Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

i didnt look at the games recap but assuming mog.had a shitload of turnovers like doom did against the eagles i dont see a problam with putting up 70... face facts with a loss and run it or stop throwin picks.... picks are usually the reason for high scoring games and if hes losing by 60 and is still passing the score outcome is his fault
[quote name='sprice8688']yea i play mlb and def end[/QUOTE]

Thats kool....I play for the Tigers (don't laugh). ;) I play QB, WR, CB and Safety. We almost beat yall a few seasons ago. But yall got us in the 2nd half. Were you on that team too? We were the Storm at that time.
[quote name='RamesuThe1']Thats kool....I play for the Tigers (don't laugh). ;) I play QB, WR, CB and Safety. We almost beat yall a few seasons ago. But yall got us in the 2nd half. Were you on that team too? We were the Storm at that time.[/QUOTE]
yea i showed up late and u were winning 14 0 at half.... i cant really remember u tho do u still play?
So Cru is taking over the Niners, and it sounds like Deuce is going to move to the Browns. I believe that just leaves the Raiders to be filled.. Didn't someone say something about a friend who wanted to join?
Some other business:

1) Playoffs - Still waiting on Reds to drop so mog can play the CPU. I sent him a PM as well. If he hasn't done so by this afternoon I can boot him. Mog (or someone who can get in touch with him) - when are you able to play the game?

2) Draft - Fero will be sending out some potential draft times and taking a poll. As always, it will likely be impossible to find a time which works for every single person in the league, but we'll do our best.

3) Trades - As usual, the trade cap will reset once we hit the offseason. All offseason trades count towards the next year's cap. You're free to start discussing trades now, but they can't be submitted until we advance to the offseason.
[quote name='RamesuThe1']Yea, I was the QB for that game (which we shoulda won). Lmao[/QUOTE]

no u guys just had 2 big slants and our offense played like shit lol... do u still play? me and mog played for nightmare and infantry before xplosion came along so i woildnt laugh at the tigers cus i played for some shitty teams before also.... bv im waiting on my brother to make his mind up but if i can get him to try it im sure he would wanna stay plus he likes scrambling qbs so oaklands perfect
[quote name='sprice8688']no u guys just had 2 big slants and our offense played like shit lol... do u still play? me and mog played for nightmare and infantry before xplosion came along so i woildnt laugh at the tigers cus i played for some shitty teams before also[/QUOTE]

Yea I still play, we've got the Titans this week. My first game in the league was against Infantry, we were a little better then.

Good luck to you guys for the rest of the season and beyond.
I heard from Reds, he needs to be booted. I won't be home until 5:30 or so, but if mog can only play the game earlier in the afternoon I can probably pop home quickly. Someone let me know.
GG Sprice, I knew my Defense couldn't carry me forever. Time to revamp the offense in the off season.

After starting the season with a dozen INT's and a 1-3 record I pretty much buckled down the offense and tried to just run all season, my defense was good enough to get me this far, but god damn, once I was playing someone who could consistently score on my defense, I had no chance.
[quote name='bvharris']I heard from Reds, he needs to be booted. I won't be home until 5:30 or so, but if mog can only play the game earlier in the afternoon I can probably pop home quickly. Someone let me know.[/QUOTE]

hes in class now he said he could be stuck doin school work till 550 and has a group meet at 7.... i just asked and hes cool if u have someone sub to beat the cpu so we can advance to give bseti and ma a bigger window before ma has work.....
[quote name='LVPatriots']GG Sprice, I knew my Defense couldn't carry me forever. Time to revamp the offense in the off season.

After starting the season with a dozen INT's and a 1-3 record I pretty much buckled down the offense and tried to just run all season, my defense was good enough to get me this far, but god damn, once I was playing someone who could consistently score on my defense, I had no chance.[/QUOTE]
gg man... only thing that made it hard for u is i run similar def like we talked about so i know how to beat the heavy rush.... i knew if i could get up on u it would change ur offense and thats y the game got ugly... thats how mog destroyed me got up 21 0 and the balanced offense becomes pass offense
[quote name='sprice8688']hes in class now he said he could be stuck doin school work till 550 and has a group meet at 7.... i just asked and hes cool if u have someone sub to beat the cpu so we can advance to give bseti and ma a bigger window before ma has work.....[/QUOTE]

yea thatd be huge since me n MA are scheduled for 330. i guess we could move it back if we need to but that would be nice if someone played for him.....
[quote name='sprice8688']bv boot reds as soon as u can... and mog said hes on his way home now[/QUOTE]

I'm at the office. I've got a meeting in a few minutes but I can probably duck home after and boot him. Around 1:45 or so.
[quote name='bvharris']Booting him now. Sprice, could you or mog PM me once he finishes? I'll advance us right after.[/QUOTE]

yes... hes playing now






Congrats to all nominees and winners!!!!!

Most Valuable Player


Maurice Jones-Drew

Offensive Player of the Year


Adrian Peterson---Sure less touchdowns than MJD, but a 9.1 ypc average and was just 22 yards shy of 3000. 15 less attempts than MJD, but gained 202 yards more. (Not shown, but Tebow also had over 700 yards rushing and 9 TDs)

Defensive Player of the Year


Sam Wilson--Hard to argue with 14 picks and 3 forced fumbles. Sorry dvo!

Offensive Rookie of the Year


RaKayle Hayes

Defensive Rookie of the Year


Terrance Carswell- It was between Cherry and Carswell, but overall I liked Carswell's numbers a bit more. Both had fantastic rookie campaigns.

Return Man of the Year: Jemale Strong CHI 41 Returns 1100 Yards 2 TDs

Kicker of the Year: Jay Feeley ARI 21/21

Precision Award: Colt McCoy NE 70.3%

Tackles Leader: Laron Landry WAS 66 Tackles

Sacks Leader: Randy Starks MIA 17 Sacks

King of the Air: Clay Harris HOU 4603 Passing Yards

Coach of the Year: Mike Smith ATL – Reds711

Most Improved: Atlanta Falcons + 8 wins – Reds711

Defense of the Year: New England Patriots 10.3 PPG Allowed 191.1 YPG Allowed

Offense of the Year: Detroit Lions 42.8 PPG 434 YPG

Broken Tackles Leader: Darren McFadden OAK 31 Broken Tackles

Defensive TD Leader: Russ Cherry SF & Brandon Harris HOU – 4 Defensive TDs

QB Sacked the Most: Colin Kaepernick SF- Sacked 54 Times

Fumblitis Award: Mike Vick AZ & Tim Tebow CHI – 9 Fumbles

Wrong Team Award: Kevin Kolb NO 52 Interceptions

AFC West = .657

AFC East = .485

AFC North = .422

AFC South = .532

NFC West = .547

NFC East = .313

NFC North = .563

NFC South = .485

AFC = .524

NFC = .476

Coach Todd Haley Resigns



"After giving it much thought, I have decided to move on from the Kansas City Chiefs. The team is in great shape and is in position to make another run at the title. I'm sure the league will have no problem finding a coach to lead this team."

I've had a lot of fun this year with Madden 12 and I plan on being back for Madden 13.

Yesterday's unfortunate incident regarding my xbox deflated any interest I had left. The timing is right though, considering I am heading back home for the summer where the internet is awful. Plus Diablo 3 in two weeks, so you know where I'll be :D

Congrats again to all winners, I'll check in from time to time and will keep an eye on season 5.

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Good job with the awards as always. Same choices I would have made.

Very happy to see McCoy get an MVP nomination.

I obviously wasn't surprised to see Carswell as rookie of the year, but I was (pleasantly so) to see him make the nominee list for DPOY as well. Maybe next year, rook!

And that's 4 years in a row for me and the precision award. :D
[quote name='BSETI50']Doom u can't leave bro, whover wins in season 5 will have an asterisk cuz u didn't play[/QUOTE]

Nah no way. History shows I can only win a title in season 1 anyway.

The AFC is still strong even with my exit.

Hopefully a league vet takes over for the Chiefs and brings them back to Superbowl.
[quote name='bvharris']Sprice, can you and mog play right after we advance? If so, it's possible we could wrap this thing up tonight.[/QUOTE]

im.still at work i dont think ill be off before he goes to class.. if we play wen he gets home depending on who wins from the afc we could still finish today
Darn, another awardless year for me...

My rookie MLB was a candidate for DROY though despite literally only playing half the season (missed 8 games from a broken collarbone). He was tied for 2nd for most interceptions among rookies...I would've had a good shot at DROY if he just stayed healthy!!

BSETI I'm good to play whenever we advance...I'll keep tabs in here in the meanwhile. I said, my passing game is terrible...made some really dumb decisions even for my standards. Your team didn't drop a SINGLE pick either...that was crazy.

6 interceptions 0 pass deflections lol.
[quote name='BSETI50']Doom u can't leave bro, whover wins in season 5 will have an asterisk cuz u didn't play[/QUOTE]

If you win this year, do you get an asterisk because you got a do-over in the playoffs? :whistle2:s
[quote name='LVPatriots']Bseti in the Super Bowl? Never.[/QUOTE]

he better hope mog beats me cause im ready to kick his patriot redsox lovin ass.... and i owe him for kicking my ass in mlb2k... think i won 1 game out of 20
[quote name='bvharris']If you win this year, do you get an asterisk because you got a do-over in the playoffs? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

That is a fantastic point :lol:
[quote name='bvharris']If you win this year, do you get an asterisk because you got a do-over in the playoffs? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

youre the commish you tell me...
[quote name='BSETI50']youre the commish you tell me...[/QUOTE]

I'm not the one handing out asterisks. I just didn't know if there was one for "lucked into a second chance after getting your ass kicked and then came back in the second game running ranked match style HB screens and 5 wide sets all game, driving the classiest guy in the league to quit in the process." I'm not the arbiter of asterisks though, so I figured I'd ask you.

For the record, Doom was too nice to call you out in the thread. It's no big deal I guess, but I figured people might want to know why we lost one of our best members.
[quote name='BSETI50']Wow so should I just step down now n hand my titans over to doom? This is bullshit[/QUOTE]

No rules were broken, you're not in any trouble. There's no bullshit. You played a game which he dominated, it got disconnected (through no fault of your own), you came back and decided to cheese it up. You won. He left the league. Sorry if having the facts of what happened stated in the thread makes you uncomfortable.
[quote name='Doomtime']
Hopefully a league vet takes over for the Chiefs and brings them back to Superbowl.[/QUOTE]

I offered them to staticz since I know he's a Chiefs fan. If he doesn't want them, I'm sure we'll find a worthy owner.
Ur just a salty bitch bv I'm not even gonna engage with you on this, I ran the same shit I always run, he was stuffing my run so I changed shit up. If he's not gonna stop the screen play then I'm going to run it. If ur just not gonna man someone up on cj then I'm gonna run a fkin screen play. You're speaking for doom here too bv makin him sound salty which I know he isn't...the first game was not over he wasn't dominating shit, he got a lucky deep ball td and picked me off in his endzone, its not like he was tearing me up and down the field there was plenty of tme do you want bv
bread's done