Official Trophy Thread - 4/21: Enhanced Trophy Lists Coming in Firmware 3.30

I like how they're not mode specific Trophies either (The killing ones). That indicates to me that it be boosting season!
Man, those trophies really are the same as the ones for the first game, just bigger and better (just like the game itself). And I'm also glad that they didn't put too much focus on the multiplayer trophies, as it always kills the mood when people start playing for trophies rather than just to have fun.
[quote name='KingBroly']Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

51 Trophies
1 Platinum
16 Hidden Trophies

This seems like a really easy Platinum because it seems like there are NO difficulty-based Trophies.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping those hidden trophies are all story based then.

[quote name='finsfan0210']does that mean that that the lbp goty will not show up in my trophy list or does it have its own list even though they are the same. Wondering the same for when Fallout 3's Goty comes out. would be nice to platinum a game twice[/QUOTE]

If you never played LBP before, it'll show up as a new trophy listing. If you have, then it won't. That will most likely be the case for Fallout 3 as well. There aren't many games where there are different versions with the same trophy lists that you can Platinum multiple times. Here are the ones I know:

  • Sonic's Ultimate Genesis/Mega Drive Collection
  • Buzz Quiz TV/Buzz Brain of UK (and it's many other varieties)
  • Sonic Unleashed/Sonic World Adventure
  • Tomb Raider Underworld (US and JPN)
  • Disgaea 3 (US and JPN)
  • Trash Panic (US and JPN)
These games have the same trophy lists, but can earn you multiple trophies. The exception is the Buzz series, as the questions vary from game to game, but the trophy and Platinum is the same between all versions.
Anyone hear anything definite about Blood on the Sand getting a trophy patch in the US? I've heard the JP version was patched.
[quote name='rickshankshaw']How is Battle Tanks and TMNT?[/QUOTE]
BT is pretty much like that Wii game come with the Wiimote, but it's a lot more elements than that. Well, the tanks look cooler too. The trophies are a bit hard to get, you'll need to play a lot to get them.
TMNT is fun, the trophies are not too bad and you can finish the game pretty quickly. However, if you're a trophy whore, it's not ideal to get 100% on a PSN game, too demanding (most of them) and too little gain, play a disc game instead!
[quote name='smiggity']Wow thats lame as hell. Way to cut corners Naughty Dog![/QUOTE]
Fine with me though :) Since i Plat'd the first one, hahaha. I can't wait for this game!
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Look at all those silvers... :shock:
It's great to see another PSN game with a Platinum trophy, definitely going to be getting this. :)[/QUOTE]

Same here, if the group is not getting it, i'll get it myself. Freakyzeeky, is it okay if i request you as friend to compare trophies? I only have one person on my list to look up to (CAG's Morphine), the rest is catching up, but you know the drills, it's only inspiring to look up not down :)
A theory on NGS2 Hidden Trophies:
- 3 are going to be for finding the Hidden Skulls (one for 10, 20 and 30 respectively)
- 4 will be based on finishing Team Missions (1 for each difficulty)
- 9 will be based on the Tests of Valor

Also, I'm 2 Trophies away from getting a Platinum in Dead Space. Now I need to know which Weapons I should focus on using for it. NOTE: I plan on glitching/cheating the hell out of this run with infinite respawning credits, semiconductors, and Stasis/Oxygen cheats.

I also plan on starting it with the Military Suit.
Ya, I ended up using the code glitch on Star Wars the Force Unleashed to start Sith Master difficulty with Maxed force powers, combos, and talents. I got everything maxed out on normal difficulty so I just consider it starting a game+ :lol:

Now I just need some of the kill 500 with X force power trophies and I'll have platinum.
Well, the good news is that the Military Suit on Impossible Glitch worked ^_^

The bad news is that I still have NO CLUE as to what I should get/upgrade. I also went ahead and used every Node/Credit cheat to give me a leg up.
[quote name='guardian_owl']Ya, I ended up using the code glitch on Star Wars the Force Unleashed to start Sith Master difficulty with Maxed force powers, combos, and talents. I got everything maxed out on normal difficulty so I just consider it starting a game+ :lol:

Now I just need some of the kill 500 with X force power trophies and I'll have platinum.[/QUOTE]

Ah, thanks for the heads up, looks like easy Plat :) So, is it easy to Plat SW:FU? I know some games disable trophies if you use cheat :( (X-Men Origin Wolverine for one).
[quote name='Serpentor']Ah, thanks for the heads up, looks like easy Plat :) So, is it easy to Plat SW:FU? I know some games disable trophies if you use cheat :( (X-Men Origin Wolverine for one).[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is a very easy Platinum. There is a way to enable cheats and get trophies.
[quote name='Serpentor']Ah, thanks for the heads up, looks like easy Plat :) So, is it easy to Plat SW:FU? I know some games disable trophies if you use cheat :( (X-Men Origin Wolverine for one).[/QUOTE]
It's supposed to disable saving, but it doesn't quite work. What you do is start a new game on Sith Master difficulty, play through the prologue, once you jump into the first level as Starkiller, pause, then enter the 3 cheat codes for maxed talent, force power, and combo upgrades. Play through the start of the level killing all the enemies in the hanger and then open the door with the 2 sliding arrows. Step-through and move down the hallway it doesn't show that it is saving, but it is. Wait a little bit to make sure it's done, then exit out to the main menu and select continue game. The cheats are now off but your stats stay maxed.

I did that after playing the game first "straight" on normal difficulty which I would recommend as even with maxed skills Sith Master can still be fairly challenging (some of the stronger enemies can still kill you in 2 or 3 hits).

It's pretty easy to get most of the trophies. it's just kinda time consuming as you won't unlock many if any of the "kill X 500 times with each force power" even after 2 playthroughs. Once I finished the game I ended up replaying the first level on apprentice (easy) over and over since it has a lot of clusters of weak enemies to finish those up.

There's a new edition coming out with the 3 DLC missions (about 2.5-4 hours worth of content) on disc and represents the other 36% of available trophies. So you might be ahead to wait for that to get cheap and pick it up.

edit: Wow, you've got more patience then me to platinum Bionic Commando, after finding out you can't replay levels to finish off challenges/collectibles I gave up on getting those and the hard/Commando tropihes
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I probably wait for the SW:FU game... The Seth edition is coming out and i wonder if the same cheat works on the new edition :) The price for FU is not that cheap comparing to the Seth edition (value-wise). Thanks for the detailed tip Guardian Owl :) (i don't even have to look it up).
Could anyone with Burnout Paradise help me get the 'Invite a friend to join you in Paradise City' trophy? Send a PM with the time (EST) you can get on. PSN ID: HostileFire

I finally purchased a camera just for the only missing trophy I couldn't get and now I need that last one to, I believe, get a Platinum in Burnout.

All I needed was to send an invite to everyone I joined a game with and hope they accept my friend request :lol:
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[quote name='Hostile']Could anyone with Burnout Paradise help me get the 'Invite a friend to join you in Paradise City' trophy? Send a PM with the time (EST) you can get on. PSN ID: HostileFire

I finally purchased a camera just for the only missing trophy I couldn't get and now I need that last one to, I believe, get a Platinum in Burnout.[/QUOTE]
I'm available right now if you want to hop on and get it done. PSN ID to the left :D
I just got the Slim and I'm trying to sync all my trophies to the new system, but it's taking an incredibly long time. It also doesn't get to 100% and I get an error saying " Communication with the server timed out (87010102)". It's done this every single time I've tried to sync. I have close to (I think) 450 trophies. Is this why it's taking so long? The highest I got was in the 30% range.
Just keep trying to sync, the PS3 does not like to sync trophies to other systems and it can take awhile. That 30% should be on your system though and do it again to get more, it does take a bit of time and I had a few errors syncing my other PS3 up.
Anyone here have multiple PS3's (instead of just upgrading from an old one to a slim)? I have a Slim and was going to set it up downstairs. I'd like to sync up save files every so often - is that even possible? Man, it would be nice if it would do so automatically via wireless communication. That would be a sweet feature! Then me and the kids could just jump on whichever system and play online games (like Fat Princess) together while keeping saves/stats.

But can you even do it at all? Will a USB flash drive do the trick?

As for trophies, I had started in on SW: FU (got a nice cheap copy at Gamecrazy). Thanks for the glitch info as I will definitely want to use that after my first normal playthrough - don't want to have to grind the second time.

I also picked up two more games during my recent work trip: Ghostbusters and Batman. I hear some of the Batman stuff is near impossible. But what about Ghostbusters? Any chance of a platinum there. Oh, I also got Harry Potter Half Blood Prince - hopefully that one is smooth sailing.

And of course I have to keep working on Katamari Forever when I get home. The one trophy that may prove to be elusive is getting 55k (or so) on the "loser" minigame - ie, the "trial" the king puts you through for failing a level. You run back and forth and have to avoid asteroids that break on the ground and bounce all over. Best I could do was about 26K. It would suck if I get denied a platinum because of that which has nothing to do with the core game :bomb:.
Yo IO, if you figured out how to do it, let me know, because i'm planning to do the same thing... For the time being, i guess you just have to use the PS3 that you started the game with :( (copying game saves might work, since you're basically using your own account's saves, but either way is too much work). Perhaps we can ask for this feature?

Batman AA is not nearly impossible, but the timing of the buttons for combat is too much, i just don't have that kind of energy. I just play another game instead :)

Have not played Ghostbuster yet, but i have seen people with Plats for HPHBP, so looks like you can Plat this one :)

Did anyone played Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs? Man, the challenges are not for kids at all! I thought it was an easy Plat, boy i was wrong... The challenges are set to the maximum condition (i.e. no room for errors at all). Not only that, it's possible that the required time is glitched. The damn timer continue counting while the next screen loads, in one of the challenges, you actually lose 1.5 seconds because of it!
If you want a good, simple Platinum, get Burnout Paradise. Just make sure you do all your Timed Challenges in a car and not a Bike. You'll pay for it otherwise.

Save synching...some save files are locked to the console they were made on, like LBP and SF4 (maybe KZ2 does this, not sure). Otherwise, if you use the same PSN ID, you should be fine I think.

Batman, it's pretty much the Combat Challenges that are the bane of your Platinum hopes there. Predator Challenges are quite simple since youtube videos make them go by real fast.

Ghostbusters recently got patched so getting a Platinum is possible now, but the hardest difficulty might be a challenge, as well as finding people online.
BP, i still have trouble getting the wildcats stadium trophy (stupid 8 players)... Wait, does that even count toward the Platinum? I still need to visit all of the Car Parks which i know it counts toward Platinum (also the final license and few more on-line challenges).
[quote name='Serpentor']BP, i still have trouble getting the wildcats stadium trophy (stupid 8 players)... Wait, does that even count toward the Platinum? I still need to visit all of the Car Parks which i know it counts toward Platinum (also the final license and few more on-line challenges).[/QUOTE]
This interactive map ->
and this PS3 same gave analyzer ->
are incredibly helpful tools for finding missing items and locations in Burnout.
I have some Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Hidden Trophy info. Prepare to shit thy pants:

- Achieve MN Ranking on all chapters in chapter select mode on MN *same for all difficulties
- Defeat 1000 enemies with Ayane / Momiji / Rachel

Let's talk about the second one first. Not too bad. That's probably 3 separate Trophies. Now for the first one. fucking hell.
Sorry if this has been answered, but I don't have time to peruse 96 pages of posts.

How many 'points' are Platinum trophies worth?

Thanks, in advance!
How do you get the PSN card here on CAG to update?

I managed to sync all my trophies to the Slim. I noticed that for High Velocity Bowling, it put my trophy count at 0% and I have none of the trophies unlocked. I think I had like half of them before on my old fat. What happened? This didn't happen to any of my other games.
You have to go to to refresh it I believe.

Note: I just hit 700 Trophies, and am 1 Silver away from my 8th Platinum, the game being Infamous.
The rate is actually 15 for B, 30 for S, 90 for G and 180 for P.

I just got my 3rd Platinum trophy a couple of hours ago. I love the Batman trophies because there's no need for a second playthrough and there's almost no need to consult a FAQ to cheat. You can have fun with the game and go back to your completed save file to collect all the things you need. There's also maps in-game that tell you the location of all the Riddler challenges you're missing. The challenges can be a little frustrating and time consuming but once you get into the flow of it, it becomes pretty doable. Just make sure you don't miss the two missable trophies.
I just got Platinum #8: "Infamous Platinum Trophy"

I hope you all don't have to guess which game it is, because I honestly forget.
[quote name='KingBroly']I just got Platinum #8: "Infamous Platinum Trophy"

I hope you all don't have to guess which game it is, because I honestly forget.[/QUOTE]

You platinumed Warhawk?! That's quite the feat. It's the most infamous trophy I know.
Har har har. I still need to do the Combat Challenges in Batman, though. I can't get 3 medals in the first one, though. That's preventing me from moving on (I feel I must conquer it before moving on). I tried the Infinite Challenge, and that's just crazy because of all the guys that jump on your back. Sadly, the DLC ones don't count towards Trophies, otherwise I'd spend some time with them.

Oh, and I got Force Unleashed, and I'm on level 2 now with max upgrades on Sith Master. Cheat maneuvering helps a lot. I should be able to Platinum that fairly easy from what it looks like now.
I put aside SW: FU to do Katamari Forever, but will definitely come back to it with that glitch to finish it up.

Katamari looks doable - I thought the punishment minigame one would be impossible but while I was out of town my 6 year-old son did it on his game, so I think I can handle it. Though when I tried last night I couldn't do any better than 30K (need 55K). It is really a matter of luck so I guess I just need to keep trying - or maybe ask my son to do it for me ;). The only other tough one there is the 100% collection. On Beautiful Katamari this was a pain in the ass as there's always just one or two items you can never find and you have no idea where they are.

I'm actually kind of disappointed there isn't one for getting 120's on each level. That would have been time consuming, though, so I guess I'm glad it isn't like that. Still, though, that would have made it one of the harder ones to get and I probably could have done it.
I think Star Wars' Platinum is easily doable because of the Power glitch which basically gives you free healing powers whenever you want, given you have enough orbs. Story Mode might take 4-5 hours. It's just that going back and getting every collectible and every sub objective (On Apprentice, because you can switch difficulties like that) is going to be harder.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think Star Wars' Platinum is easily doable because of the Power glitch which basically gives you free healing powers whenever you want, given you have enough orbs. Story Mode might take 4-5 hours. It's just that going back and getting every collectible and every sub objective (On Apprentice, because you can switch difficulties like that) is going to be harder.[/QUOTE]
You didn't switch difficulties at any time in the middle of your game right as doing that negates your ability to get sithmaster difficulty trophy.

Also on some of the secondary objectives (like kill X monsters and obtain X points) you don't have to do those all in one playthrough. If you've killed 2 Rancors and obtained 250K points from your first completion of the level your totals start right back off at 2 kills and 250K points when you replay the level. A good trick for getting the rancor one for instance is to kill the Rancor you first meet solo, then let the other guys kill you before you reach a save point. You'll respawn just before the first rancor again and each kill will count toward the total.

Sithmaster is pretty smooth sailing until you start hitting some of the specialized storm troopers who have defenses against your long-range force powers.
[quote name='guardian_owl']You didn't switch difficulties at any time in the middle of your game right as doing that negates your ability to get sithmaster difficulty trophy.

Also on some of the secondary objectives (like kill X monsters and obtain X points) you don't have to do those all in one playthrough. If you've killed 2 Rancors and obtained 250K points from your first completion of the level your totals start right back off at 2 kills and 250K points when you replay the level. A good trick for getting the rancor one for instance is to kill the Rancor you first meet solo, then let the other guys kill you before you reach a save point. You'll respawn just before the first rancor again and each kill will count toward the total.

Sithmaster is pretty smooth sailing until you start hitting some of the specialized storm troopers who have defenses against your long-range force powers.[/QUOTE]

No, I switched it to Apprentice after I got the 5 Trophies (4 difficulty ones, and Revenge). I started up an Apprentice run, used the code, then started on Sith Master.

I seriously wish that game upon no one, because that difficulty curve is horrendous. The last room before the Boss I have to get 17 Trophies before I get a Platinum in it.
Woot - First Platinum Ever! Fallout 3 --- Now, just need to wait for the Game of the Year version to come down in price, convince a friend to buy it, and then borrow it once he's done (it worked with Fallout 3!).
bread's done