Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

New England Patriots 20 - Houston Texans 14

The Texans traveled to Foxborough looking to clinch a 4th consecutive playoff berth, but will have to wait on the Broncos result after being denied by a Pats team playing without its two best offensive players.

The Patriots received the opening kickoff and promptly went 3-and-out. The Texans responded with a lengthy drive and a TD to Johnson. The Pats followed with another 3-and-out and things were looking grim.

The New England D held this time and the Pats finally began moving the ball. Facing 4th-and-4 on the Houston 47 the Patriots saw the Texans pull an extra guy back off the line and ran a fake, which Polite converted. They took it the rest of the way and scored on a McCoy pass to Roddy White. On the next Texans drive Jonny Kohlhausen picked off Harris and took the ball back to the house to give the Patriots a lead. Rahim Moore got a pick of his own on the next drive which the Pats converted for 3 as time expired to give themselves a 17-7 halftime lead.

The Texans moved closer to start the 3rd when Foster converted a 1-yard TD on 3rd-and-goal. Evan Smith came in for McCoy at that point and managed the offense well, though he didn't find the endzone.

The Patriots would add 3 with 1:54 left in the game, giving the Texans a chance to drive for the win. They moved the ball through the air down to the NE 24 with 52 seconds left, before Harris' 3rd-and-10 pass was intercepted by Mayo to seal the game.

Colt McCoy was 10 of 18 for 108 yards, 1 TD and 0 picks. This was probably his last regular season action.
Evan Smith was 5 of 6 got 49 yards in relief.

Clay Harris was 14 of 26 for 193 yards, 1 TD and 3 costly picks.

The Pats running game was completely ineffective without Ross in there, with Green-Ellis carrying 14 times for a measly 23 yards.

Arian Foster carried 6 times for 39 yards and a score.

Nick Schexnayder was the leading receiver for the Pats with 5 catches for 53 yards. Roddy White had 3 for 33 and the TD.

Arrelious Benn lead the Texans with 4 catches for 69 yards, while AJ had 4 for 51 and the score.

The Patriots got the 3 huge picks which were certainly the difference in the game.

The Texans managed 3 sacks, but failed to turn the Patriots over.

gg Ramesu! Perhaps we'll see each other again in the playoffs. ;)

The Patriots move to 14-1, removing all chance of being Madden'd out of a first round bye. Most importantly, nobody got hurt (Rahim Moore went down briefly but is fine). It'll be mostly scrubs next week against the Falcons.
i actually wish id be 3rd or 4th seed for a tune up game im.not feeling so good bout my defense right now they have been shit lately
[quote name='sprice8688']i actually wish id be 3rd or 4th seed for a tune up game im.not feeling so good bout my defense right now they have been shit lately[/QUOTE]

Haha, I do not wish that. Both times I've had a bye I won my first game, when I didn't I lost in the divisional round. With the number of good players in this league, that bye is precious. :D
[quote name='bvharris']Haha, I do not wish that. Both times I've had a bye I won my first game, when I didn't I lost in the divisional round. With the number of good players in this league, that bye is precious. :D[/QUOTE]

i feel like that bye might hurt me or mayb it will help guess will see....
Chiefs-Jags going down in a few minutes. Chiefs clinch a bye with a win.

Which means Charles won't play too much next week if I win. I would sit Cassel, but I wouldn't necessarily care if he got hurt. Screw that guy!
[quote name='Doomtime']Chiefs-Jags going down in a few minutes. Chiefs clinch a bye with a win.

Good point, I was assuming when BSETI asked this morning that you'd clinched based on conference record, but I forgot that he'd beaten you this season. You do need this win to clinch.
[quote name='sprice8688']i been in talks with ballhawk hes not workin as much now about taking back the saints[/QUOTE]

Oh lord. Dude basically gets booted from the league, team has bad season and likely a top 5 pick and he wants them back :roll:

No disrespect, ballhawk seems like a nice guy that just got busy but "c'mon man!"
[quote name='Doomtime']These rain games are bullshit.[/QUOTE]

tell me about i get it everytime i have a home game

good game doom thought i had you. i had so many chances but i kept messing up prolly the best and the luckiest game ive ever had in my life i was expecting u to destory me as usual

13-14 KC over J-Ville

Tiras Israel possible DPOW 6 tackles 1 INT 1 FF
[quote name='Doomtime']Chiefs survive a ridiculous rain game. Must have had at least 24 turnovers by Cassel and Charles combined.

gg dvo[/QUOTE]

i was holding charles down pretty well i thought but that one 81 yard run killed me and won u the game. i had no offense in this game ur D is insane i couldnt figure out wut to do other than just try and get in FG range but even then that was tough 138 yards total on offense fack me lol
Yeah madden really tried hard to screw me there. My team just doesn't react in the rain. My only loss was also a rain game.

5 turnovers and a win. I'll take it.
Cheesyman got a new Xbox so he can play madden and stuff again so I'm sure he not quitting but if ballhawk wants the bucs I will send him my paypal
Big improvement over the current broadcast team. So tired of Collinsworth.

Now if EA would utilize the ESPN license....though that's asking too much of their dev team.

EDIT: Their marketing team always makes me chuckle. Blurring the line between virtual and reality! Revolutionize the way sports video game career modes are played! 2-1 odds EA ignores online franchise again. Any takers?
like i said in talks he said yest hed be in here and hasnt yet so well see... if hes not serious and committed to come back id rather not have peoples time wasted including mine trying to reach out to play his games
I just played the most ridiculous game with dptang0. He was constantly roughing the kicker on field goal attempts, he was asking me to let him get passing yardage, squib kicked it after he took the lead 7-0 to begin the game, and did the short onside kick or whatever (hit the B button) to open the 2nd half when he was only down by 7. He dove in the end zone sometime in the 3rd quarter. I came to play and this guy just gave it away, this was a critical game for the division, and all he wanted was to run up his stats. He kept running punt return defense with everyone blitzing towards the end of the 3rd quarter on or maybe sometime in the 4th quarter, I took advantage of this and ran to the outside. I honestly don't want to play anyone who is giving up cause there playoff chances are gone. He will probably say I was going along with it or something, but I was still playing he was just getting off some deep bombs, or taking advantage on some short throws. He messages me at the end saying "whatever thanks...smh".

Giants 62-Eagles 42

EDIT: He also squib kicked it about 5 times the entire game.
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BV and Fero will have to handle this one. I wouldn't be opposed to booting him, though I'm sure we'll go the strike route.

If I recall correctly, his playstyle was brought up in the JV thread recently.
[quote name='Doomtime']Who asks for passing yardage? He seriously asked you to let him pass?[/QUOTE]

Yes he wanted to lead the league in passing yardage, which he did get a lot in our game going 31-61 or something for like 600 yards. But I wasn't trying to give it away. All he did was pass.
[quote name='Doomtime']BV and Fero will have to handle this one. I wouldn't be opposed to booting him, though I'm sure we'll go the strike route.

If I recall correctly, his playstyle was brought up in the JV thread recently.[/QUOTE]

He has had issues in the JV league. In fact, several people mentioned it to me when he joined the league (I won't say who, they're welcome to if they like).

He's certainly got a strike, because that kind of bullshit doesn't belong in this league.

dptang - If you do anything remotely like that again, you're done. If you don't want to get with the program and play by the conventions of the league, you shouldn't be in it. If you're unclear on exactly what would be considered unacceptable activities, see pretty much everything in Blade's post.
[quote name='Doomtime']BV and Fero will have to handle this one. I wouldn't be opposed to booting him, though I'm sure we'll go the strike route.

If I recall correctly, his playstyle was brought up in the JV thread recently.[/QUOTE]

ya i had problems with him in the jv league. going for it 5 times on 4th down and i would say only 2 he could really justify saying was legit. but he went for it in the 1st quarter on his own 20 yard line 4th and 15. then complained i was running the score up because i was still passing the ball in the 2nd quarter. and expected me to try and start running out the clock in the 3rd quarter and then also complained because i had the lead in the 4th quarter with 4:51 left on the clock passed the pass ball and got a TD for 81 yards with a guy that only had 85 speed. so i would say that play was luck but third and long i would have to say is a passing situation no matter what unless it that last 2 mintues. so yes this guy i would expect to complain and make excuses and play dirty to the style of a ranked game. so i know for fact that what blade is saying is more than likely 100% true as i know for a fact that blade from playing him many times comes off quite honest.
[quote name='Blade3D']Yes he wanted to lead the league in passing yardage, which he did get a lot in our game going 31-61 or something for like 600 yards. But I wasn't trying to give it away. All he did was pass.[/QUOTE]

Is he going to show off those numbers to his friends or something?

Did Ron Artest join our league? This guy is a little screwy.
[quote name='bvharris']In fact, several people mentioned it to me when he joined the league (I won't say who, they're welcome to if they like).[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Doomtime']Is he going to show off those numbers to his friends or something?

Did Ron Artest join our league? This guy is a little screwy.[/QUOTE]

lol fuck Metta World Peace tring injury my boys in OKC. Thunder will take LA out of the playoffs for that shit unless the spurs beat us to it.

OKC vs Chicago for the championship this year

thats right Staticz your Miami Heat are going to be MIA in the championship game becuz your boy Bron cant play the 4th quarter :D
[quote name='KasterDB']fuck. Got fucking madden'd. Gg whitewidow.[/QUOTE]

^Now all you can do is hope Madden screws up the tiebreak. (If I beat Houston)
[quote name='GpNinja']Me and Tans game is set for 11:15 tonight. I think this is game is writing on if we make the wildcard?[/QUOTE]

If you win, you take over the sixth seed with Arizona right behind you.
I would have won of stupid almendola would have butched a punt return. Also I was going to spike the ball to have like 3 seconds left but fucking bradford takes his fucking time adjusting his helment and dosent spike the ball now I know what yall mean when maddens fucks you over.
GG none the least.
Also would you say a player's ovr is better to have or better stats as in speed agi and ect ? Cause I played my lolb rookie Mack for the heck of it cause his stats are basically the same as a 88ish linebacker but his awneress sucks and some other things but he did a heck of a job. So ya just a thought lol.
[quote name='GpNinja']I would have won of stupid almendola would have butched a punt return. Also I was going to spike the ball to have like 3 seconds left but fucking bradford takes his fucking time adjusting his helment and dosent spike the ball now I know what yall mean when maddens fucks you over.
GG none the least.[/QUOTE]

Yea both of our AIs sucked this game 2 of thos TD passes I switch to the CB to slap it down and he just stands there and lets it go right over his head.
bucs sealed the deal with the win right? nfc is set at least i predicted that one right.. also i pay the eagles next.. thurs i head to ocean city so unless he can play wens i wont be back till late sunday prob gonna need a sub... whoever does it do not injure stafford mjd or calvin lol they are my only chance of a repeat lol... also bills play saints i saw that tanabo said cheesie bought an xbox is he back or what should we do bout this game..
[quote name='Doomtime']^Now all you can do is hope Madden screws up the tiebreak. (If I beat Houston)[/QUOTE]

Let's hope the game got it right and his loss clinched for me.
Titans win in a tough one against the jets...didn't get around to resting ne startrs, bironas drills a 52 yd fg in the snow with 12mph cross wind with no time left. Gg n8.
Remaining Games:


None of these games have playoff implications as far as I'm aware. Any updates on getting them scheduled?
[quote name='LVPatriots']Are the Falcons easily the most under rated team in the league right now?[/QUOTE]

Haha i got 100 on the falcons moppin up the NFC really quick!
[quote name='bvharris']Remaining Games:


None of these games have playoff implications as far as I'm aware. Any updates on getting them scheduled?[/QUOTE]

i posted not sure if u seen above about the bills saints... a sim wouldnt matter
[quote name='Yanksrule123']Haha i got 100 on the falcons moppin up the NFC really quick![/QUOTE]

i got 100 the falcons dont make it to the nfc championship :)
The falcons could win the nfc if he sticks to his gameplan, sometmes he gets blown out cuz he goes away from his gameplan, but he knows how to make up a deficet, he's on of those players who won't give up hell just keep tryin until the clock hits zeros no matter the score.

It'd sure be nice to advance tonight n get the regular season over with b4 the weekend
[quote name='BSETI50']The falcons could win the nfc if he sticks to his gameplan, sometmes he gets blown out cuz he goes away from his gameplan, but he knows how to make up a deficet, he's on of those players who won't give up hell just keep tryin until the clock hits zeros no matter the score.

It'd sure be nice to advance tonight n get the regular season over with b4 the weekend[/QUOTE]

come on bseti u know im a shit talker ;)....
[quote name='BSETI50']
It'd sure be nice to advance tonight n get the regular season over with b4 the weekend[/QUOTE]

Agreed. We'll see if it can happen though.

[quote name='BSETI50']I wish I was in ur division sprice, that way ud be in 2nd and ya shittalkin would be limited.[/QUOTE]

Big talk for someone still in search of his first playoff win. ;)
[quote name='sprice8688']bucs sealed QUOTE]

I'm still hoping if he loses to N8 and I beat the Saints I beat the 9-7 tie breaker.
bread's done