Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='sprice8688']just got beat 66 21 in a ranked match its just spiraling downwards[/QUOTE]

Some days that just happens. I got stomped by doom and then bounced back and beat ramesu without Ross or Gronk. You'll be fine.
[quote name='bvharris']I say this every time, but I'll say it again: We're not doing this yet.

There will come a time to sort all of the Madden 13 business out, don't worry. ;)[/QUOTE]

Oh I know, I was just throwing it out there
[quote name='sprice8688']just got beat 66 21 in a ranked match its just spiraling downwards[/QUOTE]

I don't take the wins or losses seriously anymore. Once you get around the 800s it's nothing but complete cheese.

So I torture myself playing these guys in hopes I can find ways to stop them.
[quote name='sprice8688']madden just dont like me lately[/QUOTE]

You wanna get a scrimmage in tonight? I'll take a win against you while I can.
[quote name='LVPatriots']You wanna get a scrimmage in tonight? I'll take a win against you while I can.[/QUOTE]

yea ill b on later
Hey guys when is the deadline for this week? The vikings said his madden wasent working today so he cant play tonight. He said to find a sub or play the cpu if i cant play tom. I have work tom night so i cant play. Can anyone sub or should i just play the cpu?
[quote name='Reds711']Hey guys when is the deadline for this week? The vikings said his madden wasent working today so he cant play tonight. He said to find a sub or play the cpu if i cant play tom. I have work tom night so i cant play. Can anyone sub or should i just play the cpu?[/QUOTE]

Can anyone sub?

If no one steps up in the next hour or so I'll have you play the CPU - it's a meaningless game.
bills are on tananbo i know cheese said 9 might work can u find out if hes home from dinner or not... ill call mog an see if mailman can play
[quote name='damailman2272']man i could play a sub but its kind of a important game[/QUOTE]

It's not important at all, the Falcons have clinched the 2 seed.
[quote name='Reds711']Does anyone want to sub for the Vikings?[/QUOTE]

I could sub, what's the Vikings record? Prob dont want me playing lol. PM me if interested.
[quote name='sprice8688']bills are on tananbo i know cheese said 9 might work can u find out if hes home from dinner or not... ill call mog an see if mailman can play[/QUOTE]

I just saw this if cheesy is not on at 9 post something in here and I will text him
[quote name='Tanabeo']I just saw this if cheesy is not on at 9 post something in here and I will text him[/QUOTE]

i think he was online i told him to send him a message and never heard back so im guessin they played
[quote name='XpG CheesyMan']im on right now its 9:04 wooot got back in time lil drunk but who caresss[/QUOTE]

I imagine that livens up the experience ;)
[quote name='XpG CheesyMan']im on right now its 9:04 wooot got back in time lil drunk but who caresss[/QUOTE]
i said 9 eastern but hes gettin on right noe
[quote name='Doomtime']Chargers-Raiders not happening tonight?[/QUOTE]

Not looking promising. I was discussing it with damailman in PMs, and he said they'd agreed to play tonight but now he can't get in contact with him. If anybody else is able to get in touch with him that would be great, but given that the Raiders are still alive for a playoff spot we can't go the sub or sim route here.
Thanks for subbing Blade gg. Falcons vs. Pats next week both teams looking to rest the stars. Time for the bench to get some action this year.
[quote name='Reds711']Thanks for subbing Blade gg. Falcons vs. Pats next week both teams looking to rest the stars. Time for the bench to get some action this year.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, might have been a better game if I wouldn't gotten called for holding on that 97 yard TD run.
[quote name='Reds711']Thanks for subbing Blade gg. Falcons vs. Pats next week both teams looking to rest the stars. Time for the bench to get some action this year.[/QUOTE]

Yup, let's take it nice and easy and not get anyone killed. Most of the offense is sitting for sure. Cobie Ross is getting a bit annoyed since he's sitting 51 yards short of 2000 (and hasn't had a carry in 2 weeks) so we'll see if I sneak him in for a bit. I'm on the fence as to whether McCoy is playing or not.
So Chargers-Raiders is the last game remaining on the docket. Even though we weren't able to advance tonight, I do really appreciate all of you guys busting your asses to get this week in early. Feels very good that you're all still so committed.

I'm hoping that game can be played as early as possible tomorrow. I'll be at work tomorrow, and I assume fero will as well.. Doom, any chance you'll be around during the day tomorrow? If so, I'd like to promote you to commish in case this game gets played earlier in the day (which would be great).
[quote name='Doomtime']Yeah I'll be around until about 4 PM EST.[/QUOTE]

Alright, I promoted you. If it gets played earlier, you can advance us, and if not just promote me back before you leave.
[quote name='sprice8688']tonights possibly the only nught i can play the eagles[/QUOTE]

We'll definitely advance tonight, so go ahead and set it up. Hopefully we'll have a firm time for advancing soon.

If you're not able to get it in, we can have someone sub for you, just let them know which starters you want rested.
bread's done