MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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2-0 Edgar. BJ looks timid as hell. Maybe he's waiting on Edgar to gas, but we'll see if that happens. Crazy that so many bigger guys have had trouble taking BJ down, and Edgar, who could easily fight at 145, has done it 3 times in 2 rounds.
3-0 Answer. Kinda surprised Rogan and Goldberg are gushing so much about Edgar dominating the fight considering we just saw Chael Sonnen destroy Anderson Silva for 4 rounds, and then lose. There's still A LOT of fight left.
Closer 4th round, but I think I'd give it to Edgar because he did more damage. 4-0 IMO. Edgar just needs to survive another 5 minutes and he's keeping the belt.
WHOOOO!!! The Answer, baby! How about that immediate rematch? SHUT OUT! I don't want to see Penn in another title fight for at least two years. It's time to give the new blood a chance to reign.

Man, those last two fights were fantastic! Definitely made up for Florian losing.
Wow Penn Wow
Gotta give it to Frankie Edgar. He deserved to win. Didn't think BJ would get outclassed like that.
Who in the lightweight div. can contend next?
[quote name='bobo2k4']Wow Penn Wow
Gotta give it to Frankie Edgar. He deserved to win. Didn't think BJ would get outclassed like that.
Who in the lightweight div. can contend next?[/QUOTE]

maynard will beat him again just like last time. unlike bj hes smart enough to know the guy is going to bounce around and win the only way he can, on points.

im completely puzzled how bj and his stupid camp thought fighting that fight the same way as the first would have a different result.
Congrats Frankie! Hope he gets the respect he deserves. 1st match wasn't a fluke and 2nd match was complete domination. Feel bad for BJ though.
Maybe another run at GSP's belt but he just didn't look like the BJ we know. He just didn't have an answer to "The Answer".
Another solid night of fights. I keep saying that but damn I LOVE MMA :D.
[quote name='paz9x']maynard will beat him again just like last time. unlike bj hes smart enough to know the guy is going to bounce around and win the only way he can, on points.[/QUOTE]

Irony? Not saying Maynard won't win, but maybe, just maybe Edgar's gotten better since the last time they fought? I thought Edgar was more impressive against BJ than Maynard was against Florian.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Irony? Not saying Maynard won't win, but maybe, just maybe Edgar's gotten better since the last time they fought? I thought Edgar was more impressive against BJ than Maynard was against Florian.[/QUOTE]
the guy fights the same way, where exactly have you seen an improvement? you cant let frankie dance around and do his thing and expect anything other than a decision his way. unluckily for frankie, maynard figured that out and outwrestled him and hell do it again. maynard is just as likely to have improved as frankie, outside the diaz fight, he has a gameplan that can get him the win and executes it. hes going to take him down and control hiim like he does with everybody. i like maynard as a guy but hes terribly boring as a fighter, not a big florian fan but id much rather see him as the champ than either of those boring guys.

i really think the headline from the fight tonight should be how the fuck bj and his camp thought that was the way to win the fight. im really just puzzled, totally confused. theres no problem with the result i just cant comprehend how that was the strategy to get the win.

edit - bj and gonzaga are poster boys for what happens when you surround yourself with yes men and not people who can really train you and prepare you for a fight.
[quote name='paz9x']i really think the headline from the fight tonight should be how the fuck bj and his camp thought that was the way to win the fight. im really just puzzled, totally confused. theres no problem with the result i just cant comprehend how that was the strategy to get the win.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but it wasn't EXACTLY the same strategy. BJ did at least go for takedowns in this fight, and got Edgar down twice. But it still wasn't enough. Mostly, BJ just looked like he didn't know what to try. Maybe that right there is the improvement Edgar has made. If he can get back up after Maynard takes him down, it's a totally different fight. Personally, if I'm Edgar, I'd try beating Maynard to the punch and take him down. Might catch him by surprise. I'll just be happy to see new blood in a title fight for once.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I agree, but it wasn't EXACTLY the same strategy. BJ did at least go for takedowns in this fight, and got Edgar down twice. But it still wasn't enough. Mostly, BJ just looked like he didn't know what to try. Maybe that right there is the improvement Edgar has made. If he can get back up after Maynard takes him down, it's a totally different fight. Personally, if I'm Edgar, I'd try beating Maynard to the punch and take him down. Might catch him by surprise. I'll just be happy to see new blood in a title fight for once.[/QUOTE]

it seems like more a fault of penn and his horrible camp than edgars improvement in that respect. frankie didnt fight a different fight.

i havent seen all of maynards fights, most of them though, and i cant recall him being taken down ever. he man-handled edgar. i dont think the fight will be interesting or even entertaining really. either maynard does the same thing and its the same fight but 3 rounds longer or edgar bounces around and they trade take downs, either way i hope the title gets into someone other than their hands quick. i think florian edgar is a better fight.

ill tell you one thing, neither of those guys is pushing a ppv.
I really like BJ Penn as a fighter but it seems like he doesn't have any passion or motivation left to fight anymore. Even during the countdown show he mention that if he lose to Edgar again he will still be number 1 in his head. To me it sound like he is ready to retire.
[quote name='blueweltall']I really like BJ Penn as a fighter but it seems like he doesn't have any passion or motivation left to fight anymore. Even during the countdown show he mention that if he lose to Edgar again he will still be number 1 in his head. To me it sound like he is ready to retire.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, he sounded ready to hang it up, but I think a little time away will cause him to realize he wants to come back. He's only 31. I'd like to see him try welterweight again, but he'd have even less of a chance getting by GSP than he would Edgar. I still think he can be a top guy, but not a champion in either division anytime soon.
BJ needs to get a better camp. Instead of them giving him constructive advice, they would just say ego inducing crap like "you're stronger than this little cock."
I kind of hope Frankie beats Maynard but not because I dislike Maynard (I don't) I just think Edgar is way more exciting a fighter to watch, a more interesting champion to me. Maynard is super tough though, I could easily see him winning that matchup. I was glad that Maynard beat Florian though, I have always found Kenny to be overhyped and annoying quite frankly. He isn't going to be Lightweight champion as far as I can tell. I mean who at the top of the division can he beat? Frankie Edgar....I highly doubt it. Edgar's better on his feet and Florian couldn't stop his takedowns. Maynard....nope can't even dream of stopping those takedowns. BJ Penn.....there's just no way. BJ is better than Florian in every way basically. Dana said it a the press conference last night, Florian just chokes in the big fights. He just doesn't have the "it" factor needed to be champion.
Diaz had a crazy reach advantage and once it went to the ground in the third it was over.

Maia was all over him and completely dominated that fight.

Maynard did what I was afraid he going to do and once against KenFlo loses a big fight.

Captain America is my hero!!! Toney didn't have a chance Randy just whooped his ass bad.

Edgar did what he did last time and Penn didn't change too much either. He looks like he might be done, doesn't seem like his hearts in it anymore.

Overall, good night of fights just seeing Toney get whooped was worth watching this one!
Funny to see various people over the forums disrespecting Randy for not going toe-to-toe with Toney. Really now? Why not disrespect Lights Out for not trying to wrestle Randy?

I really get frustrated with the Boxing vs MMA debate and people should really give it up since Boxing ≠ MMA and vice versa. You can't be one-dimensional in a multi-dimensional sport nor can you bring average skills in a sport that caters to one-specific talent.
[quote name='Renzokuken']BJ needs to get a better camp. Instead of them giving him constructive advice, they would just say ego inducing crap like "you're stronger than this little cock."[/QUOTE]

This x1000

Dudes camp and the people he surrounds himself with just feed his ego rather than push him.
MMA > Boxing.MMA is much closer to a real fight and boxers out of their element don't have much of a chance.Toney just has no idea what he was doing.Even though I was very confident in Randy.I always had it in the back of my head with a slim chance that Toney could land a single punch and get a KO, but not even a single punch was landed on him.

The rematch with Maynard vs. Edgar should be pretty interesting,last time Edgar was dominated,but thanks to it being a title fight I'd say his chances of winning are much higher then before.Although I didn't see Maynard vs. Florian last night so don't know about his cardio there but in some previous fights he tends to slow down by the 3rd round so an extra two rounds could be what makes the difference.

Feels a little weird that BJ just didn't cut it for all the raw talent he has,being outwrestled,outboxed and just everything lol.Hes been dominant for so long but it looks like hes out of the lightweight title picture for good unless Edgar loses the belt.Wouldn't make sense to give BJ a title shot anytime soon after losing it both times.

Edit: Just read a good article on mmamania

Brings up an interesting point that hes 5-5-1 in title fights with a somewhat plain win rate in title fights compared to other fighters considered the best.
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A big reason that Penn might have looked so...flat in there (he did not look confident at all) is because he can't make 155 like he used to be able to. He isn't in his 20s anymore and isn't exactly a young buck, and in addition to that he will not be able to beat the top contenders at LW these days. Frankie Edgar beats him, Gray Maynard beats him, Soto is a very tough fight for him, and Penn has already beaten guys below the title contention level like Diego Sanchez and KenFlo.

I suspect that Penn will move up to WW now, and try to compete there. That way, he will have a whole new batch of fighters to try out, and he won't have to cut that much either so he can be lazy.

I agree about his camp not being good for BJ. He has natural talent and got his black belt in BJJ in THREE YEARS, but fails to reach his potential. It is because his camp is filled with people that he can beat up and that will tell him he's the best that ever lived and will ever be in MMA. Nobody's there to push him or give him a challenge, so he is basically the leader of his own training camp IMO, which is not how its supposed to be.

BTW, I also have to say that praising Couture is useless. Toney has had zero experience, and obviously didn't train very hard for this fight. I don't believe that he really was "improving" in camp and I think his MMA coach is full of it by saying he was ever anything in camp.
I honestly thought Maia would tire out after multiple unsuccessful takedown and submission attempts, and would fall victim to a Miranda KO late in the fight. I like Maia, but still surprised that he won. As my friend, and former Sherdog employee, said, "Just imagine if Maia had power."

Maia could be a beast if he actually were strong enough to make a difference against decent to good competition.

I'm not even going to further address the BJ-Frankie fight. I will close on the topic with: Frankie is a nice guy and I can't find a single reason to hate him. He's respectful, a genuine Rocky Balboa, and a nice guy. Good for him.

You could see the anxiety inside KenFlo burst through in expressions during his fight with Gr-Gr-Gr-Gray Maynard. I feel bad for Kenny--as I like his personality and dedication--but he needs to stop choking in big fights or he'll never amount to anything.

Overall, I feel bad for Dana, as that was a disappointing card in his hometown of Boston.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']BTW, I also have to say that praising Couture is useless. Toney has had zero experience, and obviously didn't train very hard for this fight. I don't believe that he really was "improving" in camp and I think his MMA coach is full of it by saying he was ever anything in camp.[/QUOTE]

You say this as though Randy picked the fight. Toney came after HIM, like he was going to prove something to the world. Maybe this will teach stupid ass boxers that there's more to fighting than throwing your fist at someone's face. It's also retarded to say "Oh, if it was a boxing match, Toney would win!" Well, yeah, and I bet Shaq could beat Tom Brady at basketball too. What does that prove?

The problem comes with boxers claiming that they are the world's best FIGHTERS...when this is clearly not the case. Nobody in the world questioned James Toney's ability to punch. Just that in an actual if someone got pissed off at you on the street, he doesn't have the tools necessary to win. Too many boxers with huge chips on their shoulders can't even acknowledge that this is a logical argument. All you hear is "Blah, blah, blah...I'm a bad dude! When I touch you, it's over!!!" How'd that KO from your back work out for you, James? Pretty tough to generate any power from down there aint it?
Wait just one cotton-pickin' minute. Are you saying, Nate, that you actually understood some of the words that came out of James Toney's mouth? Dude reminded me of Ahmed Johnson, both in promo skills and in beer gut.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']You say this as though Randy picked the fight. Toney came after HIM, like he was going to prove something to the world. Maybe this will teach stupid ass boxers that there's more to fighting than throwing your fist at someone's face. It's also retarded to say "Oh, if it was a boxing match, Toney would win!" Well, yeah, and I bet Shaq could beat Tom Brady at basketball too. What does that prove?

The problem comes with boxers claiming that they are the world's best FIGHTERS...when this is clearly not the case. Nobody in the world questioned James Toney's ability to punch. Just that in an actual if someone got pissed off at you on the street, he doesn't have the tools necessary to win. Too many boxers with huge chips on their shoulders can't even acknowledge that this is a logical argument. All you hear is "Blah, blah, blah...I'm a bad dude! When I touch you, it's over!!!" How'd that KO from your back work out for you, James? Pretty tough to generate any power from down there aint it?[/QUOTE]

It does not matter if Toney called him out, he had no MMA experience and it turned out to be the freakshow farce that any people expected. Couture missed his initial takedown, then, while on his knees, grabbed Toney's left leg and Toney just fell down, letting Couture fall on top of him practically into mount. That ALONE shows that Toney had .0000000001% useful MMA training.

He never even knew how to attempt getting up off his back, and barely even moved when he hit his back. Couture beating somebody like that, its like beating an 0-17 MMA fighter with no MMA skill. Its the same thing. Would people be jumping up in the air, dancing and praising Couture if he beat somebody like that? No. But they do for Toney. Like I said, it doesn't matter that Toney was talking all that smack, he never even threw a punch and has no MMA skills. I would have been able to mount and submit Toney if I got him down, its nothing special that Couture did.

P.S. Him getting his "Catch Wrestling" Black Belt from his trainer (who made up that system I believe) by submitting Toney is a joke. Gray Maynard is right:

"If you got a black belt for that...then they owe me one too"
He didn't get his belt for submitting Toney. That is just the time his trainer wanted to present it to him, on the big stage.
Couture beating Toney is nothing special.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']
BTW, I also have to say that praising Couture is useless. Toney has had zero experience, and obviously didn't train very hard for this fight. I don't believe that he really was "improving" in camp and I think his MMA coach is full of it by saying he was ever anything in camp.[/QUOTE]

That whole thing was a freak show, it had no business being on a PPV IMO.

I agree with what most people are saying about BJ Penn, I think he's started to believe his own bullshit. He really thinks he's that good that he beat people without training all that hard.
[quote name='benjamouth']That whole thing was a freak show, it had no business being on a PPV IMO.

I agree with what most people are saying about BJ Penn, I think he's started to believe his own bullshit. He really thinks he's that good that he beat people without training all that hard.[/QUOTE]

Penn always believed that he was the best. He has always had it easy (I think he has a wealthy family in Hilo), and he has natural ability so he never thought he needed to train that hard. And considering he beat a lot of good guys (though has never been on much of a win streak oddly enough), it just made his ego bigger.

Plus, his camps have always been...less then productive. Penn should train at Team Blackhouse now (they sent him an invite to train with them), I am sure they would push him a lot more then he is pushed now.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']It does not matter if Toney called him out, he had no MMA experience and it turned out to be the freakshow farce that any people expected. Couture missed his initial takedown, then, while on his knees, grabbed Toney's left leg and Toney just fell down, letting Couture fall on top of him practically into mount. That ALONE shows that Toney had .0000000001% useful MMA training.

He never even knew how to attempt getting up off his back, and barely even moved when he hit his back. Couture beating somebody like that, its like beating an 0-17 MMA fighter with no MMA skill. Its the same thing. Would people be jumping up in the air, dancing and praising Couture if he beat somebody like that? No. But they do for Toney. Like I said, it doesn't matter that Toney was talking all that smack, he never even threw a punch and has no MMA skills. I would have been able to mount and submit Toney if I got him down, its nothing special that Couture did.[/QUOTE]

I honestly can't tell whether we're arguing the same point or if you're actually trying to defend James Toney. I don't think anybody here is saying Randy Couture should get a shot at Brock Lesnar because he beat James Toney. I agree, beating a fighter of Toney's skill level isn't a big accomplishment. But with the shit Toney talked before the fight, he made it into one. He belittled MMA, and honestly thought it was something he could master in eight months. Hell, he was saying after he finished off Randy, he wanted Brock Lesnar next.

Now, clearly, he's just a delusional old man, but it doesn't change the fact that he honestly believed...and presented to the world, that his skill in boxing was enough by itself to beat Randy Couture in a fight. Sadly, he is not alone in the opinion, as many other boxing apologists believe that superior striking alone is enough to decimate any MMA fighter. Again...this line of thinking is delusional.

Honestly, I think what the UFC did with the fight was great because as best they could, they made the fight even. Ok, James Toney is old and past his prime. Well, Randy Couture is 5 years older and has shown a decline in his skills over the past several years. Randy Couture hasn't held the belt in 2 years. James Toney is a CURRENT champion in his sport. It's not like they needed the best MMA fighter in the world to beat James Toney. If he did get a shot at Lesnar, my God, that be a freaking massacre. Even if you took a younger, more athletic boxer and stuck him in there with Brock Lesnar, it would be the same result.

The bottom line is, in a real fight, you can't dictate what kind of attack your opponent brings at you. So you can't go into it with one skill, and think you're going to be successful. But what's interesting about the Boxing vs MMA argument is, there's nothing in boxing that is illegal in MMA. So, it's not like the boxer is actually handicapped in any way. But conversely, if you took an MMA fighter, and put him in a boxing match, he would be at a severe disadvantage because you're telling him he can't use at least half of his skills. That's not fair...and sure as hell isn't real fighting. How can people not see this?
I'm not defending James Toney, I'm just saying that Couture did nothing at all special by defeating and dominating a guy with like 9 months MMA training, who knew NOTHING on the ground, who is like 42 years old (probably too old to learn anything new) against a star wrestler.

I could care less about the whole Boxing V MMA argument (although I still stand by the idea that if a decent boxer had any takedown defense, unlike Toney, he would destroy any MMA fighter.....), the fact that I'm trying to state is that Couture did nothing great. Like I said, if Couture would have beaten up some negative record noob with no ground game, nobody would be "woo Couture, you're sooooo great I love you!" like they are after Couture beat Toney.

James made a hyped fight and made people think he had any MMA skill (and I kinda believed him), but obviously he didn't. What he said about MMA and the fighters in it and that they are sissy's or whatever else means little when you look at the facts. He has no MMA skill/experience, fighting a guy with massive wrestling/MMA skill/experience.
Liddell's signature hair is gone......:cry:. But it's for a good cause. ARTICLE


Personally, I think he should let the Fro Grow.:)
It's like Tom Selleck without the mustache; You know it's him, but it just doesn't look right at all.
[quote name='ced']It's like Tom Selleck without the mustache; You know it's him, but it just doesn't look right at all.[/QUOTE]

I know. He's had it for 18 Years
. He now goes by Charles D. Liddell :lol:. Somebody should photoshop his goatee off. Bet we can't recognize him.
Yeah if Penn had half a brain left he'd be at Blackhouse.

His BJJ is a joke. I'm sick of hearing how it is so great when all he can ever do is take the back and try and RNC like EVERYONE ELSE. Same goes for Florian.

Shinya Aoki has great BJJ, that is how he dismantles opponents.

Anyway 3 cheers for Edgar and Aldo...two guys everyone thought would falter against the old guard and proved doubters wrong.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']His BJJ is a joke.
Anyway 3 cheers for Edgar and Aldo...two guys everyone thought would falter against the old guard and proved doubters wrong.[/QUOTE]

its a stretch to say his bjj is a joke, im sure youre familiar with his mundials performance. regardless how long ago it was, anybody who does that should never have the bjj skills referred to as a joke. though his implementation in the last couple years is questionable.

who thought aldo would falter against brown or faber?the brown domination was surprising, not the win.
I wouldn't call it a joke,but he definitely hasn't been using his base quite as much as he could have been mostly due in part with the success of his stand up being so effective.Especially that jab although it doesn't seem to matter when Edgar with that great footwork was getting 2-3 shots off to Penn's one.

With Aoki though hes somewhat one dimensional.The biggest exposure everyone would point out to Gilbert Melendez.Not to offend anyone but he always seemed a little bit overrated to me.He is/was a great lightweight but I'd think if you put him against the top 5 UFC lightweights he would have likely lost them all,heck even against most of the top ten in the UFC but in fairness its a really stacked division full of well rounded guys.Not to mention their striking skills are superior to that of a 12 year old girl.
His BJJ isn't a "joke", but it isn't as special as people think. He just had no bottom game Jiu-Jitsu, same as most others guys like KenFlo, Red Schaefer and countless others I can't even think about. He submits people off the top, like everyone else :lol:
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']His BJJ isn't a "joke", but it isn't as special as people think. He just had no bottom game Jiu-Jitsu, same as most others guys like KenFlo, Red Schaefer and countless others I can't even think about. He submits people off the top, like everyone else :lol:[/QUOTE]

I don't think BJ changed anything from the last fight. Needs a new camp as well.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']I don't think BJ changed anything from the last fight. Needs a new camp as well.[/QUOTE]

Penn never "changes" anything in any fight. Its just that sometimes he cares enough to train and other times he thinks he's already so great he doesn't even need to train. I could tell he was thinking the latter for the rematch with Edgar, saying he's going to "walk through him" and for people to ask him who to fight after he beats him. Got owned worse then the first time.:applause:
BJ's corner : fuck that c**ksucker's speed. Yeah that works great, what awesome advice. BJ should fire his whole gym if they weren't all just his 100 brothers.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']BJ's corner : fuck that c**ksucker's speed. Yeah that works great, what awesome advice. BJ should fire his whole gym if they weren't all just his 100 brothers.[/QUOTE]


I'm telling you BJ won't go that far in the UFC and will just damage his legacy/record training with his usual camp unless he goes to Team Blackhouse. MMA is evolving and Penn isn't, thus why Penn has been struggling a bit more lately. He will still be able to beat slow, non wrestlers like Sanchez and KenFlo, but not wrestlers (no subs off his back) or quicksters like Maynard/Edgar.
there are a bunch of teams he could go train with. blackhouse isnt the end all of training teams.
but yeah as a huge penn fan i really hope he figures it out and goes somewhere. I dont see it happening though. I get the feeling its just not that important to him. he weighs his everyday life more heavily.
[quote name='paz9x']there are a bunch of teams he could go train with. blackhouse isnt the end all of training teams.
but yeah as a huge penn fan i really hope he figures it out and goes somewhere. I dont see it happening though. I get the feeling its just not that important to him. he weighs his everyday life more heavily.[/QUOTE]

IMO he weighs his ego above everything else. He thought (thinks?) he was (is?) the best LW ever and could conquer everyone and anyone who stands across from him. Obviously not true, but the fact that he thinks he is so great is the reason why he doesn't train as hard as he should be.

Even a move up to WW is a sign of his laziness, considering he can make LW OK but prefers to stuff his face with Pineapples and just fight at WW instead.
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