Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='bvharris']I don't think it matters at this point. If the consensus is that the deal's no good, than it's off the table and we'll either submit a new version or not.

Calling Superstar to the principal's office to explain why he wants to run his team the way he does doesn't really serve any purpose.[/QUOTE]

After reminding people to watch their tone when discussing this deal, a sentence like your last one is unnecessary. It comes off pouty. Are we or are we not discussing the deal? Since he explicitly asked for those players, I think hearing his reasoning for what makes the trade fair (ie. what usefulness those players have) is extremely relevant. I'm being civil with you right now and discussing this deal like an adult like you always ask for. Don't cop an attitude.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']After reminding people to watch their tone when discussing this deal, a sentence like your last one is unnecessary. It comes off pouty. Are we or are we not discussing the deal? Since he explicitly asked for those players, I think hearing his reasoning for what makes the trade fair is extremely relevant. I'm being civil with you right now and discussing this deal like an adult like you always ask for. Don't cop an attitude.[/QUOTE]

I'm not copping any attitude, I have no idea whatsoever how your even made that leap. Christ dude, I have no idea how your mind works sometimes, you don't need to look for conflict in everything.

If you all think he's making a bad deal for himself, it's fine to say so. But he's a big boy and he's been in the league for a long time - he doesn't need to come down and explain every move, he knows what he's doing. The deal's either fair or not on its own merits. If it's not fair, it's not fair, and it doesn't go through. Like with every other trade we've sent back to the drawing board. There's no reason to drag Superstar through the ringer.

The current version of the deal isn't happening, there's nothing to dissect.
I sent Superstar a new version of the trade. I'll see if it's too his liking and if it is, we'll go from there. The previous version is officially off the table.
But the fact that he hasn't come into the thread to discuss the deal at all has no relevance? For all we know, his silence could be an indication that he's had second thoughts and agrees with us. Speculation...sure, but he hasn't said anything. If the discussion is all one sided from your perspective, how are any of us supposed to be able to view it objectively? And your "principal's office" remark just sounded like sour grapes. But yeah, I'm sure I'm the only one who'd take it that way. :roll:
[quote name='n8rockerasu']But the fact that he hasn't come into the thread to discuss the deal at all has no relevance? For all we know, his silence could be an indication that he's had second thoughts and agrees with us. Speculation...sure, but he hasn't said anything. If the discussion is all one sided from your perspective, how are any of us supposed to be able to view it objectively? [/QUOTE]

Wow. Even for you, that's pretty incredible conspiratorial nonsense. If Superstar was having second thoughts about the deal, we'd have called it off. The idea that I'd want to (or even be able to) strongarm someone into a deal they didn't like is laughable. It's not like Superstar posts in the thread frequently to begin with.

We talked for a few days about making a deal, and once Moore became available we moved on it. He got the players he asked for, he submitted the deal. You guys thought it was unfair, so it's back to the drawing board, which is how it works.

Not every trade needs to be a grand jury panel.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']And your "principal's office" remark just sounded like sour grapes. But yeah, I'm sure I'm the only one who'd take it that way. :roll:[/QUOTE]

I've mentioned this before, but you are basically 0 for a lifetime on correctly interpreting my attitude or intentions whenever you try. You have no idea what I think or feel, just stick to your own thoughts.
BV - I got accepted to the University of Mary Washington, in Fredericksburg, VA. I'm pretty excited, haha.

Staticz - I would like to take it with me, but I want to get a sense for how worried I should be. You bring up a good point, about destressing, but video games are such a huge distraction for me. I need to not even have access to my Xbox or else I'll play it instead of being productive :lol:
[quote name='KasterDB']BV - I got accepted to the University of Mary Washington, in Fredericksburg, VA. I'm pretty excited, haha.

Cool. Lots of interesting Civil War battlefields around there.

[quote name='bvharris']Cool. Lots of interesting Civil War battlefields around there.


I've gotten my fill of those living in the Shenandoah Valley :D
[quote name='KasterDB']I've gotten my fill of those living in the Shenandoah Valley :D[/QUOTE]

Can't really walk five steps in Virginia without tripping over one I suppose.
[quote name='bvharris']Wow. Even for you, that's pretty incredible conspiratorial nonsense. If Superstar was having second thoughts about the deal, we'd have called it off. The idea that I'd want to (or even be able to) strongarm someone into a deal they didn't like is laughable. It's not like Superstar posts in the thread frequently to begin with.

We talked for a few days about making a deal, and once Moore became available we moved on it. He got the players he asked for, he submitted the deal. You guys thought it was unfair, so it's back to the drawing board, which is how it works.

Not every trade needs to be a grand jury panel.

I've mentioned this before, but you are basically 0 for a lifetime on correctly interpreting my attitude or intentions whenever you try. You have no idea what I think or feel, just stick to your own thoughts.[/QUOTE]

Blah, blah, blah, get defensive, deflect egregious behavior back toward me. I've seen this episode before. You disagree with everybody who opposed the trade, then can't even defend the rational points (which you asked for) that are made against it. Then, when it's clear it won't go through, all of a sudden we're not allowed to discuss it anymore. But yes, I'm completely unreasonable. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! OZ has spoken!!!" :applause: Bravo, sir.
[quote name='bvharris']Can't really walk five steps in Virginia without tripping over one I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Definitely. However, as a history major, it's actually somewhat useful :)

Yayyyy Virginia.
n8, I don't have the time or the patience to go ten rounds with you. It's unfortunate that you feel the need to be so overwhelmingly hostile to someone who is a complete stranger to you. I've never understood it, and I don't think I ever will. There's nothing I can do about the kind of persona you choose to adopt around here, so the best plan is probably to just stop trying to understand it.
[quote name='Og whitewidow']If you picked up any of these LG's or anyone on this list please drop them.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Og whitewidow']Sapp SS
Woods TE
D Brown HB
J Davis LG
A Gonzalez WR
J Hughes RE
J Lacey CB[/QUOTE]

We can take a look at the transaction log and see if anyone else picked them up. I looked yesterday and I hadn't seen anything untoward, but fero is usually better at finding those than me. I'd suggest shooting him a PM to ask about it.
Show me where I was hostile. I was discussing a trade like a civilized human being, actually trying to help your ass, and you got snarky with me. Go back and read my posts. Most of them are in your favor, only requesting that Superstar justify his reasoning for wanting that particular group of players. Most everybody in here had the belief that you were fleecing him with shitty players. You stated that those were the guys he asked for. Would the logical solution not be to explain his reasoning? But whatever, man. I stopped taking you seriously a long time ago.
[quote name='Og whitewidow']Sapp SS
Woods TE
D Brown HB
J Davis LG
A Gonzalez WR
J Hughes RE
J Lacey CB[/QUOTE]

Sapp SS -Still in the Free Agency Pool
Woods TE-Still in the Free Agency Pool
D Brown HB-Still in the Free Agency Pool
J Davis LG-Still in the Free Agency Pool
A Gonzalez WR-Still in the Free Agency Pool
J Hughes RE-Still in the Free Agency Pool
J Lacey CB-Still in the Free Agency Pool
jags vs bills has started

ive never won the first game of the season with the jags or even had a winning record with this team at anypoint during my 4 seasons.
hope this year is my year
[quote name='DVO21']jags vs bills has started

ive never won the first game of the season with the jags or even had a winning record with this team at anypoint during my 4 seasons.
hope this year is my year[/QUOTE]

When you get a chance can you re-post the final deal you made with sprice? I approved it, just need to add it to the OP.
[quote name='DVO21'][quote name='DVO21']jags send

LE jeremy Mincey age 31 overall 76 pot c

TE Artavious Kilgo age 22 overall 84 pot A

WR Ashton Whitney age 24 overall 79 pot B

for lions

WR Sidney Rice age 28 overall 89 pot A

LE Cliff Avril age 29 overall 86 pot B

this is our trade agreement

and i cant wait to use these new guys on my team going to be amazing[/QUOTE]

[quote name='sprice8688']

Thank you, good sir.

On an unrelated note, I've got to give you props for your confidence: The Orioles are putting a hurting on the Sox this weekend. Today was painful to watch.
[quote name='DVO21'][quote name='DVO21']jags send

LE jeremy Mincey age 31 overall 76 pot c

TE Artavious Kilgo age 22 overall 84 pot A

WR Ashton Whitney age 24 overall 79 pot B

for lions

WR Sidney Rice age 28 overall 89 pot A

LE Cliff Avril age 29 overall 86 pot B

this is our trade agreement

and i cant wait to use these new guys on my team going to be amazing[/QUOTE]

herre it is
[quote name='bvharris']Thank you, good sir.

On an unrelated note, I've got to give you props for your confidence: The Orioles are putting a hurting on the Sox this weekend. Today was painful to watch.[/QUOTE]

they have just been playin real well outscoring others and pitching great... yest they handed u the game i cant believe we pulled it out but i did believe out bullpen would continue to hold it down.. today was rough but i got scared wen u guys startes rocketing balls lol... i noticed half ur team was hurt tho so it def helps when half ur starters arnt playin
[quote name='sprice8688']i noticed half ur team was hurt tho so it def helps when half ur starters arnt playin[/QUOTE]

I can assure you they haven't done much better when they're in there. ;)

I'll be out of pocket this evening, so if anyone needs any commissionering done, try fero.
[quote name='DVO21']where was season 4's player of the year and all that other stuff list[/QUOTE]

Oh snap didn't realize AP won Offensive Player of the Year, at least I got something this past season.
Broncos trading block:
HB Knowshon Moreno, 86 OVR, A POT, age 28
RE Elvis Dumervil, 84 OVR, A POT, age 31
I have 3 LGs between 76-80 OVR, I'm open to trading any one of them.

Wants -
Speedy HB
[quote name='billymcdugal']hey i had to be booted and just now got my madden working so if anyone could supply me with the password i'd appreciate it.[/QUOTE]

You should have an invite.
This leaves us with very little time to complete our game, billymcdugal. I will not be available whatsoever tomorrow until probably 11 P.M. Eastern time, so can you play later on tonight?
Trade up for review

Saints send Tamani Burrell 63 OVR D Pot 22

Bucs send Russ Krik 63 OVR D Pot 22

Reason behind trade he got rushed making his pick when we were looking at WRs so he took the guy I wanted and when it got to my pick he found the guy he wanted
Superstar has been incommunicato (spelling?).

I will start asking for a sub tomorrow morning,

Happy Cinco de Mayo.
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[quote name='Blade3D']Oh snap didn't realize AP won Offensive Player of the Year, at least I got something this past season.[/

Good work man. I couldnt get anywhere near that production out of him.
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[quote name='LVPatriots']Superstar has been incommunicato (spelling?).

I will start asking for a sub tomorrow morning,

Happy Cinco de Mayo.[/QUOTE]

I just PM'd you asking if you could play now. I havent been home all weekend.
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']I need a sub today ?[/QUOTE]

I thought BSETI was going to do it?

Just grab anyone who's around, I'm sure someone's available.
[quote name='sprice8688']i can do it later on if need b[/QUOTE]
I should be back home by 9 pm I'll hit you up or whoever else
bread's done