Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

did doom say thats y he left? doom was always great with the sweeps and ran them constantly cause they worked i dont see how wut bseti did was diff. i think he was just frustrated to be winning by 17 and have to start over... dooms to good at madden i think to let someones playcalling affect him enough to make him quit.. never know mayb hell change his mind
[quote name='sprice8688']did doom say thats y he left? doom was always great with the sweeps and ran them constantly cause they worked i dont see how wut bseti did was diff. i think he was just frustrated to be winning by 17 and have to start over... dooms to good at madden i think to let someones playcalling affect him enough to make him quit.. never know mayb hell change his mind[/QUOTE]

I know bv is just starting shit
[quote name='BSETI50']I know bv is just starting shit[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Doomtime']
Also, didn't want to make an issue of this in the thread. May have done more damage to bseti.
But Bseti is a player to keep an eye on. He played a very ranked match, douchebag type of style in our second game. Five wide and screens almost exclusively (as you can see from the box score) Scramble, scramble around with Locker and the man or zone breaks down and there's an open guy every time if done correctly.

Not sure if this is a new style for him, but it's borderline cheese.

Yes, I asked Doom's permission before quoting him.

And bseti, next time you throw a personal insult at me or anyone else you've got a strike. The level of civility in this league comes up a level starting now. I'm tired of it.
I'm goin back n forth with u bv ur just setting me up, shudt have caled u a salty bitch but you are sounded salty
Well I don't think he really cheesed against me at least...there was a lot of 5-wide sets which might have been excessive...but I definitely lost cause of my own damn horrid play. There were no screen passes but I think that was mainly cause I was looking for it every play cause I remember he had a tendency to catch me off guard with those in our previous meetings and net a LOT of yardage with Chris Johnson. I know he at least ran a few from what I saw, but he would throw it elsewhere each time.

I think the arguable cheesiness stems from the general rule about "play like an NFL coach would". I don't know any NFL coaches that runs 5-wide sets exclusively in the 1st/2nd quarters on like 3rd and 8 lol. That is pretty was pretty hard to stop, but didn't change the outcome of the game.

It's really gay the way things played out for Doom, but it is what it is...nice guys finish last! 17-0 for Doom in the 3rd quarter with the ball in enemy territory is a win in my book but he was too nice to suggest some kind of compensation. If I was playing against him I personally would have just let him play CPU without hesitation but that's just cause I'm a nice guy myself...I don't expect other people to react the same way, especially since the fault was on Doom's xbox. When it's 17-0, that shows that BSETI couldn't figure out a way to get anything going offensively to produce ANY points so why would that have changed in the last few minutes of the game? I don't personally see a case being made where that was winnable for BSETI but it's a little pointless to be bringing all this up well after the game was already replayed.

BSETI is a good player no doubt, he users his MLB well...I don't think he has to resort to doing all that "cheesy" stuff. I don't recall anyone complaining about BSETI in the past so like Doom said...we can just sweep this under the rug but keep an eye out for anything in the future.
How about instead of trying to argue everything you just admit that you decided you'd have a better chance of beating Doom if you played it like a ranked match? If that was your gameplan, you would have run it in the first game. Or against MA. You weren't beating him straight up, so you switched to cheese. It's not a matter of opinion, the facts are there in the box score. No one's trying to punish you, but don't call me salty for pointing out the obvious.

Am I ticked off that Doom left the league? Absolutely. I don't think it's 100% your fault, but I know the way you played in that 2nd game had to do with it.
I'm not mad about the loss at all. Not bitter, not mad, just deflated like I've said at least 20 times, but that is the one word that describes how I feel about Madden right about now.

Whether I won the second game or not, I was throwing in the towel after season 4. I don't know about you guys, but playing a game to damn near completion and then having to start over fresh bugs the hell out of me, especially in the postseason(Happens to me more often than I mention in this thread, though not all xbox related). Obviously not your fault bseti, my Xbox froze.

I'm not mad or salty or sugary.

Now, what I mentioned to BV and fero about the second game Bseti, was the screens and 5 wide play are a ranked match style of play that we try to stay away from.

Obviously, you're one of the newer guys here and it's not like we have a gigantic banner saying what you can and can't do. But I just gave BV and fero a heads up about it because of what's been established in previous seasons.

No malice intended.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Well I don't think he really cheesed against me at least...[/QUOTE]

I don't think he did either, or in the first game against Doom, which is kind of the point. He fell back on it when playing it straight didn't work. The term "cheese" is subjective of course, but I'm just going by Doom's word, whose opinion I trust on the matter.
[quote name='LVPatriots']I mean if you can shutout Ramesu, you can catch up 17 points in over 7 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Maybe he should have spotted Doom the 17 then, if it's so easy.
[quote name='bvharris']Maybe he should have spotted Doom the 17 then, if it's so easy.[/QUOTE]

Not sure how that works. But I was in the party with Bseti during the game. Obviously it was lucky for Dooms x-box to die, but Doom booted right back up and played immediately after, without a hint to BSeti that he even cared.

So BSeti did what anyone would do in that situation, just play the game.

Maybe he saw a little too much of Dooms plays and he got to take advantage of it but that happens.

Doom made no effort to have anything different happen with the second game (i.e. thos 17 points). So its not really worth talking about what could have happened.

Besides for both players moods, it affected nothing, and Bseti won the second game with a playstyle which sounds pretty similiar to the way he plays against me on a regular basis (and especially our Titans - Cardinals game this season)
[quote name='MasterAwesome']we can just sweep this under the rug but keep an eye out for anything in the future.[/QUOTE]

Nixon supporter in your past life.
[quote name='LVPatriots']I mean if you can shutout Ramesu, you can catch up 17 points in over 7 minutes.[/QUOTE]

I don't really understand the logic behind this lol. Two very different can only make a prediction based on how the game had gone up until that point. Shutting out an opponent is a testament to your defense anyways, not your offense.
[quote name='Doomtime']Nixon supporter in your past life.[/QUOTE]

Lol he is the Watergate guy right? My knowledge of politics/history is laughably bad...I don't even know what Watergate was, just that it was a scandal.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Not sure how that works. But I was in the party with Bseti during the game. Obviously it was lucky for Dooms x-box to die, but Doom booted right back up and played immediately after, without a hint to BSeti that he even cared.

So BSeti did what anyone would do in that situation, just play the game.

MA and I disconnected in our game with him up 7-0 and driving. When we connected again, I immediately offered to spot him the 7, which he declined and proceeded to beat me anyway.

Doom's too proud to ask for that of course, and I'm not saying bseti was obliged to offer. To each his own. But coming back from 17-0 late is no small thing against Doom, and if it was, bseti wouldn't have had a problem with it I assume.

I'm sorry I dragged you into it Doom, I'm sure you would've preferred fero and I keep it to ourselves. It just ticks me off to lose our best member (no offense everyone else). I know that's not 100% on bseti of course, I'm not trying to say it is.

Everyone knows abusing HB screens is cheese, we don't need to write that in a rule somewhere. The reason we don't is because we trust everyone to moderate that on their own, and for the most part we do.

Winning is more fun than losing, and I'm sure all of us are sometimes tempted to take the easier path to a win, I know I am. I think bseti has one of the cleanest games in the league, I just think he abandoned it for one game in order to win. I'm not out to witch hunt anyone, and it's not personal against bseti, he just happens to be the person who I heard this about.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']I don't really understand the logic behind this lol. Two very different can only make a prediction based on how the game had gone up until that point. Shutting out an opponent is a testament to your defense anyways, not your offense.[/QUOTE]

Yea, so doom has the ball. 3 and out punt. CJ screen for 7. Doom throws pick 6 (or fumble). Doom goes three and out, bseti ties it with a FG.

That could EASILY happen in a quarter.
[quote name='bvharris']How about instead of trying to argue everything you just admit that you decided you'd have a better chance of beating Doom if you played it like a ranked match? If that was your gameplan, you would have run it in the first game. Or against MA. You weren't beating him straight up, so you switched to cheese. It's not a matter of opinion, the facts are there in the box score. No one's trying to punish you, but don't call me salty for pointing out the obvious.

Am I ticked off that Doom left the league? Absolutely. I don't think it's 100% your fault, but I know the way you played in that 2nd game had to do with it.[/QUOTE]

i didnt cheese shit dude i ran my offense...i run 5wide on 3rd and long, a lot of teams in the NFL run 5wide on 3rd and long. screen plays dont work in this game at a good percentage, i usually pick my times to use them, but against doom he wasnt sending anyone out to cover cj so i ran it probably 4 or 5 times. i just try to stay unpredictable on offense, but my defense won the second game anyway. i dont have a cheese mode that i just switch to when i feel im gonna get beat...i ran the same plays i was running in the first game he just didnt stop them, and he turned the ball over deep in his own territory twice. i donno why i have to defend myself here all of the sudden ive been playing the same way for 3 seasons and no one has said shit...
[quote name='LVPatriots']Yea, so doom has the ball. 3 and out punt. CJ screen for 7. Doom throws pick 6. Doom goes three and out, bseti ties it with a FG.

That could EASILY happen in a quarter.[/QUOTE]

For the record, in 7 seasons I can't recall anyone come back against Doom in such a situation.

CJ caught 8 passes in that game (not saying they were all screens, but I'm guessing most of them were) after never catching more than 4 all season. I can't say how many he caught in the first game of course, but I'm assuming not 8. It was pretty obviously a different gameplan in the second game than the first - I have Doom's word on that, which I have no reason to doubt.

[quote name='BSETI50']i dont have a cheese mode that i just switch to when i feel im gonna get beat...[/QUOTE]

If you say so, that's fine.
[quote name='Doomtime']I'm not mad about the loss at all. Not bitter, not mad, just deflated like I've said at least 20 times, but that is the one word that describes how I feel about Madden right about now.

Whether I won the second game or not, I was throwing in the towel after season 4. I don't know about you guys, but playing a game to damn near completion and then having to start over fresh bugs the hell out of me, especially in the postseason(Happens to me more often than I mention in this thread, though not all xbox related). Obviously not your fault bseti, my Xbox froze.

I'm not mad or salty or sugary.

Now, what I mentioned to BV and fero about the second game Bseti, was the screens and 5 wide play are a ranked match style of play that we try to stay away from.

Obviously, you're one of the newer guys here and it's not like we have a gigantic banner saying what you can and can't do. But I just gave BV and fero a heads up about it because of what's been established in previous seasons.

No malice intended.[/QUOTE]

Just going to quote this again since this thread is moving quickly and may have been missed.
Lol I could play that "scenarios" game too...Doom takes 1st handoff for 40 yards and scores a TD. Then BSETI fumbles the KR, Doom picks it up for six. Doom kicks an onside kick and recovers it, takes next run 50 yards for the TD. Etc. etc. Doom wins the game by 145 points.

Like I said, you can only judge it based off how the game had been going in the first 3're just pulling a hypothetical scenario out of thin air instead of using context according to how the game was going. You make it sound so easy - CJ screen for 7 just like that. Then Doom (one of the best game managers in the league) throws a pick six next possession despite being up 10 points presumably in the 4th quarter. Then BSETI just moves the ball down the field again (something which the score doesn't indicate he could do much), and kicks a field goal to tie it. And I don't know if it's just me...but it's considerably harder to play your game and make a comeback late in the game. That's where all the desperation throws and poor decision-making are most likely to come into play. Even the best players will succumb to it...that's how I beat mog by like 30-40 points at the end of the season.

Anyways...why are we arguing about this again? Lol
[quote name='bvharris']

Winning is more fun than losing, and I'm sure all of us are sometimes tempted to take the easier path to a win, I know I am. I think bseti has one of the cleanest games in the league, I just think he abandoned it for one game in order to win. I'm not out to witch hunt anyone, and it's not personal against bseti, he just happens to be the person who I heard this about.[/QUOTE]

THE FIRST GAME WAS NOT OVER! i didnt change my playstyle at all bv. the game started with back to back turnovers and he was still fucking me up. its not like i blew him out with this cheese mode you two are accusing me of, i stuck to my gameplan which is get cj the ball in space, if i think hes not gonna cover cj out of the backfield for some reason, and i should run a fkin screen. i think bill belichick would agree with anyone on that. my offense didnt even win me that game, his turnovers in his own territory cost him the game.

the first game me and doom played last season we put up like 30 points in the last 3 minutes of the 4th qrt. all it take is one fluke play and one good play and im right back in that game.

i didnt change shit, sorry doom if u feel that way but i gotta defend myself on this
If we all had it to do over again, I'd suggest spotting him the 17 points and winding the clock to where the game was. It's not hard to do, I've done it before. It's not like stats matter either, it's the playoffs.

It didn't play out that way though, so what's done is done.
MA, I can base my hypothesis off what happened in the next game they played. When it was the same opponents, same teams, and CJ was taking those screens for 7.

Anyways, I'm done talking about it too.
im done with it, it sucks u had to taint this shit for me when i know i did nothing wrong, but i expected it from you bv...

gg doom im sorry u feel i cheesed you but i know i didnt so theres nothing more i can do. i really enjoy playin you so i hope u change ur mind and scoop a new team for season 5 or at least sub a few games...
[quote name='LVPatriots']MA, I can base my hypothesis off what happened in the next game they played. When it was the same opponents, same teams, and CJ was taking those screens for 7.[/QUOTE]

No one's saying it would have been impossible for him to come back. But stick a thousand players with a thousand Maddens in a room and give them a thousand 17-0 scores in the 3rd quarter, I bet the score comes back 34-0 a lot more often than it comes back 17-17.
[quote name='BSETI50']im done with it, it sucks u had to taint this shit for me when i know i did nothing wrong, but i expected it from you bv...

I never said anything was tainted. If you were in trouble with the league, you'd have heard about it.

Any regret I might have felt for calling you out disappeared the second you insulted me personally, not for the first time I might add. But I guess that's what I can expect from you, right?
[quote name='BSETI50']

i didnt change shit, sorry doom if u feel that way but i gotta defend myself on this[/QUOTE]

You have every right to.

Just felt a bit excessive and that's it. I could have won that game too, but I didn't. Oh well. Again, not mad. I know it's difficult to read emotions when you're just reading text on a video game forum. So I'll throw in one of these. :spam:

Good luck in the Superbowl, you earned it. I'll be back for Madden 13.

[quote name='BSETI50']im done with it, it sucks u had to taint this shit for me when i know i did nothing wrong, but i expected it from you bv...

gg doom im sorry u feel i cheesed you but i know i didnt so theres nothing more i can do. i really enjoy playin you so i hope u change ur mind and scoop a new team for season 5 or at least sub a few games...[/QUOTE]

It wasn't complete cheese, but I felt it needed to be noted. Anyway good luck!
[quote name='bvharris']No one's saying it would have been impossible for him to come back. But stick a thousand players with a thousand Maddens in a room and give them a thousand 17-0 scores in the 3rd quarter, I bet the score comes back 34-0 a lot more often than it comes back 17-17.[/QUOTE]

Not denying that at all. Anyways I heard BSeti was taping Dooms playcalls so lets just fine him $500,000 and take a 1st round draft pick and call it a day.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Not denying that at all. Anyways I heard BSeti was taping Dooms playcalls so lets just fine him $500,000 and take a 1st round draft pick and call it a day.[/QUOTE]

As long as he had on his lime green vest, that's fine.
[quote name='bvharris']I never said anything was tainted. If you were in trouble with the league, you'd have heard about it.

Any regret I might have felt for calling you out disappeared the second you insulted me personally, not for the first time I might add. But I guess that's what I can expect from you, right?[/QUOTE]

yea when u come at me like that yea u could probably expect that from me, i dont mean it personally i just get a lil worked up over this shit so im sorry in advance cuz ur prolly gonna do somethin else to get me worked up and react irrational, no hard feelings kid i dont have ne peeps out in DC thatll come thru for me or anything
I take people at their word around here until they give me a reason otherwise, we're all grown men (well, most of us). If you say you didn't change it up in the second game, then your word is good enough.

I still think it sucks what happened to Doom, but that's my position as a league member, not as league commissioner.

I'll say this for the record: There's no taint on anything. If BSETI wins the Super Bowl, it's straight.

And since I have the opportunity, I'll remind everyone that abusing HB screens is considered cheese by most leagues. We don't legislate against it because it's honestly not that effective against people who know how to defend it (which most of us do). That doesn't mean it should be a strategy people keep in their back pocket. I really don't want to do something like put a limit on the number of times you can run it in a game or something, because honestly I trust y'all not to abuse it.
it does suck what happened i know i would be pissed too but i would have done the same thing doom did....send an invite and play again.

i run screen plays more than most people, but i dont run them that much unless someone just cannot stop it. it used to be a cheese play completly in older maddens but in this game they pick up on it. so i try to pick my spots when to run it. you also need to have the right personel to run it effectively it this game, locker is good cuz he can buy that extra second with his legs, and cj is probably the best screen back in the league. its a very common play in the nfl, especially against blitz happy defenses
[quote name='BSETI50']whats goin on in that nfc championship[/QUOTE]

See above. Sprice won.

You both got your wish, so the dick measuring contest is over and it's put up or shut up time. :lol:
[quote name='bvharris']See above. Sprice won.

You both got your wish, so the dick measuring contest is over and it's put up or shut up time. :lol:[/QUOTE]

yup n chris hopes startin
we scheduled for 8, we should def get it in tonight... im gonna go eat dinner and enjoy bein afc champ for a bit then im ready to go
[quote name='BSETI50']we scheduled for 8, we should def get it in tonight... im gonna go eat dinner and enjoy bein afc champ for a bit then im ready to go[/QUOTE]

100- 3 lions
Alright, I'll plan to advance to the offseason right after, so if anyone needs to scope the current rosters before advance, do it now.

Last I heard from Fero, the leading candidate for the draft is Thursday night.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Titans 34 Lions 27

Or Sprice just rushes all over BSeti and it's a sh#tfest[/QUOTE]
were no longer friends! lol its gonna be a good game i just gotta play smart against his ballhawking ass
Cowboys Trading Block
TE - Jason Witten - 96 ovr, 32, A pot
RB - DeMarco Murray - 83 ovr, 26, B pot

Looking for MLB, FS, LG, WR (though may be the least important)
[quote name='bvharris']If we all had it to do over again, I'd suggest spotting him the 17 points and winding the clock to where the game was. It's not hard to do, I've done it before. It's not like stats matter either, it's the playoffs.[/QUOTE]

Why not make this official league policy for any game with more than a 10 point lead? Seems like it would solve a lot of the "what if's".

Also, just chiming in on the "a 17 point lead in the 3rd quarter is not safe" SHOULD be. Assuming that the team with the lead is playing smart and isn't cursed with horrendous luck (ie. fumbling multiple times), it would easily be considered "choking" to blow that big of a lead that late in the game. I know some people here are very anti-clock chewing...but those are the situations that it's made for.

When you have a decent sized lead and the ball, the smart thing to do is minimize the time your opponent has the ball. That's how an NFL coach would play it. It may not be popular in the Madden world, but that's how it works in real life. In that situation, Doom would have been foolish to throw the ball very much at all (aside from maybe trying to convert a 3rd and 8 or something...and even then, it would be a VERY calculated throw). Hearing so many people argue that 17 points isn't that big of a lead just says to me that people aren't playing the game right.

Sure, there's potential for some fluke fumbles, onside kick recoveries, etc. But the odds of all those things coming together against such a skilled player have to be like .0000000001%. The likelihood of a comeback under those circumstances would really have more to do with the winning team throwing the game away, rather than the losing team demonstrating some kind of incredible skill. If people are playing the game like they should and actually following the league mantra of "play like an NFL coach", 99 times out 100, the comeback wouldn't happen.
bread's done