NFL 2007 Season Thread

[quote name='Inf^Shini']Sorry, but I hope it goes like this all night.

I liked that last tackle btw :p[/quote]

If it does I hope things continue like that for the rest of the year. Might as well go 1-15 and shoot for that #1 pick.
[quote name='Chitown021']If it does I hope things continue like that for the rest of the year. Might as well go 1-15 and shoot for that #1 pick.[/quote] lo and behold, the Packers fumble the ball, I guess they didn't work on holding the ball after what happened last week :roll:
[quote name='Inf^Shini']lo and behold, the Packers fumble the ball, I guess they didn't work on holding the ball after what happened last week :roll:[/quote]

Don't worry, knowing our luck it will be ruled incomplete and Favre will drill it into the endzone.
[quote name='Chitown021']Don't worry, knowing our luck it will be ruled incomplete and Favre will drill it into the endzone.[/quote]
I doubt it, that's some pretty conclusive evidence

Edit: They just upheld it, so Bears ball. Now give it back :D
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I doubt it, that's some pretty conclusive evidence

Edit: They just upheld it, so Bears ball. Now give it back :D[/quote]

Well we're implementing the run,run,pass,punt offensive stratagy...
[quote name='Chitown021']Well we're implementing the run,run,pass,punt offensive stratagy...[/quote]
Lovie Smith is a genius...j/k

I'm just glad the Packers defense is doing well after the abomination they were the past couple years

Oh, and just after the first drive, Packers' have already lost one RB due to cramping in the leg, Wryy I think. Right after he getting off to a hot start in the running game as well :/
I'mma Kick Jones' ass, seriously. Two fumbles in two touches, unnacceptable. Looks like we got a new Ahman Green :roll:

It should be 21-0 by now, and 189 total yards in just the first quarter O_O
You guys are too kind. Another fumble, we really can't accept that gift, we'll return the ball to you in about 4 plays...;)

I just hope Favre hits Driver for most of his passes because I could use the pts for my fantasy team.

Awesome stratagy Lovie... Lets just keep trying to cram Benson up the middle. Oh no we've showed GB our one deep pass we have in the playbook.
#24...WTF kind of tackle is that?!? This ain't touch football.

The slant seems to be the bread and butter of the Packers so far.

Why thank you, we'll be driving down the field now ;)
[quote name='Chitown021']Why the hell do they keep measuring this? The receiver wasn't even close.[/quote] I think it was an excuse because they had a lot of players to go through lol

Giving the bear defense time to rest??!? Damn you chain movers XD
[quote name='Inf^Shini']

Why thank you, we'll be driving down the field now ;)[/quote]

All I ask is that you throw it to Driver and maybe let Crosby kick a few FGs.

EDIT: Damn, Hester didn't run it back. That may have been our only chance to put some pts on the board. Unless we pull an Arizona style game where we did all of our scoring on fumble returns but I don't see that happening against this team.
[quote name='Chitown021']All I ask is that you throw it to Driver and maybe let Crosby kick a few FGs.

EDIT: Damn, Hester didn't run it back. That may have been our only chance to put some pts on the board. Unless we pull an Arizona style game where we did all of our scoring on fumble returns but I don't see that happening against this team.[/quote] If Jones keeps up his crappy handle, you might return one for a TD >.>

That man may have single-handedly, oh the irony, given the Bears a chance in this game....
You have to be fucken kidding me, this is like watching a recent USC game...

I'm putting this all on Jones, they had the momentum, they had Chicago on the floor, and he hand-feeds them chances to get back in the game
[quote name='Chitown021']Dammit I said pass it to Driver![/quote] lol, it's a toss up between Driver and Jennings now :p

My parents are at the game right now and I got a call after they scored, I could barely understand from all cheering lol
[quote name='Inf^Shini']leave it up to holding on the defense to bail out the Packers o_O[/quote]

WTF how often do you get a defensive holding call? That's crap.
Meh, McCarthy fked up. He shoulda let Favre work his magic, now they settle for a field goal without even giving the endzone a shot >.>

[quote name='Chitown021']WTF how often do you get a defensive holding call? That's crap.[/quote]
Yea, seriously, wtf does a defensive lineman have to hold for? He's not blocking

2nd Half Predictions: Less turnovers, more Points
Damn no penalty this time Packers? I was hoping you'd hook us up with another first down.

I agree with you, they should've let Favre spike the ball to save the TO. Then he could've taken another crack at the endzone.
I hate this game.
I really, really hate this game. I hope they both lose
/die hard Vikings fan

I'm kind of glad the bears tied it up. The person I'm playing against in my NFL league has the Packers defense :D
Either way, the Vikings are finally going to win again vs. Chicago next weekend.
Thankfully there was an interception, things were starting to look REALLY bad for the Pack on that drive.

And another thing, down with the Vikings, I hate them ;)

....AND YET AGAIN, they're screwing up another drive...aaagggghhhh
What the fuck? Do they need to try to lose the fucking game every week. Whoever calls the plays in Green Bay needs to be fucking fired. Its only a tie game lets throw shuffle passes all game.

Anyone remember the Bills game from last year? They ran the ball allllll day on the Bills and they get to the one and decide to throw (even after a large gain on the ground)...Favre gets picked for over.

Big dissapointment, they totally got away from the high-paced game they were playing in the first half and the safety had the ignorance to run up to the line and let a man go right past him for the TD. PLAY YOUR POSITION.
The total yards comparison from the 1st half to the 2nd half was just embarassing.
Youngest team in the NFL showed their flaws tonight.

What sucks even more is just how this whole weekend of football went. UCLA was expected to beat Notre Dame and they lost, USC was expected to beat Stanford and they lost, Packers were expected to beat the Bears and THEY lost...I'm at a LOSS for words on how crappy this weekend has been.

On a side note, I hope they thouroughly chew out James Jones (Throw in Charles Woodson), the Offensive line and the defensive secondary. There is no excuse for losing tonight's game.

Enjoy the comments found down the page, they pretty much wrap up everything wrong the Packers Staff did to hand the game over to the Bears. This was in no way Favre's fault, with his dump-off interception as an exception.

I'm pretty sure even Chitown is shocked.
Ouch about the Pack-Bears game. Speaking as a 'Skins fan, I know the pain of a second-quarter collapse (I'm still pissed about that game versus the Giants).

BTW, Redskins-Packers next week. It's gonna be EPIC.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Enjoy the comments found down the page, they pretty much wrap up everything wrong the Packers Staff did to hand the game over to the Bears. This was in no way Favre's fault, with his dump-off interception as an exception.

I'm pretty sure even Chitown is shocked.[/quote]

They've been throwing the slant pass with perfection ALL YEAR. They threw it in the first half and on the last drive...where you want any pass but the slant...
[quote name='Mattte']They've been throwing the slant pass with perfection ALL YEAR. They threw it in the first half and on the last drive...where you want any pass but the slant...[/quote] They could have pulled it off if someone had broken a tackle or two, just like last week. Those throws were in spots that didn't allow them to take off though, and if they did get a pass like that, for some odd reason they have this automatic reaction (especially Driver) to freeze and turn around. JUST RUN!!!

Another thing was they took too long with the no-huddle offense. They should have been aware of time and executed the 2-minute drill with more urgency.
[quote name='Hoffgod']Ouch about the Pack-Bears game. Speaking as a 'Skins fan, I know the pain of a second-quarter collapse (I'm still pissed about that game versus the Giants).

BTW, Redskins-Packers next week. It's gonna be EPIC.[/QUOTE]
Not too EPIC considering the Redskins are overrated. Green Bay will crush the Redskins. This is coming from a Dallas fan so I hope you'd expect me to say that, just like I expect you to come back with the classic "Dallas is Overrate". ;)
[quote name='Inf^Shini']...................................................................

Big disappointment, they totally got away from the high-paced game they were playing in the first half and the safety had the ignorance to run up to the line and let a man go right past him for the TD. PLAY YOUR POSITION.
The total yards comparison from the 1st half to the 2nd half was just embarrassing.
Youngest team in the NFL showed their flaws tonight.

What sucks even more is just how this whole weekend of football went. UCLA was expected to beat Notre Dame and they lost, USC was expected to beat Stanford and they lost, Packers were expected to beat the Bears and THEY lost...I'm at a LOSS for words on how crappy this weekend has been.

On a side note, I hope they thouroughly chew out James Jones (Throw in Charles Woodson), the Offensive line and the defensive secondary. There is no excuse for losing tonight's game.

Enjoy the comments found down the page, they pretty much wrap up everything wrong the Packers Staff did to hand the game over to the Bears. This was in no way Favre's fault, with his dump-off interception as an exception.

I'm pretty sure even Chitown is shocked.[/quote]

Holy crap Bears win Bears win! Yes, I am shocked but pleased. My weekend started off poor (Cubs got swept and K-State lost to Kansas) but ended with 3 positive things (The Irish finally got a win, Pete Carrol and those cocky bastards at USC were knocked off their high horse by Jim Harbaugh *Ex Bear :D * and Stanford, and of course the Bears upsetting the cheese heads).

The most shocking thing was the play calling in the second half. Favre was tearing us up through the air in the first half but in the second half they shut it down and stuck with the run. The Bears saved their season for the moment. We had to have that game or GB takes a 4 game lead in the division and it's all but over. Not that we're in great shape at 2-3 but it's a lot better than 1-4.

On anther note, did anyone see what happened to Trent Green in the Dolphins game. He suffers a concussion and that prick Travis Johnson for the Texans stands over his limp body taunting him. What a disgusting act.
[quote name='Chitown021']On anther note, did anyone see what happened to Trent Green in the Dolphins game. He suffers a concussion and that prick Travis Johnson for the Texans stands over his limp body taunting him. What a disgusting act.[/quote]

Yeah, he was understandably pissed, but that's just something you don't do.
Here it is. I think he was mad that Green went as his knees more than anything.

He has every right to be pissed that Green cut him but to taunt a KO'd guy and continue to talk smack while he's being carted off is just plain stupid.

Nice job by my Pack gift wrapping a win for thos stinky Bears. Game should've been over by half.
I hope Trent is ok, but I think this really speaks volumes about finally saying "enough is enough" and just retiring. He could have gone out as a pretty decent guy from KC, but now he's risking himself on the Dolphins and for what?
[quote name='primetime']Yeah, he was understandably pissed, but that's just something you don't do.[/quote]

I can see him getting a little upset but after the game he said "fuck Trent Green!" Green was not trying to take a cheap shot on him, he was merely trying to set a block for his teammate. Green was giving 150 lbs to that big bastard. What the hell was he supposed to do, try and hit him high and get flattened?
[quote name='Azumangaman']Yeah, the Dolphins need a lot of help. Especially at QB. SOMEBODY should've drafted a QB round 1 :p[/quote]

Ted Ginn Jr. :rofl:
bread's done