Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='Yanksrule123']Ill take the 49ers though in exchange hahahA[/QUOTE]

Taken by Cru assuming he shows up.......

BTW nobody has a Madden 13 team. Nobody should care at this point.
[quote name='Yanksrule123']And by the way bv just wondering but i dont think i have a team for 2013 madden cause i know im going to get screwd and the panthers are gunna get takin away from me by duece which is bs cause he left them[/QUOTE]

We'll sort all that out in July or so. I'm not worrying about it yet.

[quote name='Doomtime']Taken by Cru assuming he shows up.[/QUOTE]

See above.

It's too soon to be worrying about Madden 13 teams, we've got plenty of Madden 12 left.
[quote name='Yanksrule123']I want to play sprice and i want him to try hahahaha i want a challenege even if i lose just had a ba season this year !! And by the way bv just wondering but i dont think i have a team for 2013 madden cause i know im going to get screwd and the panthers are gunna get takin away from me by duece which is bs cause he left them[/QUOTE]

let me know wen ur ready nd ill be on
Gg sprice ! Game winning field goal left him one second !! 48 to 45 mist not be used to kevin kolb cause way too many picks!! But good game got urself back into it with a couple stops i like games that are close like that just not that high scoring lol
[quote name='Doomtime']Still at 9 games left.[/QUOTE]

lions skins should happen this morning... bills bengals sometime after 6 or sim he said
if anyone could sub for me later id appreciate it.... preferably someone with a winning record... wouldnt mind a rematch vs yanksrule either witg my lions...
[quote name='sprice8688']n8 i didnt see wen u can play today but mailmans mogs roomate i can call him to help schedule ur game[/QUOTE]

The game should have been set up before now. I PM'd him back immediately after he messaged me yesterday, letting him know that I had a lot of errands to run today, and would be in and out of my apartment all day. But that if he had a specific time in mind to play, I could try to work around it. I got no response. I'm really not going to bust my ass to get the game in when he can't answer a simple PM. And considering BV didn't even acknowledge my post about this game, it seems like he doesn't give a shit either.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The game should have been set up before now. I PM'd him back immediately after he messaged me yesterday, letting him know that I had a lot of errands to run today, and would be in and out of my apartment all day. But that if he had a specific time in mind to play, I could try to work around it. I got no response. I'm really not going to bust my ass to get the game in when he can't answer a simple PM. And considering BV didn't even acknowledge my post about this game, it seems like he doesn't give a shit either.[/QUOTE]

ok well if u find time let me i was just tryin to help
[quote name='sprice8688']ok well if u find time let me i was just tryin to help[/QUOTE]

No, I hear you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shoot the messenger there. It's just frustrating for something so simple as communication to be the reason a game doesn't get played. I mean, I'm working around a wife, a baby, family responsibilities, running other leagues, etc. What's his excuse?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']No, I hear you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shoot the messenger there. It's just frustrating for something so simple as communication to be the reason a game doesn't get played. I mean, I'm working around a wife, a baby, family responsibilities, running other leagues, etc. What's his excuse?[/QUOTE]

lol i hear ya i do the same thing... gf 6yr old 6 month old work 6 days a week play in 2 real football leagues and still get in the thread everyday... i mean hes in college so does he have responsabilities like us no but im not gonna judge wut he does.. its not my problam hes playoff bound so if he gets a subbed loss thats on him i cant picture a sim scenario unless u asked for it..
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The game should have been set up before now. I PM'd him back immediately after he messaged me yesterday, letting him know that I had a lot of errands to run today, and would be in and out of my apartment all day. But that if he had a specific time in mind to play, I could try to work around it. I got no response. I'm really not going to bust my ass to get the game in when he can't answer a simple PM. And considering BV didn't even acknowledge my post about this game, it seems like he doesn't give a shit either.[/QUOTE]

Bitch check ur pms
[quote name='n8rockerasu']And considering BV didn't even acknowledge my post about this game, it seems like he doesn't give a shit either.[/QUOTE]

Nothing in your post required my input. I was out all afternoon yesterday and by the time I got home you'd posted his PMs saying he could play Sunday and that you were hoping for better communication. Did you want me to chime in with "yes, people should do their best to reply to PMs in a timely fashion"? I assume that goes without saying at this point. Not every post in this thread requires a response from me, believe it or not I have a busy weekend as well.
[quote name='damailman2272']Bitch check ur pms[/QUOTE]

Completely unnecessary. Try to have a little courtesy towards someone who's trying their best to set up a game with you.
[quote name='damailman2272']Bitch check ur pms[/QUOTE]

You mean the PM that was sent 7 minutes after my last post and said this?

[quote name='damailman2272']Wat about now or 8:00 pm est[/QUOTE]

BV, this is what I meant when I said "these are the classy people who play in the official league". I call him out on not communicating...and I get called a bitch. In a league that advances every 3 days, I don't have the abundance of free time to wait 24 hours for a response to a PM, and still have time to get the game scheduled.

It just pisses me off that because he took his sweet ass time getting back to me, he's most likely going to get to play a sub. In the JV League, I would have allowed the team trying to communicate to play a sub by now. That was my point in bringing you into it.

I'll try to be on at 8 PM EST, but I can't make any guarantees. This is why in my very first PM to him, I told him I needed some notice. But I guess that's what communicating gets you.
[quote name='bvharris']Nothing in your post required my input. I was out all afternoon yesterday and by the time I got home you'd posted his PMs saying he could play Sunday and that you were hoping for better communication. Did you want me to chime in with "yes, people should do their best to reply to PMs in a timely fashion"? I assume that goes without saying at this point. Not every post in this thread requires a response from me, believe it or not I have a busy weekend as well.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to come along and add to this as well.

Here's your post. Just in case you a) forgot it or B) decide to edit it in your favor.

PM'd damailman yesterday about our game. Haven't heard anything back. My big days of availability are Friday and Saturday. I'll have some time tomorrow, but much more limited. Not that the game really matters, but I don't want to waste my time either.

You posted in the thread stating that you pm'ed the dude, hadn't heard back, and you listed your availability. Not once did you call out for help, or mention that there's a good chance you'll need a sub, or anything that says "HEY BV/FERO, I NEEED YOUR HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP"

In the last month we've probably seen 50-60 of the above type posts. Just in case the person you're playing doesn't see his pm box, he'll hopefully see the thread.

It's absolutely most certainly not on bv or me to hold your hand to get the game completed. UNLESS YOU POST HERE or ..hey...send a pm... and SAY THAT YOU NEED HELP.

Had you came in today and said, "hey, bv/fero...i'm having trouble getting this game scheduled, he hasn't responded in 48 hours and i might have a spot of spare time at "xx:xx" time today....but other than that....i can't play".... I'm absolutely certain bv would have come back with a reply along the following: "hey so and so, can you sub at "xx:xx" time....."

And everyone would be happy.

but No. you've once again taken the chance to badmouth bvharris for absolutely no reason. Who are you? Someone important enough to believe that everything they post/say should be met with recognition on your behalf? Should he acknowledge in this thread everytime you make a post with "Yes, N8, i acknowledge the fact that you made a post"

Frankly, the bashing bv shit is getting old. You posted the following:

I mean, I'm working around a wife, a baby, family responsibilities, running other leagues, etc. What's his excuse?

This post leads me to believe you're a grown man. Can we please try to act like grown-up's here?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']That was my point in bringing you into it.

Then find a better way to bring me into it than "BV doesn't give a shit." I saw that you were trying to communicate and that he'd at least gotten back to you, you weren't asking for a sub that I could see. If you really want me to weigh in on something, ask me directly, or PM me. We also have a whole other commissioner who you can bring these things to if I'm not around, which I wasn't for most of yesterday.
[quote name='damailman2272']Bitch check ur pms[/QUOTE]

Bv already touched base on this. but i'll add to it.

N8 pm'd you on friday. Don't act like some pompous asshole and come into the thread with a statement like this without expecting some harsh reaction from him, myself, and Bv.

48 hours ago you were sent a pm. Why didn't you respond within those last 48 hours?

Let's keep it civilized, if your actions/posts towards other people in this league keep along this line... a warning/strike's in order.
[quote name='siradam134']This post leads me to believe you're a grown man. Can we please try to act like grown-up's here?[/QUOTE]

Says the guy who puts his controller down and walks out of the room when he's losing...
naw that shit is annoying everybody is busy were all grownuos we live lifes beside this game and we all do are best to reply to pms if i could of replied i would i obisously couldn't. whenever some one pms i am as repsonsive to pms as i can bei just had was unable to reply yesterday.
[quote name='damailman2272']like honestly i bout to just suggest txting people cause it provides another method of getting up with people.[/QUOTE]

If you want to provide your phone number I'll put it in the OP for you so people can text you - others have done this in the past. People can also post their e-mail address if that works better for them (Zurezo did this for a long time). That said, people aren't required to text or e-mail you, and you'd still need to be responsive to CAG PMs. If you want to do that, you're welcome to - but it'd be a supplement to PMs, not a replacement.
[quote name='siradam134']This post leads me to believe you're a grown man. Can we please try to act like grown-up's here?[/QUOTE]

Geez, dude. Calm down. Where was I not acting like a grown-up? What you posted was FAR more inflammatory than anything I said. I didn't say a single derrogatory thing about BV...just that it didn't seem like he cared about this game (my opinion...I thought we were allowed to have those). I'm not a playoff team, so at this point, what does my game matter? Nobody was even getting riled up or anything. You coming along, posting something that incendiary just seems unnecessary.
[quote name='bvharris']If you want to provide your phone number I'll put it in the OP for you so people can text you - others have done this in the past. People can also post their e-mail address if that works better for them (Zurezo did this for a long time). That said, people aren't required to text or e-mail you, and you'd still need to be responsive to CAG PMs. If you want to do that, you're welcome to - but it'd be a supplement to PMs, not a replacement.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm definitely not giving out my phone number on that wouldn't have helped anything.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, I'm definitely not giving out my phone number on that wouldn't have helped anything.[/QUOTE]

so do you have a time which would be better for you since your running in and out???????????????????
[quote name='damailman2272']so do you have a time which would be better for you since your running in and out???????????????????[/QUOTE]

5 PM EST would probably work. My wife should be done grading papers and I should be in between things then. Don't think that just because I'm posting on CAG, I'm "free". I've got a sleeping baby right next to me now. But if I start a Madden game, and she wakes up crying, guess what happens.
Remaining Games:
*playoff implications


Guess everyone was busy this weekend, I know I was. I still intend to advance us tonight, so let's get these games played.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']5 PM EST would probably work. My wife should be done grading papers and I should be in between things then. Don't think that just because I'm posting on CAG, I'm "free". I've got a sleeping baby right next to me now. But if I start a Madden game, and she wakes up crying, guess what happens.[/QUOTE]

My tentative plan is to advance around Midnight EST. LV told me Cards-Seahawks is scheduled for 11, so that will hopefully be the last game.
[quote name='Doomtime']In the meantime, Diablo 3 beta for me. [/QUOTE]

How is it? I didn't really have time this weekend to get into it, but I'm still planning to pick it up on release.

[quote name='Doomtime']
Hopefully an Angels win as well.[/QUOTE]

I'm doing a rain dance and sending the vibes up to Boston. If there was ever a team in need of an unscheduled off day, it's the Red Sox.
[quote name='bvharris']How is it? I didn't really have time this weekend to get into it, but I'm still planning to pick it up on release.

I'm doing a rain dance and sending the vibes up to Boston. If there was ever a team in need of an unscheduled off day, it's the Red Sox.[/QUOTE]

New artstyle took me a while to get used too, but it's still the same game at its core. Which I can't complain about.

Only mistake they made is locking the difficulty at normal for the beta, so it is ridiculously easy and takes no strategy at all.

As for the Sox, just finished watching yesterday's game. That was brutal.
[quote name='Doomtime']
As for the Sox, just finished watching yesterday's game. That was brutal.[/QUOTE]

You're telling me. With the Nationals playing so well, it's times like these I wish I was a fair weather fan - but I could never abandon the Sox.
Still a long way to go thankfully.

Can't say I expected a 6-9 start and no Pujols homers. Or Tim Lincecum turning into Barry Zito. Baseball oddities.
bread's done