Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

Hey sprice, if you see this...can you see if damailman can play now? I have an opening until about 9:45 p.m. EST (like 40 minutes). I have to work at 11 so I have to start by 9:45ish at the latest. If not, I don't think I can play until tomorrow around 6 p.m. EST at the earliest :/

I'm gonna PM sprice and damailman now though.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Hey sprice, if you see this...can you see if damailman can play now? I have an opening until about 9:45 p.m. EST (like 40 minutes). I have to work at 11 so I have to start by 9:45ish at the latest. If not, I don't think I can play until tomorrow around 6 p.m. EST at the earliest :/

I'm gonna PM sprice and damailman now though.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for anticipating what I was going to tell you based on your first paragraph. ;)
Lol damailman got on so we're about to start! If I win, I can't play my next game until tomorrow at 6 p.m. EST though...I can play between 6 and 9 (start at 9 at the absolute latest...preferrably 8:45 though).
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Lol damailman got on so we're about to start! If I win, I can't play my next game until tomorrow at 6 p.m. EST though...I can play between 6 and 9 (start at 9 at the absolute latest...preferrably 8:45 though).[/QUOTE]

Alright. Good luck!
MA's defense looks like it's holding so far, 16-7 in the third. Still a lot of football to play though.

I'll advance us after the Red Sox game ends.
Ravens win. I'm advancing us now.

Ravens at Pats
Titans at Chiefs
Cards at Lions
Bears at Falcons

Assuming Madden doesn't screw things up. (Edit: Which it didn't.)
[quote name='sprice8688']u seem like a college guru.. u kno anything about the lions picks?[/QUOTE]

I will keep this short and sweet I could type pages about college football

riley reiff he is right in the middle not great at just one thing but he is good at everything pass, run, and he can pick up the blitz

The 3 guys they got from OU are great you would like broyles dont know if you watched OU at all but the guy catches almost everything you throw at him and then he will stiff arm 3 guys he is very strong, ronnell lewis is a LB that is fast strong can stop the run and can get after the passer and if you ask me he was one of the biggest hitting LBs in this draft, travis lewis he is slower but he is very good at stopping the run and covering the middle of the field

bentley the CB they got from the sun belt is very good I think he is under rated because he played in the sunbelt but either way he helps the lions at CB because they lost eric wright in FA

Thier 5th and 6th round picks I know nothing

I going to say this now watch out for the Suh and ronnell lewis combo
[quote name='Tanabeo']I will keep this short and sweet I could type pages about college football

riley reiff he is right in the middle not great at just one thing but he is good at everything pass, run, and he can pick up the blitz

The 3 guys they got from OU are great you would like broyles dont know if you watched OU at all but the guy catches almost everything you throw at him and then he will stiff arm 3 guys he is very strong, ronnell lewis is a LB that is fast strong can stop the run and can get after the passer and if you ask me he was one of the biggest hitting LBs in this draft, travis lewis he is slower but he is very good at stopping the run and covering the middle of the field

bentley the CB they got from the sun belt is very good I think he is under rated because he played in the sunbelt but either way he helps the lions at CB because they lost eric wright in FA

Thier 5th and 6th round picks I know nothing

I going to say this now watch out for the Suh and ronnell lewis combo[/QUOTE]

i dont watch any college i love the draft cause thats when i learn about the rookies coming in.... thanjs for the info problam is madden always underranks rookie players but thats good eric wright sucked anyway lol...
[quote name='Doomtime']What so who plays who?[/QUOTE]

Just what I said.

[quote name='MasterAwesome'] If I win, I can't play my next game until tomorrow at 6 p.m. EST though...I can play between 6 and 9 (start at 9 at the absolute latest...preferrably 8:45 though).[/QUOTE]

Works for me. We should be able to start at the early end of that window.
[quote name='bvharris']Deuce - Cru told me he's taking over as the 49ers again next season. Are you able to stick around? If you want the Browns, you can have 'em.[/QUOTE]

Is this seriously happening?
[quote name='staticz']Lol whatever. First time I can't schedule a game I'm leaving.[/QUOTE]

Don't pull that passive aggressive bullshit. If you have a problem with him coming back into the league say so and we'll discuss it.

It goes without saying that given the problems he's had with communication in the past that we're going to be keeping a close eye on it.
I apologize if that came across as harsh, I'd just rather not enter season 5 with threats of leaving the league hanging over our heads. If it needs to be discussed, I'd prefer it be done now.
[quote name='bvharris']Don't pull that passive aggressive bullshit. If you have a problem with him coming back into the league say so and we'll discuss it.

It goes without saying that given the problems he's had with communication in the past that we're going to be keeping a close eye on it.[/QUOTE]

C'mon man. Does a case have to be made? He missed however many games in season 2 and you had to have four different people text him to schedule a game. Then the playoffs start so he shows up and wins the Super Bowl. Season 3 his connection goes to shit or whatever and he rides it out till around the playoffs. Season 4, most of the dead weight leaves and guess what, almost all games get scheduled without issue.

Listen, most of us are adults or close to. For me, I work 45-50 hours a week and am on call every three weeks, which means I can be called anytime 24/7 and have to respond within 15 minutes. I don't have time for bullshit. If I have to leave work early (both times in Season 3) or can't get ahold of him I'm leaving. If that makes me a tool or passive aggressive then so be it.

Edit: let me quantify this by saying if he has his shit together then I'm fine with it.
I don't need a history lesson. It's not like he's coming into the league with a blank slate. I remember what the issues were, I'm not expunging the record. You obviously don't think he deserves another chance, but that's not your call.

And yes, saying "if it's the same as it was before, I quit" is passive aggressive crap. How about saying "if it's the same as it was before he shouldn't get a third chance"? He won't.
While we're on the subject of third chances, fero and I have decided to give dptang one more shot with the Eagles. I've had a lengthy PM exchange with him and he says he understands that he can't continue to do the kinds of things he's been doing since joining the league. He's also been told he's starting the season with two strikes, so there will be zero tolerance for any more chicanery.
[quote name='bvharris']I don't need a history lesson. It's not like he's coming into the league with a blank slate. I remember what the issues were, I'm not expunging the record. You obviously don't think he deserves another chance, but that's not your call.

And yes, saying "if it's the same as it was before, I quit" is passive aggressive crap. How about saying "if it's the same as it was before he shouldn't get a third chance"? He won't.[/QUOTE]

Then don't ask people to discuss it.
[quote name='staticz']Then don't ask people to discuss it.[/QUOTE]

We can discuss it all you want. I share your concerns, and I'll be closely monitoring it. My issues wasn't with you voicing your objections, it was that your leadoff hitter was "I'll take my ball and go home."
cru got me into the league and im all for him returning but people who drop out after season 2 shouldnt be able to just rejoin as there origional team if someones already taken them.. i mean crus a lil diff cause duece filled in to hold.his team but blaze shouldnt have to give up the giants just like pitfall shouldnt have to give up the steelers... i dont know if u have already thought of how.u were gonna handle it or said it but we have a good group if guys in here that seem to be in it for the long hall and id hate to see them booted from there teams for vets that leave after 2 seasons.. only one i think even deserves there team would possibly be duece cause of military reasons... nothing against reds but military is military..i like ubernes and i know he started this league or somethin like that but he also bailed on us and im sure hell get the jets back...not trying to stir anything up or have arguments this is just my opinion... with that said bv i like that u stick with it and even tho we have some disagreements i like that ur the commish and hope u just look into wat im saying and if u dont agree thats fine but just take it into consideration... also statics if u ever did have a problam reaching cru let me know first
[quote name='bvharris']We can discuss it all you want. I share your concerns, and I'll be closely monitoring it. My issues wasn't with you voicing your objections, it was that your leadoff hitter was "I'll take my ball and go home."[/QUOTE]

Yeah I understand that, not the best words. I'm not going to leave, too much pride for that.

I really don't have a problem with Cru (which probably is not very evident lol). Everytime he beats me he always offers up tips and what not, seems like a pretty nice guy actually. He's got a lot of Madden skills, just lacks some scheduling skills. ;)

Like I said, if hes got his shit together - welcome back.
[quote name='sprice8688']cru got me into the league and im all for him returning but people who drop out after season 2 shouldnt be able to just rejoin as there origional team if someones already taken them.. i mean crus a lil diff cause duece filled in to hold.his team but blaze shouldnt have to give up the giants just like pitfall shouldnt have to give up the steelers... i dont know if u have already thought of how.u were gonna handle it or said it but we have a good group if guys in here that seem to be in it for the long hall and id hate to see them booted from there teams for vets that leave after 2 seasons.. only one i think even deserves there team would possibly be duece cause of military reasons... nothing against reds but military is military..i like ubernes and i know he started this league or somethin like that but he also bailed on us and im sure hell get the jets back...not trying to stir anything up or have arguments this is just my opinion... with that said bv i like that u stick with it and even tho we have some disagreements i like that ur the commish and hope u just look into wat im saying and if u dont agree thats fine but just take it into consideration... also statics if u ever did have a problam reaching cru let me know first[/QUOTE]

We're not talking about Madden 13 here. That's a different discussion entirely. Ubernes and I have already started discussing how we're going to handle demand for the league, but we'll cross that bridge at a later date.

As for Cru, he told me he and Deuce agreed that he'd take them back after this season and that they'd cleared it with ubernes. So we're not pushing Deuce aside or anything, this was something they'd agreed to.
I was just stopping into the new thread to make a post and also address my past in here in the league since it was brought up , I did have some trouble with communication for three games in season three, however if your looking back statics at my dependability look at my career in this league I been here for over 9 seasons which is over 140 games scheduled in my history with no issue. And even with the troubles I had in three I was in communication with the commissioner.
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']I was just stopping into the new thread to make a post and also address my past in here in the league since it was brought up , I did have some trouble with communication for three games in season three, however if your looking back statics at my dependability look at my career in this league I been here for over 9 seasons which is over 140 games scheduled in my history with no issue. And even with the troubles I had in three I was in communication with the commissioner.[/QUOTE]

No worries man, you've been around way longer than me. Stuff happens and I understand that. Welcome back.
[quote name='Doomtime']Titans-Chiefs going down around noon EST tomorrow. I'll work on awards tomorrow too.[/QUOTE]

Ravens-Pats at 7EST.
Round 2 Picks:

Chiefs over Titans - Titans did score the win earlier this season, but Doom's playoff experience is second to none.

Lions over Cardinals - I picked against LV last time and he won, so I'm keeping it rolling. Lions are finally getting healthy too.

Bears over Falcons - Going with Mog's playoff experience again here, though having just played Reds I don't think he'll be an easy out by any means.

I'm going with three former champions, not really a stretch. All should be good games though. And no, I'm not stupid enough to pick my own game. :D
Im done wit the the experience here but cant go another season.. Thank you for the opportunity.

P.s- will be back thou for Madden 13 and I will be rocking them skins. Hail to the skins!!!
[quote name='Doomtime']My xbox just froze in a game I was dominating. Damn it.

17-0 in the 3rd with 2 minutes and change to go.


Sounds like the problem was on your end though, right?
bread's done