Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

Remaining Games:

Falcons-Ravens (scheduled for late tonight)

Sorry I haven't really been keeping track of these games, it's spring cleaning day in the bv residence. :D

Matt, were you able to get a hold of billymcdugal? I saw a post earlier that you were having some trouble.
[quote name='sprice8688']lets go os :)[/QUOTE]

At least it took the Sox so long to lose today that I could roll it right into the Celtics game. :roll:
[quote name='bvharris']I thought BSETI was going to do it?

Just grab anyone who's around, I'm sure someone's available.[/QUOTE]

i was gonna but we had some scheduling issues then my schedule got filled completly....

also can u play our game tomorrow night at some point? i should be home from work around 5pm, 6 at the latest
[quote name='BSETI50']
also can u play our game tomorrow night at some point? i should be home from work around 5pm, 6 at the latest[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that should work.
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']Im available to play a sub right after game of thrones tonight , it comes on at 9pm est time , is that too late BV ?[/QUOTE]

No, I believe MA's game is scheduled for after that.
[quote name='Matt Young']This leaves us with very little time to complete our game, billymcdugal. I will not be available whatsoever tomorrow until probably 11 P.M. Eastern time, so can you play later on tonight?[/QUOTE]
okay we can aim for 11:30p est if you want, i had sent you a PM but you can let me know when your back and we can try to set it up
Trade up for review
jags send

WR mike thomas overall 82 age 28 pot b

pats send

FS Rahim Moore overall 83 age 25 pot a
[quote name='siradam134']Packers @ Vikings is the only game that hasn't been played...i'm not advancing us until bvharris has weighed in.[/QUOTE]

Promote me back and I'll advance us in the morning if it hasn't been played.
[quote name='DVO21']Hey bv got a game today at 6 hope we can push that trade through before then[/QUOTE]

Still need folks to weigh in:

[quote name='DVO21']Trade up for review
jags send

WR mike thomas overall 82 85 age 28 pot b

pats send

FS Rahim Moore overall 83 age 25 pot a[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Tanabeo']Trade up for review

Saints send Tamani Burrell 63 OVR D Pot 22

Bucs send Russ Krik 63 OVR D Pot 22

Reason behind trade he got rushed making his pick when we were looking at WRs so he took the guy I wanted and when it got to my pick he found the guy he wanted[/QUOTE]

This trade is approved and processed.
[quote name='Deuce20602']OKC!!!!!!!!!

FLOYD MAYWEATHER!!! 43 up, 43 down... that is all[/QUOTE]

You know damn straight he doesn't wanna fight Pacquaio. Mayweather thinks he'll be the main event of that would end his career.
[quote name='Og whitewidow']You know damn straight he doesn't wanna fight Pacquaio. Mayweather thinks he'll be the main event of that would end his career.[/QUOTE]

Mayweather wouldn't give Pacquiao a chance. What you saw Saturday was a show. I seriously doubt Mayweather would do anything beside put on a defensive clinic and out-point Manny if they ever fight.
[quote name='Og whitewidow']You know damn straight he doesn't wanna fight Pacquaio. Mayweather thinks he'll be the main event of that would end his career.[/QUOTE]

Pacquaio don't want to take the Blood and Urine test because he out there Juicing. He not ready for Mayweather straight up.
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']Random but does anybody have a NBA2k league going ?[/QUOTE]

A bunch of us attempted to start one, but it didn't work out.
another random question , is there anywhere online I can play monopoly against other users for free, as you all can see Im not doing much at work today lol
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']Pacquaio don't want to take the Blood and Urine test because he out there Juicing. He not ready for Mayweather straight up.[/QUOTE]

False. That's Mayweather spin.

It's all about the money. I think I read Mayweather wants at least a 60-40 split.

Manny turned down 40 million flat and Mayweather turned down a 70-30 split to the winner. Every time the money issue comes up, Mayweather deflects and says "well Bob Arum and um take the test"

They're both pussies anyway. They've been doing this dance for what 3 years now?

[quote name='Yanksrule123']Mayweather could fight blind folded with one arm and embarass manny !!! No one can touch money may!!![/QUOTE]

Keep jockriding
[quote name='Yanksrule123']Mayweather could fight blind folded with one arm and embarass manny !!! No one can touch money may!!![/QUOTE] buddy, Monopoly and thousands of other games to pass the time.
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']another random question , is there anywhere online I can play monopoly against other users for free, as you all can see Im not doing much at work today lol[/QUOTE] buddy, Monopoly and thousands of other games to pass the time.
CAG NAME: thrax83
XBL NAME:thrax83
Team Name: Thraxxx (steelers )

im interested in joining even playing scrimmages. let me know.
[quote name='Thrax83']CAG NAME: thrax83
XBL NAME:thrax83
Team Name: Thraxxx (steelers )

im interested in joining even playing scrimmages. let me know.[/QUOTE]

I'll send you the league info. Please review the rules in the OP and let me know if you have any questions.
Pacquiao, at one point or another, had to be juicing... u don't go from being a featherweight to welterweight without losing speed to gain power... Mayweather knows he could lose cuz one well placed punch (read: lucky punch) can end it all... ask Roy Jones Jr.

anyone trying to deny that Floyd is the draw in that fight is nuts. If it happens, you're either gonna watch to see Floyd win or you're watching to see Floyd lose.

It is about the money... Floyd and Bob Arum don't like each other so that plays into this too, but Floyd gaveManny a fairly good deal and Arum wouldn't take it cuz the more Manny gets from the fight, the more Arum gets to siphon from him.

In closing... Floyd Mayweather is the best defensive fighter i've seen with my own eyes and he's undefeated... until he loses, he is the best, point blank
and for the record, Cotto made a fan out of me Saturday night... I think he humbled Floyd...

and watch out for Andre Berto, and Saul "Canelo" Alvares... they're gonna hold up the division when Floyd and Manny retire
That is 3 of us , so far Im sure I can get Duece involved too so that would make 4 of us.

On another note anybody have the Turtle Beach xp300, xp400 or xp500 headset, Im seriously thinking of purchasing one today. I have had the original corded turtle beach headset, and currently I have the X31. I really hate that one cord which is now gone and it is totally wireless now.
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']I should have posted a time on that , What time is good for you ?[/QUOTE]

I have a game at 11EST so anytime other then that would work for me.
LV/BSETI - I'm not gonna be able to play tonight as it turns out. LV, grab another Eagles sub if you want. BSETI, I should be good tomorrow night.
Does anyone want to sub for the eagles? I'll be available in 2 hours (5pm pacific) and I'd love to get this played today, so pm me if you're up for a game. Thanks.
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']That is 3 of us , so far Im sure I can get Duece involved too so that would make 4 of us.

On another note anybody have the Turtle Beach xp300, xp400 or xp500 headset, Im seriously thinking of purchasing one today. I have had the original corded turtle beach headset, and currently I have the X31. I really hate that one cord which is now gone and it is totally wireless now.[/QUOTE]

I've still got an x31. I want to upgrade but haven't bit yet. If you get a new one let me know how it works.

Seahawks vs Giants will be played tonight. The Hawks look to move to 2-0, hopefully I can get my offense moving a little better.
[quote name='staticz']I've still got an x31. I want to upgrade but haven't bit yet. If you get a new one let me know how it works.

Seahawks vs Giants will be played tonight. The Hawks look to move to 2-0, hopefully I can get my offense moving a little better.[/QUOTE]

ok Ill let you know I went to the store they only had the xp500 I might have to order online
bread's done