Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='staticz']93 points? Is there a concede defeat option in online franchise?[/QUOTE]
is it a dick move that if u score 93 to just go for 100 and call it a day
Anyone involved in that game would've scored 70+ because of the all-out blitzes. It was either throw fast or punt because I couldn't hand off with everyone in the box.
[quote name='Doomtime']Anyone involved in that game would've scored 70+ because of the all-out blitzes. It was either throw fast or punt because I couldn't hand off with everyone in the box.[/QUOTE]

I agree. It sounds like Doom basically had no other choice, at the point where the guy is blitzing the house on every play it sounds like that was all he could do to not get Sprice's players injured.

As for what to do with the Eagles owner, I'll talk to fero about it. If he's going to continue to play the way he has the last few weeks, he certainly doesn't belong in this league.
and not a trouble maker who asks for free passing yards and compromises the integrity of the league's statistics?

I like you, LV, but damn dude...don't speak up to defend somebody if you're not read up on their history. The guy has been nothing but problems since he popped up. He's been warned to get his act together. How many chances should he get?[/QUOTE]

I'm in the threads all the time so i usually feel pretty well caught up enough to not have to research everytime I want to say something. (Obviously I missed last weeks strike)

But I guess that is kind of fucked up. Still, if you throw a bunch of INT's for scores early. you have two options 1: Air it out and try to come back and win or 2: run it and admit defeat. Of course in my scenario you should still play actual defense.

Is he getting banned for not admitting defeat and causing more scores on himself? Is that really not allowed?

Blitzing the house is lame, but Cheesy was pulling it on me this last game when I was up, and I just go shotgun and let it sail over there heads, no other choice.
[quote name='LVPatriots'] let it sail over there heads, no other choice.[/QUOTE]

That would double the length of the game. Constant blitzes, yet I have to intentionally go 3-and-out and have the clock stop.

Luckily he stopped and switched up his defense in the 2nd half, but if someone is going to constantly blitz, I'd rather score quickly and give them the ball back so at least the clock will run.

Like I said, it was either that or punt.
Yea Doom I wasn't being critical of what you did. The Saints had most of there defense on the line of scrimmage last game, I wanted to run because I was up, but he made me pass it. I was only up a few scores but it is the same either way.
[quote name='BSETI50']when are we thinkin bout havin the draft?[/QUOTE]

Depends how quickly we get through the playoffs. Next weekend at the latest.
[quote name='LVPatriots']I'm in the threads all the time so i usually feel pretty well caught up enough to not have to research everytime I want to say something. (Obviously I missed last weeks strike)

But I guess that is kind of fucked up. Still, if you throw a bunch of INT's for scores early. you have two options 1: Air it out and try to come back and win or 2: run it and admit defeat. Of course in my scenario you should still play actual defense.

Is he getting banned for not admitting defeat and causing more scores on himself? Is that really not allowed?

Blitzing the house is lame, but Cheesy was pulling it on me this last game when I was up, and I just go shotgun and let it sail over there heads, no other choice.[/QUOTE]

No, I know you are. That's why I thought it was odd for you to stick up for a guy who's been on thin ice almost the entire time he's been here.

For me, the "do we keep him?" issue has more to do with the defensive side of it. If you want to continue to air the ball out and turn it over, that's your business. But it is going to naturally run up the score, not to mention make the game take even longer. If you want to admit defeat, run the ball, and put yourself out of your own misery by chewing the clock (as I did in my first game against BV), that's also your own business.

But when you start continuously calling plays on defense to allow for easy scores, you're just screwing around. Honestly, setting the controller down and leaving the room WOULD even be better in that instance, as at least the AI would call realistic plays, and Doom surely would have been able to just chew the clock and bring the game to a reasonable end. What dptang0 has shown over the course of multiple weeks is that he'd rather have the game be complete chaos, which, in my opinion, is just bad for ANY league. It's not a difficult concept to grasp, and he's been warned and confronted about the issue by multiple people. Not sure what else could be done.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']What dptang0 has shown over the course of multiple weeks is that he'd rather have the game be complete chaos, which, in my opinion, is just bad for ANY league. It's not a difficult concept to grasp, and he's been warned and confronted about the issue by multiple people. Not sure what else could be done.[/QUOTE]

That pretty much cuts to the heart of it, and though I haven't seen him play, from the way Blade and now Doom have described it that sounds pretty accurate. It's certainly far from acceptable to play that way in this league.

Here's what I said when I gave him the strike following his game against blade:

[quote name='bvharris']
dptang - If you do anything remotely like that again, you're done. If you don't want to get with the program and play by the conventions of the league, you shouldn't be in it. If you're unclear on exactly what would be considered unacceptable activities, see pretty much everything in Blade's post.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like that message either didn't sink in or was completely ignored. I've talked it over with fero, and (perhaps against my better judgment) we're going to try and discuss it with him more directly and give him one last chance to make good and get with the program. If he can't do that (or if he doesn't acknowledge our points) we'll boot him before the draft and replace him.
if they open up my brother wants them... im gonna show him how to use cag tonight so he can post all of his info... he will prob take the browns unless someone else opens up but he does want the eagles... he will be active on cag but can still be contacted by me ig neccessary... ill explain everything to him.. he hasnt played madden in a couple years so i wouldnt be surprised if hes at the bills playing level..





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[quote name='Deuce20602']If Carolina doesn't get Janoris Jenkins or Harrison Smith in the second rd, i'm going to be very very upset...[/QUOTE]

I like how no one took Jenkins until right before Carolina's pick.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Blitzing the house is lame, but Cheesy was pulling it on me this last game when I was up, and I just go shotgun and let it sail over there heads, no other choice.[/QUOTE]

So he blitzed all 11 players and also called punt block? or did he call engage eight because I have played cheesyman 50+ times and never has he done that
[quote name='Tanabeo']So he blitzed all 11 players and also called punt block? or did he call engage eight because I have played cheesyman 50+ times and never has he done that[/QUOTE]
he never did anything wierd against me that i remember.. just never gave up passing and thats why it got outtahand.. but i wouldnt of gave up either regardless the score
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I like how no one took Jenkins until right before Carolina's pick.[/QUOTE]

i'm furious... we almost had him
[quote name='Tanabeo']So he blitzed all 11 players and also called punt block? or did he call engage eight because I have played cheesyman 50+ times and never has he done that[/QUOTE]

8-9 blitzing play after play. It was a pretty excessive. Not punt block though.
[quote name='staticz']So anyone following who their Madden team took? Two LBs for Seattle so far...hopefully they are decent.[/QUOTE]

If you are still the seahawks next year I will give you a 1st and 2nd pick for irvin

[quote name='LVPatriots']8-9 blitzing play after play. It was a pretty excessive. Not punt block though.[/QUOTE]

I blitz 7-8 all the time this still not a punt block so what him and cheesy are doing are 2 different things.
If the ram's DT Is any good where gonna have a sick D-Line. I'll just need to make some trades for a linebacker and im good too go for 13.
Alright man, but the fact was I couldn't run, and I wanted to run down the clock, but couldn't, so I had to pass. I was just relating to the situation.

When is that Jets Bucs game going down?

i sent this gentleman a pm on wednesday night with the following:
Hey man,

I can play:

Tonight between now and midnight EST
Thursday between 7pm est and midnight
Friday between 7pm and midnight...

lemme know when you want to play!

He responded back on thursday at 1:08 pm with :

You want to play now...

So...i replied on thursday at 1:37 pm.

Today's thursday....i sent this pm on wednesday at 8pm.

I can't play today until i'm AT WORK......

i can play tonight from 7-midnight est.

He hasn't responded since. I'm not sure what to do here.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Yea Panthers won't be playing tonight. He said you can sub or sim if it is necessary.[/QUOTE]

We'll find a sub for tomorrow.

[quote name='augmog']pitt needs a sub for our game tomorrow[/QUOTE]

Okay, we can find a sub for this too.

[quote name='damailman2272']You can sim Chargers vs broncos game couldnt connect again[/QUOTE]

I'm booting the Steelers and Panthers now, so even if I'm not around tomorrow subs can step in.

None of the games left have playoff implications, so anything not played by the 4PM deadline will be simmed.
The 2014 Playoffs are set.

1. Patriots
2. Chiefs
3. Titans
4. Ravens
5. Chargers
6. Texans

Texans at Titans
Chargers at Ravens

1. Lions
2. Falcons
3. 49ers
4. Giants
5. Bears
6. Cardinals

Cardinals at 49ers
Bears at Giants

Two divisional matchups in the first round, should be awesome!
one day my ai will do what I tell it to and my WRs will run the right routes the cpu put a nice big bow tie and ribbion on this one
[quote name='Tanabeo']one day my ai will do what I tell it to and my WRs will run the right routes the cpu put a nice big bow tie and ribbion on this one[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Tanabeo']one day may ai will do what I tell it to and my WRs will run the right routes the cpu put a nice big bow tie and ribbion on this one[/QUOTE]

Well, the user pick I made with David Harris at the end of the 1st half probably took points off the board, so that was a big play. I couldn't believe the refs actually called pass interference before that though. That's probably like the 3rd time I've seen it called in over 100 games, lol. Rain games are always a bitch though.

Yes, I started chewing clock early in the 3rd, but I knew I needed to apply pressure in all facets of the game to try to force mistakes. That pick Sanchez threw was hilarious though. Keller was open coming across the middle, and he just rifles it 5 feet ahead of him straight at your guy. I'm going to just assume the ball was water logged for most of the game, haha. Difference in the game though, I was 4-5 on 3rd down. You were 0-2. GG though. I owed you this one. ;)
The one that got me is I had williams wide open run across feild to the left and right when I throw it he runs strait up when he was not suppost to then on top of that I knew you were running it so I call some blitzes and they sit there for like 5 sec playing zone when they are in a blitz it was stupid
[quote name='Tanabeo']The one that got me is I had williams wide open run across feild to the left and right when I throw it he runs strait up when he was not suppost to then on top of that I knew you were running it so I call some blitzes and they sit there for like 5 sec playing zone when they are in a blitz it was stupid[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's always tough at the end of the game when you know what's coming. I think it becomes a balance of how tired your guys are and how well they've been playing up to that point. For whatever reason, sometimes guys don't block for shit in this game. And then other times, they're tossing guys around creating holes. Best seemed to be able to pick up 3-4 yards no matter what, and my tackles did pretty damn well keeping the outside protected. Like I said though, after the beating you gave me in our last JV League game, I was due, haha.
[quote name='siradam134']It's 10:37 A.M. EST.

The Panthers are 6-9.

I'm looking for a sub to play relatively soon in that range.

Any takers?[/QUOTE]

I could sub if need
Sorry I haven't been active - work has been brutal.

I messaged the packers on Thursday and go no response, though he's been on since then. It's fine though - this game can be simmed as far as I am concerned. It doesn't effect the play offs :p
bread's done