Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='Deuce20602']BLOCKBUSTER TRADE ALERT:


QB Tom Brady 99 ovr, 38 yrs
SS TJ Ward 86 ovr, A pot, 28 yrs
WR Mohammed Massaquoi 83 ovr, B pot, 28 yrs


SS Eric Berry 94 ovr, A pot, 26 yrs
QB Delonte Waters 82 ovr, ? pot, 24 yrs
1st Rd Pick (#27)[/QUOTE]

I would say that cleveland is giving up a lot here.
Brady so much > than Berry. Ward > Pick #27. Massaqua > Waters. Not even.

I don't know how were factoring in that not many more seasons will be played. If we played 10 more, I think this would be more in Deuce's favor.

And I like where your head's at Deuce!
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me controlling Berry kinda makes up for the 5 point differential with Brady

i wanted to do Brady for Newton but yanks never responded
Have for trade:

QB- Eli Manning OVR 85 AGE ? POT A
HB- Ahmad Bradshaw OVR 87 AGE 27 POT A SPD 90 ACC 97 TRK 85 ELU 87
WR- Early Doucet OVR 72 POT B SPD 85 ACC 88 CTH 77 CIT 83 RLS 73
CB- Prince Amukamara OVR 91 POT A AGE 28?

Looking for:

1st round picks
***DT- 86+ OVR
CB 70-80 OVR

Sorry from my phone
im here im here just got back home

have to look at my team then i will consider any and all offers
[quote name='Yanksrule123']Does anyone know who is controlling the saints and the first pick in the draft[/QUOTE]

Cheesyman I believe, check the first page of the thread.
jags trade block

RB Ray rice overall 94 pot a age 28
RB mikel Leshoure overall 87 pot a age 25
RB Jacquizz rodgers overall 80 pot a age 25
1st round pick ( 8th overall)
i also have 2 FBS up one is a 81 the other 79 would be willing to part ways with either

things u must offer me for players on trade block

1st round pick
Can anyone get a hold of cheesy. Im really interested in trading up for the top pick. Hoping Matt Ryan 93 and my 1st rounder would be apart. Really trying to move him before tonoght.
Just got home. I need to shower and grab some food and then I'll review these trades.

It's just the Saints-Falcons and Browns-Chiefs deals which need to be ruled on, right?
[quote name='bvharris']Just got home. I need to shower and grab some food and then I'll review these trades.

It's just the Saints-Falcons and Browns-Chiefs deals which need to be ruled on, right?[/QUOTE]

Panthers-Falcons, but yeah.
[quote name='KasterDB']Panthers-Falcons, but yeah.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I'm kind of out of it, I threw my back out before softball literally doing nothing but standing still. I am getting fucking old.

Panthers-Falcons - I think this is good as it stands.

Chiefs-Browns - I think Deuce is doing himself a disservice here, the downgrade from Brady to Delonte "Human Fumble" Waters is pretty steep. But he may well be planning to draft another QB. I'm not sure it's uneven enough to hold it up, so I think I'm good with that move if both guys want it.
I'm putting Earl Thomas/Ed Reed (either one) on the block for a good man/press corner...Reed will be more expensive obviously!

I can package my #2 CB Spencer Carnes with Earl Thomas to get a CB - Carnes is 97 speed, 84 man, 81 zone, 85 press
[quote name='bvharris']Late addition to the Pats trading block:

FS Rahim Moore - 83 OVR, 26, A Pot (95 zone, 84 catch) is available.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MasterAwesome']I'm putting Earl Thomas/Ed Reed (either one) on the block for a good man/press corner...Reed will be more expensive obviously![/QUOTE]

fucker. ;)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I felt like Tennessee really put it together the 2nd half of the season (minus the complete aberration that was the Colts first win), but losing Ruud and Finnegan is going to hurt. Adding Hutchinson on the o-line should give Johnson better holes to run through than he had last year, but the defense is going to have a lot of younger guys who need to step up. And of course, I'd prefer to not see Matt Hasselbeck anywhere near the field next year.[/QUOTE]

i hope i get to keep the titans for next year even tho this new lottery idea is prolly gonna stop that from happening....but id agree i wish they got a corner...they had probably the best draft in the league last year, adding two good linebackers, some good dlineman, and TOMMIE fukin CAMPBELL, i dont even care about losin finnegan as long as tommie is still an A potential
[quote name='bvharris']Confirmed. My bonanza of cornerbacks will be ridiculous - though DMC is moving to safety most likely.[/QUOTE]

Definitely, when I went to check your roster out I was like does he really need this guy? lol
[quote name='Blade3D']Definitely, when I went to check your roster out I was like does he really need this guy? lol[/QUOTE]

I most certainly don't need him, but I wasn't liking what else was out there with those picks. If I can flip Moore now, I'll put DMC at safety in base and nickle packages and then bring him down into the slot on dime.
[quote name='Blade3D']Trade Alert:

Giants send: CB- Amukamara, Prince OVR 91 AGE 27 POT A

Patriots send: 2x 1st round pick (#28 and #32)[/QUOTE]

trade is straight, i dont see any issues with any of the trades, but people do need to consider like u said that the rookies this year wont have time to develop, so it increases the value of veterans
[quote name='DVO21']jags trade block

RB Ray rice overall 94 pot a age 28
RB mikel Leshoure overall 87 pot a age 25
RB Jacquizz rodgers overall 80 pot a age 25
1st round pick ( 8th overall)
i also have 2 FBS up one is a 81 the other 79 would be willing to part ways with either

things u must offer me for players on trade block

1st round pick
get back to me sidney rice and cliff avril for ur 1st
Trade for Review

New England sends:
CB Derron Charles (79 OVR, 23, B Pot)
C Dan Koppen (78 OVR, 36, B Pot)

Jacksonville sends:
HB Mikel Leshoure (87 OVR, 27, A Pot)
titans lookin to trade 31st pick in the 2nd round....lookin for a savy vet......preferably a linebacker....
[quote name='bvharris']Trade for Review

New England sends:
CB Derron Charles (79 OVR, 23, B Pot)
C Dan Koppen (78 OVR, 36, B Pot)

Jacksonville sends:
HB Mikel Leshoure (87 OVR, 27, A Pot)[/QUOTE]

naw i dont know bout this one i feel New england needs to give up more
[quote name='damailman2272']naw i dont know bout this one i feel New england needs to give up more[/QUOTE]

Two players in the high 70s for one player in the high 80s? That's about as uncontroversial a trade as we've had.
DVO asked for a half hour extension on the deadline since he just got home from the field, which seems like a reasonable request. If he can have it, everyone can, so you guys have until 9 now.
Re-posting all the current deals:

[quote name='LVPatriots']Updated:

Atlanta send CB Tracy Porter, 91 ovr, 30 yo. A pot

Carolina sends a 1st, 4th and CB Captain Munnerlyn, 82 ovr, 29 yo, B pot

P.S. Widow, you know there are a dozens of New England Patriots threads, websites and forums you can also write on. Where people might actually care.. Just a thought.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Deuce20602']BLOCKBUSTER TRADE ALERT:


QB Tom Brady 99 ovr, 38 yrs
SS TJ Ward 86 ovr, A pot, 28 yrs
WR Mohammed Massaquoi 83 ovr, B pot, 28 yrs


SS Eric Berry 94 ovr, A pot, 26 yrs
QB Delonte Waters 82 ovr, ? pot, 24 yrs
1st Rd Pick (#27)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Blade3D']Trade Alert:

Giants send: CB- Amukamara, Prince OVR 91 AGE 27 POT A

Patriots send: 2x 1st round pick (#28 and #32)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bvharris']Trade for Review

New England sends:
CB Derron Charles (79 OVR, 23, B Pot)
C Dan Koppen (78 OVR, 36, B Pot)

Jacksonville sends:
HB Mikel Leshoure (87 OVR, 27, A Pot)[/QUOTE]

I don't believe I missed any.
[quote name='bvharris']Two players in the high 70s for one player in the high 80s? That's about as uncontroversial a trade as we've had.[/QUOTE]

leshore is in his high 80 and can still progress to be a ninety. koppen is pretty much done he is a one in done and charles doesn't egual out the difference if you were trading him to young high 78 maybe but not a person who is going to retire after this season
[quote name='bvharris']Two players in the high 70s for one player in the high 80s? That's about as uncontroversial a trade as we've had.[/QUOTE]

yea this trades aright, charles and koppen are no slouches, koppen is a good find at this point in the franchise, and charles is a solid corner
if new england were to add anything id say a late pick, 4th rounder at the highest. this is the last year of the franchise mailman, if it were last season id agree new england would need to add more, but even so, not much
He's getting two players who will star/play regular minutes for him in exchange for his backup HB.

This is likely to be the last season of the franchise anyway, so progression/agedoesn't mean what it might have 2 or 3 seasons ago.
[quote name='damailman2272']o true i guess idk it just seems like leshore is being under valued as a player he is tough[/QUOTE]

He's definitely a solid player (which explains my interest, lol), but Charles is no slouch at CB and Koppen (while pretty old) is better than anything he has at C.
lol well leshoure is replaced as a backup rodgers is almost the exact running back and hes carry 99
this is my last season for sure, i feel we should all get away from the game for at least a couple weeks b4 the new one comes out ya know....LV actually said he wants to keep going with this franchise and say Fk M13, i told him to stop doin so many different drugs at once
[quote name='bvharris']He's getting two players who will star/play regular minutes for him in exchange for his backup HB.

This is likely to be the last season of the franchise anyway, so progression/agedoesn't mean what it might have 2 or 3 seasons ago.[/QUOTE]

i hear what u are saying but leshore could be a stud for you he is a starting rb on a majority of teams in this league. i mean the only reason he is a backup is ray rice.
[quote name='damailman2272']i hear what u are saying but leshore could be a stud for you he is a starting rb on a majority of teams in this league. i mean the only reason he is a backup is ray rice.[/QUOTE]

He's a backup for me too.
[quote name='DVO21']wow just looked at gabberts up grade amazing

TP 90
TAS- 99
TAM- 99
TAD- 75
TOR- 87

Colt McCoyian. :lol:
bread's done