NFL 2007 Season Thread

That's incredibly insensitive on Johnson's behalf. I could understand being upset on the field and immediately after the play, but to continue to talk shit about a guy laid out on a cart is ridiculous. I wouldn't be against the NFL fining that douche bag for his ass-hattery.

Trent Green needs to retire while he can speak coherently.
I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the game the Packers threw away yesterday. A lot of things didn't make sense in that game.

On the other hand, I was surprised by the way the Chargers Man-handled the Broncos.

If the Cowboys destroy the Bills tonight, then I'll be pining for the Cowboys v. Patriots game on Sunday
[quote name='Chitown021']I can see him getting a little upset but after the game he said "fuck Trent Green!" Green was not trying to take a cheap shot on him, he was merely trying to set a block for his teammate. Green was giving 150 lbs to that big bastard. What the hell was he supposed to do, try and hit him high and get flattened?[/QUOTE]

For all he knew right after the play, he was going for his knee. It's evident after the fact and looking at the replay that he wasn't, but the player is running and all of a sudden his knee hits a helmet and he goes flying. If Johnson blew out one or both knees due to that play, is he in the wrong?
Miami drafting Brady Quinn would not change their record at this point...

Trent Green was NOT trying to injure him.. but there is no way Johnson could know that.. I'd be pissed if I were him too...
[quote name='EXStrike']Dallas is gonna lose tonight or next week.[/QUOTE]

New England is gonna lose either next week, the week after that, or the week after that. See what I did there ;)
[quote name='DJSteel']Miami drafting Brady Quinn would not change their record at this point...

Trent Green was NOT trying to injure him.. but there is no way Johnson could know that.. I'd be pissed if I were him too...[/QUOTE]

I'm sure Trent Green was like before the game to all of his team mates, " I'm going to go out there today and use my head to knock out hat no name shitty Travis Jackson player and get a concussion and maybe even die."

Jackson overreacted. Why would Trent Green want to ruin his career? The block that Green did wasn't a new type block. All QB's block like that when they aren't too scared of taking a hit.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']For all he knew right after the play, he was going for his knee. It's evident after the fact and looking at the replay that he wasn't, but the player is running and all of a sudden his knee hits a helmet and he goes flying. If Johnson blew out one or both knees due to that play, is he in the wrong?[/quote]Now I haven't seen the reports following the game or any clips, but from what I've read Johnson continued to disparage Green following the game. I think that's the problem. The guy got carted off on a board and he's talking shit about him.
[quote name='pimpinc333']
Jackson overreacted. Why would Trent Green want to ruin his career? The block that Green did wasn't a new type block. All QB's block like that when they aren't too scared of taking a hit.[/QUOTE]

If he actually threw the block right, I would agree. That was a piss-poor attempt at it, obvious by the fact he put his head in harm's way.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I'm sure Trent Green was like before the game to all of his team mates, " I'm going to go out there today and use my head to knock out hat no name shitty Travis Jackson player and get a concussion and maybe even die."

Jackson overreacted. Why would Trent Green want to ruin his career? The block that Green did wasn't a new type block. All QB's block like that when they aren't too scared of taking a hit.[/quote]

it is an illegal block..and no qb leads with their head to take down a DL
Yes because QB's throw blocks all day long during practice and there are super awesome at it.

Couldn't of been that illegal since they didn't toss out a flag.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Not too EPIC considering the Redskins are overrated. Green Bay will crush the Redskins. This is coming from a Dallas fan so I hope you'd expect me to say that, just like I expect you to come back with the classic "Dallas is Overrate". ;)[/QUOTE]As much as I'd love to, I can't. Dallas is the best team in the NFC East right now and probably the best team in the NFC. Tony Romo has really blown me away with how well he's done this year, the whole offense is excellent, and the defence is playing strong as well.

That being said, you guys are in for some competition. The 'Skins D is back from taking last year off and Jason Campbell is looking to be the first quality QB we've had since Brad Johnson. Throw in the resurgent Giants and the always dangerous Eagles and this is going to be one interesting year for the NFC East.

Go 'Skins!
The cut block was legal because it was in the open field. Cut blocks are only illegal in the trenches and when a player is engaged in a block.
[quote name='DT778']The cut block was legal because it was in the open field. Cut blocks are only illegal in the trenches and when a player is engaged in a block.[/quote]

I thought that was a chop block...
[quote name='DT778']Chop blocks are always illegal.

Jake Delhomme will have season ending surgery.[/quote]

are they removing the Steve Smith tunnelvision?
[quote name='klwillis45']:rofl: Too bad they are go to a QB with Iholdontothefootballtoodamnlongandtakewaytoomanysacks-itis[/QUOTE]
Carr actually seems to be doing better this year with that. Amazing what happens when you have an actual offensive line instead of a sieve.
[quote name='DJSteel']are they removing the Steve Smith tunnelvision?[/QUOTE]

Keyshawn had 70 receptions last year and Mushim Muhammed had a great year in 03 and 04. He may have had tunnel vision in 05, but that is because they didn't have shit for recievers other than Smith.

Also you don't have a 119.8 passer rating throwing to just one guy. Carter and King have played really well this year.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Not too EPIC considering the Redskins are overrated. Green Bay will crush the Redskins. This is coming from a Dallas fan so I hope you'd expect me to say that, just like I expect you to come back with the classic "Dallas is Overrate". ;)[/quote]

Washington's D is going to eat that young Packers offense alive next week.

Dallas is playing very well right now so we'll have to see who is going to take control of the division later.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Washington's D is going to eat that young Packers offense alive next week.

Dallas is playing very well right now so we'll have to see who is going to take control of the division later.[/QUOTE]

The NFC East is always one of the best Division's out there. I think if Dallas can beat the Pats next week then Dallas is headed for #1.
LOL we've had "good" Rex and "bad" Rex, will the Cowboys now have "good" Romo and
bad" Romo? He's off to a crappy start tonight. I normally wouldn't care about this game if it wasn't for the fantasy implications.
Well, Romo is off to a LOVELY start tonight. They seem to be getting their act together a bit, but then again, it's hard to do worse than a 1:1 interceptions-to-pass-attempts ratio.

Good to see this game won't be a total blow out. Go Bills!
[quote name='MillerTime2523']next week is going to be awesome...

my pats vs the cowboys

gonna be a great one for sure[/QUOTE]

I already got the pizza ordered. :bouncy:
[quote name='Chitown021']LOL we've had "good" Rex and "bad" Rex, will the Cowboys now have "good" Romo and
bad" Romo? He's off to a crappy start tonight. I normally wouldn't care about this game if it wasn't for the fantasy implications.[/QUOTE]
This is very bad Romo. Three interceptions, two for touchdowns? Yikes.
[quote name='Hoffgod']This is very bad Romo. Three interceptions, two for touchdowns? Yikes.[/quote]

Make that 4. A very Grossman like night so far...
[quote name='Chitown021']Make that 4. A very Grossman like night so far...[/QUOTE]

Grossman indeed. He needs to get his head in the game.

I leave the room for maybe 15 mins tops and I come back to see Romo tossing 2 more INTs. One while I was gone and the other as soon as I came back. As a Dallas fan I started a chant for Brad Jonhson.
This weekend of Football has been very odd, College and the NFL, it seems everybody switched places except for the Colts and Patriots.
[quote name='Demolition Man']So you mean to tell me that Romo worked that hard for that field goal... only for Buffalo to just run in a TD like that.

:rofl: Dallas just can't catch a break tonight. I love it!
Sweet. This may clinch my fantasy game for this week. I came into the night up 10 with Crayton to play. My opponent had the Cowboys D.
Turnover #5 for Romo. That's brutal in fantasy leagues that take away pts for turnovers.

Wow, Dallas just got away with two major penalties. They had a horse-collar and a shot to the head in one play how were those not called??
Well I guess the Romo-Favre comparisons were right on... when you're talking about interceptions! Turnover #6, and right after Newman brought it all the way to the 20.
I'll be doing a Football Weekend Wrap up podcast tonight, recapping all of this weekends football, as only I can, with my various opinions and whatnot. It's going to be really good, trust me. Stay tuned for it in about an hour and a half or 2.
Holy cow!!!! I thought TO had that 2 pt catch. You've got to be shitting me... They recover the on-side kick? What a crazy game. C'mon Bills don't lose this game now. I'm normally not fans of either team but cosidering how depleated Buffalo is I'm pulling for them.
bread's done