting.
Haven't kept up with the game but I am interested.... Is the MvC SE gonna be SUPER limited and hard to get? I noticed it's not for sale on Amazon or Gamestop... Only 1 store in the area is getting copies... I may try to get a SE and sell it and then buy another standard to play and put some profit in pocket plus Kmart dollars. :)
[quote name='$hady']Haven't kept up with the game but I am interested.... Is the MvC SE gonna be SUPER limited and hard to get? I noticed it's not for sale on Amazon or Gamestop... Only 1 store in the area is getting copies... I may try to get a SE and sell it and then buy another standard to play and put some profit in pocket plus Kmart dollars. :)[/QUOTE]
It's not just going to be MvC. It's going to be cvc. (races to get the last copy) >:'(
[quote name='$hady']Haven't kept up with the game but I am interested.... Is the MvC SE gonna be SUPER limited and hard to get? I noticed it's not for sale on Amazon or Gamestop... Only 1 store in the area is getting copies... I may try to get a SE and sell it and then buy another standard to play and put some profit in pocket plus Kmart dollars. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm friends with a manager of one of my local Gamestops and he assured me that they would be getting more or that he would be able to order me one after the release date on either system. He said they always have to cut off the pre-orders at some point but this would be similar to SFIV which didn't end up very limited at all, which is probably why they're not referring to it as a "limited" edition.
Wow, one CE to Streator, IL?! (About 35 minutes away.) Can't believe a dumpy store in a small town would be getting one. Too bad it's the PS3 version.
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