Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

Yea but an asterisk is a real thing in sports statistics. Our Championships have nothing like that surrounding them in the history books.

Harbaugh shouldn't have used the word asterisk.

He literally said about the Super Bowl Wins "They have an asterisk".

But they don't.... And I don't need Billy Crystal making any damn movies about our Dynasty.
[quote name='BSETI50']He came out n retracted basically everything he said, I think he was scared belichick might run up the score on him or somethin[/QUOTE]

lmao that would never happen u need lee evanz to drop a pass to win :)
[quote name='LVPatriots']Yea but an asterisk is a real thing in sports statistics. Our Championships have nothing like that surrounding them in the history books.

Harbaugh shouldn't have used the word asterisk.

He literally said about the Super Bowl Wins "They have an asterisk".

But they don't.... And I don't need Billy Crystal making any damn movies about our Dynasty.[/QUOTE]

He also said they had a stain...did he mean that literally too???
[quote name='BSETI50']Kinda like billy cundiffs poop stain?[/QUOTE]

a guy from a radio station said they should get another kicker to compete with billy all prrseason and then cut billy for missing that kick
SPYGATE IS THE BIGGEST JOKE EVER. The Pats got in trouble for filming in an area without a roof over it. They could've have gotten the same angles from the owners boxes.
[quote name='RamesuThe1']Texans Trade Block:

Arian Foster - RB, 95 Overall - 30 years old
Mario Williams - OLB, 84 Overall - 32 years old

Looking for an elite receiver or tight end (95 and up)
Help in the front seven. (DL and or LB)
Or draft picks.[/QUOTE]

How does Dallas Clark look, straight trade for foster.
Seahawks are willing to move the number 9 and 31st picks in the first round. Looking for interior line and CBs. I'd also move Freeman if the price is right
Have for trade:

QB- Eli Manning OVR 86 AGE ? POT A OVR 85
HB- Ahmad Bradshaw OVR 87 AGE 27 POT A SPD 90 ACC 97 TRK 85 ELU 87 CAR 74
WR- Early Doucet OVR 72 POT B SPD 85 ACC 88 CTH 77 CIT 83 RLS 73

Looking for:

1st round picks
***DT- 86+ OVR
CB 70-80 OVR

Sorry out of town would have added more info.
[quote name='BSETI50']Hopin the sox don't pull a o's and miss the playoffs for 2 decades[/QUOTE]

mayb this yr.. there playin well

Cardinals send C Lyle Sendlein, 80 ovr, B pot, 33yo to to the Titans

Titans send MLB Colin McCarthy, 76 ovr, A pot, 29yo to the Cardinals
:cold:[quote name='bvharris']Hasn't McCarthy been through enough?[/QUOTE]

I know hah poor guy, can't find a home....I feel like in m13 he's gonna be my starting mlb tho with no ikeem and even no barrett ruud who signed with the seahawks....titans had a great draft last year and a pretty sucky one this year
[quote name='bvharris']Hasn't McCarthy been through enough?[/QUOTE]

I've wanted him back since he left. This just worked out well for both of us.
[quote name='LVPatriots']So does the Madden 13 Saints owner have to sit Vilma and the troops for the first season?[/QUOTE]

Not if they're in the roster, but when a player is suspended for the year I think they remove them entirely.
[quote name='LVPatriots']So does the Madden 13 Saints owner have to sit Vilma and the troops for the first season?[/QUOTE]

Interesting question...but I would consider suspensions to be more akin to injuries than to roster changes. If the league didn't force the Colts to sit Peyton Manning the first season of this franchise, then I don't see the sense in enforcing these suspensions either.

[quote name='bvharris']Not if they're in the roster, but when a player is suspended for the year I think they remove them entirely.[/QUOTE]

Also a good point. Gotta wonder how that would hurt their sales, as I'm sure no Saints fan would buy the game if that were the case. Though, Smith only got 4 games, so he'd be added back anyway...might not even be worth the trouble to take him out. But a lot of Saints fans might just pretend football doesn't exist this coming season anyway, lol.
[quote name='bvharris']Not if they're in the roster, but when a player is suspended for the year I think they remove them entirely.[/QUOTE]

That'd be crazy if they just eliminated them from the game entirely. Suppose it would be another example of EA "Not caring about online franchises" since they would be gone from the roster and wouldn't be there for season 2 onward.


Now that Uber and Doom are gone, who should we be looking to, to help approve trades? Just an overall concensus?
I know I've encouraged people to not get ahead of themselves and talk about Madden 13, but since I do see people discussing it a lot I figured I'd give you guys a heads up: Ubernes and I have already started planning things out, and we're leaning very strongly towards changing the way teams are assigned next year.

We're anticipating two key issues of concern in handing out teams:

1) Overall demand. Obviously we have had far more than 32 people in this league at one point or another, and we anticipate demand will be very high when Madden 13 comes out. In a perfect world, we could accommodate everyone who wants to play in the main league, but realistically we probably won't be able to. Rest assured we do have a plan in progress as to how to deal with demand, so it won't just be a matter of "first come, first served." There will be certain people who are guaranteed a spot based on criteria we're developing.

2) Demand for specific teams. Obviously we've always given deference to veterans who want to hold onto their teams. But this is getting murkier since we have more and more people in the league who'd meet those qualifications and who want specific teams. We haven't decided precisely how to handle this yet, but the most likely is that we're going to have a team lottery. You'd still have some say in who you got, but in-demand teams won't necessarily go to the person who had them this year (1. Yes, that includes me, and 2) That is NOT an invitation to start claiming teams now, lol).

Anyway, both these things are obviously still a work in process, and we've got other changes in the works for next year, including a more transparent set of league rules and hopefully (finally) a salary cap. We're working on it though, and more importantly if anybody has any suggestions for Madden 13, please feel free to PM me with them.
[quote name='LVPatriots']
Now that Uber and Doom are gone, who should we be looking to, to help approve trades? Just an overall concensus?[/QUOTE]

Me and fero still need to sign off just as ubernes and I did, but we'll generally always go with whatever the consensus is.

I don't anticipate there being too much activity this offseason though.
Those all look like good ideas to me. It sucks that some of us will miss out or be relegated to a second league but I agree that demand will most likely be pretty heavy at first.

I'm not entirely fond of a salary cap, just going to have to see how it works out.
[quote name='staticz']It sucks that some of us will miss out or be relegated to a second league but I agree that demand will most likely be pretty heavy at first.

Definitely sucks, but there's going to be no avoiding it so the best we can do is try and handle it as fairly as possible.
Anyone who might be interested in trading down in the draft, shoot me a PM. I'm willing to send both my first rounders (#28 and #32) in order to move up.
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[quote name='bvharris']Anyone who might be interested in trading down in the draft, shoot me a PM. I'm willing to send both my first rounders (#28 and #32 in order to move up).[/QUOTE]

If I could get pick 30 I'd do it. 4 picks in a row :D

Hopefully I will get some time tonight to look at all of the prospects, this trip has kept me busier than I thought it would.
[quote name='Deuce20602']Joe Haden is available for a 1st rd pick, LB, or FS[/QUOTE]

Assuming you mean early 1st??? I'd gladly give you 22.
[quote name='sprice8688']so how will u decide who is in which league? or is that wat ur figuring out still[/QUOTE]

Uber and I will only be running the one league. I'd imagine there will be a JV league again, and it's possible a 3rd league would spring up but I don't know (there's never been much success there in the past, as you all know).

Obviously our league will have 32 spots, and more than likely more than 32 people who will want to be in it. So we need to figure out a way to decide who gets a spot, which is what we're working on.

It's a near certainty that there will be some people who get an automatic spot, and if so, that list will certainly include past league champions.
I like the lottery idea for the record...that's the only guilt-free way I can get the Panthers!! Or at least reduced guilt..

Edit: Assuming I have one of the 32 spots! :O
i would like to keep the lions but if u do go that route players that often make the playoffs should get tge last picks on teams
[quote name='sprice8688']i would like to keep the lions but if u do go that route players that often make the playoffs should get tge last picks on teams[/QUOTE]

We did essentially that in the secondary league last year if you'll recall - gave the better players the lesser teams. They ended up making the playoffs anyway. ;)

I'll reiterate that none of this is set in stone yet. How we're going to handle who gets the spots is much further along in the idea department than how we're going to handle teams.

In the meantime though, all the feedback is appreciated. :D
[quote name='bvharris']Slow offseason on the trade front, huh? Usually we have a flurry of activity by now.[/QUOTE]

Kinda what I was thinking. Freeman is for sale folks. Looking for a first rounder and a few other players (one being a QB).
Might as well repost my trade block:

Patriots Trade Block

1st round pick (Patriots, #28)
1st round pick (Lions, #32)

I'm definitely interested in packaging both to move up in the 1st round. All my other picks are on the table as well.

QB Evan Smith - 84 OVR, 24, A Pot
WR Roddy White - 94 OVR, 33, A Pot (I'd likely need a receiver back if I deal him)
LT Matt Light - 86 OVR, 37, B Pot
RT Sebastian Vollmer - 83 OVR, 30, A Pot
ROLB Gary Guyton - 77 OVR, 29, C Pot (85 speed, great coverage)
CB Derron Charles - 79 OVR, 24, B Pot

Looking for:
1) Center
2) Elite defensive line players (especially DT)
3) Pass-catching TE
4) Right Tackle (most interested in packaging Richardson or Vollmer to upgrade here)
5) Picks (really only interested in 1st rounders)
bread's done