Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='bvharris']Uber and I will only be running the one league. I'd imagine there will be a JV league again, and it's possible a 3rd league would spring up but I don't know (there's never been much success there in the past, as you all know).

Obviously our league will have 32 spots, and more than likely more than 32 people who will want to be in it. So we need to figure out a way to decide who gets a spot, which is what we're working on.

It's a near certainty that there will be some people who get an automatic spot, and if so, that list will certainly include past league champions.[/QUOTE]

Not that you and I would ever work together on something (hi, Lex Clark Kent, lol), but the JV League will definitely be back for Madden 13. And honestly, at this point, I think the line between JV and V is blurred a decent amount as well. Sure, there are still players who can't hold a candle to the top shelf talent in here...but I think that statement could still be applied just in this league to an extent.

I do believe our rules and policies differ a bit though, and maybe you could say I'm not as forgiving when people step out of line. But what I foresee happening is the "JV League" turning into the "Gentlemen's League". Not that I plan on calling it that (unless of course, we all choose stripper names to represent our teams...then it might be fun...dibs on Destiny!), but the way I'd like it to function next year would be no nonsense, no constant reminders to play right, few warnings given, a non-negotiable expectation to keep up with the thread, responsive to PM's, etc. And if people show any difficulty sticking to that, they're gone.

I'm sure those are all things you guys want for this league as well...but my intention is to be as iron-fisted in enforcing them as possible. Forgive me for saying it, but at times, I think the desire to keep the league full compromised the integrity of the clientele. It's the whole mentality of caring more about winning than caring about playing right. And having so and so's friend's, brother's, uncle who likes Madden, but has no idea what this thread is or even what CAG is can be a hinderance more often than not. I just don't have the patience for it.

Maybe some of what I'm saying is the exact kinds of changes you and Uber have been talking about...and if so, that's awesome. I think more transparent rules and clear cut policies can only help things run smoother. Just wanted to make it known that the JV League will be available for those who don't have a spot here...or even would prefer to play there (provided you can commit to the expectations). Honestly, I think having enough guys to where there was very little overlap between the two leagues would be great. Not that people won't be welcome to double would just be cool if there were that many people committed to playing Madden.
I like that idea having the not so good people in the league having picks at teams first then so on. But i'd like to stay with the rams if i can :)
I think just a straight up lottery for the teams, once we have already established the 32 players, would be fair.

Randomly assign the numbers, and then have a draft for teams. One problem would be people dodging tough divisions, but I can't think of many others.
[quote name='LVPatriots']I think just a straight up lottery for the teams, once we have already established the 32 players, would be fair.

Randomly assign the numbers, and then have a draft for teams. One problem would be people dodging tough divisions, but I can't think of many others.[/QUOTE]

That's certainly one option on the table. Another is to ask everyone to give us their top 5 teams and then where there are conflicts, we use the lottery from there. Some teams will be in higher demand than others.

There are certain vets in the league (I won't name names) who are very committed to their own teams and might not want to play at all if they don't get them, so we need to consider those people as well.
Chiefs Trading Block

QB Matt Cassel - 33, 86 OVR, B Pot
HB LeGarrette Blount - 28, 92 OVR, A Pot
1st Round Pick (27th)

85+ OLB
85+ MLB
An upgrade at QB over Cassel (86 OVR)
WR (A third or fourth receiver, so mid 70s-mid 80s)
[quote name='augmog']i think we should have a free agent period[/QUOTE]

You're about to have the opportunity to add seven guys to your roster tomorrow without dropping any.
[quote name='bvharris']You're about to have the opportunity to add seven guys to your roster tomorrow without dropping any.[/QUOTE]

I understand that but opening the market would be cool honestly there is some good talent out there
Chargers trade block

Antoinio gates te 99 age 35 apot
philip rivers 96 age 33 apot
ryan mathews hb 88 age 28 apot
louis vasquez rg 81 age 28 apot
[quote name='damailman2272']Chargers trade block

Antoinio gates te 99 age 35 apot
philip rivers 96 age 33 apot
ryan mathews hb 88 age 28 apot
louis vasquez rg 81 age 28 apot[/QUOTE]
pm me bout wut u want for gates
Cowboys Trading Block
TE - Jason Witten - 96 ovr, 32, A pot
RB - DeMarco Murray - 83 ovr, 26, B pot, 93 speed
RB - Felix Jones - 81 ovr, 28, B pot, 93 speec

Looking for MLB, FS, LG, SS[/QUOTE]
Dolphins Trade Block:
HB Daniel Thomas, 85 OVR, B Pot, 27 Years Old
HB Reshard Cobbs, 83 OVR, A Pot, 24 Years Old
TE Jason Fobbs, 97 OVR, A Pot, 23 Years Old
TE Khiry Cousins, 82 OVR, B Pot, 24 Years Old
TE Anthony Fasano, 78 OVR,B Pot 31 Years Old
ROLB Leslie Luther, 91 OVR, A Pot, 23 Years Old
DT Chris Heim, 85 OVR, A Pot, 24 Years Old
LE O'dell Boudreaux, 81 OVR, A Pot, 23 Years Old
FS Chris Clemons, 81 OVR, B Pot, 31 Years Old
P Benjamin Austin, 90 OVR, A Pot, 23 Years Old
P Brandon Fields, 84 OVR, B Pot, 31 Years Old
CB V. Davis, 91 OVR, A Pot, 27 Years Old
CB R. Downling, 90 OVR,A Pot, 27 Years Old
CB S. Smith, 85 OVR, B Pot, 28 Years Old

Looking for:

1st Round Picks.
Left Guard
Right Guard
Right Tackle
Free Safety

P.s. Please don't send me a message stating "What do you want for so and so" Make me an offer from the get go, or i'm likely to ignore your pm.
+1 and won a series against the Yankees for the first time in a long time. Feeling good about the O's can't wait til Monday, I'm definitely going to watch them play the Rangers
[quote name='RamesuThe1']^^^
+1 and won a series against the Yankees for the first time in a long time. Feeling good about the O's can't wait til Monday, I'm definitely going to watch them play the Rangers[/QUOTE]

half these guys are boston fans so i gotta rub it in that we got the broom ready
[quote name='GpNinja']Cowboys,Rangers,Spurs![/QUOTE]
i think we play the rangers after the red sox so well keep the broom ready
Can't blaame u sprice, ya might as well talk baseball trash while u still can, soon enough ur orioles will be in the basement of the AL east where they belong...
You guys kill me. At least when you crow about the Ravens it makes sense - they're a legitimately elite team. The last time the Orioles were remotely relevant, Bill Clinton was president.

Hey, enjoy it while it lasts I guess.
[quote name='BSETI50']Can't blaame u sprice, ya might as well talk baseball trash while u still can, soon enough ur orioles will be in the basement of the AL east where they belong...[/QUOTE]

lmao u know what i do.. btw t sizzle tore achilliles out fir yr
guess sergio better show he can play at the nfl level... him and upshaw..... o and i bet u guys the orioles win the series against ya.. there hot right now and we just skunked the yanks at home... thats big
I'll give this to the Orioles: They have an awesome ballpark. Camden Yards is my favorite stadium in the bigs (especially when it's full of Red Sox fans).
[quote name='bvharris']I'll give this to the Orioles: They have an awesome ballpark. Camden Yards is my favorite stadium in the bigs (especially when it's full of Red Sox fans).[/QUOTE]
i dunno man there playin lights out right niw there pitching is great and as of right now we have the best bullpen in the majors minus kevin gregg... we drop bombs :)
baby teeth suggs out for the season....dont feel bad for him at all hes a jackass, u get paid millions to play football...not basketball
yea man i mean its good cause its makin young guys step up but bad cause lewis and reed are on there last legs... this yr matterz
[quote name='sprice8688']yea man i mean its good cause its makin young guys step up but bad cause lewis and reed are on there last legs... this yr matterz[/QUOTE]

theres nothing good about it...its bad, very bad. hes probably the 4th best player on that entirre team, the only good thing is the top 3 players are also on defense...(hgnata, lewis, reed)
Let us O's fans enjoy the meager success we've had thus far. It's about the only enjoyment we've had in the last 14 years of Orioles baseball.

The Ravens will be fine. It sucks losing Suggs. But there will still be 11 guys on defense and we've got some young guys who could replace a chunk of his production when in rotation (Kruger, Kindle an McPhee tho he plays line) thank goodness we drafted Upshaw too.
[quote name='RamesuThe1']Let us O's fans enjoy the meager success we've had thus far. It's about the only enjoyment we've had in the last 14 years of Orioles baseball.

The Ravens will be fine. It sucks losing Suggs. But there will still be 11 guys on defense and we've got some young guys who could replace a chunk of his production when in rotation (Kruger, Kindle an McPhee tho he plays line) thank goodness we drafted Upshaw too.[/QUOTE]

im not buyin it... that defense isnt gonna be the same this year, last year was their big chance...and they blew it
[quote name='BSETI50']theres nothing good about it...its bad, very bad. hes probably the 4th best player on that entirre team, the only good thing is the top 3 players are also on defense...(hgnata, lewis, reed)[/QUOTE]

i love suggs but i believe one mans fall is another mans gain... someone will step up they may never equal suggs but they will get there oppertunity
[quote name='BSETI50']im not buyin it... that defense isnt gonna be the same this year, last year was their big chance...and they blew it[/QUOTE]

there defense didnt blow it evans and cundiff did... our def had brady rattled
Their D doesn't need to be as good as last year in order to keep them in most games, it's still an elite unit even without Suggs.

What the Ravens really need is for Flacco to stop talking about how he's an elite quarterback and actually be one.
LV/BSETI - Can one of you re-post your trade? If nobody has any objections to it, it's approved.

Can't believe we've only had one trade so far, the draft's tonight!
[quote name='bvharris']Their D doesn't need to be as good as last year in order to keep them in most games, it's still an elite unit even without Suggs.

What the Ravens really need is for Flacco to stop talking about how he's an elite quarterback and actually be one.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't have said it better.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Titans send MLB Colin McCarthy 29 yo A pot 76 ovr

Cardinals send C Lyle Sendlein 33 yo, B pot, 80 ovr[/QUOTE]

Assuming nobody raises any issues (and I can't imagine they would), this is approved.

I'll remind everyone: You can't put trades through in the offseason, so all trades will be processed (by me) after the draft tonight.
[quote name='bvharris']Assuming nobody raises any issues (and I can't imagine they would), this is approved.

I'll remind everyone: You can't put trades through in the offseason, so all trades will be processed (by me) after the draft tonight.[/QUOTE]

looks fine..
[quote name='Yanksrule123']Atlanta trying to send Tracy Porter to Carolina for 1st and 4th round pick[/QUOTE]

They can start by posting his overall, age, and potential.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Rumblings in KC suggest a major deal may be in the works to bring an elite QB to Arrowhead.[/QUOTE]

Joe Montana? :whistle2:s
[quote name='Yanksrule123']Atlanta trying to send Tracy Porter to Carolina for 1st and 4th round pick[/QUOTE]

Helping out Yanks:

Atlanta send CB Tracy Porter, 91 ovr, 30 yo. I assume A pot

Carolina sends a 1st and a 4th.
[quote name='LVPatriots']Helping out Yanks:

Atlanta send CB Tracy Porter, 91 ovr, 30 yo. I assume A pot

Carolina sends a 1st and a 4th.[/QUOTE]

Carolina's pick is kinda high to be straight up for Porter
[quote name='Deuce20602']Carolina's pick is kinda high to be straight up for Porter[/QUOTE]

I was just looking at Porter and hes is Nasty. 99 mcv, 92 zcv.

A 1st round pick will only net you a mid 80 and a forth rounder is basically nothing. Looks fair enough to me.
What u mean high i have the 15th pick and a fourth or are u sayin it should just be my 1st .... Or u just mad carolinas makin moves lol
I think if Carolina really wants a cornerback, there's only one elite one in this draft and he'll be long gone by the time 15 rolls around. Porter is an excellent cornerback, I'm fine with this deal.
bread's done