OFFICIAL 2006 Yard Sale Thread

[quote name='STATIC3D']
Once they have found a price, they see what they want to see (the "value" of an item) and often become insulted/frustrated with anyone (with more knowledge about the stuff) trying to explain the difference between that price and an item's actual value. They usually feel as if someone is just trying to trick them out of their valuable items.
This is my experience as well. I've had people tell me that the item(s) in question go for X on eBay, but when I go look to see what in the world they are comparing to, it's something in mint condition (e.g. with all the paperwork and the box, etc) or say a system with 5 rare games (as opposed to their 5 common games).

That's just it though. Most of these people don't have a lot of knowledge of videogames, and just assume that videogames are collectibles and worth money. They aren't really "valuable" in that sense. They are valuable to us as collectors, but not really in a monetary way. Then again, buyers set the market prices for old videogames. How many times I've heard people talk about having the original Mario as if it was rare, or even the NES itself.

I always have to laugh though: Every now and then you find you're dealing with a real jerk (usually after you make the initial offer), and after they end up selling it, they email you back with "BTW I sold it for XXX". Anyone ever had those? Like they are trying to prove that my offer was so unreasonable because look what Person Z spent on it.

One thing I've learned is that things always come around again, and usually for a better deal, so it's easy to handle being rejected on a deal. Just gotta keep taking chances until you find that one nice person who just wants to get rid of their stuff.
[quote name='moiety']
One thing I've learned is that things always come around again, and usually for a better deal, so it's easy to handle being rejected on a deal. Just gotta keep taking chances until you find that one nice person who just wants to get rid of their stuff.[/QUOTE]

I agree. One thing for sure, the I want it all and I want it now attitude of many sellers who think they can get ebay prices has pushed me to the point that when ebay is brought up I just give them my offer and not touch on the issue. Once they start talking ebay I get the overwhelming urge to just bolt.
Nope, never had anyone come back with "so and so paid me 'X' for it" It doesn't really suprise me as they would feel the "need" to show they knew it had a higher value. Then again, there's no accounting for the person having ignorance and luck. :}

Yeah, the majority of times it's not worth even trying once they have a value of what something is worth in their mind. The idea of talking to them beyond that (in my 'get on their side' type of example) would be a possible last ditch effort. If they are set on it, then bolting is defiintely the best option.


I get that bolting feeling on stuff (like I did at that one sale this last weekend) where every game item is higher than it should be. If you just want one or two things, they are not likely to drop them when everything else is high. And, unless there are some GREAT rare gems, buying all of it at once (hoping to get a better price on the whole lot) it's just not worth it either (i.e. too expensive).

It's also usually a waste of time to try and barter someone down who is set in their price when there are other sales you could go to and possibly find a
[quote name='doctordoom1974']
Would you take $6 for everything? I am negotiable, so please e-mail me soon.

This guy:
$6? fuck that
that's gonna be a tough one to pull of on CL, especially depending on the used game market in your area. most of the NES systems posted up on CL in my area come with price tags of $100 and up. people think that "video games are cool, and this one is real old. Ebay says everything is worth thousands, so i'm sitting on a gold mine." in fact, i just read a CL post the other day advertising an NES w/20 games for $400. the guy keeps trying week after week too, despite the more realistic $30-$60 NES ads that surround his.

$6 for what you've described is going to be MUCH easier to come by at a yard sale or swap meet (flea market), as the face-to-face exchange is coupled with people selling their old "junk" in order to pay rent that month (young couples are proof positive of this phenomenon -- they'll off the best stuff at the lowest prices). these are the folks that are going to take your six bucks and be glad they did. the sellers on Craigslist tend to be a bit more savvy in regards to Ebay and GS/EB pricing, and are thus less likely to bend.

as you've experienced, it's always worth a shot; if you're actually willing to pay more, you can fire off your eyebrow-raising $6 offer, and then bump it to something more reasonable (as your budget and conscience allows), like $15 or $20. a lot of the time, the deficit between your first and second offers will encourage the seller to give it some thought, oftentimes in your favor.

good luck!
[quote name='snotknocker']...Once they start talking ebay I get the overwhelming urge to just bolt.[/quote]

if by "bolt" you mean knock their teeth out, i agree 100%. :D
[quote name='allyourblood']that's gonna be a tough one to pull of on CL, especially depending on the used game market in your area. most of the NES systems posted up on CL in my area come with price tags of $100 and up. people think that "video games are cool, and this one is real old. Ebay says everything is worth thousands, so i'm sitting on a gold mine." in fact, i just read a CL post the other day advertising an NES w/20 games for $400. the guy keeps trying week after week too, despite the more realistic $30-$60 NES ads that surround his.

$6 for what you've described is going to be MUCH easier to come by at a yard sale or swap meet (flea market), as the face-to-face exchange is coupled with people selling their old "junk" in order to pay rent that month (young couples are proof positive of this phenomenon -- they'll off the best stuff at the lowest prices). these are the folks that are going to take your six bucks and be glad they did. the sellers on Craigslist tend to be a bit more savvy in regards to Ebay and GS/EB pricing, and are thus less likely to bend.

as you've experienced, it's always worth a shot; if you're actually willing to pay more, you can fire off your eyebrow-raising $6 offer, and then bump it to something more reasonable (as your budget and conscience allows), like $15 or $20. a lot of the time, the deficit btwn your first and second offers will encourage the seller to give it some thought, oftentimes in your favor.

good luck![/QUOTE]

Thing is the reason we get awsome CL deals is because people dont know what their stuff is worth sometimes. However, its a catch 22 it goes both ways. Because people dont know what stuff is worth we do see $100 + worth of games listed for $10 sometimes...but people in general are greedy so more often we see $100 worth of stuff listed at $500.

Your dead on though when you say that you just have to be patience and counter offer. Start off with that eye brow raising $6 offer and then feel the person out, see if it sounds like they know what their stuff is worth/they just want to get rid of it. Most of the time your probally gonna get dicks laughing in your face and wanting ebay values...but sometimes even those dicks can be haggled down to an inbetween point. I had a lady that wanted $75 for an NES and a bunch of games. I shot an offer of $15 and she laughed telling me that was like 1/5th of her asking price, I shot back its old stuff and I just want it for my son to have something to goof around with. After a bit of back and forth with the lady who in the first email or two was a total bitch she agreed on $35. I passed because I already have so many NESs and most of the games she had. But $35 for an NES, an Arcade stick and 21 games aint bad at all.

CL is just like garage sailing, its alot of patience and alot of luck but having the right talk will help. Thats why Snot/Moeity/all your blood score so much because their more experienced and have perfected this as well as accepted that you dont score every sale. I think alot of people give up on CL/GS early on after getting skunked so much. Look on the brightside, atleast on CL it takes like 10 mins of your day and your not spending gas money ;)
Maybe some one from this thread can help me. I created a thread in the off topic but got little response

ok this is my deal. I picked up a talking Pee-wee Herman doll in it's original box on the cheap figuring I could turn it on e-bay and make a few bucks. So I've looked at e-bay a dozen times or more in the last few months to get some kind of value and much to my surprise they did not have a single one up for auction like the one I have.

There were many talking Pee wee dolls for auction but they were all pull string models and made by matchbox in 1987. The one I have was made by Herman Enterprises in 2001. It is battery operated, 17" tall and talks when you push his stomach. I've looked around online a bit but have not found anything that mentions the distribution of this, let alone some kind of value.

Was hoping there was someone here who could give me clue or help me find a one
[quote name='snotknocker']
There were many talking Pee wee dolls for auction but they were all pull string models and made by matchbox in 1987. The one I have was made by Herman Enterprises in 2001. It is battery operated, 17" tall and talks when you push his stomach. I've looked around online a bit but have not found anything that mentions the distribution of this, let alone some kind of value. [/quote]
i could be mistaken, but if i recall correctly, the one you own was sold at Hot Topic at my local mall a few years back. there was another store that sold them as well, but i can't remember the name. i believe it was around $29.99.

edit: the other place i was thinking of was Spencer's.
[quote name='snotknocker']That's the one. But who knows how long it's been sold out. I just find it strange that none of this model has been put up for sale. i'm gonna list and see what happens - thanks[/QUOTE]

Well since none are listed try putting the words rare or uncommon in your listing.
[quote name='snotknocker']Maybe some one from this thread can help me. I created a thread in the off topic but got little response

ok this is my deal. I picked up a talking Pee-wee Herman doll in it's original box on the cheap figuring I could turn it on e-bay and make a few bucks. So I've looked at e-bay a dozen times or more in the last few months to get some kind of value and much to my surprise they did not have a single one up for auction like the one I have.

There were many talking Pee wee dolls for auction but they were all pull string models and made by matchbox in 1987. The one I have was made by Herman Enterprises in 2001. It is battery operated, 17" tall and talks when you push his stomach. I've looked around online a bit but have not found anything that mentions the distribution of this, let alone some kind of value.

Was hoping there was someone here who could give me clue or help me find a one[/quote]

I had one of those old pull string pee-wee dolls when I was younger. I beat the crap out of that thing. I threw it on top of the roof of my sunroom, and it was still there when I moved out many years later. lol
I agree that most things on Craig's List are extremely rediculous. Ive seen NES, SNES, PS1 and others go for $60+ its almost sickening and kind of ruins searching cl when people are so over priced. On another note i picked up a sealed copy of Jade Empire for $8.68 at a half price books today which is 2 cents more than it would cost to rent at blockbuster so worth it to me and its a great fun game that is BC with the 360.
Hey everyone I've been reading your posts and it inspired me to go out for some yardsales. I used to go all the time but for whatever reason I slowed down and it had been too long! I went out on saturday and only hit 6 or 7 sales but got what I consider a pretty good deal at the last one. They didn't have any games out but I asked about it and the man brought out a box that contained an NES (with 2 controllers, grey zapper, advantage and all hook ups except one I had an extra of) and some games:

Contra (cart only)
Adventure Island (complete)
T&C Surf Designs (complete)
Pac-Man (regular NES cart, complete)
Spy Hunter (complete)
Wheel of Fortune Family Edition (complete)
Castlevania (un-fucking opened!)

I was incredibly excited about Castlevania for a split second before i realized the box had suffered massive water damage (strange because all other boxes were dry). The box had a really bad smell and the instructions were all stuck together but the game looks, smells and plays fine luckily.

I ended up paying $10 for all of it.

Yesterday I wasn't planning on going to any but around 2:00 (late huh?) I saw one and stopped. They had a Gamegear with Sonic 2 and a sport game (forget which). It was in pretty good condition and they were about to accept $5 for it but the guy wanted to go test it before selling it which I really appreciated but ended up being a bad thing. He let his son test it and the little bastard decided he wanted it. Oh well, I'm still happy enough about my last find.
[quote name='Charlie Freak']Contra (cart only)
Adventure Island (complete)
T&C Surf Designs (complete)
Pac-Man (regular NES cart, complete)
Spy Hunter (complete)
Wheel of Fortune Family Edition (complete)
Castlevania (un-fucking opened!)[/quote]
Great finds. Welcome aboard!
It's too bad though, on Sunday I had to pass up a fairly good deal.

Guy had a Dreamcast with hookups, 2 controllers, fishing rod and 40 games for $100.

Everything was brand new or nearly brand new.
That DC loss is too bad. I have been looking for one all summer and only found one wher ethe woman wanted $70 for a really dirty banged up one.

Yesterday I wasn't planning on going to any but around 2:00 (late huh?) I saw one and stopped. They had a Gamegear with Sonic 2 and a sport game (forget which). It was in pretty good condition and they were about to accept $5 for it but the guy wanted to go test it before selling it which I really appreciated but ended up being a bad thing. He let his son test it and the little bastard decided he wanted it. Oh well, I'm still happy enough about my last find.

Always bring batteries so you can test it yourself!
I just found this at my local Goodwill today.

Genesis 3 with A/C adapter
RF and AV hookups
3 x 3 button controllers

and the following games

Sonic 2 w/ box
Bubble and Squeak w/ box
Another copy of Sonic 2
Sonic Spinball
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Toy Story
Beauty and the Beast
The Lion King
Batman Forever
Road Rash II
Streets of Rage 2
and the boxes for Contra: Hard Corps and Taz in Escape from Mars

Also included in the bundle, but not in the picture, were another 3 button controller, a 6 button controller, and a second A/C adapter that all had exposed wires, so I will probably throw them away.


I know wasn't the greatest deal in the world, but I didn't have a model 3 Genesis or any of the games, so I took it. As I hadn't seen any video games come through Goodwill in about a month, I was excited to find this, even if it is very Disney oriented.
A little ebay score today. Not yardsale cheap but I did'nt have any of these games and my son has been hogging the SP for about 2 weeks now, so it was time to get another one.

GBA SP RED w/charger
Metriod Zero Mission
D&D Eye of the Beholder
Final Fantasty Tactics Advance
FF 1 and 2
Rayman Advance
LotR the Two Towers
Yoshis Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Super Mario Advance 4
LoZ: Oracle of Seasons
LoZ: Oracle of Ages
Megaman Xtreme.

Total $80.60 shipped
[quote name='snotknocker']A little ebay score today. Not yardsale cheap but I did'nt have any of these games and my son has been hogging the SP for about 2 weeks now, so it was time to get another one.

GBA SP RED w/charger
Metriod Zero Mission
D&D Eye of the Beholder
Final Fantasty Tactics Advance
FF 1 and 2
Rayman Advance
LotR the Two Towers
Yoshis Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Super Mario Advance 4
LoZ: Oracle of Seasons
LoZ: Oracle of Ages
Megaman Xtreme.

Total $80 shipped[/QUOTE]

Best ebay score EVAR!
[quote name='MSI Magus']Best ebay score EVAR![/QUOTE]

Thanks, I did'nt think it was so bad myself. The guy actually had it up for a BIN for $100, which was still a very fare price but a little steep for my cheapass ass, so I sent him a offer for $75 and told him I could PP immediately and he snapped it up.
[quote name='snotknocker']Thanks, I did'nt think it was so bad myself. The guy actually had it up for a BIN for $100, which was still a very fare price but a little steep for my cheapass ass, so I sent him a offer for $75 and told him I could PP immediately and he snapped it up.[/QUOTE]

I thought I had a great ebay score recently when I got a complete in box mint condition NES Zelda for like $23 off ebay....but I had overlooked the fact that it was "Classic Series" which makes it an eh deal.
[quote name='snotknocker']Thanks, I did'nt think it was so bad myself. The guy actually had it up for a BIN for $100, which was still a very fare price but a little steep for my cheapass ass, so I sent him a offer for $75 and told him I could PP immediately and he snapped it up.[/QUOTE]

Wow $5 for shipping? That is the steal of the deal for sure. Where's the link for the auction?
Spent more this weekend than goes

This Friday:

This was an interesting one as when I was looking through her table of electronics I came across this, it was marked $20.

I figured I'd go with $10 seeing as all was in excellent condition and the games were complete. So I tell her "How about ten? It's all I got. I need one 'cause my little nephew is horrible with the CD's and I figure he'd be better with the cartriges", She looks at me and says, "Ya know what, my husband keeps trying to sell all this stuff and every year he brings half of it in to bring it out next year. I told him what doesn't sell this year goes to the curb." She than looks at her husband who was working in the garage and looks back at me and says, "If you want it, take it, I'm sick of looking at all of this!" So not a bad first hit for a grand total of $0.00,

The next find was this NES Game Game Genie w/booklet, controller(works missing joystick knob) and two cases for $.50

The last for the day were these 9 Genisis games all with box and instr. except for Pitfall and Jurassic Park which had no instructions. All for $2.00.

Saturday -

This day was a busy day and here's what I came across first for $2. They wanted $4 for both(still a deal) but I figured I'd try $2 CIF...what's the worse that could happen?

On the same street sale a kid maybe 14 or 15 had a table of all his stuff and everything had a sticker saying make offer. I offered $10 for the following and he took it without hesitation. His mother wasn't pleased at all as I was making my walk down the driveway.:roll:

Same street sale again grabbed this for $2, complete.

My next big find was the three following pix. The guy (in his 30's) wanted $30, I came back with $10 as I told him the stuff is filthy and would need alot of cleaning and might not even work! He rebutted with $20 and stated it all worked the last time he played it a few years ago. I said the best I can do is $'s all I have left (right ;) ) and he took it. Everything works but the NES could use a new PIN...time to go on e-bay and get one.


It came with 6 dust covers and 4 Nintendo brand dust covers. Games are as follows:
R.C. Pro-Am
Super Mario Bros/World Class Track Meet/Duck Hunt (haven't seen that combo much!)
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Dr. Mario
The Last Starfighter
Freedom Force
Adventures of Dino-Riki
Double Dribble
Top Gun
Rad Racer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Donkey Kong Classics(w/Donkey Kong Jr.)

Next I got this find...all for $5. The Pikachu console is missing the Jump Pak cover...that sucked! All tested and all lights up and works!


I haven't had a chance yet to clean/test the Genisis and games but I did notice the 2 wireless controllers with IR port! I'm hoping with some good scrubbing all will work!

The games included are:
Troy Aikman Football
Bill Walsh College Footbal
Madden NFL '94
Madden NFL '95
NFL '95
NHL '96
NHL '97
College Slam
Jordan vs. Bird
Bulls vs. Blazers & the NBA Playoffs
NBA Action '95 starring David Robinson
FIFA International Soccer
ESPN National Hockey Night
RBI Baseball 4
Road Rash
The Lion King
F-15 Strike Eagle II
Mortal Kombat 3
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Toxic Cruisers
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2

I also picked up Halo GOTY/Manhunt/Splinter Cell for $10 all complete & a Sega Dreamcast w/hookups and a wireless PS! controller for $15.

So all in all an eventfull weekend. If this keeps up I'll need an addition on the house for all of this stuff. I guess I've been lucky as I don't think I spent too much on any of the items I grabbed.

Off to get the local papers/internet to see where I'm heading out for this week.

Good luck this weekend in all your searching you cheap bastards!:D
Hot damn JC, you made a great score! I can't wait to see what you find next week.

Also, is it just me, but do people in the Northeast sell their games for less than people from other parts of the country? I mean, I'm from Texas, and never in my wildest dreams would I expect to find someone selling a whole bunch of Genesis stuff (albeit a lot of sports games) for $5.

I also saw that you got one of those Nintendo carrying cases. Thats pretty cool. I recall getting mine for free from a used bookstore that didn't have any space for it.
[quote name='soccerstud652']Always bring batteries so you can test it yourself![/quote]
That makes a lot of sense...
I'll be sure to from now on.
[quote name='Zon27']Wow $5 for shipping? That is the steal of the deal for sure. Where's the link for the auction?[/QUOTE]

actually it came out to $5.60

Here's the link to the first auction. After we cut the deal he ended this one and posted another listing for the $75 BIN. do'nt ask me why he did that way but he did. We had some e-mails back and forth so i know the charger and some boxes and instructions are part of the deal but I just do'nt know which ones
Crap this past weekend as far as games go.
A Genesis 1 with maybe 10 games for $50 and a beyond yellow SNES with 3 games for $30 at the same sale. $10 PS2 games at another sale. The ad said Sega games. When asked, the woman said yeah right there Sega Playstation 2 games.
I did get a free La-Z Boy recliner that needs alot of cleaning. The last sale I went to had a lot of free stuff. I got some tube mailers and a sheet of 100 baseball cards. There are duplicates of 50 different players. The cards are 1997 Donruss VPX 1.0. I'm guessing they're part of an insert set. The players include: Vladimir Guerrerro, Derek Jeter, Albert Belle, Cal Ripken Jr, Ken Griffey Jr, Nomar Garciaparra, Randy Johnson, Jose Cruz Jr, Ryne Sandberg, Barry Larkin, Hideo Nomo, Greg Maddux, Chuck Noblauch, Brady Anderson, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, Darin Erstadt, John Smoltz, Andruw Jones, Jim Edmonds, Tim Salmon, Roberto Alomar, Ken Caminiti, Rusty Greer, Tony Clark, Frank Thomas, Juan Gonzalez, Mo Vaughn, Tino Martinez, Alex Rodriguez, Larry Walker Andy Pettitte, Manny Ramirez, Bernie Williams, Gary Sheffield, Rafael Palmeiro, Paul Molitor, Ivan Rodriguez, Tony Gwynn, Kenny Lofton, Chipper Jones, Jeff Bagwell, Scott Rolen, Raul Mondesi, Mike Piazza, Jose Guillen, and Roger Clemens.
Anybody know what it may be worth? The cards are mint. Some of them when cut out could be Gem Mint or whatever the grading is now. One of the Ripken cards has a scratch, but that's it.
Baseball cards are worth very little if they are stored normally, they need to be put in special acid free containers and whatnot. Tkae them to you local baseball card store guy and ask what they are really worth, or try searching for them on ebay.
I have a craiglists offer right now, where someone is responding to an ad I had set up.

I however, have no idea how to even begin to make a fair estimation, or one even somewhat tipped in my favor, simply because of the sheer quantity of things this guy is offering.

Maybe someone can help me, a little bit, in figuring out how to respond?

super ninja boys/snes
>pokemon red/gb
>pokemon yellow/gb
>pokemon silver/gbc
>pokemon statium 2/n64 w/ 2 transfer packs
>wwf no mercy/n64
>wwf wrestlemania 2000/n64
>pocket fighter/playstation
>nintendo 64 console w/ 2 controlers
>gamboy handheld
>gameboy color handheld
>game gear w/ games
>nintendo games( dont remeber names of them)
>also some sega gens games
>alrighty this is all i can remember for the time being so reply back to ***** at let me know about the prices and i be waiting for the reply

So there it is...
I appreciate any help guys :D
[quote name='ThePlatinumStag']I have a craiglists offer right now, where someone is responding to an ad I had set up.

I however, have no idea how to even begin to make a fair estimation, or one even somewhat tipped in my favor, simply because of the sheer quantity of things this guy is offering.

Maybe someone can help me, a little bit, in figuring out how to respond?

super ninja boys/snes
>pokemon red/gb
>pokemon yellow/gb
>pokemon silver/gbc
>pokemon statium 2/n64 w/ 2 transfer packs
>wwf no mercy/n64
>wwf wrestlemania 2000/n64
>pocket fighter/playstation
>nintendo 64 console w/ 2 controlers
>gamboy handheld
>gameboy color handheld
>game gear w/ games
>nintendo games( dont remeber names of them)
>also some sega gens games
>alrighty this is all i can remember for the time being so reply back to ***** at let me know about the prices and i be waiting for the reply

So there it is...
I appreciate any help guys :D[/QUOTE]

Offer him $6 for all of it!!!!!

No..really..I'd very happily pay $75 for all of it. It would be tipped in your favor

Nintendo 64 $15
Gameboy Color $5
Game gear $10
Genesis games $10
Pokemon Red $5
Pokemon Yellow $10
Pokemon Silver $5
Pocket Fighter $10
Pokemon Stadium $5

Everything else would be "free" in my opinion, you could make some serious money off this [Pokemon games you could do $10 each for sure, the GBC you could do around $10 plus shipping, the Nintendo 64 stuff I underpriced quite a bit..]

So yeah, for a collection, for personal use, or even for ebaying, $75 wouldn't be a bad deal at all.

But I take it back, offer him $2 for all of it, then ask if he'll throw in a Marvel VS Capcom arcade board and a complete collection of Pink Floyd vinyls.
[quote name='ThePlatinumStag']
So there it is...
I appreciate any help guys :D[/quote]
What price range are you instinctively leaning towards?
Well wow, that was quick =D

I'm actually leaning towards lowballing this guy a little bit.
I figured that for every ten offers of mine that fails (offering 40 dollars for a DS, among other things) I'm bound to come up with one in which I'll make off amazingly...

I'm leaning on anywhere from to 20-50 dollars. I just need to find some way to rationalize it to the guy :cool:
[quote name='doctordoom1974']Hot damn JC, you made a great score! I can't wait to see what you find next week.

Also, is it just me, but do people in the Northeast sell their games for less than people from other parts of the country? I mean, I'm from Texas, and never in my wildest dreams would I expect to find someone selling a whole bunch of Genesis stuff (albeit a lot of sports games) for $5.

I also saw that you got one of those Nintendo carrying cases. Thats pretty cool. I recall getting mine for free from a used bookstore that didn't have any space for it.[/QUOTE]

Yep, pretty much, I'm from Tennessee, still closer to the north than Texas, but people here sell PSone's for $20, Genesis games about $4 a piece, rare stuff goes for about eBay prices, and the new stuff sells what it would sell don't know

It makes a little to no sense..I thought living in the north was more expensive? So why would thing sell for cheaper? I mean, seriously, $15 for a dozen PSOne games and a GBC....? No wonder the mom was mad...and that story about the Genesis being kicked to the curb

A working video game console with several games would get thrown away if he hadn't picked it up, what the fuck are these people smoking?! That lady probably wouldn't throw away a broken plate and there she goes throwing away valuable electronics .

Damn yankees.
Judging by what he's sent you, if it was me I'd probably start somewhere in low $20's range. "Lowballing" is all part of the haggling process. You figure out a reasonable low amount and then try to work from there. It gives you some leverage to haggle. Get an idea of what the most you are willing to pay is. It's tough when a seller has a lot of items like this. I'd expect him to be looking for a lot, but you gotta take a chance, right?
[quote name='sarausagi']Yep, pretty much, I'm from Tennessee, still closer to the north than Texas, but people here sell PSone's for $20, Genesis games about $4 a piece, rare stuff goes for about eBay prices, and the new stuff sells what it would sell don't know

It makes a little to no sense..I thought living in the north was more expensive? So why would thing sell for cheaper? I mean, seriously, $15 for a dozen PSOne games and a GBC....? No wonder the mom was mad...and that story about the Genesis being kicked to the curb

A working video game console with several games would get thrown away if he hadn't picked it up, what the fuck are these people smoking?! That lady probably wouldn't throw away a broken plate and there she goes throwing away valuable electronics .

Damn yankees.[/quote]

Well, the Northeast generally has a more "disposable nature". You buy things one season, then get rid of them the next. There's also the fact that living space up here, for the most part, is tight. Many people around here can't live with clutter, and in small quarters...

Well, I'll give you an estimate and you tell me what you think.
I'd like to know the conditions of the games and systems before making an offer, whether or not they have their packaging etc.
We can negotiate the prices, based on what you feel is fair, but here is my initial offer.

Nintendo 64 - 5 dollars. (Most stores have stockpiles of both N64 and PS1 consoles, prices on these are not generally very high).
Gameboy Color $3
Game gear $2
Genesis & Nintendo Games - it depends on the number of games you have.
Pokemon Red $2
Pokemon Yellow $2
Pokemon Silver $2
Pocket Fighter $4
Pokemon Stadium $.50 (The price on this is reaaaally low)
As far as the N64 Games, sports and wrestling games don't generally command a price at all.
If you want I'd offer maybe .50 each, but that would be it for that.
Gameboy would be about $2 as well, and the I'd offer a dollar each on the SNES games.

So my offer as of right now stands at about $25 dollars.
Of course, I would be willing to pick up from wherever you may be.
I'll be waiting for your reply, thanks!

I think that gives us both some room ;)
[quote name='ThePlatinumStag']Well, the Northeast generally has a more "disposable nature". You buy things one season, then get rid of them the next. There's also the fact that living space up here, for the most part, is tight. Many people around here can't live with clutter, and in small quarters...


That seems to be the case at many of the sales I go to, and not just for electronics/'s everything. It seems people need to keep up with the Jones's. Nowadays kids are so programmed to Playstation/Xbox/Nintendo anything else (mainly the older stuff) isn't cool but can infact be, as I have heard from a 10yr old, gay! Many kids unless it the brands mentioned above won't even want to play a 3D0, Turbo Grafix or Intellivision because it's not the "in" thing. So in turn, mommy or daddy have this thing that clutters up the house and think "Well if my kid thinks it's crap, who the hell is gonna want this thing...ahhh I'll sell all of it for $5" AND THAT'S WHERE WE COME IN TO CLEAN UP!:D Also, Gamestops and EBGame's stores are all over the place up where I'm at. It's like McDonalds, there everywhere! So when people try to trade in there Saturn w/10 games and they get close to this $0.00, the ones who know nothing of ebay, believe it's worthless and therefore sell it as so. That's my perception of it. Either way I like it. I've been quite suprised as starting this garage saleing thing a few weeks ago as to what you can find and what some people want for stuff. Eventually you learn to pass up the XBOX for $100 that's been cooking in the sun for 6 hrs. You get all kinds.

Well off to hit a few early Thursday sales, ya never know.

Happing hunting you cheap bastards!
An ad in Craigslist on LI relating to a dreamcast:

"unit only no power cable no controller no ce compatable $10 , any more lower and will just throw out. "

So does this mean if I offer him 5, he'll just get pissed an throw it out, leaving him with no money, and a world less one sports dreamcast?
[quote name='IkilledLassic']An ad in Craigslist on LI relating to a dreamcast:

"unit only no power cable no controller no ce compatable $10 , any more lower and will just throw out. "

So does this mean if I offer him 5, he'll just get pissed an throw it out, leaving him with no money, and a world less one sports dreamcast?[/quote]
I can believe he's serious. It's funny how people are. We experienced this from a flea market vendor months back. He wanted to sell his [dirty] N64 carts for a couple bucks each. When we tried to CIF $1 for two games, he declared he'd rather throw them out than to sell for that cheap. It's a bizarre mindset, especially when it comes to the flea market vendors whose items have been sitting there forever. You'd think they'd say "finally someone wants to buy these!" But nope, they want to get X amount and that's final. And (though frustrating to us CAGs) they have a right to.

We've been meaning to check back at that flea. They no longer charge admission. Wonder if those games are still there...
Heard a story once about a dealer at a flea market that went a bit extreme when someone low balled an offer. He had some fancy dinner plate for sale. A customer came up and asked if he would take "x" for it (low ball offer). He said, "I sure will." Then, proceeded to pick up the plate and throw it on the ground, smashing it to pieces. Apparantly he'd had one to many low offers that

As someone who's been around the flea market and antique business (not to mention collectables) since about the time I could crawl, I can tell you that most flea market "dealers" are looking to make a profit, not just get rid of stuff. They are considering their booth rent, time, expenses, etc. when selling stuff. It's more of a business deal for them. The people that just come and set up to clear out some junk are MUCH more willing to deal and take less for something.

There's one flea market locally that I've just stopped going to because the dealers have stuff sometimes higher than what I can find it for at other local shops. I'll go to the air conditioned store and shop in comfort if I'm gonna have to pay the same or more as I would at the outdoor flea market (especially in this Texas :}

About the only way you will end up getting "okay" deals from regular flea market dealers is to get to know them. Once they get to know you as a regular customer, they are more likely to give you a deal. At least that's what I used to do when selling comic/memorabilia back in the day. I would often cut more off the price for regular customers and people that were nice than those that tried to low ball (especially in a rude way).
bread's done