La-di da-di, free John GOTTi

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I think a CAG or more specifically OTT meet up party would be awesome but I bet there'd be a lot of dissapointment. Not in the traditional sense as the majority of us are probably guys and there's no need for us to look good to each other but I'm sure we all have expectations of what each other look like and we'd probably be disappointed to find out most of us are weird/fat/nerdy etc :)
[quote name='Maklershed']I think a CAG or more specifically OTT meet up party would be awesome but I bet there'd be a lot of dissapointment. Not in the traditional sense as the majority of us are probably guys and there's no need for us to look good to each other but I'm sure we all have expectations of what each other look like and we'd probably be disappointed to find out most of us are weird/fat/nerdy etc :)[/quote]

But shouldn't that be expected. I mean yeah we are on a videogame board but this is the videogame board for the broke mother fuckers
In unrelated news I have my new phone all set up and have the contacts ported. Now its just a matter of tweaking and getting ringers and pictures all set up the way I want.
[quote name='fart_bubble']But shouldn't that be expected. I mean yeah we are on a videogame board but this is the videogame board for the broke mother fuckers[/quote]
Absolutely. Take myself for example. Some people might associate Christian Bale with me just cause thats what my avatar has been for so long but I actually look like an out of shape Agent 47 :lol:
"Hot Stuff Comin Through"?

[quote name='prmononoke']Kayden, you were the one who made that Simpsons shirt, correct? Any chance you could post just the text from it?[/quote]
Hmm. So I ordered Ouendan 2 on Playasia a while back and had a little Animal Crossing figure as my filler. Not that's OOS, and since it's a capsule toy, it won't be back in stock... are they going to hold my order until the item comes in (which it won't), cancel my order, or do they have one held for my order once Ouendan comes out? I don't want a stupid $2 filler fucking up my Ouendan preorder.
So, apparently, all you need to do in my neighbor hood to get the cops called on you is say 'Hi'.

Theres a girl that walks past my place in the morning on my way to work and I say hi to her every now and then.

I turn around after staring my truck to go lock my house door and I see a cop flipping me his badge. Apparently, she told him that I told her to get in my truck. :shock:

So yea... I'm never talking to anyone in this fucking shit hole ever again.
[quote name='prmononoke']Kayden, that is the text. I need the actual graphic of the text, minus the dude.[/quote]

[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']:drool: pizza and beer = dinner[/QUOTE]
See, why can't I find a decent woman like this. No, the only ones I find are stuck-up whores that really have no business being stuck-up whores.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Yaaaaay, mai pohkemahnz evolved![/QUOTE]

What evolved?

[quote name='Maklershed']Absolutely. Take myself for example. Some people might associate Christian Bale with me just cause thats what my avatar has been for so long but I actually look like an out of shape Agent 47 :lol:[/QUOTE] look like CheapyD? :)
So, Thursday I can finally register for classes at Georgia Tech. Classes start Monday the 14th. However, I must pay the tuition and fees by May 11th unless I get hit with a $75 late fee and all fees/tuition must be paid by the 18th. I won't know my grades till the 16th in which I will also find out if I lost my scholarship or not. Fun stuff.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']See, why can't I find a decent woman like this. No, the only ones I find are stuck-up whores that really have no business being stuck-up whores.[/QUOTE]
Thats what you say now, but if you went on a date with a chick who ate pizza and drank beer, she'd get bloated and gassy and you would think her to be disgusting and never see her again. On the other hand, if she didn't drink beer and eat pizza, you would assume she is only 20 and thats not old enough for you, not to mention she would be too good for pizza and too snobby to date you. Lower your expectations just a bit.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']See, why can't I find a decent woman like this. No, the only ones I find are stuck-up whores that really have no business being stuck-up whores.[/quote]
That's because they all live in Sugartits, NY. And you my friend, are a looong way from Sugartits.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Leftover pizza and Crystal Light Fruit Punch for me![/QUOTE]

I'm going have me some homemade Demolition Burritos and some flavored water FTW! :bouncy:
[quote name='dcfox']That's because they all live in Sugartits, NY. And you my friend, are a looong way from Sugartits.[/quote]

:rofl: :applause:
[quote name='Maklershed']Absolutely. Take myself for example. Some people might associate Christian Bale with me just cause thats what my avatar has been for so long but I actually look like an out of shape Agent 47 :lol:[/QUOTE]

I look like a fat guy with red hair...

[quote name='Pookymeister']Yea thats what booze and gambling with a touch of hooker will do to a person[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Kayden']
I turn around after staring my truck to go lock my house door and I see a cop flipping me his badge. Apparently, she told him that I told her to get in my truck. :shock:

So yea... I'm never talking to anyone in this fucking shit hole ever again.[/QUOTE]

Problem number 1, not looking like the type of person that drives a truck.

[quote name='Demolition Man']I'm going have me some homemade Demolition Burritos and some flavored water FTW! :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Is that your way of telling us you have to take a dump.

I had roast chicken and beer for dinner. Yea I'm sick, should eat better but whatever.
[quote name='Maklershed']Absolutely. Take myself for example. Some people might associate Christian Bale with me just cause thats what my avatar has been for so long but I actually look like an out of shape Agent 47 :lol:[/quote]Actually, I do think you would look like Christian Bale. And Chika would be a dog, Hex a horse, Strell his odd Mario guy (I know that's what he looks like), and Ackbar as, well, Admiral Ackbar saying, "It's a trap!" At least I can safely assume no one would think I'm Godzilla.:lol:
[quote name='Predator21281']Actually, I do think you would look like Christian Bale. And Chika would be a dog, Hex a horse, Strell his odd Mario guy (I know that's what he looks like), and Ackbar as, well, Admiral Ackbar saying, "It's a trap!" At least I can safely assume no one would think I'm Godzilla.:lol:[/quote]
and Graystone is GOD.

[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']now THIS is some ass. prolly doesn't work =[[/quote]

[quote name='Eviltude']Thats what you say now, but if you went on a date with a chick who ate pizza and drank beer, she'd get bloated and gassy and you would think her to be disgusting and never see her again. On the other hand, if she didn't drink beer and eat pizza, you would assume she is only 20 and thats not old enough for you, not to mention she would be too good for pizza and too snobby to date you. Lower your expectations just a bit.[/QUOTE]

You make some amazing leaps in logic in that reply. When a girl is comfortable enough to be herself around me, that goes a long way. I'd much rather go out with the first girl you mentioned than the second one.

I just want a woman to realize that she isn't all that. That girl I went out with last week was 20, had a kid, and while she was cute, she wasn't exactly a knockout. Her attitude during the date, however, was somewhere around that of Paris Hilton. She had no business being as stuck up as she was.
[quote name='Pookymeister']fixed[/QUOTE]Just put a question mark at the end of the address and hit enter.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']O RLY?

What evolved? look like CheapyD? :)[/quote]

Actually, yeah sorta. I think I'm much bigger though. I'm 6'4" 220lbs.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
I just want a woman to realize that she isn't all that. [/QUOTE]

When I discover what planet such beings live on, I'll send word.
good morning OTT, I have never felt so sick before in my life. I just got done eating a CRAZY burger.. but it was worth it I guess.

triple meat, double cheese, grilled onions, pickles, lettuce, tomato, toasted buns and some jalapenos... with a huge glass of water. MMMMMmmmMMMMMMM bitch.
[quote name='tiredfornow']
triple meat, double cheese, grilled onions, pickles, lettuce, tomato, toasted buns and some jalapenos... with a huge glass of water. MMMMMmmmMMMMMMM bitch.[/quote]How are you not dead?:shock:
[quote name='Predator21281']How are you not dead?:shock:[/quote]

dead? with a healthy heart like mine? you've got to be kidding :bouncy:
[quote name='tiredfornow']good morning OTT, I have never felt so sick before in my life. I just got done eating a CRAZY burger.. but it was worth it I guess.

triple meat, double cheese, grilled onions, pickles, lettuce, tomato, toasted buns and some jalapenos... with a huge glass of water. MMMMMmmmMMMMMMM bitch.[/quote]

:drool::drool::drool: *jealous*
[quote name='tiredfornow']good morning OTT, I have never felt so sick before in my life. I just got done eating a CRAZY burger.. but it was worth it I guess.

triple meat, double cheese, grilled onions, pickles, lettuce, tomato, toasted buns and some jalapenos... with a huge glass of water. MMMMMmmmMMMMMMM bitch.[/quote]

That burger must've made you really sick to make you think it's morning.
[quote name='Predator21281']How are you not dead?:shock:[/quote]
He kept the lettuce and tomato. On top of that he went with the glass of water instead of the large diet coke. That last part probably saved his life.
[quote name='tiredfornow']
triple meat, double cheese, grilled onions, pickles, lettuce, tomato, toasted buns and some jalapenos... with a huge glass of water. MMMMMmmmMMMMMMM bitch.[/QUOTE]

Where's the bacon?

[quote name='Strell']Where's the bacon?

whoa I didnt even note that I had bacon on it, you know whataburger strell, the only burger, is a bacon burger. :p

[quote name='Kayden']No, THIS is some ass.[/quote]

[quote name='RedvsBlue']I just want a woman to realize that she isn't all that. That girl I went out with last week was 20, had a kid, and while she was cute, she wasn't exactly a knockout. Her attitude during the date, however, was somewhere around that of Paris Hilton. She had no business being as stuck up as she was.[/QUOTE]
Maybe I missed it, but before you just mentioned that she was 20 and left it at that, which led me to jump to the conclusion that you were pretty much just a shallow mother-fucker(Obviously not since she had a kid :lol:) who dropped her because she couldn't go bar hopping with you.

Like I said, sorry if I missed the part where you explained all that stuff before, but once again, all I caught was ~"Yeah it was a terrible date. Turns out she was only 20!"
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