Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

You can have the Chiefs. I think I'm calling it quits(win or lose after this season) Any interest I had left drained from replaying this game.
[quote name='Doomtime']You can have the Chiefs. I think I'm calling it quits(win or lose after this season) Any interest I had left drained from replaying this game.[/QUOTE]

You're killing me.
I'll think about it BV, but I'm sitting here in OT in a very important game against Bseti and that first game is still stuck in the back of my mind. It's frustrating, but it is entirely my fault.
[quote name='Doomtime']I'll think about it BV, but I'm sitting here in OT in a very important game against Bseti and that first game is still stuck in the back of my mind. It's frustrating, but it is entirely my fault.[/QUOTE]

You could have asked him to spot you the 17 and wind the clock to where it cut off. He wouldn't have been obliged to agree to that of course, but I wouldn't have blamed you for asking.

I know it sucks, but you've had plenty of success in this league. You're a cornerstone member of the league, we'd be much much much worse off without you.
[quote name='bvharris']You could have asked him to spot you the 17 and wind the clock to where it cut off. He wouldn't have been obliged to agree to that of course, but I wouldn't have blamed you for asking.

I know it sucks, but you've had plenty of success in this league. You're a cornerstone member of the league, we'd be much much much worse off without you.[/QUOTE]

I'd never ask anybody to do that. I just let it be.

But there is no bigger buzzkill than replaying a game you were about to wrap up. That is magnified times 10 in the playoffs. And it seems like it happens to me every single postseason at least once.

Though this time I can say it was my fault. My xbox froze, so it was definitely on my end.

Lost in OT but it was hard to care about that game at all. I'll work on the awards and such, but beyond that, I can't commit yet.

GG Bseti. Good luck BV. Now is your chance
The team that was losing those games always seems to have a bit of an advantage in the 2nd game, since they've basically gotten a free preview of your gameplan. It definitely sucks. That's why when it happened to us in the playoffs in Madden 11 I just let you play the CPU.
Titans win on a tommie campbell strip of charles in OT, yea u were fkin me up in the first game but it was only 17-0 and there was still 8 minutes left in the game. Can't believe u got that huge play to get in fiield goal range b4 end of rewgulation to send it to OT , I had that lined up for the user pick and wilson just wiffed. Great game tho doom I hope u change ur mind n stick around. But I'm gettin a lil burnt out with madden myself sometimes, I'm not goin newhere tho, I wanna milk this titans team for all its worth cuz I know there gonna suck in m13
2 minutes and change left in the 3rd and I'm around your 40 on a first down. I'd like to think I could have wrapped that up there as long as I stuck to the ground.

Working on awards, 5 nominees only for the major categories. So if you don't make the cut....

[quote name='Doomtime']2 minutes and change left in the 3rd and I'm around your 40 on a first down. I'd like to think I could have wrapped that up there as long as I stuck to the ground.

I've played Doom more than pretty much anyone in the league. Maybe 1 times out of 100 is he going to blow that lead.

Are you posting the nominees first separately? Or posting the winners at the same time?
And I'd like to think I can come back from 17 in 8 minutes against anyone, yea the odds are against me but I don't give up ever, no offense to ramesu but he sent me a gg messege with 3 min left in the 4th down 19 and it shocked me cuz I know how good he is...all it takes is a fluke strip (like the one in OT) or a hit stick and ur right back in it, ill take my chances scorin fast and gettin onsides kicks...I'm not tryn to single ramesu out cuz I've played several kids who give up way too early in my mind. All I'm tryin to say is the game wasn't over, yea u probably would have won if u wanna go by the odds, but anything can happen in this cooky game we play
Of course it's not impossible, but Doom protects a lead better than most people in the league. It's not heresy to acknowledge that you got a pretty lucky break in being able to start from scratch.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Sprice is traveling but he said that we would play tonight. No idea when yet, but definatelty after the Celtics.[/QUOTE]

Alright, do you know about Falcons-Bears?
[quote name='bvharris']Alright, do you know about Falcons-Bears?[/QUOTE]

I pm'd him still waiting on a answer. Get out of work at 930 pm eastern. I'm hoping to play tonight.
[quote name='Reds711']I pm'd him still waiting on a answer. Get out of work at 930 pm eastern. I'm hoping to play tonight.[/QUOTE]

Alright, thanks. If any of mog's friends see this, can you relay that message?
[quote name='BSETI50']I sat at the quit screen till u signed back on it was 2:58 seconds in the third qrt[/QUOTE]

You were also on your own 30 I had just punted it to you...
The Patriots playoff woes continue as they fall to the Ravens 17-10. I think MA would agree that this one came down to the terrible performance of my offensive line, who couldn't block anybody in the snow (some of the credit goes to his D on that count of course). Ross was dreadful, but he really didn't have any holes to speak of all day. Stephen Gostkowski also missed a FG as time expired in the 1st half which would have tied the game at that point, which definitely changed the complexion of the second half. My D played reasonably well, but they were asked to do way too much with the offense contributing next to nothing.

gg MA! I'm rooting for you to win it all (after my brother of course)!
I'm not too broken up about losing, MA played a great game. I can also take solace in the fact that I correctly predicted weeks ago exactly how I'd lose:

[quote name='bvharris'] I haven't really had to play from behind with McCoy, and his lack of a deep ball could very well bite me if I ever need to call on him to make those throws.

He's every bit as good as Brady was when I'm running the offense I want to run (and he's been better insofar as his limitations force me to stay within that plan), but the risk I assumed when getting rid of Brady was that he was capable of making those throws if a situation arose where he needed to, whether McCoy will be up to that task is very much in doubt. Here's hoping he never needs to. :D

Honestly, If I ever come across a situation where I need to throw a hail mary, I'd probably put Evan Smith in - he's just as accurate as McCoy on deep balls (which is.. not very) but has 11 points on him in throw power.[/QUOTE]

McCoy couldn't rise to the challenge of carrying the offense when Ross wasn't getting anything done. Although the snow certainly didn't help his cause. I might need to work on diversifying the offense a bit more for next season.

For the record, I did sub in Evan Smith in the end and he was great, driving for a FG (I elected to kick on 1st down trailing 17-7 since I need two scores there anyway).
Patriots Trade Block:

1st round pick (Patriots, should be #28)
1st round pick (Lions, will be low as well obviously)

I'm definitely interested in packaging both to move up in the 1st round. All my other picks are on the table as well.

QB Evan Smith - 79 OVR, 23, A Pot
WR Roddy White - 96 OVR, 32, A Pot (I'd likely need a receiver back if I deal him)
LT Matt Light - 86 OVR, 36, B Pot
RT Sebastian Vollmer - 80 OVE, 29, A Pot
ROLB Gary Guyton - 77 OVR, 28, C Pot (85 speed, great coverage)
CB Derron Charles - 78 OVR, 23, B Pot

Looking for:
1) Center
2) Elite defensive line players (especially DT)
3) Pass-catching TE
4) Right Tackle (most interested in packaging Richardson or Vollmer to upgrade here)
5) Picks (really only interested in 1st rounders)

Anyone else who's eliminated is free to post trade blocks as well. Keep in mind that no trades can be submitted until the offseason, and to please keep all negotiations to PMs.
[quote name='sprice8688']me.and mog.just lost in our tourny. he should be like 30 i gott a 3 hour drive[/QUOTE]

Damn, that's a long way to go for a tournament.
Afc championship comes to tennessee. should be a good one me and MA have had some good games, but havent played in a while. Im 1-2 against him with one of the losses being in the divisional round 2 seasons ago at home.

at least ray lewis isnt playin...
Sounds like both NFC games should be played tonight. I'll be around and can advance us tonight hopefully.

We'll discuss the date for the draft tomorrow.
[quote name='Doomtime']I'd never ask anybody to do that. I just let it be.

But there is no bigger buzzkill than replaying a game you were about to wrap up. That is magnified times 10 in the playoffs. And it seems like it happens to me every single postseason at least once.

Though this time I can say it was my fault. My xbox froze, so it was definitely on my end.

Lost in OT but it was hard to care about that game at all. I'll work on the awards and such, but beyond that, I can't commit yet.

GG Bseti. Good luck BV. Now is your chance[/QUOTE]

If you leave who am going to lose too
[quote name='sprice8688']me.and mog.just lost in our tourny. he should be like 30 i gott a 3 hour drive[/QUOTE]

Madden Tourny? When 12 came out I got 3rd place outa like 72 people at walmart.
[quote name='GpNinja']Madden Tourny? When 12 came out I got 3rd place outa like 72 people at walmart.[/QUOTE]

no we play in a flag football.league in baltimore and travel for tournys for money... we have made it to 2 league championships and 3 tourny championships but havnt won one yet
lol yea i guess so but if i had to choose id rather make it to the championship like the bills and lose then be like the eagles who choke in the nfc championship and then there one shot at the superbowl
My game froze and the screen said a desync has occurred and the stats the scores and quit of this game will not be recorded. What do I do????
I think Reds quit because the game said it desync I never seen that before... but the score was 70-17 in the 4th Q can I play the computer?
[quote name='augmog']I think Reds quit because the game said it desync I never seen that before... but the score was 70-17 in the 4th Q can I play the computer?[/QUOTE]

I didnt quit at all. Never seen that before either. The game froze.
[quote name='Reds711']I didnt quit at all. Never seen that before either. The game froze.[/QUOTE]

I Dont quit even if im getting my ass kicked...
[quote name='Reds711']I didnt quit at all. Never seen that before either. The game froze.[/QUOTE]

o my fault but i rather not play again the game was over would u mind if I played the cpu
[quote name='augmog']o my fault but i rather not play again the game was over would u mind if I played the cpu[/QUOTE]

Yea i feel ya. What is the rule on this? If the game freezes in the playoffs do we play again? Idn just would like to find that out..
[quote name='Reds711']Yea i feel ya. What is the rule on this? If the game freezes in the playoffs do we play again? Idn just would like to find that out..[/QUOTE]

If it was a closer game I would say play again but it was 70-17 i say he plays the cpu
70 to 17 in the fourth is game over regardless u have not shot at coming back just sucks u cant accept the win... wait for bvs input hell prob say play cpu.. ill be home in about 30
bread's done