Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='Superstar']Sorry I haven't been active - work has been brutal.

I messaged the packers on Thursday and go no response, though he's been on since then. It's fine though - this game can be simmed as far as I am concerned. It doesn't effect the play offs :p[/QUOTE]

I only got a message from you yesterday on XBL, and nothing on here. Of course, I didn't send you a message myself, so I'm not placing you at fault. Unfortunately, my internet was screwy yesterday and I couldn't even access CAG. I'm fine with a sim as well, though.
Alright, if Chargers-Broncos and Cowboys-Packers are being simmed, that leaves us:

Bears-Steelers (need sub for Steelers)

Is anybody attempting to play these games? I'm not going to bug anyone about them since they don't mean anything, if they're not played by 4 we'll be simming.

If you playoff folks have scheduled your games, please post when you're playing them. Thanks!
wow good luck lv... can u hold diece twice to 6 points :)....if so see u in the 2nd playoff series... also i got a rt wr and corner i dont know anything about any of them do u guys?
[quote name='bvharris']Alright, if Chargers-Broncos and Cowboys-Packers are being simmed, that leaves us:

Bears-Steelers (need sub for Steelers)

Is anybody attempting to play these games? I'm not going to bug anyone about them since they don't mean anything, if they're not played by 4 we'll be simming.

If you playoff folks have scheduled your games, please post when you're playing them. Thanks![/QUOTE]

just sim raiders bills if it dont matter or let the raiders play the cpu
[quote name='Deuce20602']no[/QUOTE]

hope u can back it up duece seems like u have trouble with them boston boys.... him and bseti held u 2 6
[quote name='sprice8688']hope u can back it up duece seems like u have trouble with them boston boys.... him and bseti held u 2 6[/QUOTE]

not gonna make excuses... just watch me work
Bears-Giants hopefully will go down at 4:15EST.

#1 rush defense vs. #1 rush offense

Last meeting Bears destroyed the Giants 59-7.
[quote name='Deuce20602']not gonna make excuses... just watch me work[/QUOTE]

im watchin man i wish u luck... ur game decides who i play so its either the cards or bears more then likely... i welcome either to detroit just hope that d that doom had vs the eagles shows up for me lol... had 4 picks in 1 game with my mlb that had 2 on the season
[quote name='Blade3D']Bears-Giants hopefully will go down at 4:15EST.

#1 rush defense vs. #1 rush offense

Last meeting Bears destroyed the Giants 59-7.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='sprice8688']wow good luck lv... can u hold diece twice to 6 points :)....if so see u in the 2nd playoff series... also i got a rt wr and corner i dont know anything about any of them do u guys?[/QUOTE]

Told you he would make the playoffs
[quote name='sprice8688']today?[/QUOTE]

Yes? Why?

I contacted augmog and messaged him about playing after we progressed. He said he was free whenever, messaged back about playing at 4:15EST which I'm waiting for a reply.
[quote name='Deuce20602']pm'd LV but haven't gotten a response yet[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind he's out West, he might still be asleep. :lol:
Can someone get in touch with mog and see if he cares whether or not we sim his game? I believe the rest are fine to sim. I'll turn injuries off before I sim it so nobody dies.
[quote name='Deuce20602']pm'd LV but haven't gotten a response yet[/QUOTE]

I'm up! I pm'ed you back, lets look to play shortly after the advance. Whenever that is?

I'm still half expecting to advance and my screen to say season over. Can't Trust John.
[quote name='bvharris']Can someone get in touch with mog and see if he cares whether or not we sim his game? I believe the rest are fine to sim. I'll turn injuries off before I sim it so nobody dies.[/QUOTE]

Also see if he can play at 4:15EST
[quote name='bvharris']Can someone get in touch with mog and see if he cares whether or not we sim his game? I believe the rest are fine to sim. I'll turn injuries off before I sim it so nobody dies.[/QUOTE]

as long as it dont hurt him ge dont care... were in a football tourny in oc so he can play today at 4 15 but tomm we could be playing
[quote name='LVPatriots']
I'm still half expecting to advance and my screen to say season over. Can't Trust John.[/QUOTE]

Rest easy, Madden got everything right (this round at least).

The playoffs have officially begun. Good luck everyone!
Some first round picks:

Texans over Titans - Toughest one to call, since these two always play it close. Ramesu had a harder road into the playoffs though, especially near the end, so he's battle tested.

Ravens over Chargers - Another tough one, since MA has been so hot or cold recently, but he beat the Chargers handily in their regular season meeting last year.

Bears over Giants - Based on the first matchup, and their records, this would be a huge advantage for the Bears even if mog wasn't a 2-time champion. That said, Blade threw a scare into sprice a while back, so you never know.

49ers over Cardinals - Obviously I'm rooting for LV, but it's tough to win in your first ever playoff game. Even though LV won the game a few weeks back, Deuce has much more playoff experience, and I do think that counts for something in this league.
good choices tough games... titans chargers bears and cards..... only reason id go against duece is cause the cards d line is ferocious and hes been on a role lately... if he can shut frank gore down force the pass hes got.this game in the bag... plus i love underdogs so ill vote lv untill he loses or we play...
Interesting fact: Before this season we never had a team make the playoffs after being outscored by their opponents for the season. This year we have two: Giants (-72) and Cardinals (-75). Then again, a team with a negative point differential had never won the real Super Bowl... until this year.
Sprice can you see if damailman wants to play our game now? I can play as long as we start in the next 2 hours...otherwise it'll probably have to wait until tomorrow.
Well augmog said he can't play till after the Knicks-Heat game, I have plans for this afternoon and night. Also, I'm going out of town tomorrow afternoon, I can play at my friends house when I get there if necessary, or before I leave around noon.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Sprice can you see if damailman wants to play our game now? I can play as long as we start in the next 2 hours...otherwise it'll probably have to wait until tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

mog said hes watchin the heat knicks game so guess not
[quote name='sprice8688']mog said hes watchin the heat knicks game so guess not[/QUOTE]

The Heat are up by 23..... surely mog can play his game...not like he's gonna miss much.... lol
[quote name='Tanabeo']Tampa drafted Goode and Tandy...I'm keeping the bucs next year[/QUOTE]

u seem like a college guru.. u kno anything about the lions picks?
[quote name='siradam134']The Heat are up by 23..... surely mog can play his game...not like he's gonna miss much.... lol[/QUOTE]

i relayed the message
GG LV. I'm pissed at how we killed ourselves (dropped passes, dropped ints, false starts)...and that second INT was bullshit, but that's madden. i find some comfort in knowing that if i had had my starting TE, that would've been a totally different game. O well... Go Doom
Deuce - Cru told me he's taking over as the 49ers again next season. Are you able to stick around? If you want the Browns, you can have 'em.
[quote name='Deuce20602']GG LV. I'm pissed at how we killed ourselves (dropped passes, dropped ints, false starts)...and that second INT was bullshit, but that's madden. i find some comfort in knowing that if i had had my starting TE, that would've been a totally different game. O well... Go Doom[/QUOTE]

GG, I'll try to represent the NFC West well the rest of the way.

---Spice, you're fuaaaaaacked buddy.
[quote name='sprice8688']mog said hes watchin the heat knicks game so guess not[/QUOTE]

Too late now, but this is unfortunate. Titans-Texans is going down tonight so we're now going to wait an entire day for one game when we could have finished the entire round (and maybe more) tonight.
[quote name='bvharris']Deuce - Cru told me he's taking over as the 49ers again next season. Are you able to stick around? If you want the Browns, you can have 'em.[/QUOTE]

i'm inclined to say yes but i won't know how long i'll be around til Monday at the earliest
[quote name='LVPatriots']GG, I'll try to represent the NFC West well the rest of the way.

---Spice, you're fuaaaaaacked buddy.[/QUOTE]

im looking forward to it ill be home tomm night
[quote name='RamesuThe1']Texans are shutout in WC loss to Titans. Smfh...No amount of focus woulda helped me this game, lmfao...great game seti[/QUOTE]

I should clearly stop trying to predict games..

Time to start scouting the Ravens and Chargers.
[quote name='RamesuThe1']Texans are shutout in WC loss to Titans. Smfh...No amount of focus woulda helped me this game, lmfao...great game seti[/QUOTE]

Gg man I was waitin for u to make ur run but my D, especially my rookie white safety stepped up. Lockers big runs were crucial as well. He's a beast I'm an ass for benching him last year...

Titans are comin to town doom bounties are flyin
[quote name='BSETI50']Gg man I was waitin for u to make ur run but my D, especially my rookie white safety stepped up. [/QUOTE] qb completely shit the bed. Most of my picks just didn't go where I expected them to get when I pressed the button and the pad to lead etc...shit happens.
bread's done