NFL 2007 Season Thread

Here we go with this time out B.S. There really should be a rule against that even though I'm glad it happened in this instance.

Son of a bitch. Dallas did not deserve that win at all but I have no room to talk. My Bears did nearly the same thing to Arizona on Monday Night Football last year.
Oh my god I can not fucking believe what I just saw.
No way did Dallas deserve to win that game.

At least the Yankees lost, so today isn't a total waste...
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']You don't watch much football, do you?[/QUOTE]

This was my first game. I couldn't really understand what was going on, but that TO guy really sucks.
What are yall talking about? Dallas didn't deserve to win a game they handed the Bills on a silver platter? If you have 6 turnovers and lose, then it is all on you, especially when your defense returns two for touchdowns and special teams returns one.
[quote name='keithp']This was my first game. I couldn't really understand what was going on, but that TO guy really sucks.[/QUOTE]

You must be new or retarded. Go watch the Super Bowl the Eagles played aganist the Pats or go look up stats for the past ten years. He is one of the best recievers in the game.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You must be new or retarded. Go watch the Super Bowl the Eagles played aganist the Pats or go look up stats for the past ten years. He is one of the best recievers in the game.[/QUOTE]
He played with a broken leg in that Superbowl, one of the most amazing performances I've ever seen. He doesn't seem to be quite the same right now though, he's dropping balls he shouldn't be.
Atleast both the Packers and the Cowboys didn't give their games away...can't wait for next weeks game and when the Packers play in Dallas.

[quote name='CaseyRyback']You must be new or retarded. Go watch the Super Bowl the Eagles played aganist the Pats or go look up stats for the past ten years. He is one of the best recievers in the game.[/quote]

I believe that post was heavy on the sarcasm.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You must be new or retarded. Go watch the Super Bowl the Eagles played aganist the Pats or go look up stats for the past ten years. He is one of the best recievers in the game.[/QUOTE]

Even though I really like TO, He did drop about 4 passes today which is a lot for someone of his caliber.

That game was crazy as hell though. Dallas with a -6 Turnover ratio and still winning the game is crazy. I'm glad Dallas has a solid D that only gave up a Field Goal.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']What are yall talking about? Dallas didn't deserve to win a game they handed the Bills on a silver platter? If you have 6 turnovers and lose, then it is all on you, especially when your defense returns two for touchdowns and special teams returns one.[/QUOTE]
Neither team deserved to win that. It was a battle of ineptitude. The winner was ultimately decided by who did the least to lose the game.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You must be new or retarded. Go watch the Super Bowl the Eagles played aganist the Pats or go look up stats for the past ten years. He is one of the best recievers in the game.[/QUOTE]

Sigh. And once again sarcasm is lost on the Internet.

For the second time tonight.
[quote name='dafoomie']He played with a broken leg in that Superbowl, one of the most amazing performances I've ever seen. He doesn't seem to be quite the same right now though, he's dropping balls he shouldn't be.[/quote]

T.O. easily one of the top 10-15 recievers of all-time. Watching him in his San Francisco days, i've seen him do things no other player has ever done.

He's had a history of drops, in the game where he did the "Catch 2" he dropped at least 3 passes that day.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Randy Moss is starting to show his top form once again, and I wish the Packers had taken him >.>[/quote]

If I remember Moss was pretty addiment, he didn't want to go play with the Pack.
[quote name='ph33r m3']If I remember Moss was pretty addiment, he didn't want to go play with the Pack.[/QUOTE]

Yea he wanted to go somewhere to win a Superbowl.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Yea he wanted to go somewhere to win a Superbowl.[/quote]
Heh, he ended up with a pretty good shot at the super bowl this year, but I'm lookin' for the Patriots to go DOWN
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Heh, he ended up with a pretty good shot at the super bowl this year, but I'm lookin' for the Patriots to go DOWN[/QUOTE]

I really hope this was Romo's only complete meltdown this year. Hopefully next week he is amazing since he has to be. Even then Dallas has a hard chance to win the game next week.
[quote name='ph33r m3']If I remember Moss was pretty addiment, he didn't want to go play with the Pack.[/quote]

He never said that. He wanted to go play for the Pack, but management there didn't want to take him. They thought he was slow and would be exposed if he returned to the NFC north.

Randy really didn't seem to care where he ended up, as long as it was out of Oakland.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I really hope this was Romo's only complete meltdown this year. Hopefully next week he is amazing since he has to be. Even then Dallas has a hard chance to win the game next week.[/QUOTE]

Man was this a poorly worded sentence?

"I really hope this was Romo's only complete meltdown this year. Hopefully next week in Dallas he plays like the Romo that showed up in the first 4 games of the season. Even if that Romo shows up and Dallas is on the top of their game they still will have a hard chance to win the game."
[quote name='pimpinc333']I really hope this was Romo's only complete meltdown this year. Hopefully next week he is amazing since he has to be. Even then Dallas has a hard chance to win the game next week.[/quote] I hope so as well, and that last drive actually looked very good, so I hope he can really get something from this game to keep up his A-game.

So far the Patriots have been putting up either 38/34 pts. against each team, and each team was subpar at the time they played them. The Cowboys, if Romo doesn't kill them like he did in this game, have a pretty good shot at taking down the Patriots IF their defense can keep a majority of their drives to 3 and outs. I'm not even asking for turnovers, which would be even better, but I'm just hoping their defense can do something to kill the Patriots passing game, put pressure on Brady, keep coverage tight to keep his choices limited, and just clog up the line. It's no simple task by far, but I really hope they can pull it off because I REALLY want the Patriots to go down.

I keep typing the same thing over, but I can't stress enough my want for the Patriots to lose ;)
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I hope so as well, and that last drive actually looked very good, so I hope he can really get something from this game to keep up his A-game.

So far the Patriots have been putting up either 38/34 pts. against each team, and each team was subpar at the time they played them. The Cowboys, if Romo doesn't kill them like he did in this game, have a pretty good shot at taking down the Patriots IF their defense can keep a majority of their drives to 3 and outs. I'm not even asking for turnovers, which would be even better, but I'm just hoping their defense can do something to kill the Patriots passing game, put pressure on Brady, keep coverage tight to keep his choices limited, and just clog up the line. It's no simple task by far, but I really hope they can pull it off because I REALLY want the Patriots to go down.

I keep typing the same thing over, but I can't stress enough my want for the Patriots to lose ;)[/QUOTE]

I honestly think the Dallas Defense is top dog in the NFL as of now. In the past 3 weeks they only let up 10 pts ( 7 to Chicago, 0 to the Rams, 3 to the Bills ). I hope he can hold the Pats amazing Offense in Check. The Pats haven't played anyone with a great defense as of yet so I hope we can get pressure on Brady and Hold Moss to a TD or so.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']He never said that. He wanted to go play for the Pack, but management there didn't want to take him. They thought he was slow and would be exposed if he returned to the NFC north.

Randy really didn't seem to care where he ended up, as long as it was out of Oakland.[/quote]

That's a head scratcher :dunce:. I suppose they didn't think too hard about it and just over-looked him :roll:

GB Staff is in need of an overhaul.

If you think about it logically, Moss was one of the best things that could have happened to them. As of now, I can only see Driver and Jennings as Favre's go-to guys. You have Favre as your QB, and you know your gonna have a heavy reliance on your passing game, so why NOT beef it up with a guy like Moss?!?

Meh, I still can't believe they did that. I bet they're looking like this now - :shock:, watching the highlights with him catching TD's and making plays for the Patriots.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I honestly think the Dallas Defense is top dog in the NFL as of now. In the past 3 weeks they only let up 10 pts ( 7 to Chicago, 0 to the Rams, 3 to the Bills ). I hope he can hold the Pats amazing Offense in Check. The Pats haven't played anyone with a great defense as of yet so I hope we can get pressure on Brady and Hold Moss to a TD or so.[/quote]

Well it's kinda ironic. Those teams are pretty shabby with their Offense anyways, so they're gonna have a big test against the Patriots.

On the Other hand, the Patriots haven't played a team that is near as good overall as the Cowboys yet, so it'll be a test for them as well.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']That's a head scratcher :dunce:. I suppose they didn't think too hard about it and just over-looked him :roll:

GB Staff is in need of an overhaul.

If you think about it logically, Moss was one of the best things that could have happened to them. As of now, I can only see Driver and Jennings as Favre's go-to guys. You have Favre as your QB, and you know your gonna have a heavy reliance on your passing game, so why NOT beef it up with a guy like Moss?!?

Meh, I still can't believe they did that. I bet they're looking like this now - :shock:, watching the highlights with him catching TD's and making plays for the Patriots.[/quote]

It may be now, but a lot of people in the league were down on Moss throughout the offseason and up until the season started.
Wearing a TO 49er jersey is old school. Wearing a TO Cowboy jersey means you are rich. Wearing a TO eagle jersey is tacky IMO b/c phili hates to and to hates phili. too bad there are so many of these on clearence sale right now. am i completely wrong? do people in philli still hate ocho uno?
[quote name='CaseyRyback']It may be now, but a lot of people in the league were down on Moss throughout the offseason and up until the season started.[/quote] Oakland really held him down and kept him complacent, and I keep thinking of Marcus Allen. His career didn't really take off until he left Oakland.

[quote name='monkeydeew']Wearing a TO 49er jersey is old school. Wearing a TO Cowboy jersey means you are rich. Wearing a TO eagle jersey is tacky IMO b/c phili hates to and to hates phili. too bad there are so many of these on clearence sale right now. am i completely wrong? do people in philli still hate ocho uno?[/quote]

Heh, I have a TO Eagle Jersey I got as a gift years back, it's still hanging in the closet, I have no idea what to do with it. I was only able to wear it one year (I didn't have much jersey wear to begin with), and I didn't dare bring it out once he started getting on everyone's nerves in Philly and everywhere else.

I still find it ironic that he's playing for the same team he taunted and placed the ball in the middle of the field. Is he atoning for his past wrongdoing? XD
[quote name='Inf^Shini']

Heh, I have a TO Eagle Jersey I got as a gift years back, it's still hanging in the closet, I have no idea what to do with it. [/QUOTE]

Burning it would be a start. Or toilet paper.

As far as Moss, I'm looking forward to seeing the slow poisoning of the locker room that he will infect the team with after he starts laying off plays and generally being the REAL Randy Moss. This season and next don't count, he wants to prove himself.
That was a crazy 4th Quarter last night (that is all I watched). Some things I noticed.
- T.O. likes to drop passes.....he seems off.
- Tony Kornhole is a HORRIBLE announcer. He should be fired ASAP. I don't think he even knows anything about football. He bitched about the Time Out at the end of the game saying it should be illegal to call a time out basically. Idiot.
[quote name='doubledown']That was a crazy 4th Quarter last night (that is all I watched). Some things I noticed.
- T.O. likes to drop passes.....he seems off.
- Tony Kornhole is a HORRIBLE announcer. He should be fired ASAP. I don't think he even knows anything about football. He bitched about the Time Out at the end of the game saying it should be illegal to call a time out basically. Idiot.[/quote]

I agree with you about Tony, but the timeout mess this year is ridiculous. Yes, it's gamesmanship and an effective strategy, but it's becoming a debacle.

99.9% that rule is changed over the off-season.
tony reminds me of when they threw dennis miller in there. it just doesnt work to have that kind of commentator.

however i still enjoy PTI.
I hate PTI, it's annoying listening to those guys argue.

A comment from the kicker Folk had me raising an eyebrow, and I'm assuming he didn't mean it and was just caught up in the moment. I'd hate riding the bench for the rest of the season, although I could understand avoiding the pressure of a game-winning field goal.

"I felt good. I helped the team win," he said. "I could care less if I kicked zero more field goals the rest of the year."
The Cowboys got screwed over by the refs. It wasn't TO's fault when he dropped the 2pt conversion. If you watched the replay, there should've been a pass interference on the bills D. Also, Romo snapped the ball before the refs called it off and yet the play was still being reviewed.

I don't know why people hate TO, i've always liked him since he was in philly and I still do. Its McNabb that has problems. He played like shit in the SuperBowl and ever since. He's always injured somehow. Its about time the fans stop riding on McNabb's cock after his poor starts this season.
bread's done