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[quote name='chickenhawk']I am sure you sensed my sarcasm with the "some." :lol:

What if I told you that me and joe were already working out the details of a $1 for each of those right under your nose? :D[/QUOTE]

I'd wait in front of your house and when the mailman came I'd take the stuff before you ever knew they were there.....

...of course I need to know where you live first :lol:
[quote name='whoknows']I'd wait in front of your house and when the mailman came I'd take the stuff before you ever knew they were there.....

...of course I need to know where you live first :lol:[/QUOTE]

I'll get that to you right away! :lol:
[quote name='chickenhawk']But your prices are good IMHO.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I don't know why that guy is bitching either. I think Joe has some great prices for them games.
I probably could go scare up some expired 2-month trials from old games I have, though I don't know how MS is these days on renewing expired trials.
[quote name='shrike4242']I probably could go scare up some expired 2-month trials from old games I have, though I don't know how MS is these days on renewing expired trials.[/QUOTE]

hm - yea - I never thought ot try that before :whistle2:s
[quote name='chickenhawk']

On a side note, I also like Tool! They have some pretty sick videos. I wish they were still making music. :D[/QUOTE]

Not to threadjack but I cant resist when something Maynard related comes up ;). It just so happens Tool is expected to release an album by early 2006. I dont have any concrete details unfortunately. If they tour ya dont wanna miss it. Tool (and A Perfect Circle) put on great live shows .. I've seen Tool twice and APC three times now.
[quote name='joevan']nope - that was a preorder bonus :cry:[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the fast reply OP - good luck on selling your items. ^_^

[quote name='-Blood_Rayne-']Still a great fucking price even without the sound track.[/QUOTE]

It's a decent, market value price, but it's not as great as you make it out to be. ^_~
[quote name='joevan']that would be cool if it did :)
I'm gonna look into this :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]
Find out. If it does and mine doesn't, I may be interested. ;-)
Dude both copies are the same! They have two covers, just reverse the insert you have! No your copy doesn't include the soundtrack. No digital devil 2 game is pack in with a soundtrack its only a preorder bonus!

Nice Price though!
[quote name='Maklershed']Not to threadjack but I cant resist when something Maynard related comes up ;). It just so happens Tool is expected to release an album by early 2006. I dont have any concrete details unfortunately. If they tour ya dont wanna miss it. Tool (and A Perfect Circle) put on great live shows .. I've seen Tool twice and APC three times now.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. Thanks!
thanks - I'll probably bring Sly and Legends II back tomorrow if nobody's interested after this round of price drops
[quote name='joevan']thanks - I'll probably bring Sly and Legends II back tomorrow if nobody's interested after this round of price drops[/QUOTE]

No problem man :cool: . I hope you get a sell but my luck of getting/selling/trading shit has been shitty here recently, so hopefully you have better luck then me.
[quote name='The VGM']Damn joevan, getting desperate?[/QUOTE]
not really - like I said, this is as low as the sealed stuff goes before I just bring it back - I do this to spread deals I pick up on and sometimes I make some money, sometimes I break even.
[quote name='Scorch']The title sucks. Damn you![/QUOTE]

haha - I think I had all the fanboys in a frenzy :D
EDIT - not implying you're a fanboy.
[quote name='dipsetrenegade']5 pages and not a single offer or sale
jesus christ[/QUOTE]

whats your point? :whistle2:s
And there've been about 20 offers - 10 or so even posted in the thread :whistle2:s

Marvel Legends II sold :D
Now you want SOTC. I like how everyone wants this game since they should.

Well, you sit there wanting while I go over to my PS2 and play my copy :D
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